ThinkGeo Cloud Maps Query
ThinkGeo Cloud Maps Query provides RESTful APIs to perform spatial query against each types of data.
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ThinkGeo Cloud Maps Query provides the following RESTful APIs:
Get Features Within
Get the features that are within the target shape.
HTTP GET{queryLayer}/within
URL Parameters
queryLayer: The layer to query.
wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry.
srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326.
proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system.
maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100.
returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true.
featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response.
Visit GetFeaturesWithin and click “Try It Out” to explore this API online.
Get Features Containing
Get the features that contain the target shape.
HTTP GET{queryLayer}/containing
URL Parameters
queryLayer: The layer to query.
wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry.
srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326.
proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system.
maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100.
returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true.
featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response.
Visit GetFeaturesContaining and click “Try It Out” to explore this API online.
Get Features Intersecting
Get the features that intersect the target shape.
HTTP GET{queryLayer}/intersecting
URL Parameters
queryLayer: The layer to query.
wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry.
srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326.
proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system.
maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100.
returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true.
featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response.
Visit GetFeaturesIntersecting and click “Try It Out” to explore this API online.
Get Features Overlapping
Get the features that overlap the target shape.
HTTP GET{queryLayer}/overlapping
URL Parameters
queryLayer: The layer to query.
wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry.
srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326.
proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system.
maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100.
returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true.
featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response.
Visit GetFeaturesOverlapping and click “Try It Out” to explore this API online.
Get Features Touching
Get the features that touch the target shape.
HTTP GET{queryLayer}/touching
URL Parameters
queryLayer: The layer to query.
wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry.
srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326.
proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system.
maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100.
returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true.
featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response.
Visit GetFeaturesTouching and click “Try It Out” to explore this API online.
Get Features Nearest
Get the features that are nearest the target shape.
HTTP GET{queryLayer}/nearest
URL Parameters
queryLayer: The layer to query.
wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry.
srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326.
proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system.
searchRadius: Optional. The radius of the search area around the target geometry. If not specified, it's assumed that there is no limit.
searchRadiusUnit: Optional. The unit of measure in which the searchRadius is expressed. Defaults to Meter.
maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100.
returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true.
featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response.
Visit GetFeaturesNearest and click “Try It Out” to explore this API online.
Get Features Within Distance
Get the features that are within a certain distance of the target shape.
HTTP GET{queryLayer}/within-distance
URL Parameters
queryLayer: The layer to query.
wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry.
srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326.
proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system.
distance: Optional. The distance within which to find features. Defaults to 200.
distanceUnit: Optional. The unit of measure in which the distance is expressed. Defaults to Meter.
maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100.
returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true.
featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response.
Visit GetFeaturesWithinDistance and click “Try It Out” to explore this API online.
Get Features Custom
Perform a custom spatial query, using the specified query layer, spatial relationship type, and query feature.
POST Body (Content-Type: application/json)
"queryLayer": "string", //The layer to query.
"queryType": "string", //The type of query to perform. Value can be one of: "Within", "Containing", "Intersecting", "Overlapping", "Touching", "Nearest", "Within-Distance".
"wkt": "string", //The well-known text of the target geometry.
"srid": int, //Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326.
"proj4String": "string", //Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system.
"distance": double, //Optional. The distance within which to find features. Defaults to 200.
"distanceUnit": "string", //Optional. The unit of measure in which the distance is expressed. Defaults to Meter.
"searchRadius": double, //Optional. The radius of the search area around the target geometry. If not specified, it's assumed that there is no limit.
"searchRadiusUnit": "string", //Optional. The unit of measure in which the searchRadius is expressed. Defaults to Meter.
"maxResults": int, //Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100.
"returnFeatureAttributes": bool, //Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true.
"featureAttributesToReturn": [
] //Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response.
Visit GetFeaturesCustom and click “Try It Out” to explore this API online.
Get Query Layers
List the available query layers.
Visit GetQueryLayers and click “Try It Out” to explore this API online.
Get Attributes of Layer
List the feature attributes available on the given query layer.
HTTP GET{queryLayer}/attributes
URL Parameters
Visit GetAttributesOfLayer and click “Try It Out” to explore this API online.
Consume From Client Side SDKs
Online Sample:
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Desktop Sample:
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