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Map Suite World Map Kit SDK

Note: The page was created before Map Suite 10. Map Suite 10.0 organized many classes into new namespaces and assemblies as well as had a few minor breaks in compatibility. The majority of previously built code should work without modification assuming the new namespaces are added. For guidance on upgrading your existing code, please check out MapSuite 10 Upgrade Guide.

The Map Suite World Map Kit SDK is an extension for our Map Suite line of GIS developer controls that includes everything you need to display professional-looking maps of any location on Earth. The kit comes with detailed map data covering the entire world. The included source code allows you to redesign the maps or add your own data easily.

Product Guides

This guide walks you through installing the World Map Kit SDK on your system and creating a simple GIS application.

This guide walks you through using SQLite as a storage format.

This guide walks you through using restoring your PostgreSQL backup file.

Code Samples

All Samples
All samples about Map Suite World Map Kit SDK.

Project Templates
These projects show various study cases based on World Map Kit SDK.

NOTE: We have provided several sample applications with source code to help you learn the different capabilities of Map Suite. Each code sample includes an overview, complete source code online to review and the ability to download the sample and run it yourself.

Demo & Screenshots

To see what the maps look like, check out the online demo at

Frequently Asked Questions

Help & Support Guides

  • Support Options

    This article outlines various support options available through ThinkGeo. It explains the various methods and recommendations of which options work best depending on your issue.

  • Support Ticket Guide

    This guide explains how to create a support ticket using the ThinkGeo customer portal. The guide also covers recommendation on when to use a support tickets versus other forms of support.

  • Discussion Forum Guide

    This guide explains how to create a constructive discussion forum post. It outlines the best practices in posting to ensure that your GIS questions get answered quickly and accurately.

  • NuGet Guide

    In Map Suite 10.0 we are starting to provide our products via packages on NuGet. This will allow references to our products to be added and updated easily. We have three different types of packages on NuGet, feature packages, dependency packages, and product packages, which will be expained in detail below. Each of these packages will also have two different build branches, production and development.

  • Release Cycle Guide

    This guide explains the process and rations behind the Map Suite release schedule. It outlines release dates, version information, and various aspects related to publicly releasing Map Suite software.

map_suite_world_map_kit_sdk.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/16 09:07 by tgwikiupdate