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ThinkGeo Cloud
ThinkGeo UI Controls
ThinkGeo Open Source
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Note: The page was created before Map Suite 10. Map Suite 10.0 organized many classes into new namespaces and assemblies as well as had a few minor breaks in compatibility. The majority of previously built code should work without modification assuming the new namespaces are added. For guidance on upgrading your existing code, please check out MapSuite 10 Upgrade Guide.
This class maintains all of the requested information from a WMS GetCapabilitiesRequest.
This class maintains all of the requested information from a WMS request.
This class maintains all of the requested information from a WMS request.
This class maintains the layers collection and TileCache object.
This is an asynchronous HTTP handler which is used to handle web map services.
This class is the base class for all types of WMS Plug-ins. The WmsLayerPlugin class is where all other types of WMS Plug-ins are inherited from. It provides the base set of functionality. As it is abstract, there are a number of methods you need to implement. The first one is GetMapConfigurationCore. In this method, you are responsible for generating a MapConfiguration which includes layers collection and TileCache object you will use. The other two required methods are GetProjectionCore and GetBoundingBoxCore. These get projection string and the BoundingBox for your WMS Plug-in. Another required method is GetNameCore which returns the layer name which will used in the GetMap WMS operation.
This is a structure that maintains the Style informations for the Capabilities XML DTD.
Indicates whether or not this layer supports the GetFeatureInfo WMS operation.