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Map Suite Desktop Edition Release Change Log Version

Release date: 16/05/2011

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes
DesktopEdition 5 added 0 removed 0 breaking

API Changes


New namespaces: 0


Types added in new namespaces: 0

Types added to existing namespaces: 1

Total number of types added (in both new and existing namespaces): 2

Types removed from existing namespaces: 0


Members added on new types: 11

Members added to existing types: 4

Members removed from existing types: 0

Members removed on removed types: 0


Attributes added: 0

Attributes added and shown: 0

Attributes removed: 0

Attributes removed and shown: 0


Parameter name changes: 0

// Old assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\DesktopEdition\\Desktop Edition\DesktopEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of old assemblies: 1

// New assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\DesktopEdition\\Desktop Edition\DesktopEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of new assemblies: 1

DesktopEdition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.DesktopEdition {

public class BingMapsOverlay : Overlay {

public BingMapsOverlay();

public BingMapsOverlay(String applicationId);

public BingMapsOverlay(String applicationId, BingMapsMapType mapType);

public BingMapsOverlay(String applicationId, BingMapsMapType mapType, String cacheDirectory);

public BingMapsMapType MapType { get; set; }

public BingMapsPictureFormat CachePictureFormat { get; set; }

public Int32 TimeoutInSeconds { get; set; }

public String ApplicationId { get; set; }

public String CacheDirectory { get; set; }

public WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }

protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas);



public class ExtentInteractiveOverlay : InteractiveOverlay {


protected InMemoryFeatureLayer TrackZoomInLayer { get; set; }



public abstract class Overlay {

public virtual BitmapTileCache TileCache { get; set; }

public TimeSpan DrawingTime { get; protected set; }




public class WinformsMap : Control, IOleControl, IOleObject, IOleInPlaceObject, IOleInPlaceActiveObject, IOleWindow, IViewObject, IViewObject2, IPersist, IPersistStreamInit, IPersistPropertyBag, IPersistStorage, IQuickActivate, IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable {


public RectangleShape RestrictedExtent { get; set; }

public Bitmap GetBitmap(Single width, Single height);



public class WorldMapKitWmsDesktopOverlay : Overlay {

public override BitmapTileCache TileCache { get; set; }



public class WpfMap : Canvas, IDisposable {

public Bitmap GetBitmap(Single width, Single height);


} // end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.DesktopEdition

map_suite_desktop_edition_release_change_log_version_5.0.0.0.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/08 08:31 by admin