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Wpf Samples

Zoom To Full Extent Wpf Sample for Wpf

This is a simple project that shows how to set the current extent based on a collection of layers. You can use this technique for the common task of having the map set to the full extent. Instead of having to manually set the full extent, you can pass all the layers you want the full extent to be based on.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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Rotate Events Sample for Wpf

This sample shows how to take the advantage of a touchable screen, to play with the map using fingers. You would see we can pan the map with one finger, zoom in/out or rotate a map using 2 fingers. Not only that, we can add a marker, and track/edit a shape (point, line or polygons) by tapping on the screen. And marker/popup/label won't rotate with the map. It is straightforward to use and checking out the code, you would see it is very simple to implement with Map Suite! It is available in or later.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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Touch Events Sample for Wpf

This sample shows how to take advantage of touch screen to manipulate that map using one’s fingers. Learn how the map can be panned, zoomed in and out or rotated using two fingers. On addition, markers can be added, and shapes can be added and edited by tapping the screen.

The sample code makes this straight forward to implement.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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Centering And Rotating Sample for Wpf

This project is the Wpf version of the services edition sample “Centering and Rotating On Moving Feature”, where we learn how to have the map always centered and rotated based on the location and direction of a moving vehicle. This issues addresses some issues you have to be aware of regarding both ShapeFileFeatureLayer and InMemoryFeatureLayer when applying rotation to the map.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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Multiple Jpeg2000 Raster Layer Sample for Wpf

This sample shows how to create a customized raster layer for loading multiple files. In this project, we create the MultipleJpeg2000RasterLayer to inherit from Layer to load multiple .jp2 files. You can use the world files or a RectangleShape which is the extent of the image in world coordinate.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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map_suite_desktop_for_wpf_zooming_panning_moving_samples.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/08 06:41 (external edit)