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VectorMap.js JavaScript Library

The Map Suite VectorMap.js illustrated “GettingStarted” Guide will guide you through the process of creating a sample application and will help you become familiar with Map Suite libraries. It will show you how to create a beautiful map embedded in a HTML page using VectorMap.js.

HTML5, WebGL Vector map JavaScript library with any vector data – EsriJSON, GML, GPX, GeoJSON, KML, Vector Tile (MVT), WFS, WKT or WMS, can be beautifully rendered with CSS similar style file – StyleJSON schema. It’s an extension of OpenLayers, and fits any requirements in browsers and mobile devices.

With Map Suite VectorMap.js, you will have full access to OpenLayers as well as any plugins or extensions created based on OpenLayers. For example, the “3rd party libraries” published on With these samples you can easily create any styled map and put it anywhere. Additionally users can build a customized geocoding or routing apps from other providers.

Getting Started

You can start building via ThinkGeo samples on GitHub or start by creating a new application in your Visual Studio.

Helps you get you up to speed with integrating the Map Suite VectorMap.js JavaScript into your your GIS software.

Product Guides

Guide on how to create your own credentials to easily consume map tiles, geocode and reverse geocode, perform spatial operations and other GIS services from Cloud Service.

A describable cartographic styling language in the JSON format, which is similar to working with a Cascading Style Sheet for styling web pages.

A font family set for point of interest or POI. It can be used in VectorMap.js as icons.

Code Samples

Browse the demo applications to see the power of ThinkGeo VectorMap.js and how it can be utilized to build professional grade mapping applications.

API Documentation

  • API Documentation

    The API documentation covers the ol.mapsuite namespace which resides in the VectorMap.js JavaScript library. It contains all of VectorMap.js specific classes such as the map control itself, layers etc.

Change Logs

thinkgeo_vector_map_javascript_library.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/29 15:44 by sacha