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ThinkGeo Cloud
ThinkGeo UI Controls
ThinkGeo Open Source
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Note: The page was created before Map Suite 10. Map Suite 10.0 organized many classes into new namespaces and assemblies as well as had a few minor breaks in compatibility. The majority of previously built code should work without modification assuming the new namespaces are added. For guidance on upgrading your existing code, please check out MapSuite 10 Upgrade Guide.
This class inherits from the Overlay abstract class. This specified overlay stores the AdornmentLayer used in the MapControl.
This class represents an overlay that requesting from Bing Maps Imagery Service.
This class represents an overlay that requesting from Bing Maps Imagery Service.
This class represents a iOS canvas that is used to draw geographic shapes in iOS platform.
This class represents an NativeImage object for iOS platform.
Class CenterCoordinateMapTool.
Provides data for the ControlPointSelected event.
Provides data for the ControlPointSelecting event.
Provides data for the CurrentExtentChanged event.
Provides data for the CurrentExtentChanging event.
Provides data for the CurrentScaleChanged event.
Provides data for the CurrentScaleChanged event.
Class DrawingExceptionOverlayEventArgs.
Class DrawnExceptionOverlayEventArgs.
Class EditEndedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs.
This class inherits from InterativeOverlay abstract class. This specified overlay describle the EditShape interative process with MapControl using Mouse or Keyborad.
This class inherits from InterativeOverlay abstract class. This specified overlay describle the Extent Changing interative process with MapControl using Mouse or Keyborad.
Provides data for the FeatureDragged event.
Provides data for the FeatureDragging. event.
Provides data for the FeatureResized. event.
Provides data for the FeatureResizing. event.
Provides data for the FeatureRotated. event.
Provides data for the FeatureRotating. event.
This class represents the Overlay used to display a Google Map.
This class represents the Overlay used to display a Google Map.
Represents an GpsMarker for MapControl.
This class encapsulates the information and simple method for interactive actions.
This class inherits from Overlay abstract class. This specified overlay describe the interactive process with MapControl using Mouse or Keyboard.
This class specifies the InterativeResult when deal with the Interative method in InterativeOverlay.
This class represents a group of layers; each layer can be of any layer type.
Represents an TileView that maintains one Layer.
Contains important properties and methods of current map object.
Class MapBoxTileOverlay.
This class represents the base class of map tool controls.
Contains the different map tools as properties and acts as an entrance for setting these map controls.
This class represents the map control.
Represents a marker control on the map.
This class represents an overlay which maintaining markers.
This class represents an overlay that requesting images from OpenStreet Map Service.
This class represents an overlay that requesting images from OpenStreet Map Service.
This class is the base class of all overlays in this overlay system.
This class represents a popup control for placing on the map.
This class represents an overlay to place popups on the map.
Class ScaleLineMapTool.
Class SentWebRequestUriTileEventArgs.
Represents an overlay that maintains tiles.
Represents an TileView that maintains one tile.
Provides data for the MouseMoved. event.
This is the default constructor of this parameter.
Provides data for the TrackEnding. event.
This class inherits from InterativeOverlay abstract class. This specified overlay describle the TrackShape interative process with MapControl using Mouse or Keyborad.
Provides data for the TrackStarted. event.
Provides data for the TrackStarting. event.
Represents an arguments that transform map control.
Represents a tile for requesting from an Uri.
Provides data for the VertexAdded. event.
Provides data for the VertexAdded. event.
Provides data for the VertexAdding. event.
Provides data for the VertexAdding. event.
Provides data for the VertexMoved. event.
Provides data for the VertexMoving. event.
Provides data for the VertexRemoved. event.
Provides data for the VertexRemoving. event.
Represents an overlay object that gets map images from the WMS server you specify.
This class represents an WmsOverlay which has MapSuite world map kit server integrated.
Class ZoomMapTool.
This enumeration specified the control point type when editing a shape. The deafault value is None
This enumeration specifies the type of extent change that has occurred when doing interactive actions with InterativeOverlay.
This enumeration specifies the mode to draw the InterativeOverlay when doing interactive actions with InterativeOverlay.
Enum LockLayerMode
Enum MapBoxImageFormat
Enum MapBoxMapId
This enumeration specifies the behavior that occurs when double tap on the MapControl. The default value is ZoomIn.
Enum OverlayRefreshType
This enumeration specifies the mode to process other overlays when doing interactive actions with InterativeOverlay.
Enum TileSnappingMode
This enum represents the tile type in the tile overlay.
TrackMode enumeration sets how the map will react to user interaction.
This enumeration specifies the type of transition effect to use when the map is panned or zoomed.