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  • DrawingFontStyles WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration specifies the type of font style for drawing text.

  • DrawingGraphicsUnit WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration represents the graphics unit.

  • DrawingLevel WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration represents the drawing level used in the GeoCanvas.

  • DrawingLineCap WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration represents the available cap styles with which a GeoPen object can end a line.

  • DrawingLineJoin WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration specifies how to join consecutive line or curve segments.

  • DrawingPenAlignment WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    Specifies the alignment of a GeoPen object in relation to the theoretical, zero-width line.

  • DrawingQuality WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration specifies the drawing quality of the GeoCanvas.

  • GeoBrush WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    Defines objects used to fill the interiors of AreaBaseShapes, such as MultiPolygonShape, PolygonShape, EllipseShape, and other AreaBaseShapes.

  • GeoBrushes WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    Provides a collection of predefined GeoBrushes

  • GeoCanvas WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a canvas that is used to draw geographic shapes. It is intended to be inherited for the implementation of different drawing systems, such as GDI+ or WPF.

  • GeoColor WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This structure represents a color for drawing on a GeoCanvas.

  • GeoColors WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class is a collection of predefined colors

  • GeoDashCap WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration represents the type of graphic shape to use on both ends of each dash in a dashed line.

  • GeoFont WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a font that is used to label features on a GeoCanvas.

  • GeographicColors WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class is a convenient way to access a predefined set of geographic colors.

  • GeoHatchBrush WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a brush that fills with various patterns.

  • GeoHatchStyle WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration defines the various kinds of hatch patterns that can be used to fill areas using the GeoHatchBrush.

  • GeoLinearGradientBrush WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    Encapsulates a GeoBrush with a linear gradient.

  • GeoLinearGradientDirection WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    Specifies the direction of a linear gradient.

  • GeoPen WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a GeoPen, which is used to draw lines on a GeoCanvas.

  • GeoPens WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    Provides a collection of predefined GeoPens

  • GeoSolidBrush WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class defines a GeoBrush of a single color. Brushes are used to fill area shapes on a GeoCanvas.

  • GeoTextureBrush WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class is used to fill an area with a image texture.

  • GeoWrapMode WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration determines how a texture is filled in with a GeoTextureBrush when the area to be filled is larger than the texture.

  • LineDashStyle WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration specifies the style of dashed lines drawn with a GeoPen object.

  • PenBrushDrawingOrder WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration determines whether the brush or the pen draws first.

  • PlatformGeoCanvas WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a canvas that is used to draw geographic shapes with GDI+.

  • RandomColorType WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    Defines values represent which kind of color will use for randomly.

  • SimpleColors WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class is a convenient way to access a predefined set of simple colors.

  • StandardColors WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class is a convenient way to access a predefined set of standard colors.






  • AreaBaseShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This abstract class is the root of all area-based shapes, such as RectangleShape and PolygonShape.

  • AreaUnit WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    Units describing various ways you can measure areas.

  • BaseShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    The abstract class from which area shapes, line shapes, and point shapes inherit from.

  • BufferCapType WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents various ways a buffer operation can cap the objects buffered.

  • Conversion WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This static class provides a conversion method to go to and from different units.

  • DecimalDegreesHelper WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class contains a static routine for converting between degree-minute-second measurement and decimal degree measurement. In essense, it is a routine for converting from a non-decimal degree unit to decimal degree unit distance.

  • DegreesMinutesSeconds WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This structure represents a degrees, minutes and seconds value.

  • DistanceUnit WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    Units describing various ways you can measure lengths.

  • DrawingRectangle WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This structure represents the drawing of a rectangle in screen coordinates.

  • DrawingRectangleF WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This structure represents the drawing of a rectangle in screen coordinates.

  • EllipseShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents an ellipse that is defined with a center point, a height and a width.

  • ExtentHelper WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This static class exposes a number of helpful methods when dealing with extents.

  • Feature WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    The class Feature is the basic unit of which a FeatureSource is composed. A FeatureSource can be taken from a collection of Features stored in a ShapeFile, SQL Server 2008, Oracle, etc.A Feature is the basic data unit structure which is comprised of IDs that mark the identification of the Feature, a shape and a collection of data.

  • LineBaseShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This abstract class is the root of all line-based shapes, such as LineShape and MultilineShape.

  • LineShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a LineShape, which is defined as a single line with two or more points.

  • MapResizeMode WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    The enumeration represents which mode will use for map resize.

  • MultilineShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a MultilineShape, which is defined as one or more lines, each with two or more points.

  • MultipointShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents one or more point shapes.

  • MultipolygonShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents one or more polygons.

  • PanDirection WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration defines panning directions.

  • PointBaseShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This abstract class is the root of all point-based shapes, such as PointShape and MultiPointShape.

  • PointShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a single point.

  • PolygonShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a polygon, which is defined as a single outer ring with zero-to-many inner rings.

  • Proj4Projection WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This projection class uses the Proj4 engine to project data from one Srid to another.

  • Projection WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a projection that you wish to apply to a FeatureSource.

  • RectangleShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a rectangle, which is defined as an upper left point and a lower right point.

  • ReturningColumnsType WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration provides some options when querying a feature.

  • RingShape WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This class represents a closed ring of points.

  • ScreenPoint WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This structure represents a single point in screen coordinates.

  • ScreenPointF WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This structure represents a single point in screen coordinates.

  • ShapeValidationMode WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration describes the type of validation test to run on shapes.

  • ShapeValidationResult WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This structure represents the result of the validation method performed on a shape.

  • SimplificationType WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    Specifies which algorthm will be use to simplify.

  • StartingPoint WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    An enumeration describing the place to start on a line when doing certain operations.

  • Vertex WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This structure represents the point at which the sides of an angle intersect.

  • WellKnownType WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This describes a set of enumerations that list the valid types of geometries.

  • WkbByteOrder WindowsLinuxAndroidiOSMac

    This enumeration represents the byte order that well-known binary will be written in.


map_suite_mobile_for_android_api.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/13 03:22 by tgwikiupdate