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ThinkGeo Platform Coverage

ThinkGeo Products Platform Coverage

ThinkGeo UI products can run on various platforms. Here shows the platform coverage for each product.

Product Windows Linux Mac
Desktop for WPF
Web for Blazor
  • ✔: Fully Supported / Tested.
  • –: Not Full Tested.

ThinkGeo Nuget Package Platform Coverage

ThinkGeo components has multiple Nuget Packages which can runs on one or more platforms. Here shows platform coverage for each package.

Nuget Package Framework Windows Linux Mac
ThinkGeo.Core .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.Gdal .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.Ecw .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.UmanagedGeoTiff .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.Jpeg2000 .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.MrSid .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.UmanagedProj .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.NauticalCharts .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.FileGeoDatabase .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.PersonalGeoDatabase .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.Oracle .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.SqlServer .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.PostgreSql .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.Printers .NET Standard 2.1
ThinkGeo.UI.Wpf .NET Core 3.0
ThinkGeo.UI.Blazor .NET Standard 2.1
  • ✔: Done
  • ✘: Not Supported
  • O: Not supported for now and will support in the future
thinkgeo_platform_coverage.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/21 07:34 by tgwikiupdate