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This is the derived class of the class DbfMatchingPlugIn for matching Census Block areas.
This is the derived class of the class DbfMatchingPlugIn for matching Census Block Group areas.
This is the derived class of the class DbfMatchingPlugIn for matching Census Tracts.
This class implements coordinate matching functions. The CoordinatesMatchingPlugin uses serveral DBF and R-Tree index files to accomplish matching operations. street.dbf: Contains non-geographic information for streets. rt2.dbf: Contains coordinate information for streets. tlid.dbf: Contains street TIGER line ID (TLID) and index in street.dbf. Sorted by TLID. zip.dbf: Contains zip code information. rt2.ids and rt2.idx: R-Tree index files for streets by zip.
This is the derived class of the class DbfMatchingPlugIn for matching counties.
This class is the derived class of the MatchingPlugin class for matching street addresses.
This class encapsulates the matching operations in a DBF dataset. This class provides functions for creating and adding records and matching for DBF index files. The DBF file could contain one key column whose column name starts with “ID_” and additional columns whose column names start with “DT_”. Each DBF file should also contain two columns named “BB_CX” and “BB_CY”, which represent the longitude and latitude. If there is bounding box information, it should consist of four columns: “BB_ULX”, “BB_ULY”, “BB_LRX”, “BB_LRY” representing upper left X, upper left Y, lower right X and lower right Y. To take advantange of binary searching, records should be sorted before insertion into the DBF file.
This class is the derived class of the MatchingPlugin class for matching IP addresses.
This class is the abstract class encapsulating matching operations. The MatchingPlugIn class is the key class in the Geocoding. It formalizes the source text using GeocoderFormalizer, tries to match in some kinds of datasets and returns a MatchResult object. MatchingPlugIn can work independently or can be combined to work together with others to accomplish complicated matching requirements.
This is the derived class of the class MatchingPlugIn for matching PostCode.
This is the derived class from the Soundex class which implements a simplfied soundex algorithm.
This class implements soundex matching operations. There are two columns in the DBF file that are necessary for soundex matching. The first is the soundex value generated by certain Soundex algorithms (by default this is implemented by SimplifiedSoundex). The second is the exact value.
This class is the derived class of the class DbfMatchingPlugIn for matching states.
This class is the derived class of the MatchingPlugin class for matching street addresses.
This class is a collection with some methods specialized for dealing with Layers and other spatial classes.
This is an abstract class which is the basis for each of the different types of COGO calls In the abstract class we define that a call need to be able to produce a line segment as well as produce its traverse and description string.
This enumeration represents the available cap styles with which a GeoPen object can end a line.
Specifies the alignment of a GeoPen object in relation to the theoretical, zero-width line.
Defines objects used to fill the interiors of AreaBaseShapes, such as MultiPolygonShape, PolygonShape, EllipseShape, and other AreaBaseShapes.
This class represents a canvas that is used to draw geographic shapes. It is intended to be inherited for the implementation of different drawing systems, such as GDI+ or WPF.
This enumeration represents the type of graphic shape to use on both ends of each dash in a dashed line.
This enumeration defines the various kinds of hatch patterns that can be used to fill areas using the GeoHatchBrush.
This class defines a GeoBrush of a single color. Brushes are used to fill area shapes on a GeoCanvas.
This enumeration determines how a texture is filled in with a GeoTextureBrush when the area to be filled is larger than the texture.
This is the base class of AdornmentLayers. The AdornmentLayer is used to place adornments on the map. Two types of AdornmentLayers are provided: ScaleLineAdornmentLayer and ScaleBarAdornmentLayer.
This is the event arguments class for the AdornmentLayerDrawing event. It is raised before the AdornmentLayer is drawn.
This is the event arguments class for the AdornmentLayerDrawn event. It is raised after the AdornmentLayer is drawn.
This is the event arguments class for the AdornmentLayersDrawing event. It is raised before any of the AdornmentLayers are drawn.
This is the event arguments class for the AdornmentLayersDrawn event. It is raised after all of the AdornmentLayers have been drawn.
This enumeration is used on a ZoomLevel to allow its styles to be applied to other zoom levels.
This class represents a NativeImageTile, which is defined as scale, RectangleBox and a byte array for its tile bitmap.
This is the base class for BitmapTileCache system which inherits from TileCache class.
This class represents the parameters passed in through the ClosedFeatureSource event.
This class represents the parameters passed in through the ClosedRasterSource event.
This class represents the parameters passed in through the ClosingFeatureSource event.
This class represents the parameters passed in through the ClosingRasterSource event.
This class represents the parameters passed in through the CommittedTransaction event.
This class represents the parameters passed in through the CommittingTransaction event.
This class represents the parameters passed in through the CustomFieldFetch event.
This is the event arguments class for the DrawingFeatures event of the FeatureLayer.
This is the event arguments class for the DrawingFeatures event of the FeatureLayer.
This class is a wrapper class for the FeatureLayer that isolates only the editing methods to make them easily accessible to the programmer.
FeatureCache is a cache system used in FeatureSource to speed up the fetching data system.
The abstract class from which all feature sources inherit. Feature sources represent feature data that can be integrated into Map Suite.This class is key, as it is the abstract class from which all other feature sources are derived. In this sense it encapsulates much of the logic for handling transactions and ensuring the data is consistent regardless of any projections applied.
This class is a concrete class inherits from BitmapTileCache. In this class, the tiles will be saved in disk and can be viewed very conveniently.
This class is a concrete class inherits from NativeImageTileCache. In this class, the tiles will be saved in disk and can be viewed very conveniently.
This class is a concrete class inherits from BitmapTileCache. In this class, the tiles will be saved in memory and it provides some properties to control it very easily.
This class represents a FeatureSource backed by memory, more specifically an in memory collection InternalFeatures.
This is the event arguments class for the LayerDrawing event on the MapEngine class. It is raised before the layer is drawn.
This is the event arguments class for the LayerDrawn event on the MapEngine class. It is raised after a layer is drawn.
This is the event arguments class for the LayersDrawing event on the MapEngine class. It is raised before any of the layers are drawn.
This is the event arguments class for the LayersDrawn event on the MapEngine class. It is raised after all of the layers are drawn.
This enum specifies the Reference corner when caculating the Matrix from Matrix boundingBox.
This class represents a NativeImageTile, which is defined as scale, RectangleBox and a byte array for its tile bitmap.
This is the base class for NativeTileCache system which inherits from TileCache class.
This class represents the parameters passed in the OpenedFeatureSource event.
This class represents the parameters passed in the OpenedRasterSource event.
This class represents the parameters passed in the OpeningFeatureSource event.
This class represents the parameters passed in the OpeningRasterSource event.
This enumeration represents whether a file should be overwrite or not if the file exists.
This enumeration specifies the ways you can execute a spatial query against a FeatureSource.
The abstract class from which all raster sources inherit. Raster sources represent raster data that can be integrated into Map Suite.
This structure is used to describe a range of tiles for a given extent. Basiclly, 4 values exists : the Row range is from MinColumnIndex to MaxColumnIndex, the Column range is from the MinRowIndex to MaxRowIndex.
This is the base class which describle the Tile class. Tile concept is used as a rectangle image which will be saved in Memory or Hard disk to enhance the performance.The Tile cache system is very popular in many GIS products including the GoogleMaps, VE Maps etc, the Tile can be considered a small subset used in the TileCache system.
This is the base class inherits from Matrix which describe the Matrix system used for Tilling system.
This structure represents the TileMatrixCell which will be used in the TileMatrix system.
This class represents the holding place for transactions that have not yet been committed.
This class represents the parameters passed in through the CreatedMemberNode event.
This class represents the parameters passed in through the CreatedMemberObject event.
This class represents the parameters passed in through the CreatingMemberNode event.
This class represents the parameters passed in through the CreatingMemberObject event.
Indicates how the default value of a member will be dealt with by the modeler.
When applied to a method, specifies that the method is called immediately after deserialization of the object.
When applied to a method, specifies that the method is called during deserialization of an object.
When applied to a method, specifies that the method is called after serialization of an object graph.
When applied to a method, specifies that the method is called before serialization of an object.
This abstract class is the root of all area-based shapes, such as RectangleShape and PolygonShape.
This class contains a static routine for converting between degree-minute-second measurement and decimal degree measurement. In essense, it is a routine for converting from a non-decimal degree unit to decimal degree unit distance.
This class represents an ellipse that is defined with a center point, a height and a width.
The class Feature is the basic unit of which a FeatureSource is composed. A FeatureSource can be taken from a collection of Features stored in a ShapeFile, SQL Server 2008, Oracle, etc.A Feature is the basic data unit structure which is comprised of IDs that mark the identification of the Feature, a shape and a collection of data.
This abstract class is the root of all line-based shapes, such as LineShape and MultilineShape.
This class represents a LineShape, which is defined as a single line with two or more points.
This class represents a MultilineShape, which is defined as one or more lines, each with two or more points.
This abstract class is the root of all point-based shapes, such as PointShape and MultiPointShape.
This class represents a polygon, which is defined as a single outer ring with zero-to-many inner rings.
This projection class uses the Proj4 engine to project data from one Srid to another.
This class represents a rectangle, which is defined as an upper left point and a lower right point.
This structure represents the result of the validation method performed on a shape.
This class provides commonly-used GeoPointStyles and some methods to create various kinds of GeoPointstyles. A GeoStyle is a kind of sheet used to render the map.
This abstract class encapsulates the labeling position logic. It is inherited by other styles, such as the TextSytle.
The class provides commonly-used TextStyles and some methods to create various kinds of TextStyles. A TextStyle is a kind of sheet used to render a font on the map.
This class represents a candidate with world center point information for labeling.