Table of Contents


Note: The page was created before Map Suite 10. Map Suite 10.0 organized many classes into new namespaces and assemblies as well as had a few minor breaks in compatibility. The majority of previously built code should work without modification assuming the new namespaces are added. For guidance on upgrading your existing code, please check out MapSuite 10 Upgrade Guide.

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Name Summary
AreaBaseShape This abstract class is the root of all area-based shapes, such as RectangleShape and PolygonShape.
AreaStyle This class is used to draw area features.
AreaStyleAdvanced This class represents the advanced drawing options for area styles.
AreaStyles This class is a collection of predefined styles and helper methods for creating styles.
BackgroundLayer This class draws the background of the map.
BaseShape The abstract class from which area shapes, line shapes, and point shapes inherit from.
BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs This class represents the parameters passed in through the BuildingIndex event in ShapeFileFeatureSource class.
ClassBreak This class represents a single class break.
ClassBreakStyle This class represents a style based on class break values.
ClosedFeatureSourceEventArgs This class represents the parameters passed in through the ClosedFeatureSource event.
ClosingFeatureSourceEventArgs This class represents the parameters passed in through the ClosingFeatureSource event.
CommittedTransactionEventArgs This class represents the parameters passed in through the CommittedTransaction event.
CommittingTransactionEventArgs This class represents the parameters passed in through the CommittingTransaction event.
Conversion This static class provides a conversion method to go to and from different units.
CustomColumnFetchEventArgs This class represents the parameters passed in through the CustomFieldFetch event.
DbfColumn This class represents the column information specific to a DBF column.
DecimalDegreesHelper This class contains a static routine for converting between degree-minute-second measurement and decimal degree measurement. In essense, it is a routine for converting from a non-decimal degree unit to decimal degree unit distance.
DotDensityStyle This class allows you to display information by drawing points on an area based on a value from the features data.
DrawingFeaturesEventArgs This is the event arguments class for the DrawingFeatures event of the FeatureLayer.
DrawingWrappingFeaturesFeatureLayerEventArgs This is the event arguments class for the DrawingFeatures event of the FeatureLayer.
EditTools This class is a wrapper class for the FeatureLayer that isolates only the editing methods to make them easily accessible to the programmer.
EllipseShape This class represents an ellipse that is defined with a center point, a height and a width.
ExceptionDescription A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
ExtentHelper This static class exposes a number of helpful methods when dealing with extents.
FeatureCache FeatureCache is a cache system used in FeatureSource to speed up the fetching data system.
FeatureLayer This class represents a layer that is comprised of feature data.
FeatureSource The abstract class from which all feature sources inherit. Feature sources represent feature data that can be integrated into Map Suite.This class is key, as it is the abstract class from which all other feature sources are derived. In this sense it encapsulates much of the logic for handling transactions and ensuring the data is consistent regardless of any projections applied.
FeatureSourceColumn This class represents a column contained within a FeatureSource.
GeoBrush Defines objects used to fill the interiors of AreaBaseShapes, such as MultiPolygonShape, PolygonShape, EllipseShape, and other AreaBaseShapes.
GeoCollection‹T› This class is a collection with some methods specialized for dealing with Layers and other spatial classes.
GeoFont This class represents a font that is used to label features on a GeoCanvas.
GeoImage This class represents an image you want to use on the GeoCanvas.
GeoLinearGradientBrush Encapsulates a GeoBrush with a linear gradient.
GeoPen This class represents a GeoPen, which is used to draw lines on a GeoCanvas.
GeoSolidBrush This class defines a GeoBrush of a single color. Brushes are used to fill area shapes on a GeoCanvas.
GeoTextureBrush This class is used to fill an area with a image texture.
GeographicColors This class is a convenient way to access a predefined set of geographic colors.
GradientStyle This gradient style is a new style with the concept of GradientBrush. By specifying the LowerValue and its color, as well as the UpperValue and its color, we can set the color of each feature based on a column value using linear interpolation.
GroupLayer This class represents a Layer backed by a group of layers.
InMemoryFeatureLayer This layer is backed by memory and is typically used for temporary features.
InMemoryFeatureSource This class represents a FeatureSource backed by memory, more specifically an in memory collection InternalFeatures.
IsolatedStorageFileNativeImageTileCache This class is a concrete class inherits from NativeImageTileCache. In this class, the tiles will be saved in disk and can be viewed very conveniently.
LabelInformation This class represents the location of a piece of a label that may be drawn.
LabelingCandidate This class represents a candidate for labeling.
Layer This class is the base class for all types of Layers.
LayerDrawingEventArgs This is the event arguments class for the LayerDrawing event on the MapEngine class. It is raised before the layer is drawn.
LayerDrawnEventArgs This is the event arguments class for the LayerDrawn event on the MapEngine class. It is raised after a layer is drawn.
LayersDrawingEventArgs This is the event arguments class for the LayersDrawing event on the MapEngine class. It is raised before any of the layers are drawn.
LayersDrawnEventArgs This is the event arguments class for the LayersDrawn event on the MapEngine class. It is raised after all of the layers are drawn.
LineBaseShape This abstract class is the root of all line-based shapes, such as LineShape and MultilineShape.
LineShape This class represents a LineShape, which is defined as a single line with two or more points.
LineStyle This class is the style used to draw lines.
LineStyles This class is a collection of predefined styles and helper methods to create styles.
MapSuiteTileMatrix This class defines the TileMatrix system used in MapSuite component.
MultilineShape This class represents a MultilineShape, which is defined as one or more lines, each with two or more points.
MultipleFeatureSource This MultipleFeatureSource is a special FeatureSource which holds a bunch of FeatureSource.
MultipointShape This class represents one or more point shapes.
MultipolygonShape This class represents one or more polygons.
NativeImageTile This class represents a NativeImageTile, which is defined as scale, RectangleBox and a byte array for its tile bitmap.
NativeImageTileCache This is the base class for NativeTileCache system which inherits from TileCache class.
OpenedFeatureSourceEventArgs This class represents the parameters passed in the OpenedFeatureSource event.
OpeningFeatureSourceEventArgs This class represents the parameters passed in the OpeningFeatureSource event.
PointBaseShape This abstract class is the root of all point-based shapes, such as PointShape and MultiPointShape.
PointShape This class represents a single point.
PointStyle This class allows you to define how points are drawn on the canvas.
PointStyleAdvanced This class represents the advanced drawing options for point styles.
PointStyles This class provides commonly-used GeoPointStyles and some methods to create various kinds of GeoPointstyles. A GeoStyle is a kind of sheet used to render the map.
PolygonShape This class represents a polygon, which is defined as a single outer ring with zero-to-many inner rings.
PositionStyle This abstract class encapsulates the labeling position logic. It is inherited by other styles, such as the TextSytle.
Projection This class represents a projection that you wish to apply to a FeatureSource.
QualityFamilyAreaStyle This class is used to draw area features.
QueryTools This is a helper class that allows you to execute various queries.
RectangleShape This class represents a rectangle, which is defined as an upper left point and a lower right point.
RegexItem This class represents a single Regex Match statement and styles to draw.
RegexStyle This class allows you to draw features differently based on regular expression matching.
RingShape This class represents a closed ring of points.
ShapeFileFeatureLayer This class represents a Layer backed by a Shape File.
ShapeFileFeatureSource This class represents a FeatureSource backed by ESRI a Shape File.
SimpleCandidate This class stores simple label information used in the PositionStyle.
SimpleColors This class is a convenient way to access a predefined set of simple colors.
StandardColors This class is a convenient way to access a predefined set of standard colors.
StreamLoadingEventArgs This class represents the event arguments for the StreamLoading event.
Style This abstract class is the root for all styles used for drawing features.
TextStyle This class is used to label features on the map.
TextStyleAdvanced This class represents the advanced drawing options for text styles.
TextStyles The class provides commonly-used TextStyles and some methods to create various kinds of TextStyles. A TextStyle is a kind of sheet used to render a font on the map.
Tile This is the base class which describle the Tile class. Tile concept is used as a rectangle image which will be saved in Memory or Hard disk to enhance the performance.The Tile cache system is very popular in many GIS products including the GoogleMaps, VE Maps etc, the Tile can be considered a small subset used in the TileCache system.
TileCache This is the base class for TileCache system.
TransactionBuffer This class represents the holding place for transactions that have not yet been committed.
TransactionResult This class represents the results of a transaction that was processed.
ValueItem This class represents a single value to match and styles to draw.
ValueStyle This class allows you to match a value with data in the feature to determine how to draw that feature.
WorldLabelingCandidate This class represents a candidate with world center point information for labeling.
ZoomLevel This class defines how InternalFeatures will be drawn based on their scale.
ZoomLevelSet This class represents a collection of ZoomLevels.


Name Summary
DegreesMinutesSeconds This structure represents a degrees, minutes and seconds value.
DrawingRectangleF This structure represents the drawing of a rectangle in screen coordinates.
Feature The class Feature is the basic unit of which a FeatureSource is composed. A FeatureSource can be taken from a collection of Features stored in a ShapeFile, SQL Server 2008, Oracle, etc.A Feature is the basic data unit structure which is comprised of IDs that mark the identification of the Feature, a shape and a collection of data.
GeoColor This structure represents a color for drawing on a GeoCanvas.
ScreenPoint This structure represents a single point in screen coordinates.
ShapeValidationResult This structure represents the result of the validation method performed on a shape.
TileMatrixCell This structure represents the TileMatrixCell which will be used in the TileMatrix system.
Vertex This structure represents the point at which the sides of an angle intersect.


Name Summary
ApplyUntilZoomLevel This enumeration is used on a ZoomLevel to allow its styles to be applied to other zoom levels.
AreaUnit Units describing various ways you can measure areas.
BreakValueInclusion In a class break style, this enumeration determines whether the break includes or excludes the value entered in the break.
BufferCapType This class represents various ways a buffer operation can cap the objects buffered.
BuildIndexMode This enumeration represents whether an index should be rebuilt or not.
BuildRecordIdMode This enumeration represents whether a record ID should be rebuilt or not.
DbfColumnType This enumeration represents the column type in the DBF.
DistanceUnit Units describing various ways you can measure lengths.
DrawingExceptionMode This enum is used to describe some choice when exception hanppens during drawing Layers or Overlays.
DrawingFontStyles This enumeration specifies the type of font style for drawing text.
DrawingGraphicsUnit This enumeration represents the graphics unit.
DrawingLevel This enumeration represents the drawing level used in the GeoCanvas.
DrawingLineCap This enumeration represents the available cap styles with which a GeoPen object can end a line.
DrawingLineJoin This enumeration specifies how to join consecutive line or curve segments.
DrawingPenAlignment Specifies the alignment of a GeoPen object in relation to the theoretical, zero-width line.
GeoDashCap This enumeration represents the type of graphic shape to use on both ends of each dash in a dashed line.
GeoWrapMode This enumeration determines how a texture is filled in with a GeoTextureBrush when the area to be filled is larger than the texture.
GeographyUnit Units describing the way geographies are stored in a data source.
LabelDuplicateRule This enumeration defines the different labeling duplicate rules.
LabelOverlappingRule This enumeration defines the rules for overlapping.
LineDashStyle This enumeration specifies the style of dashed lines drawn with a GeoPen object.
MapResizeMode The enumeration represents which mode will use for map resize.
OverwriteMode This enumeration represents whether a file should be overwrite or not if the file exists.
PanDirection This enumeration defines panning directions.
PenBrushDrawingOrder This enumeration determines whether the brush or the pen draws first.
PointPlacement This enumeration determines the label placement when labeling point features.
PointSymbolType This enumeration defines the different types of PointSymbols that can be drawn.
PointType This enumeration defines how a PointSymbol will be drawn.
PolygonLabelingLocationMode Labeling Location Mode for polygon
QueryType This enumeration specifies the ways you can execute a spatial query against a FeatureSource.
RandomColorType Defines values represent which kind of color will use for randomly.
RegexMatching This enumeration defines the matching criteria for regular expression matching.
ReturningColumnsType This enumeration provides some options when querying a feature.
ShapeFileReadWriteMode This enumeration represent read only or read-write nature of a Shape File.
ShapeFileType This enumeration represents the types stored in the Shape File.
ShapeValidationMode This enumeration describes the type of validation test to run on shapes.
SimplificationType Specifies which algorthm will be use to simplify.
SplineType This enumeration represents the spline type for labeling.
StartingPoint An enumeration describing the place to start on a line when doing certain operations.
TileAccessMode This enumeration represents how the tileCache should access the tiles.
TransactionResultStatus This enumeration represents the results from a FeatureSource transaction.
WellKnownType This describes a set of enumerations that list the valid types of geometries.
WkbByteOrder This enumeration represents the byte order that well-known binary will be written in.


Name Summary

<!– WindowsPhoneMapSuiteCore –> Note: * – not public released, might be removed in the next release. WindowsPhoneMapSuiteCore ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore UpdateDocumentation