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Wpf Samples

Adjacent Road Search Sample for Wpf

This WPF project shows how to get a route between two adjacent roads, even if they don't intersect within an allowable tolerance.

It’s based on Map Suite Geometry Topology module and does not require the Map Suite Routing Extension.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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Distance Query On Wrap Dateline Mode Sample for Wpf

This WPF sample shows how to take advantage of the projection class WrapDatelineProjection for doing spatial queries when on a “virtual map”. From this spatial query example, the developer should understand how the same principle using the same projection class can be applied for other operations such as Spatial Queries, Identify, etc.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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Find Shortest Line And Splitting Lines Sample for Wpf

This sample will show you how to find the closest line between two features by using the GetShortestLineTo API and how to split a line at a given point using the GetLineOnALine API. These APIs can be very useful when doing spatial analysis and editing of features. This sample also allows you to dynamically alter the test features using the EditOverlay so you can try out different scenarios and see the results quickly. A MapShapes layer is used to display and style the individual results.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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Polygon Shapes To Multipolygon Shape Sample for Wpf

In this Wpf project, we show how to create a MultipolygonShape from various PolygonShapes. Since a collection of PolygonShapes cannot be directly cast to a MultipolygonShape, we show the technique to build a MultipolygonShape passing an IEnumerable of PolygonShape. This is a Wpf sample and you will need the references for MapSuiteCore.dll and WpfDesktopEdition.dll.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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map_suite_desktop_for_wpf_spatial_functions_samples.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/08 06:41 (external edit)