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ThinkGeo Desktop for .NET Core Installation Guide

Welcome to ThinkGeo! In this article, we will talk about how to install ThinkGeo products on your computer and prepare your development environment for creating Map Suite-powered projects.

System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 7 or newer, or Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or newer
  • .NET Core SDK 3.0 or higher
  • 1.2 GHz Intel® Core™ processor or better
  • 2 GB RAM or more
  • (recommended) Visual Studio 2017 or newer, or Visual Studio Code

Environment Preparation

Install .NET Core 3.0 SDK

The free .NET Core 3.0 SDK is required to develop applications that use ThinkGeo UI 12.0 or higher.

Install Visual Studio or VS Code

For the best development experience, we recommend one of the following IDEs:

Install ThinkGeo Product Center

The Product Center desktop application is how you start an evaluation of any ThinkGeo UI component. It also provides easy access to sample projects to get you started.

We invite you to check out our esay-to-follow video guide to starting an evaluation of ThinkGeo UI:

You are now ready to go! The easiest way to start is either from GitHub Samples or Quick Start Guide.

For full details on everything you can do with Product Center, see our ThinkGeo Product Center Guide.

thinkgeo_desktop_for_wpf_installation_guide.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/18 16:22 by brianr