Table of Contents

Map Suite Web Edition Release Change Log All Versions


Release date: 05/14/2012


New namespaces: 0


Types added in new namespaces: 0

Types added to existing namespaces: 3

Total number of types added (in both new and existing namespaces): 3

Types removed from existing namespaces: 0


Members added on new types: 11

Members added to existing types: 11

Members removed from existing types: 6

Members removed on removed types: 0


Attributes added: 0

Attributes added and shown: 0

Attributes removed: 0

Attributes removed and shown: 0


Parameter name changes: 0

// Old assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WebEdition\\Web Edition\WebEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of old assemblies: 1

// New assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WebEdition\\Web Edition\WebEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of new assemblies: 1

WebEdition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition {


public class BingMapsOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerializable {

[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete and maybe removed on or after May 1st 2012, please use Credentials instead.")]

public Uri JavaScriptLibraryUri { get; set; }



public class GoogleOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerializable {


public Boolean CenterOnStreetView {







public Boolean TrafficEnabled {







public GoogleStreetView GoogleStreetView { get; set; }



public class GoogleStreetView : IJsonSerializable {

public GoogleStreetView(PointShape position);

public GoogleStreetView(PointShape position, Int32 width, Int32 height);


public Boolean Enabled {







public Int32 Height {







public Int32 Width {







public PointShape Position {






public String ToJson();





[ToolboxDataAttribute("<{0}:Map id="Map1" width="640px" height="480px" runat="server">")]

public class Map : Panel, IPostBackEventHandler, IPostBackDataHandler, IJsonSerializable, ICallbackEventHandler {

public GeoCanvas GeoCanvas {








public class OpenStreetMapOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerializable {


public Collection CustomServerUris { get; }


public OpenStreetMapType MapType { get; set; }


public enum OpenStreetMapType {








[GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]

public class ThemeResource {


} // end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition


Release date: 12/31/2011

No API changes in this version.


Release date: 11/14/2011


New namespaces: 0


Types added in new namespaces: 0

Types added to existing namespaces: 0

Total number of types added (in both new and existing namespaces): 0

Types removed from existing namespaces: 3


Members added on new types: 0

Members added to existing types: 4

Members removed from existing types: 4

Members removed on removed types: 19


Attributes added: 9

Attributes added and shown: 9

Attributes removed: 7

Attributes removed and shown: 7


Parameter name changes: 0

// Old assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WebEdition\\Web Edition\WebEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of old assemblies: 1

// New assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WebEdition\\Web Edition\WebEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of new assemblies: 1

WebEdition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition {


public class BingMapsOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerializable {

public BingMapsOverlay(BingMapsStyle bingMapsMapType, String credentials);

public BingMapsOverlay(String id, BingMapsStyle bingMapsMapType, String credentials);


public String Credentials { get; set; }

[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete and maybe removed on or after May 1st 2012, please use Credentials instead.")]

public Uri JavaScriptLibraryUri { get; set; }

protected override void RegisterJavaScriptLibraryCore(Page page);


public enum BingMapsStyle {












[ToolboxDataAttribute("<{0}:Map id="Map1" width="640px" height="480px" runat="server">")]

public class Map : Panel, IPostBackEventHandler, IPostBackDataHandler, IJsonSerializable, ICallbackEventHandler {

protected override void OnUnload(EventArgs e);

[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete and maybe removed on or after November 1st 2011, please use ZoomLevelSet instead.")]

public Collection ClientZoomLevelScales { get; }

[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011, please use ZoomLevelSet instead.")]

public void SyncClientZoomLevels(IEnumerable zoomLevels);

[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011, please use ZoomLevelSet instead.")]

public void SyncClientZoomLevels(ZoomLevelSet zoomLevelSet);



public class TouchMapTool : MapTool, IJsonSerializable {


public sealed enum GoogleApiVersion; // removed

public sealed enum VirtualEarthMapType; // removed

public class VirtualEarthOverlay; // removed

} // end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition


Release date: 07/07/2011

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes
WebEdition 9 added 9 removed 9 breaking

API Changes


New namespaces: 0


Types added in new namespaces: 0

Types added to existing namespaces: 0

Total number of types added (in both new and existing namespaces): 0

Types removed from existing namespaces: 0


Members added on new types: 0

Members added to existing types: 5

Members removed from existing types: 5

Members removed on removed types: 0


Attributes added: 4

Attributes added and shown: 4

Attributes removed: 4

Attributes removed and shown: 4


Parameter name changes: 0

// Old assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WebEdition\\Web Edition\WebEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of old assemblies: 1

// New assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WebEdition\\Web Edition\WebEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of new assemblies: 1

WebEdition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition {

public enum GoogleMapType {









[ToolboxDataAttribute("<{0}:Map id="Map1" width="640px" height="480px" runat="server">")]

public class Map : Panel, IPostBackEventHandler, IPostBackDataHandler, IJsonSerializable, ICallbackEventHandler {

Boolean 1xY=(String 2BY=, NameValueCollection 2RY=);

void 3BY=();

String 6BY=();

void 6RY=(String 6hY=);

void wxY=(String xBY=);

void hRQ=(String hhQ=);

Boolean mxQ=(String nBQ=, NameValueCollection nRQ=);

void oBQ=();

String rBQ=();

void rRQ=(String rhQ=);


} // end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition


Release date: 05/16/2011

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes
WebEdition 34 added 15 removed 15 breaking

API Changes


New namespaces: 0


Types added in new namespaces: 0

Types added to existing namespaces: 5

Total number of types added (in both new and existing namespaces): 6

Types removed from existing namespaces: 0


Members added on new types: 24

Members added to existing types: 19

Members removed from existing types: 11

Members removed on removed types: 0


Attributes added: 9

Attributes added and shown: 9

Attributes removed: 4

Attributes removed and shown: 4


Parameter name changes: 0

// Old assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WebEdition\\Web Edition\WebEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of old assemblies: 1

// New assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WebEdition\\Web Edition\WebEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of new assemblies: 1

WebEdition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition {


public class AdornmentOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerializable {

public AdornmentOverlay();

public AdornmentOverlay(String id);

public GeoCollection Layers { get; }

public void Draw(GeoCanvas canvas);

protected override String OverlayType { get; }

protected virtual void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas);



public class BingMapsOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerializable {

public BingMapsOverlay();

public BingMapsOverlay(String id);

public BingMapsOverlay(String id, BingMapsStyle bingMapsMapType);


public BingMapsStyle MapType { get; set; }

public Uri JavaScriptLibraryUri { get; set; }


protected override Boolean HasTickEvent { get; }


protected override String OverlayType { get; }

protected override void RegisterJavaScriptLibraryCore(Page page);


public enum BingMapsStyle {










public class ContextMenuItem : IJsonSerializable, IRequireId {


protected Boolean HasClickEvent { get; }


protected Boolean x344e25ba6f852b91 { get; }


public enum GoogleApiVersion {




public enum GoogleMapType {







public class HighlightFeatureOverlay : FeatureOverlay {


protected Boolean HasClickEvent { get; }


protected Boolean x344e25ba6f852b91 { get; }



public class LayerOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerializable {


protected String ExtraParameter { get; set; }


protected String Projection { get; set; }


protected String x24de2020d798fbed {







protected String x36a1c54ed8069fa5 {










[ToolboxDataAttribute("<{0}:Map id="Map1" width="640px" height="480px" runat="server">")]

public class Map : Panel, IPostBackEventHandler, IPostBackDataHandler, IJsonSerializable, ICallbackEventHandler {


public AdornmentOverlay AdornmentOverlay { get; }

[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete and maybe removed on or after November 1st 2011, please use ZoomLevelSet instead.")]

public Collection ClientZoomLevelScales { get; }

public ZoomLevelSet ZoomLevelSet { get; set; }

[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011, please use ZoomLevelSet instead.")]

public void SyncClientZoomLevels(ZoomLevelSet zoomLevelSet);

[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011, please use ZoomLevelSet instead.")]

public void SyncClientZoomLevels(IEnumerable zoomLevels);


protected AdornmentOverlay AdornmentOverlayForJson { get; }

void hRQ=(String hhQ=);

Boolean mxQ=(String nBQ=, NameValueCollection nRQ=);

void oBQ=();

String rBQ=();

void rRQ=(String rhQ=);

void x3296715cc7992de2(String x055cc4f8164153bb);

void x33ef4257b549df3e(String x055cc4f8164153bb);

Boolean x57b61acc3e039aed(String x96adbb16060a076f, NameValueCollection x13e9d0e2d3dc9cb2);

void x7575b543ad8624ce();

String xfb110a2a6367e230();



public class MapTools : IJsonSerializable {


public TouchMapTool TouchMapTool { get; }


public enum MouseCoordinateType {




public class OverlaySwitcherMapTool : MapTool, IJsonSerializable {


public GeoColor RoundedCornerColor { get; set; }


public class TouchMapTool : MapTool, IJsonSerializable {

public TouchMapTool();


[ObsoleteAttribute("This enum is obsolete, please use enum: BingMapsStyle. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)]

public enum VirtualEarthMapType {


[ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete, please use class: BingMapsOverlay. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)]


public class VirtualEarthOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerializable {

public VirtualEarthOverlay(String id, VirtualEarthMapType virtualEarthMapType, String applicationKey);


public String ApplicationKey { get; set; }



public class WebImage : IJsonSerializable {


protected|internal String IconImagePath { get; }


protected|internal String xe852a90d3e8c3f5b { get; }



public class WmsOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerializable {


protected String Projection { get; set; }


protected String x36a1c54ed8069fa5 {







} // end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition


Release date: 11/01/2010

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes
WebEdition 5 added 0 removed 0 breaking

API Changes


New namespaces: 0


Types added in new namespaces: 0

Types added to existing namespaces: 3

Total number of types added (in both new and existing namespaces): 3

Types removed from existing namespaces: 0


Members added on new types: 19

Members added to existing types: 2

Members removed from existing types: 0

Members removed on removed types: 0


Attributes added: 0

Attributes added and shown: 0

Attributes removed: 0

Attributes removed and shown: 0


Parameter name changes: 0

// Old assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WebEdition\\Web Edition\WebEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of old assemblies: 1

// New assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WebEdition\\Web Edition\WebEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of new assemblies: 1

WebEdition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition {

public class ClusterMarkerStyle : MarkerStyle {

public ClusterMarkerStyle();

public ClusterMarkerStyle(Double distance, Double mapWidth, Double mapHeight);

public Double DistanceInPixel { get; set; }

public Double MapHeight { get; set; }

public Double MapWidth { get; set; }

public MarkerStyle MarkerStyle { get; set; }

public override Collection GetMarkers(IEnumerable features);


public class GeoResourceFactory : IHttpHandlerFactory {

protected virtual IHttpHandler GetHandlerCore(HttpContext context);


public class MultiThreadTileResource : IHttpAsyncHandler, IHttpHandler, IReadOnlySessionState, IRequiresSessionState {

public MultiThreadTileResource();

public Boolean IsReusable { get; }

public IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, Object extraData);

public void EndProcessRequest(IAsyncResult result);

public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context);

protected virtual IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequestCore(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, Object extraData);

protected virtual void EndProcessRequestCore(IAsyncResult result);

protected virtual void ProcessRequestCore(HttpContext context);


public class SingleThreadTileResource : IHttpHandler, IReadOnlySessionState, IRequiresSessionState {

public SingleThreadTileResource();

public Boolean IsReusable { get; }

public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context);

protected virtual void ProcessRequestCore(HttpContext context);



public class WebImage : IJsonSerializable {

public GeoColor TextBackgroundColor { get; set; }


} // end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition


Release date: 6/15/2010

No API changes in this version.


Release date: 5/21/2010

No API changes in this version.


Release date: 5/1/2010

Introduced Map Suite 4.0. There are several API additions in this release, but no breaking changes. Please see the attached HTML web page for a complete enumeration of the API changes and additions.

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes Percent Churn
webedition (1389) 136 added 0 removed 0 breaking 9.8% churn

Changes in webedition from 3.1.299 (Version 2.0.50727.3603) to (Version 2.0.50727.3603)

The Html can't be transformered.

Version 3.1.299

Release date: 11/16/2009

Five new APIs were introduced in this version. There are no breaking changes. Please see the attached Word document for a complete enumeration of the changes.

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes Percent Churn
webedition (1247) 5 added 0 removed 0 breaking 0.4% churn

Changes in webedition from 3.1.273 (Version 2.0.50727.3082) to 3.1.299 (Version 2.0.50727.3082)



public abstract class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.FeatureOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Constructor: protected FeatureOverlay ()
  • Constructor: protected FeatureOverlay (string id)
  • Constructor: protected FeatureOverlay (string id, bool isBaseOverlay)

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.OverlaySwitcherMapTool ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: string BaseOverlayTitle { public get; public set; }
  • Property: string DynamicOverlayTitle { public get; public set; }

Version 3.1.273

Release date: 10/22/2009

A small number of new APIs were introduced in this version. There are no breaking changes. Please see the attached Word document for a complete enumeration of the changes.

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes Percent Churn
webedition (1242) 23 added 0 removed 0 breaking 1.9% churn

Changes in webedition from 3.1.182 (Version 2.0.50727.3082) to 3.1.273 (Version 2.0.50727.3082)



public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.ContextMenuItem ()

--> NONE <--

  • Constructor: public ContextMenuItem (string innerHtml, string cssClass, string hoverCssClass, string id)

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.Map ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: bool IsDomTreeCollectedWhenPostback { public get; public set; }

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition WorldMapKitWmsWebOverlay ()


public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.WorldMapKitWmsWebOverlay

--> NONE <--

  • Constructor: public WorldMapKitWmsWebOverlay ()
  • Constructor: public WorldMapKitWmsWebOverlay (string id)
  • Constructor: public WorldMapKitWmsWebOverlay (string id, TileType tileType)
  • Method (i)> public virtual bool Equals (object obj)
  • Method (i)> protected virtual void Finalize ()
  • Method (i)> public virtual int GetHashCode ()
  • Method (i)> public Type GetType ()
  • Method (i)> protected object MemberwiseClone ()
  • Method (i)> protected virtual void RegisterJavaScriptLibraryCore (Page page)
  • Method (i)> public virtual string ToJson ()
  • Method (i)> public virtual string ToString ()
  • Property: virtual string Id { public get; }
  • Property: virtual bool IsBaseOverlay { public get; public set; }
  • Property: virtual bool IsVisible { public get; public set; }
  • Property: bool IsVisibleInOverlaySwitcher { public get; public set; }
  • Property: string Name { public get; public set; }
  • Property: float Opacity { public get; public set; }
  • Property: protected override string OverlayType { }
  • Property: WorldMapKitProjection Projection { public get; public set; }
  • Property: TileType TileType { public get; public set; }
  • Property: TransitionEffect TransitionEffect { public get; public set; }

Version 3.1.182

Release date: 7/23/2009

A handful of new APIs were introduced in this version. There are no breaking changes.

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes Percent Churn
webedition (1219) 32 added 0 removed 0 breaking 2.6% churn

Changes in webedition from 3.1.124 (Version 2.0.50727.3053) to 3.1.182 (Version 2.0.50727.3053)



public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.ContextMenuItem ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: protected bool x344e25ba6f852b91 { }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.EditFeatureOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: ProtectedInternal Collection`1 JsonFeatures { }

public abstract class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.FeatureOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: ProtectedInternal Collection`1 JsonFeatures { }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.FeatureSourceMarkerOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: ProtectedInternal bool HasClickEvent { }
  • Property: ProtectedInternal bool IsDefault { }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.HighlightFeatureOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: ProtectedInternal Collection`1 JsonFeatures { }
  • Property: protected bool x344e25ba6f852b91 { }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.InMemoryMarkerOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: ProtectedInternal bool HasClickEvent { }
  • Property: ProtectedInternal bool IsDefault { }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.LayerOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: bool IsMultiThreadDisabled { public get; public set; }
  • Property: protected string x24de2020d798fbed { }
  • Property: protected string x36a1c54ed8069fa5 { }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.Map ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: protected double CenterX { }
  • Property: protected double CenterY { }
  • Property: protected Collection`1 ClientResolutions { }
  • Property: protected LayerOverlay DynamicOverlayForJson { }
  • Property: protected bool HasBaseLayerChangedEvent { }
  • Property: protected bool HasClickEvent { }
  • Property: protected bool HasDoubleClickEvent { }
  • Property: protected bool HasExtentChangedEvent { }
  • Property: protected bool HasTrackShapeEndEvent { }
  • Property: protected InMemoryMarkerOverlay MarkerOverlayForJson { }
  • Property: protected string PageName { }
  • Property: protected string PageRootPath { }
  • Property: protected LayerOverlay StaticOverlayForJson { }

public abstract class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.MarkerOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: ProtectedInternal bool HasClickEvent { }
  • Property: ProtectedInternal bool IsDefault { }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.SimpleMarkerOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: ProtectedInternal bool HasClickEvent { }
  • Property: protected bool HasMarkerDraggedEvent { }
  • Property: ProtectedInternal bool IsDefault { }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.WebImage ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: ProtectedInternal string xe852a90d3e8c3f5b { }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.WmsOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: protected string x36a1c54ed8069fa5 { }

Version 3.1.124

Release date: 5/26/2009

Minor API changes were introduced in this version. There are no breaking changes.

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes Percent Churn
webedition (1187) 19 added 1 removed 0 breaking 1.6% churn

Changes in webedition from 3.1.16 (Version 2.0.50727.3053) to 3.1.124 (Version 2.0.50727.3053)



public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.FeatureSourceMarkerOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: int SuppressingGridSize { public get; public set; }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.InMemoryMarkerOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: int SuppressingGridSize { public get; public set; }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.LayerOverlay ()

  • Property: ServerCache ServerCache { public get; public set; }
  • [[Obsolete:|We would make changes to the server cache. If you are using the server cache, please contact the support of]]Property: ServerCache ServerCache { public get; public set; }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.Map ()

--> NONE <--

  • Method: protected virtual void RegisterJavascriptLibraryCore ()
  • Property: bool IsDefaultJavascriptLibraryDisabled { public get; public set; }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.Marker ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: bool IsVisible { public get; public set; }

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition MarkerDraggedEventArgs ()


public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.MarkerDraggedEventArgs

--> NONE <--

  • Constructor: public MarkerDraggedEventArgs ()
  • Constructor: public MarkerDraggedEventArgs (string markerId, PointShape markerPosition)
  • Method (i)> public virtual bool Equals (object obj)
  • Method (i)> protected virtual void Finalize ()
  • Method (i)> public virtual int GetHashCode ()
  • Method (i)> public Type GetType ()
  • Method (i)> protected object MemberwiseClone ()
  • Method (i)> public virtual string ToString ()
  • Property: string MarkerId { public get; public set; }
  • Property: PointShape MarkerPosition { public get; public set; }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.ServerCache ()

--> NONE <--

  • Property: string CacheId { public get; public set; }

public class ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition.SimpleMarkerOverlay ()

--> NONE <--

  • Event: public event EventHandler`1 MarkerDragged
  • Method: protected void OnMarkerDragged (MarkerDraggedEventArgs e)

Version 3.1.16

Release date: 2/6/2009

Very minor API changes were introduced in this version. There are no breaking changes.

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes Percent Churn
webedition (1169) 4 added 1 removed 0 breaking 0.3% churn

Version 3.1.0

Release date: 1/22/2009

A large number of API changes and improvements have been introduced in this version, including the following breaking changes:

  • Map.GetFullExtent method has been removed
  • Map.Mode property has been removed
  • Map.EditLayer has been changed to Map.EditOverlay
  • The HighlightOverlay class has been changed to HighlightFeatureOverlay class
  • HighlightOverlayClickEventArgs has been renamed to HighlightFeatureOverlayClickEventArgs
  • HighlightOverlayStyle has been changed to FeatureOverlayStyle
  • Map.ZoomPercentage property has been removed
  • FeatureMarkerOverlay has been renamed to FeatureSourceMarkerOverlay
  • The type of Features on the InMemoryMarkerOverlay has been changed from Dictionary to GeoCollection
  • WmsOverlay.Projection has been removed
  • ScreenOffsetX and ScreenOffsetY has been changed to OffsetXInPixels and OffsetYInPixels on the Popup class
  • ClickTarget property on the ContextMenuItemClickEventArgs class has been removed

Please see the attached Word document for a complete list of all breaking changes, and examples of how you should migrate your code to comply with the revised API.

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes Percent Churn
webedition (1142) 172 added 0 removed 89 breaking 15.1% churn

Breaking Changes since Version 3.0.131

Map.GetFullExtent method is removed

Description: In version 3.1.0, the Map.GetFullExtent method has been removed. If you really want to know the “full extent” of the map, you can call the LayerOverlay.GetBoundingBox method of each LayerOverlay of the map and merge them.

Map.Mode property is removed


In version 3.1.0, the Map.Mode property has been removed. The Map.EditOverlay is responsible for anything related to shape editing. Please use the Map.EditOverlay.TrackMode instead. Note that Mode.Normal is replaced by the TrackMode.None, which means the editing mode is disabled.

In Version 3.0.131:

        Map1.Mode = Mode.Normal;
        Map1.Mode = Mode.TrackPoint;
        Map1.Mode = Mode.TrackLine;
        Map1.Mode = Mode.TrackPolygon;
        Map1.Mode = Mode.TrackRectangle;
        Map1.Mode = Mode.TrackSquare;
        Map1.Mode = Mode.TrackCircle;
        Map1.Mode = Mode.TrackEllipse;
        Map1.Mode = Mode.EditShape;

In Version 3.1.0:

        Map1.EditOverlay.TrackMode = TrackMode.None;
        Map1.EditOverlay.TrackMode = TrackMode.Point;
        Map1.EditOverlay.TrackMode = TrackMode.Line;
        Map1.EditOverlay.TrackMode = TrackMode.Polygon;
        Map1.EditOverlay.TrackMode = TrackMode.Rectangle;
        Map1.EditOverlay.TrackMode = TrackMode.Square;
        Map1.EditOverlay.TrackMode = TrackMode.Circle;
        Map1.EditOverlay.TrackMode = TrackMode.Ellipse;
        Map1.EditOverlay.TrackMode = TrackMode.Edit;
Map.EditLayer is changed to Map.EditOverlay


In version 3.1.0, the architecture of the editing system has changed. It is now the Map.EditOverlay that takes responsibility for shape editing. Map.EditOverlay has the Features collection, whose features are serialized to the client and drawn. It has the Style property that determines how those features are drawn. Its TrackMode property determines whether you can draw or edit shapes, and the EditSettings property allows you to control how to edit shapes.

In Version 3.0.131:

        Map1.EditLayer.InternalFeatures.Add(feature.Id, feature);

In Version 3.1.0:

        Map1.EditOverlay.Features.Add(feature.Id, feature);
	Map1.EditOverlay.Style.FillColor = GeoColor.StandardColors.LightGreen;
        Map1.EditOverlay.TrackMode = TrackMode.Edit;
        Map1.EditOverlay.EditSettings.IsRotatable = false;
        Map1.EditOverlay.EditSettings.IsDraggable = false;
        Map1.EditOverlay.EditSettings.IsResizable = false;
        Map1.EditOverlay.EditSettings.IsReshapable = true;
The HighlightOverlay class is changed to HighlightFeatureOverlay class


In version 3.1.0, the HighlightOverlay class has changed to the HighlightFeatureOverlay class, which is derived from FeatureOverlay. The Map.HighlightOverlay is a real overlay object now. It has some property changes – for example, the HoverStyle is now changed to HighlightStyle.

In Version 3.0.131:

        Map1.HighlightOverlay.Style = new FeatureOverlayStyle();
        Map1.HighlightOverlay.HoverStyle = new HighlightOverlayStyle(GeoColor.FromArgb(120, GeoColor.StandardColors.OrangeRed), GeoColor.StandardColors.DarkGreen, 1);

In Version 3.1.0:

        Map1.HighlightOverlay.Style = new FeatureOverlayStyle();
        Map1.HighlightOverlay.HighlightStyle.FillColor = GeoColor.FromArgb(120, GeoColor.StandardColors.OrangeRed);
        Map1.HighlightOverlay.HighlightStyle.OutlineColor = GeoColor.StandardColors.DarkGreen;
        Map1.HighlightOverlay.HighlightStyle.OutlineWidth = 1;
HighlightOverlayClickEventArgs is renamed to HighlightFeatureOverlayClickEventArgs


In version 3.1.0, the HighlightOverlayClickEventArgs class has been renamed to HighlightFeatureOverlayClickEventArgs.

In Version 3.0.131:

        Map1.HighlightOverlay.Click += new EventHandler<HighlightOverlayClickEventArgs>(HighlightOverlay_Click);

In Version 3.1.0:

        Map1.HighlightOverlay.Click += new EventHandler<HighlightFeatureOverlayClickEventArgs>(HighlightOverlay_Click);
HighlightOverlayStyle is changed to FeatureOverlayStyle


In version 3.1.0, the HighlightOverlayStyle has been renamed to FeatureOverlayStyle, which determines how the features are drawn at the client side. The FeatureOverlayStyle is used by both EditFeatureOverlay and HighlightFeatureOverlay classes.

In Version 3.0.131:

        HighlightOverlayStyle style = new HighlightOverlayStyle();
        HighlightOverlayStyle hoverStyle = new HighlightOverlayStyle();

In Version 3.1.0:

        FeatureOverlayStyle style = new FeatureOverlayStyle();
        FeatureOverlayStyle hoverStyle = new FeatureOverlayStyle();
Map.ZoomPercentage property is removed

Description: In version 3.1.0, the Map.ZoomPercentage has been removed. Now the Map.ZoomIn and Map.ZoomOut methods will zoom the map by one zoomlevel, instead of by percentage.

FeatureMarkerOverlay is renamed to FeatureSourceMarkerOverlay

Description: In version 3.1.0, the FeatureMarkerOverlay has been renamed to the FeatureSourceMarkerOverlay, which makes more sense.

In Version 3.0.131:

        FeatureMarkerOverlay markerOverlay = new FeatureMarkerOverlay("Markers");
        markerOverlay.FeatureSource = new ShapeFileFeatureSource(MapPath("~/SampleData/USA/cities_a.shp"));

In Version 3.1.0:

        FeatureSourceMarkerOverlay markerOverlay = new FeatureSourceMarkerOverlay("Markers");
        markerOverlay.FeatureSource = new ShapeFileFeatureSource(MapPath("~/SampleData/USA/cities_a.shp"));
The type of Features on the InMemoryMarkerOverlay is changed from Dictionary to GeoCollection


In version 3.1.0, the InMemoryMarkerOverlay.Features has been changed from Dictionary to GeoCollection. Now you can use foreach to loop through the features directly.

In Version 3.0.131:

        foreach (string key in Map1.MarkerOverlay.Features.Keys)
            Feature feature = Map1.MarkerOverlay.Features[[key]];

In Version 3.1.0:

        foreach (Feature feature in Map1.MarkerOverlay.Features)
WmsOverlay.Projection is removed


In version 3.1.0, the WmsOverlay.Projection property has been replaced by the WmsOverlay.GetBaseEpsgProjection and WmsOverlay.SetBaseEpsgProjection methods.

In Version 3.0.131:

        WmsOverlay wms = new WmsOverlay("WMS Layer");
        wms.Projection = "EPSG:900913";

In Version 3.1.0:

        WmsOverlay wms = new WmsOverlay("WMS Layer");
ScreenOffsetX and ScreenOffsetY are changed to OffsetXInPixels and OffsetYInPixels on the Popup class


In version 3.1.0, the ScreenOffsetX and ScreenOffsetY properties on the CloudPopup and CustomPopup classes has been renamed to OffsetXInPixels and OffsetYInPixels.

In Version 3.0.131:

        CloudPopup samplePopup = new CloudPopup("samplePopup", position, contentHtml.ToString(), 400, 290);
        samplePopup.ScreenOffsetX = 10;
        samplePopup.ScreenOffsetY = 10;

In Version 3.1.0:

        CloudPopup samplePopup = new CloudPopup("samplePopup", position, contentHtml.ToString(), 400, 290);
        samplePopup.OffsetXInPixels = 10;
        samplePopup.OffsetYInPixels = 10;
ClickTarget property on the ContextMenuItemClickEventArgs class is removed


In version 3.1.0, the ClickTarget property on the ContextMenuItemClickEventArgs class has been removed.