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WinForms Samples

Feature Ids To Exclude Sample for WinForms

The purpose of this project is to show how to use the FeatureIdsToExclude collection of FeatureLayer. In the project, you will see how you can exclude some features from being part of the GetFeaturesNearestTo function. Using that collection is a handy method for not taking into account some features in doing spatial queries, searching and even drawing without having to change the structure of the layer or create another layer.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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Create Inner Ring Sample for WinForms

In this Desktop project we create inner rings for a polygon, based on another polygon, using the GetDifference method. We also learn how to perform a Union on a collection of polygons, and how to set up the TrackEnded event.

To use this app, you need to track a polygon, double click to end it, and it will create an inner ring based on the unioned result of the polygons that are completely within the tracked polygon. You can look at the TrackEnded event handler to see all the different operations that are taking place for that task.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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Distance Query On Projected Layers Sample for WinForms

This sample shows how to use the method GetFeaturesWithDistanceOf when the data is projected. We just input the unit which is projected to, do not need to mind what the real unit is for the internal data before projection. It works fine with Map Suite Assemblies or later.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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Get Features Clicked On Sample for WinForms

The purpose of this project is to show the technique for finding the feature the user clicked on. To give the user the expected behavior, a buffer in screen coordinates needs to be set so that the feature gets selected within a constant distance in screen coordinates to where the user clicked, regardless of the zoom level.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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Intersect Line Sample for WinForms

In today’s project, we show how to split a line based on an intersecting line. To accomplish this task, basically two steps are needed. First, you need to find the crossing point using the GetCrossing function and then you split the line based on the crossing point using the GetLineOnLine function. If you are in the utilities industry working with electric network, gas pipes etc, you will find this project useful.

Please refer to [Wiki]( for the details.


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map_suite_desktop_for_winforms_spatial_functions_samples.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/08 06:38 (external edit)