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ThinkGeo Cloud JavaScript SDK

ThinkGeo Cloud .JavaScript SDK helps developers use the ThinkGeo Cloud APIs in their webpage. You can use ThinkGeo Cloud API through standard RESTful API calls from any platforms any language and don't have to use this SDK at all. It's just to make your job a bit easier when working with ThinkGeo Cloud on a webpage.

Check out Quick Start Guide to get started.

API Documentation

ThinkGeo Cloud JavaScript SDK wraps all the ThinkGeo Cloud RESTful APIs and make it simpler to use from a web page.

  • ThinkGeoCloudClient-js

    The ThinkGeoCloudClient-js API documentation covers the tg namespace which resides in the ThinkGeoCloudCient.js. It contains all of the ThinkGeo Cloud Client specific classes such as Elevation, ReverseGeocoding, and Geocoding.

ThinkGeo Cloud Client Samples

We have provided several online samples along with the source code to help you learn the different capabilities of ThinkGeo Cloud Client. For each sample, you can not only view the source but can also open in CodePen to change and run by yourself.

VectorTile Sample

Here is a sample shows how to consume ThinkGeo Cloud vector tiles using pre-defined Map Styles.

Also one is online . Open in CodePen

ThinkGeo Cloud Vector Tiles

ThinkGeo Cloud JavaScript SDK Raster Sample

Here is a sample shows how to consume ThinkGeo Cloud raster tiles via XYZ Map Service.

Also one is online . Open in CodePen

ThinkGeo Raster Tiles

ThinkGeo Cloud JavaScript SDK Elevation Sample

Here is a sample shows how to launch an Elevation query with ThinkGeoCloudClient.js, and display the response.

Also one is online . Open in CodePen

Get Elevation by Line

ThinkGeo Cloud JavaScript SDK Geocoding Sample

Here is a sample shows how to launch a Geocoding query with ThinkGeoCloudClient.js, and display the response.

Also one is online . Open in CodePen

Geocoding "Dallas"

ThinkGeo Cloud JavaScript SDK Reverse Geocoding Sample

Here is a sample shows how to launch a ReverseGeocoding query with ThinkGeoCloudClient.js after clicking on map, and display the response.

one is online.. Open in CodePen

Reverse Geocoding in Frisco

ThinkGeo Cloud JavaScript SDK Color Sample

Here is a sample shows how to launch a Color query with ThinkGeoCloudClient.js, and display the response.

Also one is online . Open in CodePen

Get a family of colors

thinkgeo_cloud_javascript_sdk.1549578440.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/07 22:27 by benbai