ThinkGeo Cloud
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ThinkGeo Cloud
ThinkGeo UI Controls
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ThinkGeo Cloud .NET SDK helps developers use the ThinkGeo Cloud APIs in their .NET applications. You can use ThinkGeo Cloud APIs through standard RESTful API calls from any platform or any language and while you aren't required to use this SDK it will make the job easier when used in conjunction with ThinkGeo Cloud on a .NET project.
Check out this Quick Start Guide to get started.
ThinkGeo Cloud .NET SDK wraps all the ThinkGeo Cloud RESTful APIs and makes it simpler to use for a .NET project. The complete APIs are listed here and below are code snippets as samples:
ElevationClient elevationClient = new ElevationClient(clientId, clientSecret); var response = elevationClient.GetElevationOfLineAsync(line, 3857, numberOfSegments: pointNumber, elevationUnit: DistanceUnit.Meter);
GeocodingClient geocodingClient = new GeocodingClient(clientId, clientSecret); var result = geocodingClient.SearchAsync(searchText, options);
ReverseGeocodingClient reverseGeocodingClient = new ReverseGeocodingClient(clientId, clientSecret); ReverseGeocodingResult searchResult = await reverseGeocodingClient.SearchPointAsync(searchPoint.X, searchPoint.Y, 3857, searchRadius, DistanceUnit.Meter, reverseGeocodingOption);
ColorClient colorClient = new ColorClient(clientId, clientSecret); var hueColors = colorClient.GetColorsInHueFamily(specifiedColor, numberOfColors);
ProjectionClient projectionClient = new ProjectionClient(clientId, clientSecret); var projectedFeature = projectionClient.Project(feature, fromSrid, toSrid);
MapsClient client = new MapsClient(clientId, clientSecret); Stream imageStream = client.GetRasterTile(z, x, y, projection, mapType, tileSize, tileResolution); Task<Stream> task = client.GetRasterTileAsync(z, x, y, projection, mapType, tileSize, tileResolution);
Not only we have APIs to get one single Vector Tile or Raster Tile, but we also provide a much simpler way in ThinkGeo UI Components as following to render the tiles on the map. Here below is an example for rending RasterTiles on a Desktop map (WPF):
ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay backgroundMap = new ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay(clientId, clientSecret);
Below is an example of rending Vector Tiles on a Desktop map (WPF)
The following samples work in all of the Map Suite controls such as WPF, Web, MVC, WebApi, Android and iOS.
This Sample demonstrates how you can use ThinkGeo Cloud to get elevation data from ThinkGeo's GIS Server and it also shows the elevation data of a road in the form of a line chart.
This Sample demonstrates how you can use ThinkGeo Cloud to convert a geographic location into meaningful addresses from ThinkGeo's GIS Server. It ships with an optimized set of worldwide coverage of cities and towns but any customized data can be supported as well.
This Sample demonstrates how you can use ThinkGeo Cloud to acquire an address from a set of location coordinates. It ships with an optimized set of worldwide coverage of cities and towns but any customized data can be supported as well.