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Map Suite World Map Kit Online

The Map Suite World Map Kit Online is a cloud-based map service, offering detailed street, aerial, and hybrid maps of the globe that your applications can consume directly over the Internet. Because ThinkGeo maintains the servers for you, you won't have to worry about distributing huge datasets to your clients. Just add a few lines of code to your application and the entire world is at your fingertips.

Product Guides

This guide helps you get you up to speed with integrating the World Map Kit Online map control into your GIS software.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • General Questions

    These FAQ's cover general questions about the World Map Kit Online service.

  • Technical Questions

    These FAQ's cover the technical aspects of the World Map Kit Online service.


You can view an interactive sample of Map Suite World Map Kit here.

Help & Support Guides

map_suite_world_map_kit_online.1441850962.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/10 02:09 by admin