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Name Summary
BackgroundOverlay This class inherits from the Overlay abstract class. The specified overlay specifies the background information of the MapControl.
ControlPointSelectedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the ControlPointSelected event.
ControlPointSelectingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the ControlPointSelecting event.
CurrentExtentChangedWinformsMapEventArgs Provides data for the CurrentExtentChanged event.
CurrentExtentChangedWpfMapEventArgs Provides data for the CurrentExtentChanged event.
CurrentExtentChangingWinformsMapEventArgs Provides data for the CurrentExtentChanging event.
CurrentExtentChangingWpfMapEventArgs Provides data for the CurrentExtentChanging event.
CurrentScaleChangedWinformsMapEventArgs Provides data for the CurrentScaleChanged event.
CurrentScaleChangedWpfMapEventArgs Provides data for the CurrentScaleChanged event.
CurrentScaleChangingWinformsMapEventArgs Provides data for the CurrentScaleChanging event.
CurrentScaleChangingWpfMapEventArgs Provides data for the CurrentScaleChanging event.
DrawingOverlayEventArgs This is the event arguments for the OverlayDrawing event on the MapEngine class. It is raised before the Overlay is drawn.
DrawnOverlayEventArgs This is the event arguments for the OverlayDrawn event on the MapEngine class. It is raised after the Overlay has been drawn.
EditInteractiveOverlay This class inherits from the InterativeOverlay abstract class. This specified overlay describes the EditShape interactive process with the MapControl using the Mouse or Keyboard.
ExtentInteractiveOverlay This class inherits from the interactiveOverlay abstract class. This specified overlay describes the Extent Changing interactive process with the MapControl using the Mouse or Keyboard.
FeatureDraggedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureDragged event.
FeatureDraggingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureDragging event.
FeatureResizedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureResized event.
FeatureResizingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureResizing event.
FeatureRotatedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureRotated event.
FeatureRotatingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureRotating event.
GoogleMapsOverlay This class represents the Overlay used to display a Google Map.
InteractionArguments This class encapsulates the information and simple method for interative actions.
InteractiveOverlay This class inherits from Overlay abstract class. This specified overlay describes the interative process with the MapControl using the Mouse or Keyboard.
InteractiveResult This class specifies the InterativeResult when dealing with the Interative method in InterativeOverlay.
KeyEventInteractionArguments This class encapsulates the information and simple method for key events interative actions.
LayerOverlay : This class represents a group of layers; each layer can be of any layer type.
MapClickWinformsMapEventArgs Provides data for the WinformsMap or WpfMap's MapClick event.
MapClickWpfMapEventArgs Provides data for the WinformsMap or WpfMap's MapClick event.
MapKeyDownInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapKeyDown event.
MapKeyUpInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapKeyUp event.
MapMouseClickInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseClick event.
MapMouseDoubleClickInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseDoubleClick event.
MapMouseDownInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseDown event.
MapMouseMoveInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseMove event.
MapMouseUpInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseUp event.
MapMouseWheelInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseWheel event.
MarkerDraggedSimpleMarkerOverlayEventArgs This class represents the event arguments for the MarkerDragged event for SimpleMarkerOverlay.
MarkerDraggingSimpleMarkerOverlayEventArgs This class represents the MarkerDragging event argument for SimpleMarkerOverlay.
MarkerStyle This class represents the base class for all classes that defines the styles applied to the markers.
MarkerZoomLevel This class defines styles of markers and a zoomlevel range. When the current zoomlevel is in that range, the styles will be applied to the markers.
MarkerZoomLevelSet This class represents a collection of MarkerZoomLevel that determines the appearance of markers at different zoomlevels.
MouseMovedTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MouseMoved event.
Overlay Serves as the base class that defines the properties and methods shared by all types of overlays.
OverlayDrawingWinformsMapEventArgs This is the event arguments for the OverlayDrawing event on the MapEngine class. It is raised before any of the overlays are drawn.
OverlayDrawingWpfMapEventArgs This is the event arguments for the OverlayDrawn event on the MapEngine class. It is raised before any of the overlays are drawn.
OverlayDrawnWinformsMapEventArgs This is the event arguments for the OverlayDrawn event on the MapEngine class. It is raised after the overlays are drawn.
OverlayDrawnWpfMapEventArgs This is the event arguments for the OverlayDrawn event on the MapEngine class. It is raised after the overlays are drawn.
OverlayLock This class defines a lock that supports a single writer and multiple readers.
OverlaysDrawingWinformsMapEventArgs This is the event arguments for the OverlaysDrawing event on the MapEngine class. It is raised before any of the overlays are drawn.
OverlaysDrawingWpfMapEventArgs This is the event arguments for the OverlaysDrawing event on the MapEngine class. It is raised before any of the overlays are drawn.
OverlaysDrawnWinformsMapEventArgs This is the event arguments for the OverlaysDrawn event on the MapEngine class. It is raised after the overlays are drawn.
OverlaysDrawnWpfMapEventArgs This is the event arguments for the OverlaysDrawn event on the MapEngine class. It is raised after the overlays are drawn.
PanAndTrackZoomState This class stores the information for Pan and Track Zoom.
PointMarkerStyle This class represents the ordinary point marker style.
SessionFileBitmapTileCache This class is a concrete class that inherits from FileBitmapTileCache. In this class, the tiles will be marked as obsolete when you call the ClearCache method and will be deleted in a background thread.
TiledWmsOverlay This class is used in Desktop Edition to access the WMS Server.
TrackEndedTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the TrackEnded event.
TrackEndingTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the TrackEnding event.
TrackInteractiveOverlay This class inherits from the interactiveOverlay abstract class. This specified overlay describes the TrackShape interactive process with the MapControl using the Mouse or Keyborad.
TrackStartedTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the TrackStarted event.
TrackStartingTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the TrackStarting event.
VertexAddedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexAdded event.
VertexAddedTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexAdded event.
VertexAddingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexAdding event.
VertexAddingTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexAdding event.
VertexMovedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexMoved event.
VertexMovingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexMoving event.
VertexRemovedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexRemoved event.
VertexRemovingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexRemoving event.
WinformsMap The Map Control used to develop a Winforms application.
WorldMapKitWmsDesktopOverlay This class is used in Desktop Edition to access the WorldMapKit Web Map Service (WMS).
WpfMap The Map Control used to develop a WPF application.


Name Summary


Name Summary
ControlPointType This enumeration specifies the control point type when editing a shape. The deafault value is None.
ExtentChangedType This enumeration specifies the type of extent change that has occurred when doing interactive actions with InterativeOverlay.
InteractiveOverlayDrawType This enumeration specifies the mode in which to draw the InterativeOverlay when doing interactive actions with InterativeOverlay.
MapDoubleLeftClickMode This enumeration specifies the behavior that occurs when double-left-clicking on the MapControl. The default value is ZoomIn.
MapDoubleRightClickMode This enumeration specifies the behavior that occurs when double-right-clicking on the MapControl. The default value is ZoomOut.
MapFocusMode The enumeration specifies the focus mode that will be used for map to take focus. The default value is MouseEnterFocused.
MapLeftClickDragMode This enumeration specifies the behavior that occurs when you left-click-and-drag on the MapControl. The default value is ZoomInWithKey.
MapMouseButton This enumeration defines a MouseButton for MapControl.
MapMouseWheelMode This enumeration specifies the behavior that occurs when the mouse wheel is scrolled. The default value is Zooming.
MapPanMode This enumeration specifies the behavior type for panning. The default value is StandardPanning.
MapRightClickDragMode This enumeration specifies the behavior that occurs when you right-click-and-drag on the MapControl. The default value is ZoomOutWithKey.
MapThreadingMode This enumation provides two threading options when refreshing the map. The default value is SingleThreaded.
MarkerDragMode This enumeration specifies how the map markers can be dragged.
ProcessOtherOverlaysMode This enumeration specifies the mode used to process other overlays when doing interactive actions with InterativeOverlay.
TilesExistingType This enumeration specifies the existence status for the current extent tiles.
TrackMode The TrackMode enumeration determines how the map will react to user interaction.
ZoomLevelSnappingMode This enumation provides the options used to set the ZoomLevel Snapping Mode. In SnapUp or Default mode, there are only 20 preset ZoomLevels whose scales are set accordingly with OpenLayers' scales. You can change this by setting the SnappingMode to None, but in doing so, you will lose the ability to use the TileCache system.


thinkgeo.mapsuite.desktopedition.1440040130.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/11 05:55 (external edit)