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Map Suite OpenStreetMap Data Guide

This offering is obsolete if you are looking for Open Street Map Data please check out the World Map Kit SDK offering.

GIS professionals know that acquiring map data can be one of the biggest and most expensive stumbling blocks in a mapping project. That's why we're now offering the free geographic data of in ready-to-download Shapefiles that work natively with our Map Suite developer controls and applications. Detailed map data is available for many nations of the world, is separated by country, and is updated weekly.

To Download make sure you are logged in to this website, then visit our To download the data, visit the Evaluations Downloads Page to access our OpenStreetMap Data Server.

What Is OpenStreetMap?

OpenStreetMap is an online, crowdsourced database of geographic information, made available in a manner similar to Wikipedia. Its users gather location data from a variety of sources and upload it to OpenStreetMap, where it can later be reviewed, edited and corrected as necessary by others. Because this data is unencumbered by costly licensing or royalties, it's one of the most affordable ways to start creating detailed* and up-to-date maps of your region.

Recognizing the value of OpenStreetMap as an affordable and accurate source of geographic data, we've put together a free repository of this data on our own OpenStreetMap Data Server that has been converted to industry-standard Shapefile (.shp) format. This makes it easier for GIS professionals to use with Map Suite and the other GIS software that they're already familiar with.

Advantages of ThinkGeo's OpenStreetMap Shapefile Data

*We convert OpenStreetMap’s data into Shapefile (.shp) format for native use with Map Suite. *Maps can be downloaded and used locally without requiring an Internet connection or relying on potentially slow WMS services. *Detailed data is available for many countries of the world. *Maps are often updated more frequently than data from other sources, such as the U.S. Census Bureau. *Data is offered free of charge under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

How To Download

Make sure you are logged in to this website, then visit the Evaluations Downloads Page to access our OpenStreetMap Data Server.

Please note that the data server may not yet include all of the world's countries. If you need OpenStreetMap Shapefile data for a country that is not yet available, please let us know.

Available Layers

The data on our OpenStreetMap Data Server is separated by country, with each country having its own downloadable package. Every package that you download contains an individual Shapefile for each of the following layers. For more details about these layers and what their various data columns mean, please click on any layer names below.

Layer Type Description
adminareas_lvlxx.shp Polygon Administrative areas representing national and subnational regions.
boundaries.shp Line Borders between countries/states
buildings.shp Polygon Building outlines
coastline.shp Line Coastline (where applicable)
landuse.shp Polygon Forests, residential areas, industrial areas, etc.
places.shp Point Cities, towns, suburbs, villages, etc.
pofw.shp Point Places of worship such as churches, mosques, etc.
pois.shp Point Points of interest including schools, government offices, etc.
power.shp Point Power generators, substations, etc.
powerlines.shp Line Power lines
railways.shp Line Railway, subways, light rail, trams, etc.
railwaystations.shp Point Railway stations and halts, tram stops, etc.
roads.shp Line Roads, tracks, paths, etc.
water.shp Polygon Lakes, etc.
waterways.shp Line Rivers, canals, streams, etc.



These polygon-based layers contain administrative areas that represent national and subnational regions. They are classified according to an “admin level”, which ranges from 1 to 11.

The adminarea data is divided into separate layers (and therefore distinct Shapefiles) for each available admin level. Lower admin levels like 2 or 3 represent larger regions (nations, states, provinces), while higher level numbers like 8 or 9 represent smaller regions (towns, municipalities, settlements).

If there are any adminareas that do not have a level assigned, they will be placed in an adminareas_general layer. Additionally, the region you have downloaded may also have an adminareas.shp file which contains all of the adminarea features, regardless of their level, in a single layer.

Many countries in OpenStreetMap assign different meanings to the various adminarea levels. The official OpenStreetMap wiki offers a comprehensive matrix of admin level definitions so that you can see which level corresponds to which kind of region for the area you are downloading.

In general, countries of the world may use admin levels from 2 to 10, with the only approved level-1 adminarea being the European Union. Additionally, some countries (such as Germany and the Netherlands) use an 11th admin level for neighborhoods and the like.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. For adminareas, this will contain the admin level number. In the case of national borders, the fclass will be “national”.
name String The name of the feature.

A Note about Adminarea Data Quality

Please be aware that the quality of OpenStreetMap adminarea data is very inconsistent. There are some countries for which almost no adminarea polygons exist, while other countries may have certain provinces or regions conspicuously missing. This is because OpenStreetMap's adminarea polygons are built from imperfect boundary line shapes. If boundary lines are missing or incorrect in such a way that a fully closed shape cannot be constructed from their outline, then the polygon for that admin area will not be created.

The best way to improve the admin area data quality is to visit and and edit the map data yourself so that the admin area polygons can be created successfully.


Type: LINE

This line-based layer contains only the boundaries, or borders, of administrative areas that represent national and subnational regions. They are classified according to an “admin level”, which ranges from 1 to 11.

The boundaries follow the same “admin level” classification convention that applies to the adminarea Shapefiles. They are, in fact, used as the basis for creation of the adminarea polygons. There are some regions where the boundary line data may be incomplete.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. For boundaries, this will contain the admin level number. In the case of national borders, the fclass will be “national”.



This polygon-based layer contains the outlines of buildings and structures.

The accuracy (and indeed, existence) of this data varies widely from region to region. Features on this layer may represent a structure as small as a hut or as large as an aircraft hangar.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. At the moment, all buildings have an fclass of “building”. We intend to improve this at some point.


Type: LINE

This line-based layer contains only the coastal borders of the region you have downloaded; in other words, only those which are adjacent to bodies of water (lakes, oceans, etc.).

Landlocked countries or regions may not have this file in their zip package, as in this case no coastal borders exist.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. All coastal borders have an fclass of “coastline”.



This polygon-based layer defines areas of land that are used by people for various purposes. Examples include farms, industrial areas, cemeteries, forests, landfills and reservoirs.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. The OpenStreetMap wiki contains a list of possible fclass values for the landuse layer.
name String The name of the feature.



This point-based layer contains places such as cities, towns, villages, etc. In OpenStreetMap, the type of place is typically determined by its population.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. The OpenStreetMap wiki contains a list of possible fclass values for the places layer. For this layer, the fclass is typically determined by the value of the population column.
name String The name of the feature.
population Integer The population of the place, if known.



This point-based layer contains places of worship such as churches, synagogues, mosques, etc.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. For places of worship, the fclass typically indicates the religion and/or denomination. See the place of worship article on the OpenStreetMap wiki for further information.
name String The name of the place of worship.



This point-based layer contains points of interest, which may range from schools and government buildings to retail shops and restaurants, hospitals, museums, etc.In OpenStreetMap parlance, these are usually referred to as amenities.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. The OpenStreetMap wiki contains a list of possible fclass values for the pois layer.
name String The name of the point of interest.



This point-based layer contains the locations of places related to power infrastructure (towers, sub stations, generating plants, etc.)

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. The OpenStreetMap wiki contains a list of possible fclass values for the power layer.
name String The name of the feature.


Type: LINE

This line-based layer identifies power supply and transmission lines.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. For powerlines, the fclass will always be “powerline”.
operator String The name of the utility company which operates the line, if known.


Type: LINE

This line-based layer identifies railways, including mainline railways, light rail, metros, trams and so forth.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. The OpenStreetMap wiki contains a list of possible fclass values for the railways layer.
layer String Identifies the relative layering of this railway (-5, …, 0, …, 5)
bridge boolean Identifies whether this part of the railway is on a bridge.
tunnel boolean Identifies whether this part of the railway is in a tunnel.



This point-based layer identifies railway stations, including tram stops and local halts.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. For railway stations, may be station, halt or tram_stop.


Type: LINE

This line-based layer contains roads, highways, bike trails, footpaths and other types of road surfaces. It is often one of the most complex layers in the package.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. The OpenStreetMap wiki contains a list of possible fclass values for the roads layer.
name String The name of the road.
ref String The reference number of the road.
oneway Boolean Indicates whether or not this is a one-way road.
maxspeed Integer Maximum allowed speed in kilometers per hour.
layer Integer Identifies the relative layering of this road (-5, …, 0, …, 5)
bridge Boolean Identifies whether this part of the road is on a bridge.
tunnel Boolean Identifies whether this part of the road is in a tunnel.



This polygon-based layer defines bodies of water (lakes, harbors, bays, some large rivers, etc.).

In OpenStreetMap, some larger rivers may also be available as line-based geometry in the waterways.shp file.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. Possible values for bodies of water are water (unspecified bodies of water including lakes, harbors, etc.), reservoir (artificial lakes) and river.
name String The name of the body of water.


Type: LINE

This line-based layer contains waterways such as rivers, streams, canals and drains.

Data Columns

Name Type Description
osm_id Integer Identification number assigned to the feature in the OpenStreetMap database.
lastchange String The date and time that this feature was last modified by a user in OpenStreetMap.
code Integer A four-digit code identifying the feature. See the section below on Feature ID Codes.
fclass String A label which classifies the feature type. The OpenStreetMap wiki contains a list of possible fclass values for the waterways layer.
name String The name of the waterway.
width Integer The width of the waterway in meters.

Feature ID Codes

This area will be documented soon.

*Data detail varies by region and is based solely on user contributions to OpenStreetMap. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA.