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Note: The page was created before Map Suite 10. Map Suite 10.0 organized many classes into new namespaces and assemblies as well as had a few minor breaks in compatibility. The majority of previously built code should work without modification assuming the new namespaces are added. For guidance on upgrading your existing code, please check out MapSuite 10 Upgrade Guide.

<!– Class –> A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Members Summary

Public Constructors

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary

Protected Constructors

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary

Public Methods

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary
Public MethodEquals Object Object
Public MethodGetHashCode Object
Public MethodGetType Object
Public MethodToString Object

Protected Methods

Name Parameters DeclaringType Summary
Protected MethodFinalize Object
Protected MethodMemberwiseClone Object

Public Properties

Name Return DeclaringType Summary
Public PropertyStatic MemberAddTransactionError String Looks up a localized string similar to The add transaction failed for an unknown reason..
Public PropertyStatic MemberBothIconFilePathAndIconImageAreInvalid String Looks up a localized string similar to You can provide a path and file name to an icon or an image but not both..
Public PropertyStatic MemberCellHeightLessThanZero String Looks up a localized string similar to The cellHeight needs to be greater than zero..
Public PropertyStatic MemberCellWidthLessThanZero String Looks up a localized string similar to The cellWidth needs to be greater than zero..
Public PropertyStatic MemberChangeExtension String Looks up a localized string similar to The extension for TIFF files must be “.tif”.
Public PropertyStatic MemberCheckIsOpenedWhenCloneDeep String Looks up a localized string similar to You can not CloneDeep because the object is open or drawing, please close or end drawing first..
Public PropertyStatic MemberCheckLayerIsOpened String Looks up a localized string similar to The Layer must be opened before you can perform this method..
Public PropertyStatic MemberCheckMapEngineCurrentExtentIsNotValid String Looks up a localized string similar to The current extent provided is not valid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberClassBreakNumberShouldBeGreaterThanOne String Looks up a localized string similar to The ClassBreak Number should be greater than one..
Public PropertyStatic MemberClassBreaksIsValid String Looks up a localized string similar to The class breaks you have provided are invalid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberColorDoesNotExist String Looks up a localized string similar to The color you have provided does not exist..
Public PropertyStatic MemberColumnNumberExceedTotalRowCount String Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter column exceeds the total column count..
Public PropertyStatic MemberCommonImageSourceIsAlreadyOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageSource is already open..
Public PropertyStatic MemberConnectionStringCannotBeNull String Looks up a localized string similar to The connection string can not be null..
Public PropertyStatic MemberCreateShapeFileFailed String Looks up a localized string similar to The creation of the shape file has failed..
Public PropertyStatic MemberCulture CultureInfo Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
Public PropertyStatic MemberCurrentExtentNotAssigned String Looks up a localized string similar to The CurrentExtent property must be set before calling this method. If you want to use a custom extent, please use the static method.
Public PropertyStatic MemberCustomImageSizeIsNull String Looks up a localized string similar to You already choose resize the image by custom size, please set the custom width and height..
Public PropertyStatic MemberDbfColumnsIsEmpty String Looks up a localized string similar to The DbfColumns collection is empty, you should add at least one DbfColumn when you create a new shape file..
Public PropertyStatic MemberDecimalDegreeLatitudeOutOfRange String Looks up a localized string similar to The decimal degree latitude value you provided was out of range..
Public PropertyStatic MemberDecimalDegreeLongitudeOutOfRange String Looks up a localized string similar to The decimal degree longitude value you provided was out of range..
Public PropertyStatic MemberDecimalDegreeSecondsStringNull String Looks up a localized string similar to The degreesMinutesSeconds string may not be null or empty..
Public PropertyStatic MemberDecimalLengthInValidForStringColumnType String Looks up a localized string similar to DecimalLength is Invalid(it should be 0) for StringColumnType, it only make sense for DoubleColumnType..
Public PropertyStatic MemberDefaultAndCustomStyleDuplicate String Looks up a localized string similar to You are trying to use both a default style and the custom styles collection. You may only use one or the other..
Public PropertyStatic MemberDefaultAndCustomStyleDuplicateForRestrictedLayer String Looks up a localized string similar to You are trying to use both a default style and the custom styles collection. If you want to add custom styles, please set RestrictionStyle as RestrictionStyle.UseCustomStyles..
Public PropertyStatic MemberDegreesMinutesSecondsInputError String Looks up a localized string similar to The DegreesMinutesSeconds value is invalid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberDeleteTransactionError String Looks up a localized string similar to The delete transaction failed for an unknown reason..
Public PropertyStatic MemberDoubleOutOfRange String Looks up a localized string similar to The input double value is out of range..
Public PropertyStatic MemberEditingNotSupported String Looks up a localized string similar to You have set IsEditable to true but have not overridden the CommitTransactionCore method. Please override this the CommitTransactionCore method to prevent this exception..
Public PropertyStatic MemberEllipseIsNotValid String Looks up a localized string similar to The ellipse is not valid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberEnumerationOutOfRange String Looks up a localized string similar to The value for the enumeration is not on of the valid values..
Public PropertyStatic MemberEvalNotInstall String Looks up a localized string similar to The evaluation edition has not been installed..
Public PropertyStatic MemberEvaluationExpired String Looks up a localized string similar to The evaluation has expired. Please contact ThinkGeo for purchasing option or an extension to the trial..
Public PropertyStatic MemberExceptionMessage String Looks up a localized string similar to Drawing error.
Public PropertyStatic MemberExtentNotIntersectsWithBoundingBox String Looks up a localized string similar to The passed extent needs to intersect with the bounding box of the gid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureCollectionIsEmpty String Looks up a localized string similar to The collection of Features may not be empty..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureColumnValueDoesNotContainColon String Looks up a localized string similar to The feature column values should be entered as stringthinkgeo.mapsuite.windowsphonecore.exceptiondescription {“Key1:Value1”, “Key2:Value2”}.
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureIsInvalidInThisStyle String Looks up a localized string similar to The feature is invalid in in this style..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureIsNotValid String Looks up a localized string similar to The Feature you provided is not valid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureSourceCanNotExecuteSqlQuery String Looks up a localized string similar to Executing sql queries is not supported and the user should always check the CanExecuteSqlQueries to ensure the FeatureSource support it before calling..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureSourceCollectionIsEmpty String Looks up a localized string similar to There are no FeatureSources..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureSourceColumnCollectionIsEmpty String Looks up a localized string similar to The collection of FeatureSourceColumns may not be empty..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureSourceIsAlreadyInTransaction String Looks up a localized string similar to The FeatureSource is already in a transaction..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureSourceIsAlreadyOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The FeatureSource is already opened..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureSourceIsNotEditable String Looks up a localized string similar to The FeatureSource is not editable..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureSourceIsNotInTransaction String Looks up a localized string similar to The FeatureSource is not in a transaction..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFeatureSourceIsNotOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The FeatureSource is not open. Please call the Open method before calling this method..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFieldNameIsNotInFeature String Looks up a localized string similar to The requested column name is not in the Feature..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFileAccessError String Looks up a localized string similar to File access error, you should open the shape file with ReadWrite mode..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFileAlreadyExists String Looks up a localized string similar to The file already exists..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFileIsNotExist String Looks up a localized string similar to The file specified does not exist..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFileIsSupportedByCommonImageSource String Looks up a localized string similar to This file type is not supported..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFileNotSupportedForSql String Looks up a localized string similar to One of the fields in the database is not supported by SQL. The first character of this field name must be an alphabetic letter..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFirstClassBreakValueError String Looks up a localized string similar to The first ClassBreak value should be double.MinValue..
Public PropertyStatic MemberFullExpired String Looks up a localized string similar to The Windows Phone Edition is expired,please ask ThinkGeo for a new package.
Public PropertyStatic MemberGdipLoadImageFromFileError String Looks up a localized string similar to GDI+ threw a status error code..
Public PropertyStatic MemberGeoCacheIsNotOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The GeoCache is not open. Please call the Open method before calling this method..
Public PropertyStatic MemberGeoImageIsNotValid String Looks up a localized string similar to The input GeoImage object is not a valid GeoImage type..
Public PropertyStatic MemberGeocanvasIsNotInDrawing String Looks up a localized string similar to The GeoCanvas is currently not drawing. Please call the BeginDraw method before calling this method..
Public PropertyStatic MemberGeographicUnitNotValidWithGoogle String Looks up a localized string similar to The map unit you are using is not compatable with the GoogleLayer . Make sure you are using Meters and that your projection is 90013 to ensure compatability..
Public PropertyStatic MemberGeometriesInvalidExist String Looks up a localized string similar to We have found geometries that are invalid according to the SQL Server STIsValid() Function. To automaticly fix these you can call the MakeAllGeometriesValid method. The SQL To Determine which records are invalid:.
Public PropertyStatic MemberGeometryCollectionIsNotSupportedNowForProjection String Looks up a localized string similar to GeometryCollection is not supported now for projection..
Public PropertyStatic MemberGeometrytypeIsWrong String Looks up a localized string similar to Geometry type not recognized. .
Public PropertyStatic MemberGettingSridNotSupported String Looks up a localized string similar to The current GeoImage implementation does not support the GetSrid operation..
Public PropertyStatic MemberGroupLayerIsEmpty String Looks up a localized string similar to You must have at least one layer..
Public PropertyStatic MemberHtmlColorIsInvalid String Looks up a localized string similar to The input string HtmlColor is invalid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberIEnumerableIsEmptyOrNull String Looks up a localized string similar to The collection may not be empty or null..
Public PropertyStatic MemberIdColumnCannotBeNullOrEmpty String Looks up a localized string similar to Id column can't be null or empty..
Public PropertyStatic MemberImageInPointStyleCanNotBeNull String Looks up a localized string similar to The image property can't be null..
Public PropertyStatic MemberImageScaleShouldBiggerThanZero String Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageScaled property must be larger than 0..
Public PropertyStatic MemberImageSourceIsAlreadyOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageSource is already open..
Public PropertyStatic MemberImageSourceIsNotOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageSource is not open. Please call the Open method before calling this method..
Public PropertyStatic MemberIndexFileAlreadyExists String Looks up a localized string similar to Index File already exist, please change the BuildIndexMode if you want to rebuild this index..
Public PropertyStatic MemberIndexFileIsInvalid String Looks up a localized string similar to The format of your index file is not valid, please check. Or you can use BuildIndexFile function to build a new one..
Public PropertyStatic MemberIndexFileNotExisted String Looks up a localized string similar to You don't have the corresponding idx file for your shape file. You can use the static method ShapeFileFeatureSource.BuildIndexFile() or ShapeFileFeatureLayer.BuildIndexFile() to build an idx file for the shape file, or you can set the RequireIndex property to false..
Public PropertyStatic MemberInputGeometryTypeIsNotValid String Looks up a localized string similar to Input Geometry Type Is Not Valid.
Public PropertyStatic MemberInvalidGeometryInMsSqlForSpatialQuery String Looks up a localized string similar to There're some invalid geometry instance in table not valid. About invalid geometry please have a look at website. To solve this problem, we provide MakeAllGeometryValid function to make the invalid geometry to be valid, because of the function updating your data, you need to backup your data before using this function..
Public PropertyStatic MemberInvalidOperationExceptionError String Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid Operation Exception..
Public PropertyStatic MemberIsNotSupportedNowForProjection String Looks up a localized string similar to is not supported for projection now..
Public PropertyStatic MemberItemNotFoundInGeoCollectionByItem String Looks up a localized string similar to The GeoCollection does not contain the item you specified..
Public PropertyStatic MemberItemNotFoundInGeoCollectionByKey String Looks up a localized string similar to The GeoCollection does not contain the item you specified..
Public PropertyStatic MemberJpegImageCompressionShouldBeBetweenZeroAndOneHundred String Looks up a localized string similar to The value should be between zero and one hundred..
Public PropertyStatic MemberLayerDoesNotHaveBoundingBox String Looks up a localized string similar to This Layer doesn't have a boundingBox..
Public PropertyStatic MemberLayersTypeIsOutOfRange String Looks up a localized string similar to The layer type you have provided is not valid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberMapEngineCurrentExtentIsNotValid String Looks up a localized string similar to The current extent you have provided is not valid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberMapEngineCurrentExtentIsNull String Looks up a localized string similar to The current extent you have provided may not be null..
Public PropertyStatic MemberMrSidGeoImageSourceIsAlreadyOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The MrSidGeoImageSource is already open..
Public PropertyStatic MemberMrSidGeoImageSourceIsNotOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The MrSidGeoImageSource is not open. Please open it before calling this method..
Public PropertyStatic MemberMultiFieldNamesNotSupportedError String Looks up a localized string similar to The format of Multi-FieldNames isn't correct..
Public PropertyStatic MemberMultiLineCannotReorderForInputParams String Looks up a localized string similar to Can't Reorder for the multi-line because it does not satisfy the reorder condition based on the given startPoint and given tolerance..
Public PropertyStatic MemberMultiLineInvalidForReorder String Looks up a localized string similar to Can't Reorder for the multi-line because it does not satisfy the reorder condition based on the given tolerance..
Public PropertyStatic MemberNotAllValidLayersAreOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to Not all valid layers are open..
Public PropertyStatic MemberNotSupported String Looks up a localized string similar to This feature is currently not supported..
Public PropertyStatic MemberNotSupportedFileType String Looks up a localized string similar to The file type you provided is currently not supported..
Public PropertyStatic MemberNotSupportedSqlQueryMode String Looks up a localized string similar to The SQL Query mode is not supported..
Public PropertyStatic MemberNumberShouldBeByte String Looks up a localized string similar to The number should be between 0 and 255.
Public PropertyStatic MemberParameterCanNotConvert String Looks up a localized string similar to We cannot get the AreaUnit from input unit..
Public PropertyStatic MemberParameterIdsIsNotIntegers String Looks up a localized string similar to Parameter Ids should be from 1 to the record number in ShapeFileFeatureSource.
Public PropertyStatic MemberParameterIsEmpty String Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter you supplied may not be empty..
Public PropertyStatic MemberParameterIsInvalid String Looks up a localized string similar to The shape you provided does not pass our simple validation..
Public PropertyStatic MemberParameterIsNull String Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter you supplied may not be null..
Public PropertyStatic MemberParameterIsTransparent String Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter is transparent..
Public PropertyStatic MemberProjectionInitializationError String Looks up a localized string similar to Projection initialization failed..
Public PropertyStatic MemberProjectionInternalGeographyIsUnknown String Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot get the projection’s InternalGeographyUnit, please provide it by overriding the Projection’s GetInternalGeographyUnitCore() method..
Public PropertyStatic MemberProjectionIsNotOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The projection is not open. Please open it before calling this method..
Public PropertyStatic MemberRasterLayerDoesNotHaveProjectionInformation String Looks up a localized string similar to This RasterLayer does not have projection information embedded in it. If you wish to avoid this exception you can first check the HasProjectionTextProperty..
Public PropertyStatic MemberRasterSourceNotContainsProjectionInformation String Looks up a localized string similar to This RasterSource does not have projection information embedded in it. If you wish to avoid this exception you can first check the HasProjectionTextProperty..
Public PropertyStatic MemberRebuildDbfFailed String Looks up a localized string similar to The rebuild of the DBF failed for an unknown reason. Please see the inner exception..
Public PropertyStatic MemberRebuildIdxFailed String Looks up a localized string similar to The spatial index generation failed for an unknown reason. Please see the inner exception..
Public PropertyStatic MemberRebuildShapeFileFailed String Looks up a localized string similar to the rebuilding of the shape file failed for an unknown reason. Please see the inner exception..
Public PropertyStatic MemberRecordIsInvalid String Looks up a localized string similar to The record is invalid, please call CheckForUnsupportedRecords method to check the the failed reason..
Public PropertyStatic MemberResourceManager ResourceManager Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
Public PropertyStatic MemberReturnTypeNotCorrect String Looks up a localized string similar to This operation's return type is not correct..
Public PropertyStatic MemberReturnValueIsNull String Looks up a localized string similar to Return value is null..
Public PropertyStatic MemberRingShapeIsInvalidForOperationVertexCountLessThan4 String Looks up a localized string similar to A ring should has more than 4 vertexes..
Public PropertyStatic MemberRotateNotSupported String Looks up a localized string similar to Rotation is not supported on this class..
Public PropertyStatic MemberRowNumberExceedTotalRowCount String Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter row exceeds the total row count..
Public PropertyStatic MemberRtreeSpatialIndexIsNotOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The RtreeSpatialIndex is not open. Please call the Open method before calling this method..
Public PropertyStatic MemberShapeFileBoundingBoxIsValid String Looks up a localized string similar to The shape file bounding box is invalid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberShapeFileNameIsInvalid String Looks up a localized string similar to The shape file name is invalid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberShapeIsInvalidForOperation String Looks up a localized string similar to The shape you provided does not pass our simple validation..
Public PropertyStatic MemberShapeIsInvalidForValidation String Looks up a localized string similar to There are no points in the shape..
Public PropertyStatic MemberShapeTypeNotImplement String Looks up a localized string similar to This shape has not been implemented yet..
Public PropertyStatic MemberShxFileIsNotOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The shape file index is not open..
Public PropertyStatic MemberSpatialIndexIsNotRemovable String Looks up a localized string similar to The features in SpatialIndex are not removable..
Public PropertyStatic MemberSpatialIndexIsNotRemovable1 String Looks up a localized string similar to The features in SpatialIndex are not removable..
Public PropertyStatic MemberSridIsInvalid String Looks up a localized string similar to Input srid is not valid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberStringIsNotBlank String Looks up a localized string similar to The input string value is not blank..
Public PropertyStatic MemberTargetShapeIsNotValidType String Looks up a localized string similar to Target Shape Is Not Valid Type..
Public PropertyStatic MemberTheFieldTtypeShouldBeNumeric String Looks up a localized string similar to The field type should be numeric..
Public PropertyStatic MemberTheFormatOfImageIsNotSupported String Looks up a localized string similar to The format of the image is not supported..
Public PropertyStatic MemberTheValueShouldBeGreaterThanZero String Looks up a localized string similar to The value should be greater than zero..
Public PropertyStatic MemberUnlicensed String Looks up a localized string similar to Unlicensed..
Public PropertyStatic MemberUnsupportedEditingShapeType String Looks up a localized string similar to Currently we do not support editing this kind of shape type. Shape type:.
Public PropertyStatic MemberUpdateTansactionError String Looks up a localized string similar to The update transaction failed for an unknown reason..
Public PropertyStatic MemberUriNotValid String Looks up a localized string similar to The input Uri is not valid.
Public PropertyStatic MemberUseGeoTiffRasterInstead String Looks up a localized string similar to The TIFF files(.tif or .tiff) are not supported in GdiPlusRasterSource any longer, please use the GeoTiffRasterSource instead..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWkbIsInvalid String Looks up a localized string similar to The format of the well known binary is incorrect..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWkbIsNotValidForDrawing String Looks up a localized string similar to The well known binary is not valid for drawing..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWkbTypeError String Looks up a localized string similar to The well known binary type is incorrect..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWktFormatIsWrong String Looks up a localized string similar to The format of the well known text is incorrect..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWmsCRSNotSet String Looks up a localized string similar to Coordinate Reference System not set..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWmsCRSNotSupport String Looks up a localized string similar to This CRS is not supported in the Wms server: .
Public PropertyStatic MemberWmsGetMapTimeOut String Looks up a localized string similar to The Wms server has timed out..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWmsLayerDoesNotExists String Looks up a localized string similar to The Wms request LAYERS parameter is missing..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWmsNoLayerExists String Looks up a localized string similar to No layers exist in the Service Description..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWmsRequestParaNotExists String Looks up a localized string similar to The requested parameter does not exists in this Service Description..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWmsServerNotSupportFormat String Looks up a localized string similar to This image format is not supported in the Wms server: .
Public PropertyStatic MemberWmsServerNotSupportLayer String Looks up a localized string similar to This layer is not supported in the Wms server: .
Public PropertyStatic MemberWmsServerNotSupportStyle String Looks up a localized string similar to This style is not supported in the Wms server: .
Public PropertyStatic MemberWorldExtentIsNotValid String Looks up a localized string similar to The world extent is not valid..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWorldFileShould6Lines String Looks up a localized string similar to World file should has 6 lines..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWpfCommonGeoImageSourceIsAlreadyOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageSource is already open..
Public PropertyStatic MemberWpfCommonGeoImageSourceIsNotOpen String Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageSource is not opened. Please open it before calling this method..

Protected Properties

Name Return DeclaringType Summary

Public Events

Name Event Arguments DeclaringType Summary

Public Constructors

Protected Constructors

Public Methods


Return Value

Return Type Description
Boolean<!– System.Boolean –>


Name Type Description
obj Object<!– System.Object –>

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Int32<!– System.Int32 –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Type<!– System.Type –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
String<!– System.String –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back

Protected Methods


Return Value

Return Type Description
Void<!– System.Void –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back


Return Value

Return Type Description
Object<!– System.Object –>


Name Type Description

<!– System.Object –> Go Back

Public Properties


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The add transaction failed for an unknown reason..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to You can provide a path and file name to an icon or an image but not both..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The cellHeight needs to be greater than zero..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The cellWidth needs to be greater than zero..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The extension for TIFF files must be “.tif”.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to You can not CloneDeep because the object is open or drawing, please close or end drawing first..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The Layer must be opened before you can perform this method..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The current extent provided is not valid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The ClassBreak Number should be greater than one..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The class breaks you have provided are invalid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The color you have provided does not exist..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter column exceeds the total column count..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageSource is already open..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The connection string can not be null..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The creation of the shape file has failed..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.

Return Value

Return Type
CultureInfo<!– System.Globalization.CultureInfo –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The CurrentExtent property must be set before calling this method. If you want to use a custom extent, please use the static method.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to You already choose resize the image by custom size, please set the custom width and height..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The DbfColumns collection is empty, you should add at least one DbfColumn when you create a new shape file..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The decimal degree latitude value you provided was out of range..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The decimal degree longitude value you provided was out of range..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The degreesMinutesSeconds string may not be null or empty..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to DecimalLength is Invalid(it should be 0) for StringColumnType, it only make sense for DoubleColumnType..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to You are trying to use both a default style and the custom styles collection. You may only use one or the other..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to You are trying to use both a default style and the custom styles collection. If you want to add custom styles, please set RestrictionStyle as RestrictionStyle.UseCustomStyles..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The DegreesMinutesSeconds value is invalid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The delete transaction failed for an unknown reason..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The input double value is out of range..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to You have set IsEditable to true but have not overridden the CommitTransactionCore method. Please override this the CommitTransactionCore method to prevent this exception..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The ellipse is not valid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The value for the enumeration is not on of the valid values..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The evaluation edition has not been installed..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The evaluation has expired. Please contact ThinkGeo for purchasing option or an extension to the trial..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Drawing error.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The passed extent needs to intersect with the bounding box of the gid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The collection of Features may not be empty..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The feature column values should be entered as stringthinkgeo.mapsuite.windowsphonecore.exceptiondescription {“Key1:Value1”, “Key2:Value2”}.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The feature is invalid in in this style..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The Feature you provided is not valid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Executing sql queries is not supported and the user should always check the CanExecuteSqlQueries to ensure the FeatureSource support it before calling..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to There are no FeatureSources..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The collection of FeatureSourceColumns may not be empty..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The FeatureSource is already in a transaction..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The FeatureSource is already opened..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The FeatureSource is not editable..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The FeatureSource is not in a transaction..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The FeatureSource is not open. Please call the Open method before calling this method..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The requested column name is not in the Feature..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to File access error, you should open the shape file with ReadWrite mode..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The file already exists..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The file specified does not exist..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to This file type is not supported..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to One of the fields in the database is not supported by SQL. The first character of this field name must be an alphabetic letter..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The first ClassBreak value should be double.MinValue..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The Windows Phone Edition is expired,please ask ThinkGeo for a new package.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to GDI+ threw a status error code..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The GeoCache is not open. Please call the Open method before calling this method..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The input GeoImage object is not a valid GeoImage type..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The GeoCanvas is currently not drawing. Please call the BeginDraw method before calling this method..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The map unit you are using is not compatable with the GoogleLayer . Make sure you are using Meters and that your projection is 90013 to ensure compatability..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to We have found geometries that are invalid according to the SQL Server STIsValid() Function. To automaticly fix these you can call the MakeAllGeometriesValid method. The SQL To Determine which records are invalid:.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to GeometryCollection is not supported now for projection..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Geometry type not recognized. .

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The current GeoImage implementation does not support the GetSrid operation..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to You must have at least one layer..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The input string HtmlColor is invalid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The collection may not be empty or null..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Id column can't be null or empty..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The image property can't be null..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageScaled property must be larger than 0..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageSource is already open..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageSource is not open. Please call the Open method before calling this method..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Index File already exist, please change the BuildIndexMode if you want to rebuild this index..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The format of your index file is not valid, please check. Or you can use BuildIndexFile function to build a new one..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to You don't have the corresponding idx file for your shape file. You can use the static method ShapeFileFeatureSource.BuildIndexFile() or ShapeFileFeatureLayer.BuildIndexFile() to build an idx file for the shape file, or you can set the RequireIndex property to false..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Input Geometry Type Is Not Valid.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to There're some invalid geometry instance in table not valid. About invalid geometry please have a look at website. To solve this problem, we provide MakeAllGeometryValid function to make the invalid geometry to be valid, because of the function updating your data, you need to backup your data before using this function..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid Operation Exception..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to is not supported for projection now..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The GeoCollection does not contain the item you specified..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The GeoCollection does not contain the item you specified..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The value should be between zero and one hundred..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to This Layer doesn't have a boundingBox..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The layer type you have provided is not valid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The current extent you have provided is not valid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The current extent you have provided may not be null..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The MrSidGeoImageSource is already open..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The MrSidGeoImageSource is not open. Please open it before calling this method..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The format of Multi-FieldNames isn't correct..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Can't Reorder for the multi-line because it does not satisfy the reorder condition based on the given startPoint and given tolerance..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Can't Reorder for the multi-line because it does not satisfy the reorder condition based on the given tolerance..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Not all valid layers are open..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to This feature is currently not supported..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The file type you provided is currently not supported..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The SQL Query mode is not supported..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The number should be between 0 and 255.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to We cannot get the AreaUnit from input unit..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Parameter Ids should be from 1 to the record number in ShapeFileFeatureSource.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter you supplied may not be empty..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The shape you provided does not pass our simple validation..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter you supplied may not be null..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter is transparent..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Projection initialization failed..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot get the projection’s InternalGeographyUnit, please provide it by overriding the Projection’s GetInternalGeographyUnitCore() method..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The projection is not open. Please open it before calling this method..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to This RasterLayer does not have projection information embedded in it. If you wish to avoid this exception you can first check the HasProjectionTextProperty..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to This RasterSource does not have projection information embedded in it. If you wish to avoid this exception you can first check the HasProjectionTextProperty..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The rebuild of the DBF failed for an unknown reason. Please see the inner exception..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The spatial index generation failed for an unknown reason. Please see the inner exception..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to the rebuilding of the shape file failed for an unknown reason. Please see the inner exception..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The record is invalid, please call CheckForUnsupportedRecords method to check the the failed reason..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.

Return Value

Return Type
ResourceManager<!– System.Resources.ResourceManager –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to This operation's return type is not correct..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Return value is null..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to A ring should has more than 4 vertexes..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Rotation is not supported on this class..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter row exceeds the total row count..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The RtreeSpatialIndex is not open. Please call the Open method before calling this method..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The shape file bounding box is invalid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The shape file name is invalid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The shape you provided does not pass our simple validation..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to There are no points in the shape..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to This shape has not been implemented yet..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The shape file index is not open..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The features in SpatialIndex are not removable..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The features in SpatialIndex are not removable..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Input srid is not valid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The input string value is not blank..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Target Shape Is Not Valid Type..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The field type should be numeric..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The format of the image is not supported..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The value should be greater than zero..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Unlicensed..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Currently we do not support editing this kind of shape type. Shape type:.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The update transaction failed for an unknown reason..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The input Uri is not valid.

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The TIFF files(.tif or .tiff) are not supported in GdiPlusRasterSource any longer, please use the GeoTiffRasterSource instead..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The format of the well known binary is incorrect..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The well known binary is not valid for drawing..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The well known binary type is incorrect..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The format of the well known text is incorrect..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to Coordinate Reference System not set..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to This CRS is not supported in the Wms server: .

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The Wms server has timed out..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The Wms request LAYERS parameter is missing..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to No layers exist in the Service Description..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The requested parameter does not exists in this Service Description..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to This image format is not supported in the Wms server: .

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to This layer is not supported in the Wms server: .

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to This style is not supported in the Wms server: .

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The world extent is not valid..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to World file should has 6 lines..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageSource is already open..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back


<!– static –> Looks up a localized string similar to The ImageSource is not opened. Please open it before calling this method..

Return Value

Return Type
String<!– System.String –>

<!– ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.ExceptionDescription –> Go Back

Protected Properties

Public Events

thinkgeo.mapsuite.windowsphonecore.exceptiondescription.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/16 21:59 (external edit)