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Map Suite 12 Upgrade Guide

Map Suite 10.0 vs 12.0

The update to MapSuite 12.0 introduces a lot of exciting changes we have made to MapSuite. This guide will walk you through all of the changes and how to upgrade from 10.0 to 12.0 for your existing project. You can see an overview of these changes in the table below.

MapSuite9.0 MapSuite 10.0 MapSuite 12.0 Benefits
Core Functionality Assembly MapSuiteCore.dll Split into many assemblies Merge many assemblies into ThinkGeo.Core.dll Get the features you need
Core Functionality API The MapSuiteCore's API is different from the API in iOS/Android Same across all the products Same across all the products No need for multiple changes like before
Core Functionality Platforms supported Windows, iOS*, Android* Windows, Linux*, MacOS*, iOS, Android Windows, Linux*, MacOS*, iOS, Android Now supporting .net core
Distribution and updates Through Map Suite Product Center Through Nuget Through Nuget Much simpler, streamlined ability to update and install
Samples Map Suite Wiki Map Suite Wiki and Github Map Suite Wiki and Github More ways to get to our samples
Dependencies of some features (like MrSid/ECW) in Windows\System32 In bin folder In bin\runtimes folder Easier to deploy with less restrictions
Licensing Strategy Saved in Registry File Based File Based Now works on the platforms without registry, like Amazon BeanStalk or Linux

Upgrade To ThinkGeo 12

Assembly Changes

With the marriage of Map Suite Core, some of the assemblies have now changed. ThinkGeo12.0 has merged layers, styles, shapes and drawing assemblies into ThinkGeo.Core.dll so that you can access the features you need. See the table below for examples of these changes:

9.0 10.0 12.0
MapSuiteCore.dll ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.ShapeFile.dll
WpfDesktopEdition.dll ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Wpf.dll
WebApiEdition.dll ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebApi.dll

Namespaces Changes

In Map Suite 10.0, namespaces has been separated based on what its function is. Now, they mainly consisted of two parts: ThinkGeo.Core and an edition namespace like ThinkGeo.UI.wpf.

9.0 10.0 12.0
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core ThinkGeo.MapSuite contains common and basic classes for building Map Suite applications like GeographyUnit, GeoCollection, etc.
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Drawing contains drawing-related classes likes GeoImage, GeoSolidBrush, etc
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers contains some base classes like Layer, FeatureLayer, etc.
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Shapes contains geometry-related classes likes PlygonShape, LineShape, etc.
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Styles contains classes used for building map styles like AreaStyle, LineStyle, etc.
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEditionThinkGeo.MapSuite.Wpf ThinkGeo.UI.Wpf
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebApiEditionThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebApi ThinkGeo.UI.WebApi

API Changes

One big thing we decided to do is separate our Map Suite Core by functionality, such as shapes, layers, styles, symbologies, etc. There is still a low-level assembly that will be relied on by the other features. Some features have been changed to accommodate cross-platform support.

For example:

  // 9.0:
  public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);
  // 10.0:
  public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);
  public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(string shapePathFilename, FileAccess readWriteMode);
  // 9.0:    
  public WmsRasterLayer(Uri uri, WebProxy webProxy);
  // 10.0:
  public WmsRasterLayer(Uri uri, IWebProxy webProxy);
  // 12.0:
  public WmsRasterLayer(Uri uri, IWebProxy proxy);

The changes here to the GeoFileReadWriteModereadWriteMode and FileAccess features are made to .net standard use.

Upgrade To Map Suite 12 in Action

Using the Desktop for Wpf Hello World quickstart sample, here is a guide to upgrading to Map Suite 12.0:

Remove The Old Assemblies and Install New Packages

Please remove the old assemblies from the project.

In order to add the new packages, you must first update the project file(.csproj) to use .NetCore3.0.

Unload the project.

Update the project file.

Reload the project.

Remove the AssemblyInfo.cs

Next, the new packages will need to be installed. Search for ThinkGeo.UI.Wpf in the NuGet Package Manager and install the standard version. Please click OK to accept changes and then accept the license agreements.

If you want to get more information, please refer to the NuGet installation guide.

Change namespaces

Currently, the project still cannot build successfully as namespaces have changed in Map Suite 12.0. Some classes are marked with a red underline meaning this class is not found in all namespaces listed at the top of this file.

Right-Click on a class with a red underline and select Quick Actions and Refactorings. And select the first item in the popup and the missing namespaces will add to the current file automatically.

Also change the namespace in XAML.

Modify the necessary APIs

You will also need to manually change some of the classes to fit the new Map Suite 12.0 locations of the namespaces. The commented code is the previous code with the corrected code underneath. See the image below for reference:

Change the WpfMap to MapView in XAML.

The default output directory is changed in .NetCore3.0. So modify the relative path if you used.

90% of the API stays the same so that people won’t need to make any code changes. There might be some API changes for the remaining 10%, please check this change log for details.


Here are answers to some of the most common questions that we are asked about the MapSuite 12.0 upgrading. If you still have questions after reading these, feel free to post them our discussion forum. Our forums are monitored by our development staff in order to provide detailed and technical answers when you need them.

How to use MapEngine MapSuite 12.0?

There is no MapEngine any more, there are two options for you:

  1. If you use MapEngine to draw the layer. Please use layer to draw directly.;
  2. If you use some more functions like zoom, pan, etc. You can do:
    • Use Wpf or WinFoms products instead of MapEngine;
    • Use MapUtil.XXX();
  3. If you still want to use MapEngine, we already make MapEngine opensource, please download this source file.

If you want to know how to implement your feature with MapSuite 12.0, please refer the samples in GitHub

Where is GdiPlusXXX?

ThinkGeo 12.0 is base on .net core, so we use SkiaSharp instead of GdiPlus to render map.

The new name is GdiPlusGeoCanvas now is something like PlatformGeoCanvas or SkiaGeoCanvas, GdiPlusRasterLayer now is NativeImageRasterLayer on Windows.

How to use the WorldMapKit?

The OsmWorldMapKitLayer hadn't been supported in version 12.

If you want to use WorldMapKit as background layer, please just choose ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsLayer and ThinkGeoCloudVectorMapsLayer instead of it.

How to process breaking change?

We have a breaking change page, please refer products wiki page for API change log.


We can already see the benefit of using the new ThinkGeo NuGet packages. You can do everything from within Visual Studio via the console or GUI, and you can check for component updates in real-time. You could easily setup your own NuGet server for your team and share your project.

For a complete ThinkGeo 12.0 API list, please check here.

thinkgeo_12_upgrade_guide.1571642056.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/21 07:14 by tgwikiupdate