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ThinkGeo Cloud Maps WMS

ThinkGeo Cloud Maps WMS provides an API with which you can retrieve map images through a standards-compliant WMS (Web Map Service). This can be either a single image of a complete map, or one tile from a multi-tile map.


* Try it Online: All the ThinkGeo Cloud RESTful APIs can be tested online following the instructions below:

ThinkGeo Cloud Maps WMS provides the following RESTful API:

Get WMS Map

Retrieve a map image via WMS.


URL Parameters

  • Request: Required. The type of WMS request. Supported values are:
    • GetMap: Requests a map image. This will be the request type you use most often.
    • GetCapabilities: Details the capabilities of the WMS service.
  • Service: Required. The service name. Must be "WMS". Default value: WMS
  • Version: Required. The WMS version to use. Supported values are “1.1.1” and "1.3.0". Default value: 1.1.1
  • Layers: Required for "GetMap". The map layers to include in the requested image. Use “,” as the separator for multiple layers. For a list of supported values, please send a “GetCapablities” request.
  • Styles: Required for "GetMap". The styles for the requested image. Use “,” as the separator for multiple styles. For a list of supported values, please send a “GetCapablities” request.
  • Format: Required for "GetMap". The format of the requested image. For a list of supported values, please send a “GetCapablities” request.
  • Width: Required for "GetMap". The width of the requested image in pixels. Default value: 512
  • Height: Required for "GetMap". The height of the requested image in pixels. Default value: 512
  • BBox: Required for "GetMap". The bounding box of the requested image, expressed as the spatial coordinates of a rectangle. The required format is "minX,minY,maxX,maxY".
  • Srs: Required for "GetMap". The spatial reference system in which the BBox is specified. Applies only to version "1.1.1". Default value: EPSG:3857
  • Crs: Required for "GetMap". The coordinate reference system in which the BBox is specified. Applies only to version "1.3.0".
  • Exceptions: The output format to use for exceptions.
  • Transparent: Indicates whether or not the requested image should have an alpha channel (transparent background).

Visit GetWmsMap and click “Try It Out” to explore this API online.

Consume from Client Side

ThinkGeo Cloud provides standard RESTful APIs which can be consumed on any platform through any language. ThinkGeo also offers two prepackaged API clients to make it easier to integrate into .NET and JavaScript applications.

SDK for .NET

Our .NET SDK ThinkGeo Cloud Client makes it easy to consume all of the ThinkGeo Cloud services in your applications. It's available on NuGet. IntelliSense hints will help you get started, and you can also refer to the ThinkGeo Cloud Client API list for details.

At the NuGet Package Manager terminal, you can install this package by running the command: Install-Package ThinkGeo.Cloud.Client -Version VERSION_TO_BE_INSTALLED. You can also check out ThinkGeo on GitHub for samples utilizing the ThinkGeo Cloud Client.

SDK for JavaScript

The SDK for JavaScript enables developers to directly access ThinkGeo Cloud services from JavaScript code running in brower. This SDK can be found at thinkgeocloudclient-js. The Geocoding sample shows how to work with this SDK.


Online Sample:

Coming soon

Web Sample:

Coming soon

Desktop Sample:

Coming soon

Mobile Sample:

Coming soon
thinkgeo_cloud_maps_wms.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/31 16:38 by brianr