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Note: The page was created before Map Suite 10. Map Suite 10.0 organized many classes into new namespaces and assemblies as well as had a few minor breaks in compatibility. The majority of previously built code should work without modification assuming the new namespaces are added. For guidance on upgrading your existing code, please check out MapSuite 10 Upgrade Guide.



Name Summary
BingMapsOverlay This class represents the BingsMapOverlay which requests images from image server of Bing Maps.
ControlPointSelectedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the ControlPointSelected event.
ControlPointSelectingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the ControlPointSelecting event.
EditInteractiveOverlay This class inherits from InterativeOverlay abstract class. This specified overlay describle the EditShape interative process with MapControl using Mouse or Keyborad.
ExtentChangedEventArgs This class represents the event argument for the ExtentChanged event.
ExtentChangingEventArgs This class represents the event arguments for the ExtentChanging event.
FeatureDraggedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureDragged event.
FeatureDraggingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureDragging. event.
FeatureResizedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureResized. event.
FeatureResizingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureResizing. event.
FeatureRotatedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureRotated. event.
FeatureRotatingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the FeatureRotating. event.
GeoPopup This class represents the popups that appear in a cloud (a.k.a. balloon) shape.
GoogleOverlay This class represents the GoogleOverlay which requests images from Google's image server.
InMemoryMarkerOverlay This class represents a MarkerOverlay object that dynamicly creates markers from the InMemory features.
InteractionArguments This class encapsulates the information and simple method for interative actions.
InteractiveOverlay This class inherits from Overlay abstract class. This specified overlay describle the interative process with MapControl using Mouse or Keyborad.
InteractiveResult This class specifies the InterativeResult when deal with the Interative method in InterativeOverlay.
LayerOverlay This class represents an Overlay that contains layers such as ShapeFileFeatureLayer, InMemoryFeatureLayer..
LogoMapTool This class represents an company logo image that displays at the lower-right corner of the map.
Map This class represents the main Windows Phone map control.
MapClickEventArgs This class provides the data for click event of the map control.
MapMouseClickInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseClick event.
MapMouseDoubleClickInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseDoubleClick event.
MapMouseDownInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseDown event.
MapMouseMoveInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseMove event.
MapMouseUpInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseUp event.
MapMouseWheelInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MapMouseWheel event.
MapTool This abstract class represents the base class of all predefined map tools.
MapTools Contains the different map tools as properties and act as an entrance for setting these map controls.
Marker This class represents a small icon on the map that is used for marking a point.
MarkerOverlay This is a base class for the overlay that generates and manages markers.
MarkerStyle This class represents the base class for all classes that defines the styles applied to the markers.
MarkerZoomLevel This class defines styles of markers and a zoomlevel range. When the current zoomlevel is in that range, the styles will be applied to the markers.
MarkerZoomLevelSet This class represents a collection of MarkerZoomLevel that determines the appearance of markers at different zoomlevels.
MouseCoordinateMapTool Represents the coordinates of the mouse pointer that displays at the lower-right corner of the map.
MouseEnterMarkerOverlayEventArgs This class provides data for the MarkerOverlay mouse events.
MouseLeaveMarkerOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MarkerOverlay mouse events.
MouseLeftButtonDownMarkerOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MarkerOverlay mouse events.
MouseLeftButtonUpMarkerOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MarkerOverlay mouse events.
MouseMapTool This class represents the mouse operation tools.
MouseMovedTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the MouseMoved. event.
OpenStreetMapOverlay This class represents the OpenStreetMapOverlay which requests images from OpenStreetMap's image server.
Overlay Serves as the base class that defines the properties and methods shared by all types of overlays.
PanZoomBarMapTool This class represents the panning and zooming panel in the upper left corner of the map.
PointMarkerStyle This class represents the ordinary point marker style.
ScaleLineMapTool This class represents a graphic line marked with numbers indicating the map's current scale.
ServerLayerOverlay This class represents an Overlay that connecting to native server layers.
SimpleMarkerOverlay This class represents a MarkerOverlay object to which you can add markers directly.
TiledWmsOverlay Represents an overlay object that gets map images from the WMS Server you specify.
TrackEndedTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs This is the default constructor of this parameter.
TrackEndingTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the TrackEnding. event.
TrackInteractiveOverlay This class inherits from InterativeOverlay abstract class. This specified overlay describle the TrackShape interative process with MapControl using Mouse or Keyborad.
TrackStartedTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the TrackStarted. event.
TrackStartingTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the TrackStarting. event.
VertexAddedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexAdded. event.
VertexAddedTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexAdded. event.
VertexAddingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexAdding. event.
VertexAddingTrackInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexAdding. event.
VertexMovedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexMoved. event.
VertexMovingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexMoving. event.
VertexRemovedEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexRemoved. event.
VertexRemovingEditInteractiveOverlayEventArgs Provides data for the VertexRemoving. event.
WmsOverlay Represents an overlay object that gets map images from the WMS server you specify.
WmtsOverlay This class represents an Overlay that retrieves tiles from server that follow the WMTS protocal.
WorldMapKitWmsWindowsPhoneOverlay This class represents an Overlay that retrieves tiles from ThinkGeo WorldMapKit Wms server.


Name Summary


Name Summary
BingMapsStyle This enumeration specifies the map types available from Bing Map.
ControlPointType This enumeration specified the control point type when editing a shape. The deafault value is None
DrawMode This enumeration represents the drawing mode for rendering map.
GoogleImageFormat This enum represents the Google Image Format requests by Google's static API.
GoogleMapType This enum represents the Google Maps Type requests from Google's static API.
InteractiveOverlayDrawType This enumeration specifies the mode to draw the InterativeOverlay when doing interactive actions with InterativeOverlay.
MouseCoordinateType This enumeration determines the MousePostion Type that appears when the pointer is moving on the map.
OverlayDrawType This enumeration specifies the mode to draw the InterativeOverlay when doing interactive actions with InterativeOverlay.
ProcessOtherOverlaysMode This enumeration specifies the mode to process other overlays when doing interactive actions with InterativeOverlay.
TileType This enumeration specifies whether the overlay uses tiling.
TrackMode TrackMode enumeration sets how the map will react to user interaction.
TransitionEffect This enumeration specifies the type of transition effect to use when the map is panned or zoomed.
WorldMapKitProjection This enumeration represents which projection will use for world map kit.


Name Summary



Name Summary
ConnectorPlugin This should be the base class of all connector plugins.
GeoKeyedCollection‹T› Represents a strong-typed collection that can be accessed by index or identifier of item.
ServerCache This class controls the cachablity of the map control at the server side.
ServerLayerOverlay Represent an Overlay that contains layers.
TileDrawingEventArgs This is the event arguments class for the TileDrawing event on the TileHandler class. It is raised before the tile is drawn.
TileDrawnEventArgs This is the event arguments class for the TileDrawn event on the TileHandler class. It is raised after the tile is drawn.
TileHandler Defines the contract that ASP.NET implements to synchronously process HTTP Web requests using custom HTTP handlers. Image tiles actually generate here.


Name Summary


Name Summary
WebImageFormat Specifies the format of the map image.


Name Summary
IRequireId This interface defines an Id property which is used by the GeoKeyedCollection.

WindowsPhoneEdition ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneEdition UpdateDocumentation WindowsPhoneMapConnector

thinkgeo.mapsuite.windowsphoneedition.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/16 21:59 (external edit)