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ThinkGeo UI Controls
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MapSuiteCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core {
public abstract class AreaBaseShape : BaseShape {
public Double GetAccurateArea(String shapeProj4ProjectionParameters, AreaUnit returningUnit, DistanceCalculationMode distanceCalculationMode);
public Double GetAccurateArea(Int32 shapeSrid, AreaUnit returningUnit, DistanceCalculationMode distanceCalculationMode);
public Double GetAccuratePerimeter(Int32 shapeSrid, DistanceUnit returningUnit, DistanceCalculationMode distanceCalculationMode);
public Double GetAccuratePerimeter(String shapeProj4ProjectionParameters, DistanceUnit returningUnit, DistanceCalculationMode distanceCalculationMode);
protected virtual Double GetAccurateAreaCore(String shapeProj4ProjectionParameters, AreaUnit returningUnit, DistanceCalculationMode distanceCalculationMode);
protected virtual Double GetAccuratePerimeterCore(String shapeProj4ProjectionParameters, DistanceUnit returningUnit, DistanceCalculationMode distanceCalculationMode);
[ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]
public static class AreaStyles {
public class BingMapsLayer : Layer {
protected override void CloseCore();
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TileCache instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public String CacheDirectory { get; set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TileCache instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public BingMapsPictureFormat CachePictureFormat { get; set; }
public class BoundarySolutionsParcelFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {
public BoundarySolutionsParcelFeatureLayer();
public BoundarySolutionsParcelFeatureLayer(String contractId);
public String ContractId { get; set; }
protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);
public class BoundarySolutionsParcelFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
public BoundarySolutionsParcelFeatureSource();
public BoundarySolutionsParcelFeatureSource(String contractId);
public String ContractId { get; set; }
public void ClearCache(RectangleShape extent);
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
protected override Boolean CanGetCountQuicklyCore();
protected override Collection<Feature> GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);
protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();
protected override Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> GetColumnsCore();
protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);
protected override void OpenCore();
public static String CacheFolder { get; set; }
public class BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(int recordCount, int currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, string shapePathFileName) instead.")]
public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs();
public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(Int32 recordCount, Int32 currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, String shapePathFileName);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(int recordCount, int currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, string shapePathFileName) instead.")]
public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(Int32 recordCount, Int32 currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, Boolean cancel);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(int recordCount, int currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, string shapePathFileName) instead.")]
public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(Int32 recordCount, Int32 currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, Boolean cancel, String shapePathFileName);
public class CadFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
public enum CadStylingType {
public class ClassBreakStyle : Style {
public event EventHandler<GottenFeatureValueClassBreakStyleEventArgs> GottenFeatureValue;
protected virtual void OnGottenFeatureValue(GottenFeatureValueClassBreakStyleEventArgs e);
public class ClusterPointStyle : PointStyle {
public Collection<Style> Styles { get; }
public Double LowerScale { get; set; }
public Double UpperScale { get; set; }
public Int32 MinimumFeaturesPerCellToCluster { get; set; }
protected override Collection<String> GetRequiredColumnNamesCore();
public enum DbfColumnType {
public static class DecimalDegreesHelper {
public static String GetDegreesMinutesStringFromDecimalDegreePoint(PointShape pointShape);
public static String GetDegreesMinutesStringFromDecimalDegreePoint(Feature point);
public static String GetDegreesMinutesStringFromDecimalDegreePoint(Feature point, Int32 decimals);
public static String GetDegreesMinutesStringFromDecimalDegreePoint(PointShape pointShape, Int32 decimals);
public struct DegreesMinutesSeconds {
public String GetFormattedString(DegreesMinutesSecondsFormatType formatType);
public String GetFormattedString(Int32 decimals);
public String GetFormattedString(DegreesMinutesSecondsFormatType formatType, Int32 decimals);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call GetFormattedString(int decimals) instead.")]
public String ToString(Int32 decimals);
public enum DegreesMinutesSecondsFormatType {
public enum DistanceCalculationMode {
public class DrawingFeaturesEventArgs : EventArgs {
public DrawingFeaturesEventArgs(IEnumerable<Feature> featuresToDraw);
public DrawingFeaturesEventArgs(IEnumerable<Feature> featuresToDraw, ZoomLevel drawingZoomLevel);
public Boolean Cancel { get; set; }
public ZoomLevel DrawingZoomLevel { get; set; }
public DrawingFeaturesEventArgs(Collection<Feature> featuresToDraw);
public class EncryptedFileBitmapTileCache : FileBitmapTileCache {
public class Feature {
public void SetWellKnownBinary(Byte[] wellKnownBinary);
public abstract class FeatureLayer : Layer {
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. We kept a default margin of 256 pixels which should be good for most scenarios, you can always customize it by setting the property of DrawingMarginInPixel.")]
public Double DrawingMarginPercentage { get; set; }
public GeometryValidationMode GeometryValidationMode { get; set; }
public Single DrawingMarginInPixel { get; set; }
public abstract class FeatureSource {
public GeometryValidationMode GeometryValidationMode { get; set; }
public event EventHandler<GettingColumnsFeatureSourceEventArgs> GettingColumns;
public event EventHandler<GettingFeaturesByIdsFeatureSourceEventArgs> GettingFeaturesByIds;
public event EventHandler<GettingFeaturesForDrawingFeatureSourceEventArgs> GettingFeaturesForDrawing;
public event EventHandler<GottenColumnsFeatureSourceEventArgs> GottenColumns;
protected virtual void OnGettingColumns(GettingColumnsFeatureSourceEventArgs e);
protected virtual void OnGettingFeaturesByIds(GettingFeaturesByIdsFeatureSourceEventArgs e);
protected virtual void OnGettingFeaturesForDrawing(GettingFeaturesForDrawingFeatureSourceEventArgs e);
protected virtual void OnGottenColumns(GottenColumnsFeatureSourceEventArgs e);
public class FileBitmapTileCache : BitmapTileCache {
public void ClearCache(Double maxSizeInMegabytes);
public void ClearCache(TimeSpan tileExpiration);
public void ClearCache(TimeSpan tileExpiration, Double maxSizeInMegabytes);
public class FileGeoDatabaseFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
public class FilterCondition {
public RegexOptions RegexOptions { get; set; }
public static class GeoBrushes {
public static GeoSolidBrush AliceBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush AntiqueWhite { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Aqua { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Aquamarine { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Azure { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Beige { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Bisque { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Black { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush BlanchedAlmond { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Blue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush BlueViolet { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush BrightBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush BrightOrange { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush BrightRed { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush BrightYellow { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Brown { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush BurlyWood { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush CadetBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Chartreuse { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Chocolate { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Copper { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Coral { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush CornflowerBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush CornSilk { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Crimson { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Cyan { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkCyan { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkGoldenrod { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkGray { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkKhaki { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkMagenta { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkOliveGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkOrange { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkOrchid { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkRed { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkSalmon { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkSeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkSlateBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkSlateGray { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkTurquoise { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkViolet { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DarkYellow { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DeepPink { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DeepSkyBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DimGray { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush DodgerBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Firebrick { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush FloralWhite { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush ForestGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Fuchsia { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Gainsboro { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush GhostWhite { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Gold { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Goldenrod { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Gray { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Green { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush GreenYellow { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush HoneyDew { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush HotPink { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush IndianRed { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Indigo { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Ivory { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Khaki { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Lavender { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LavenderBlush { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LawnGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LemonChiffon { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightCoral { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightCyan { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightGoldenrodYellow { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightGray { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightOrange { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightPink { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightRed { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightSalmon { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightSeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightSkyBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightSlateGray { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightSteelBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LightYellow { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Lime { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush LimeGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Linen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Magenta { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Maroon { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MediumAquamarine { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MediumBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MediumOrchid { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MediumPurple { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MediumSeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MediumSlateBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MediumSpringGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MediumTurquoise { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MediumVioletRed { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MidnightBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MintCream { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush MistyRose { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Moccasin { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush NavajoWhite { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Navy { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush OldLace { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Olive { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush OliveDrab { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Orange { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush OrangeRed { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Orchid { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PaleBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PaleGoldenrod { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PaleGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PaleOrange { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PaleRed { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PaleTurquoise { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PaleVioletRed { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PaleYellow { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PapayaWhip { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PastelBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PastelGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PastelOrange { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PastelRed { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PastelYellow { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PeachPuff { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Peru { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Pink { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Plum { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush PowderBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Purple { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Red { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush RosyBrown { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush RoyalBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush SaddleBrown { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Salmon { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush SandyBrown { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush SeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush SeaShell { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Sienna { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Silver { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush SkyBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush SlateBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush SlateGray { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Snow { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush SpringGreen { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush SteelBlue { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Tan { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Teal { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Thistle { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Tomato { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Turquoise { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Violet { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Wheat { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush White { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush WhiteSmoke { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush Yellow { get; }
public static GeoSolidBrush YellowGreen { get; }
public static class GeoColors {
public static GeoColor ActiveBorder { get; }
public static GeoColor ActiveCaption { get; }
public static GeoColor ActiveCaptionText { get; }
public static GeoColor AliceBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor AntiqueWhite { get; }
public static GeoColor AppWorkspace { get; }
public static GeoColor Aqua { get; }
public static GeoColor Aquamarine { get; }
public static GeoColor Azure { get; }
public static GeoColor Beige { get; }
public static GeoColor Bisque { get; }
public static GeoColor Black { get; }
public static GeoColor BlanchedAlmond { get; }
public static GeoColor Blue { get; }
public static GeoColor BlueViolet { get; }
public static GeoColor BrightBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor BrightGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor BrightOrange { get; }
public static GeoColor BrightRed { get; }
public static GeoColor BrightYellow { get; }
public static GeoColor Brown { get; }
public static GeoColor BurlyWood { get; }
public static GeoColor ButtonFace { get; }
public static GeoColor ButtonHighlight { get; }
public static GeoColor ButtonShadow { get; }
public static GeoColor CadetBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor Chartreuse { get; }
public static GeoColor Chocolate { get; }
public static GeoColor Control { get; }
public static GeoColor ControlDark { get; }
public static GeoColor ControlDarkDark { get; }
public static GeoColor ControlLight { get; }
public static GeoColor ControlLightLight { get; }
public static GeoColor ControlText { get; }
public static GeoColor Copper { get; }
public static GeoColor Coral { get; }
public static GeoColor CornflowerBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor Cornsilk { get; }
public static GeoColor Crimson { get; }
public static GeoColor Cyan { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkCyan { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkGoldenrod { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkGray { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkKhaki { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkMagenta { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkOliveGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkOrange { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkOrchid { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkRed { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkSalmon { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkSeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkSlateBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkSlateGray { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkTurquoise { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkViolet { get; }
public static GeoColor DarkYellow { get; }
public static GeoColor DeepPink { get; }
public static GeoColor DeepSkyBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor Desktop { get; }
public static GeoColor DimGray { get; }
public static GeoColor DodgerBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor Firebrick { get; }
public static GeoColor FloralWhite { get; }
public static GeoColor ForestGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor Fuchsia { get; }
public static GeoColor Gainsboro { get; }
public static GeoColor GhostWhite { get; }
public static GeoColor Gold { get; }
public static GeoColor Goldenrod { get; }
public static GeoColor GradientActiveCaption { get; }
public static GeoColor GradientInactiveCaption { get; }
public static GeoColor Gray { get; }
public static GeoColor GrayText { get; }
public static GeoColor Green { get; }
public static GeoColor GreenYellow { get; }
public static GeoColor Highlight { get; }
public static GeoColor HighlightText { get; }
public static GeoColor Honeydew { get; }
public static GeoColor HotPink { get; }
public static GeoColor HotTrack { get; }
public static GeoColor InactiveBorder { get; }
public static GeoColor InactiveCaption { get; }
public static GeoColor InactiveCaptionText { get; }
public static GeoColor IndianRed { get; }
public static GeoColor Indigo { get; }
public static GeoColor Info { get; }
public static GeoColor InfoText { get; }
public static GeoColor Ivory { get; }
public static GeoColor Khaki { get; }
public static GeoColor Lavender { get; }
public static GeoColor LavenderBlush { get; }
public static GeoColor LawnGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor LemonChiffon { get; }
public static GeoColor LightBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor LightCoral { get; }
public static GeoColor LightCyan { get; }
public static GeoColor LightGoldenrodYellow { get; }
public static GeoColor LightGray { get; }
public static GeoColor LightGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor LightOrange { get; }
public static GeoColor LightPink { get; }
public static GeoColor LightRed { get; }
public static GeoColor LightSalmon { get; }
public static GeoColor LightSeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor LightSkyBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor LightSlateGray { get; }
public static GeoColor LightSteelBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor LightYellow { get; }
public static GeoColor Lime { get; }
public static GeoColor LimeGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor Linen { get; }
public static GeoColor Magenta { get; }
public static GeoColor Maroon { get; }
public static GeoColor MediumAquamarine { get; }
public static GeoColor MediumBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor MediumOrchid { get; }
public static GeoColor MediumPurple { get; }
public static GeoColor MediumSeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor MediumSlateBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor MediumSpringGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor MediumTurquoise { get; }
public static GeoColor MediumVioletRed { get; }
public static GeoColor Menu { get; }
public static GeoColor MenuBar { get; }
public static GeoColor MenuHighlight { get; }
public static GeoColor MenuText { get; }
public static GeoColor MidnightBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor MintCream { get; }
public static GeoColor MistyRose { get; }
public static GeoColor Moccasin { get; }
public static GeoColor NavajoWhite { get; }
public static GeoColor Navy { get; }
public static GeoColor OldLace { get; }
public static GeoColor Olive { get; }
public static GeoColor OliveDrab { get; }
public static GeoColor Orange { get; }
public static GeoColor OrangeRed { get; }
public static GeoColor Orchid { get; }
public static GeoColor PaleBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor PaleGoldenrod { get; }
public static GeoColor PaleGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor PaleOrange { get; }
public static GeoColor PaleRed { get; }
public static GeoColor PaleTurquoise { get; }
public static GeoColor PaleVioletRed { get; }
public static GeoColor PaleYellow { get; }
public static GeoColor PapayaWhip { get; }
public static GeoColor PastelBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor PastelGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor PastelOrange { get; }
public static GeoColor PastelRed { get; }
public static GeoColor PastelYellow { get; }
public static GeoColor PeachPuff { get; }
public static GeoColor Peru { get; }
public static GeoColor Pink { get; }
public static GeoColor Plum { get; }
public static GeoColor PowderBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor Purple { get; }
public static GeoColor Red { get; }
public static GeoColor RosyBrown { get; }
public static GeoColor RoyalBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor SaddleBrown { get; }
public static GeoColor Salmon { get; }
public static GeoColor SandyBrown { get; }
public static GeoColor ScrollBar { get; }
public static GeoColor SeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor SeaShell { get; }
public static GeoColor Sienna { get; }
public static GeoColor Silver { get; }
public static GeoColor SkyBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor SlateBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor SlateGray { get; }
public static GeoColor Snow { get; }
public static GeoColor SpringGreen { get; }
public static GeoColor SteelBlue { get; }
public static GeoColor Tan { get; }
public static GeoColor Teal { get; }
public static GeoColor Thistle { get; }
public static GeoColor Tomato { get; }
public static GeoColor Transparent { get; }
public static GeoColor Turquoise { get; }
public static GeoColor Violet { get; }
public static GeoColor Wheat { get; }
public static GeoColor White { get; }
public static GeoColor WhiteSmoke { get; }
public static GeoColor Window { get; }
public static GeoColor WindowFrame { get; }
public static GeoColor WindowText { get; }
public static GeoColor Yellow { get; }
public static GeoColor YellowGreen { get; }
public static class Geohash {
public static String ConvertToGeohash(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);
public static String ConvertToGeohash(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);
public static String ConvertToGeohash(Double longitude, Double latitude, Int32 precision);
public static PointShape ConvertToPointShape(String geohash);
public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);
public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(String geohash, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);
public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);
public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction, Int32 precision);
public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Double longitude, Double latitude, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);
public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction, Int32 precision);
public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Double longitude, Double latitude, GeohashAjacentDirection direction, Int32 precision);
public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree);
public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree);
public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(String geohash);
public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Double longitude, Double latitude);
public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);
public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);
public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Double longitude, Double latitude, Int32 precision);
public enum GeohashAjacentDirection {
public enum GeometryValidationMode {
public static class GeoPens {
public static GeoPen AliceBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen AntiqueWhite { get; }
public static GeoPen Aqua { get; }
public static GeoPen Aquamarine { get; }
public static GeoPen Azure { get; }
public static GeoPen Beige { get; }
public static GeoPen Bisque { get; }
public static GeoPen Black { get; }
public static GeoPen BlanchedAlmond { get; }
public static GeoPen Blue { get; }
public static GeoPen BlueViolet { get; }
public static GeoPen BrightBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen BrightOrange { get; }
public static GeoPen BrightRed { get; }
public static GeoPen BrightYellow { get; }
public static GeoPen Brown { get; }
public static GeoPen BurlyWood { get; }
public static GeoPen CadetBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen Chartreuse { get; }
public static GeoPen Chocolate { get; }
public static GeoPen Copper { get; }
public static GeoPen Coral { get; }
public static GeoPen CornflowerBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen CornSilk { get; }
public static GeoPen Crimson { get; }
public static GeoPen Cyan { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkCyan { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkGoldenrod { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkGray { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkKhaki { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkMagenta { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkOliveGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkOrange { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkOrchid { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkRed { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkSalmon { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkSeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkSlateBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkSlateGray { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkTurquoise { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkViolet { get; }
public static GeoPen DarkYellow { get; }
public static GeoPen DeepPink { get; }
public static GeoPen DeepSkyBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen DimGray { get; }
public static GeoPen DodgerBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen Firebrick { get; }
public static GeoPen FloralWhite { get; }
public static GeoPen ForestGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen Fuchsia { get; }
public static GeoPen Gainsboro { get; }
public static GeoPen GhostWhite { get; }
public static GeoPen Gold { get; }
public static GeoPen Goldenrod { get; }
public static GeoPen Gray { get; }
public static GeoPen Green { get; }
public static GeoPen GreenYellow { get; }
public static GeoPen HoneyDew { get; }
public static GeoPen HotPink { get; }
public static GeoPen IndianRed { get; }
public static GeoPen Indigo { get; }
public static GeoPen Ivory { get; }
public static GeoPen Khaki { get; }
public static GeoPen Lavender { get; }
public static GeoPen LavenderBlush { get; }
public static GeoPen LawnGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen LemonChiffon { get; }
public static GeoPen LightBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen LightCoral { get; }
public static GeoPen LightCyan { get; }
public static GeoPen LightGoldenrodYellow { get; }
public static GeoPen LightGray { get; }
public static GeoPen LightGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen LightOrange { get; }
public static GeoPen LightPink { get; }
public static GeoPen LightRed { get; }
public static GeoPen LightSalmon { get; }
public static GeoPen LightSeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen LightSkyBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen LightSlateGray { get; }
public static GeoPen LightSteelBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen LightYellow { get; }
public static GeoPen Lime { get; }
public static GeoPen LimeGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen Linen { get; }
public static GeoPen Magenta { get; }
public static GeoPen Maroon { get; }
public static GeoPen MediumAquamarine { get; }
public static GeoPen MediumBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen MediumOrchid { get; }
public static GeoPen MediumPurple { get; }
public static GeoPen MediumSeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen MediumSlateBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen MediumSpringGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen MediumTurquoise { get; }
public static GeoPen MediumVioletRed { get; }
public static GeoPen MidnightBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen MintCream { get; }
public static GeoPen MistyRose { get; }
public static GeoPen Moccasin { get; }
public static GeoPen NavajoWhite { get; }
public static GeoPen Navy { get; }
public static GeoPen OldLace { get; }
public static GeoPen Olive { get; }
public static GeoPen OliveDrab { get; }
public static GeoPen Orange { get; }
public static GeoPen OrangeRed { get; }
public static GeoPen Orchid { get; }
public static GeoPen PaleBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen PaleGoldenrod { get; }
public static GeoPen PaleGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen PaleOrange { get; }
public static GeoPen PaleRed { get; }
public static GeoPen PaleTurquoise { get; }
public static GeoPen PaleVioletRed { get; }
public static GeoPen PaleYellow { get; }
public static GeoPen PapayaWhip { get; }
public static GeoPen PastelBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen PastelGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen PastelOrange { get; }
public static GeoPen PastelRed { get; }
public static GeoPen PastelYellow { get; }
public static GeoPen PeachPuff { get; }
public static GeoPen Peru { get; }
public static GeoPen Pink { get; }
public static GeoPen Plum { get; }
public static GeoPen PowderBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen Purple { get; }
public static GeoPen Red { get; }
public static GeoPen RosyBrown { get; }
public static GeoPen RoyalBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen SaddleBrown { get; }
public static GeoPen Salmon { get; }
public static GeoPen SandyBrown { get; }
public static GeoPen SeaGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen SeaShell { get; }
public static GeoPen Sienna { get; }
public static GeoPen Silver { get; }
public static GeoPen SkyBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen SlateBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen SlateGray { get; }
public static GeoPen Snow { get; }
public static GeoPen SpringGreen { get; }
public static GeoPen SteelBlue { get; }
public static GeoPen Tan { get; }
public static GeoPen Teal { get; }
public static GeoPen Thistle { get; }
public static GeoPen Tomato { get; }
public static GeoPen Turquoise { get; }
public static GeoPen Violet { get; }
public static GeoPen Wheat { get; }
public static GeoPen White { get; }
public static GeoPen WhiteSmoke { get; }
public static GeoPen Yellow { get; }
public static GeoPen YellowGreen { get; }
public class GettingColumnsFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {
public GettingColumnsFeatureSourceEventArgs();
public Boolean Cancel { get; set; }
public Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> FeatureSourceColumns { get; }
public class GettingFeaturesByIdsFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {
public GettingFeaturesByIdsFeatureSourceEventArgs();
public GettingFeaturesByIdsFeatureSourceEventArgs(IEnumerable<String> ids, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);
public GettingFeaturesByIdsFeatureSourceEventArgs(IEnumerable<String> ids, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, String filter);
public Boolean Cancel { get; set; }
public Collection<String> Ids { get; }
public Collection<String> ReturningColumnNames { get; }
public Collection<Feature> Features { get; }
public String Filter { get; set; }
public class GettingFeaturesForDrawingFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {
public GettingFeaturesForDrawingFeatureSourceEventArgs();
public GettingFeaturesForDrawingFeatureSourceEventArgs(RectangleShape worldExtent, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);
public GettingFeaturesForDrawingFeatureSourceEventArgs(RectangleShape worldExtent, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, String filter);
public Boolean Cancel { get; set; }
public Collection<String> ReturningColumnNames { get; }
public Collection<Feature> Features { get; }
public RectangleShape WorldExtent { get; set; }
public String Filter { get; }
public class GoogleMapsLayer : Layer {
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use GoogleMapsLayer(String cacheDirectory, String clientId, String privateKey, WebProxy webProxy) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0, because Google has asked us to remove these APIs as they were not the correct ways to call their service. The implementation of these APIs will now throw an exception if called. We are sorry for the inconvenience however the immediate changes were necessary.")]
public GoogleMapsLayer(String cacheDirectory, String apiKey);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use GoogleMapsLayer(String cacheDirectory, String clientId, String privateKey, WebProxy webProxy) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0, because Google has asked us to remove these APIs as they were not the correct ways to call their service. The implementation of these APIs will now throw an exception if called. We are sorry for the inconvenience however the immediate changes were necessary.")]
public GoogleMapsLayer(String cacheDirectory, String apiKey, WebProxy webProxy);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use clientId and privateKey instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0, because Google has asked us to remove these APIs as they were not the correct ways to call their service. The implementation of these APIs will now throw an exception if called. We are sorry for the inconvenience however the immediate changes were necessary.")]
public String ApiKey { get; set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TileCache instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public String CacheDirectory { get; set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the ClearCache method of the property TileCache instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public void ClearCache();
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the ClearCache method of the property TileCache instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public void ClearCache(String cacheFolder, TimeSpan tileExpiration, Double maxSizeInMegabytes);
public class GottenColumnsFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {
public GottenColumnsFeatureSourceEventArgs();
public GottenColumnsFeatureSourceEventArgs(IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> featureSourceColumns);
public Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> FeatureSourceColumns { get; }
public class GottenFeatureValueClassBreakStyleEventArgs : EventArgs {
public GottenFeatureValueClassBreakStyleEventArgs();
public GottenFeatureValueClassBreakStyleEventArgs(Feature feature, String columnName, Double value);
public Double Value { get; set; }
public Feature Feature { get; set; }
public String ColumnName { get; set; }
public class GpxFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
public class GridFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
public class InMemoryFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please pass in the columns through constructor if you need to.The internal logic is improved so a feature’s column will be correctly consumed even if the InMemoryFeatureLayer's Columns is empty. For example: Labels will be properly displayed with the following code, while it wouldn't in 8.0 or before: inMemoryFeatureLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.CustomStyles.Add(TextStyles.Capital2("name")); inMemoryFeatureLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.ApplyUntilZoomLevel = ApplyUntilZoomLevel.Level20; inMemoryFeatureLayer.Open(); Feature feature = new Feature(1, 1); feature.ColumnValues.Add("name", "feature1"); inMemoryFeatureLayer.InternalFeatures.Add(feature);")]
public Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> Columns { get; }
public class InMemoryFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
public class InMemoryGridFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
public static class JeffersonianHelper {
public static Feature FindAliquotPart(Feature section, String jeffersonianString, GeographyUnit unit, Int32 cornerPointTolerancePercentage, JeffersonianSplitMode splitMode, Boolean isSection);
public class KmlFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {
public Boolean RequireIndex { get; set; }
public static void BuildIndexFile(String kmlPathFilename);
public static void BuildIndexFile(String kmlPathFilename, BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode);
public static void BuildIndexFile(String kmlPathFilename, BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode, Encoding encoding);
public class KmlFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
public Boolean RequireIndex { get; set; }
protected override Int32 GetCountCore();
protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesByIdsCore(IEnumerable<String> ids, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);
public static void BuildIndexFile(String kmlPathFilename);
public static void BuildIndexFile(String kmlPathFilename, BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode);
public static void BuildIndexFile(String kmlPathFilename, BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode, Encoding encoding);
public enum KmlStylingType {
public enum LabelLeaderLinesRule {
public abstract class Layer {
public Collection<GeoColor> KeyColors { get; }
public Single BlueTranslation { get; set; }
public Single GreenTranslation { get; set; }
public Single RedTranslation { get; set; }
public void RequestDrawing(TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);
public void RequestDrawing(IEnumerable<RectangleShape> extentsToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);
public void RequestDrawing(RectangleShape extentToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);
public enum LayerAnchorLocation {
public abstract class LineBaseShape : BaseShape {
public Double GetAccurateLength(Int32 shapeSrid, DistanceUnit returningUnit, DistanceCalculationMode distanceCalculationMode);
public Double GetAccurateLength(String shapeProj4ProjectionParameters, DistanceUnit returningUnit, DistanceCalculationMode distanceCalculationMode);
protected virtual Double GetAccurateLengthCore(String shapeProj4ProjectionParameters, DistanceUnit returningUnit, DistanceCalculationMode distanceCalculationMode);
[ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]
public static class LineStyles {
public abstract class LinkRecords : IEnumerator<LinkRecord>, IDisposable, IEnumerator, IEnumerable<LinkRecord>, IEnumerable {
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator();
Object IEnumerator.get_Current();
IEnumerator i1I=();
Object iVI=();
public class ManagedProj4Projection : Projection {
public ManagedProj4Projection(String internalProjectionParameters, Int32 externalEpsgSrid);
public ManagedProj4Projection(Int32 internalEpsgSrid, String externalProjectionParameters);
public ManagedProj4Projection(Int32 internalEpsgSrid, Int32 externalEpsgSrid);
public static GeographyUnit GetGeographyUnitFromPrj(String prjString);
public static GeographyUnit GetGeographyUnitFromProj4(String proj4String);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(BaseShape shape, Int32 srid);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(Feature feature, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(Double latitude, Double longitude);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(BaseShape shape, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(Feature feature, Int32 srid);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(Feature feature, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(Double longitude, Double latitude);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(Feature feature, Int32 srid);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(BaseShape shape, Int32 srid);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(BaseShape shape, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public class MapPrinterLayer : PrinterLayer {
public GeoCollection<Layer> Collection<Layer> Layers { get; }
public MapPrinterPreviewDrawingMode PreviewDrawingMode { get; set; }
public enum MapPrinterPreviewDrawingMode {
public class MsSql2008FeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {
public String SpatialIndexName { get; set; }
public class MsSql2008FeatureSource : FeatureSource {
public String SpatialIndexName { get; set; }
public class MultipleFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
public static class NoaaRadarMonitor {
public static Int32 TimeoutInSeconds { get; set; }
public static class NoaaWeatherStationMonitor {
public static Int32 TimeoutInSeconds { get; set; }
public static class NoaaWeatherWarningsMonitor {
public static Int32 TimeoutInSeconds { get; set; }
public class OpenStreetMapLayer : Layer {
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TileCache instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public String CacheDirectory { get; set; }
public class OracleFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
[ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]
public static class PointStyles {
public abstract class PositionStyle : Style {
public Dictionary<String,String> AbbreviationDictionary { get; set; }
public Int32 MaxNudgingInPixel { get; set; }
public LabelLeaderLinesRule LeaderLineRule { get; set; }
public LineStyle LeaderLineStyle { get; set; }
public Single BestPlacementSymbolHeight { get; set; }
public Single BestPlacementSymbolWidth { get; set; }
public Single LeaderLineMinimumLengthInPixels { get; set; }
public Single NudgingIntervalInPixel { get; set; }
protected void AbbreviateText(Feature feature, GeoCanvas canvas);
protected virtual void AbbreviateTextCore(Feature feature, GeoCanvas canvas);
public static class PrinterHelper {
public static PointShape ConvertMapPrinterCoordinateToPageCoordinate(PointShape mapPrinterCoordinatePoint, MapPrinterLayer mapPrinterLayer, RectangleShape mapControlExtent, Single mapControlWidth, Single mapControlHeight);
public static ScreenPointF ConvertMapPrinterCoordinateToScreenCoordinate(PointShape mapPrinterCoordinatePoint, MapPrinterLayer mapPrinterLayer, RectangleShape mapControlExtent, Single mapControlWidth, Single mapControlHeight);
public static PointShape ConvertPageCoordinateToMapPrinterCoordinate(PointShape pageCoordinatePoint, MapPrinterLayer mapPrinterLayer, RectangleShape mapControlExtent, Single mapControlWidth, Single mapControlHeight);
public static PointShape ConvertScreenCoordinateToMapPrinterCoordinate(ScreenPointF screenPoint, MapPrinterLayer mapPrinterLayer, RectangleShape mapControlExtent, Single mapControlWidth, Single mapControlHeight);
public abstract class PrinterLayer : Layer {
public SelectabilityMode SelectabilityMode { get; set; }
public void SetPosition(Double width, Double height, LayerAnchorLocation corner, PointShape cornerPoint, PrintingUnit unit);
public void SetPosition(Double width, Double height, LayerAnchorLocation corner, Double cornerPointX, Double cornerPointY, PrintingUnit unit);
public class Proj4Projection : Projection, IDisposable {
public Proj4Projection(String internalProjectionParametersString, Int32 externalEpsgSrid);
public Proj4Projection(Int32 internalEpsgSrid, String externalProjectionParametersString);
public static GeographyUnit GetGeographyUnitFromPrj(String prjString);
public static GeographyUnit GetGeographyUnitFromProj4(String proj4String);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(BaseShape shape, Int32 srid);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(Feature feature, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(Double latitude, Double longitude);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(BaseShape shape, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(Feature feature, Int32 srid);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(Feature feature, Int32 srid);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(Feature feature, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(BaseShape shape, Int32 srid);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(BaseShape shape, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(Double longitude, Double latitude);
public abstract class Projection {
public Vertex[] ConvertToExternalProjection(IEnumerable<Vertex> vertices);
public Vertex[] ConvertToInternalProjection(IEnumerable<Vertex> vertices);
protected abstract Vertex[] ConvertToExternalProjectionCore(Double[] xArray x, Double[] yArray y);
protected abstract Vertex[] ConvertToInternalProjectionCore(Double[] xArray x, Double[] yArray y);
public class RadarUpdatedNoaaRadarMonitorEventArgs : EventArgs {
public RadarUpdatedNoaaRadarMonitorEventArgs(DateTime imageDate, GeoImage image);
public DateTime ImageDate { get; set; }
public GeoImage Image { get; set; }
public abstract class RasterLayer : Layer {
public Single BlueTranslation { get; set; }
public Single GreenTranslation { get; set; }
public Boolean IsGrayscale { get; set; }
public Boolean IsNegative { get; set; }
public Collection<GeoColor> KeyColors { get; }
public Single RedTranslation { get; set; }
public enum RequestDrawingBufferTimeType {
public class RequestedDrawingLayerEventArgs : EventArgs {
public RequestedDrawingLayerEventArgs(TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);
public RequestedDrawingLayerEventArgs(IEnumerable<RectangleShape> extentsToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);
public RequestedDrawingLayerEventArgs(RectangleShape extentToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);
public RequestDrawingBufferTimeType BufferTimeType { get; set; }
public class RequestingDrawingLayerEventArgs : EventArgs {
public RequestingDrawingLayerEventArgs(TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);
public RequestingDrawingLayerEventArgs(IEnumerable<RectangleShape> extentsToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);
public RequestingDrawingLayerEventArgs(RectangleShape extentToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);
public RequestDrawingBufferTimeType BufferTimeType { get; set; }
public class S57FeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use S57FeatureLayer(string s57FilePathName) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public S57FeatureLayer(String s57PathFilename, String idColumnName, String featureSchemaName);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use S57FeatureLayer(string s57FilePathName) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public S57FeatureLayer(String s57PathFilename, String idColumnName, String featureSchemaName, String featureClassName);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use S57FeatureLayer(string s57FilePathName) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public S57FeatureLayer(String s57PathFilename, String idColumnName, String featureSchemaName, String featureClassName, String geometryColumnName);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use S57FeatureLayer(string s57FilePathName) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public S57FeatureLayer(String s57PathFilename, String idColumnName);
public class S57FeatureSource : FeatureSource {
protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesForDrawingCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use S57FeatureSource(string s57PathFilename) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public S57FeatureSource(String s57PathFilename, String idColumnName, String featureSchemaName);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use S57FeatureSource(string s57PathFileName) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public S57FeatureSource(String s57PathFilename, String idColumnName, String featureSchemaName, String featureClassName);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use S57FeatureSource(string s57PathFilename) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public S57FeatureSource(String s57PathFilename, String idColumnname, String featureSchemaName, String featureClassName, String geometryColumnName);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use S57FeatureSource(string s57PathFilename) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0. If you would like to use this from FdoExtension")]
public S57FeatureSource(String s57PathFilename, String idColumnname);
public class ScaleBarAdornmentLayer : AdornmentLayer {
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TextStyle instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public GeoFont Font { get; set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TextStyle instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public String NumberFormat { get; set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use ProjectionToDecimalDegrees instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after Version 9.0.")]
public String ProjectionParametersString { get; set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TextStyle instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public GeoColor TextColor { get; set; }
public class ScaleBarPrinterLayer : PrinterLayer {
public GeoPen GridPen { get; set; }
public TextStyle TextStyle { get; set; }
public GeoPen BarPen { get; set; }
public GeoFont Font { get; set; }
public String NumberFormat { get; set; }
public GeoColor TextColor { get; set; }
public class ScaleLineAdornmentLayer : AdornmentLayer {
public GeoPen HaloPen { get; set; }
public GeoPen Pen { get; set; }
public TextStyle TextStyle { get; set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use ProjectionToDecimalDegrees instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after Version 9.0.")]
public String ProjectionParametersString { get; set; }
public class ScaleLinePrinterLayer : PrinterLayer {
public GeoPen HaloPen { get; set; }
public GeoPen Pen { get; set; }
public TextStyle TextStyle { get; set; }
public class ScaleTextAdornmentLayer : AdornmentLayer {
public ScaleTextAdornmentLayer();
public ScaleTextAdornmentLayer(ScreenUnit screenUnit, DistanceUnit worldUnit);
public ScaleTextAdornmentLayer(ScreenUnit screenUnit, DistanceUnit worldUnit, GeoFont font, GeoBrush textBrush);
public DistanceUnit WorldUnit { get; set; }
public GeoBrush TextBrush { get; set; }
public GeoFont Font { get; set; }
public ScreenUnit ScreenUnit { get; set; }
protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);
public class ScaleTextPrinterLayer : PrinterLayer {
public ScaleTextPrinterLayer();
public ScaleTextPrinterLayer(PrintingUnit printingUnit, DistanceUnit worldUnit, MapPrinterLayer mapPrinterLayer);
public ScaleTextPrinterLayer(PrintingUnit printingUnit, DistanceUnit worldUnit, GeoFont font, GeoBrush textBrush, MapPrinterLayer mapPrinterLayer);
public DistanceUnit WorldUnit { get; set; }
public GeoBrush TextBrush { get; set; }
public GeoFont Font { get; set; }
public MapPrinterLayer MapPrinterLayer { get; set; }
public PrinterWrapMode PrinterWrapMode { get; set; }
public PrintingUnit PrintingUnit { get; set; }
protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);
public enum ScreenUnit {
public enum SelectabilityMode {
public class ShapeFileFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {
public static void Rebuild(String shapePathFilename, ShapeFileSortingMode sortingMode, Int32 sridForSorting);
public class ShapeFileFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
public static void Rebuild(String shapePathFilename, ShapeFileSortingMode sortingMode, Int32 sridForSorting);
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
public enum ShapeFileSortingMode {
public class SimpleFilterCondition : FilterCondition {
public SimpleFilterCondition();
public SimpleFilterCondition(String columnName, SimpleFilterConditionType matchType, String matchValue);
public SimpleFilterConditionType MatchType { get; set; }
public String MatchValue { get; set; }
protected override Collection<Feature> GetMatchingFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<Feature> features);
public enum SimpleFilterConditionType {
public enum SpatialDataType {
public static class SqlTypesGeometryHelper {
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the GetDifference(BaseShape sourceShape, BaseShape targetShape) method instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public static MultipolygonShape GetDifference(AreaBaseShape sourceShape, AreaBaseShape targetShape);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the GetDifference(BaseShape sourceShape, Feature targetFeature) method instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public static MultipolygonShape GetDifference(AreaBaseShape sourceShape, Feature targetFeature);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the GetSymmetricalDifference(BaseShape sourceShape, Feature targetFeature) method instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public static MultipolygonShape GetSymmetricalDifference(AreaBaseShape sourceShape, Feature targetFeature);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the GetSymmetricalDifference(BaseShape sourceShape, BaseShape targetShape) method instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public static MultipolygonShape GetSymmetricalDifference(AreaBaseShape sourceShape, AreaBaseShape targetShape);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the Union(IEnumerable<BaseShape> baseShapes) method instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public static MultipolygonShape Union(IEnumerable<AreaBaseShape> areaShapes);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the Union(BaseShape sourceShape, BaseShape targetShape) method instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public static MultipolygonShape Union(AreaBaseShape sourceShape, AreaBaseShape targetShape);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the Union(IEnumerable<BaseShape> baseShapes) method instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public static MultilineShape Union(IEnumerable<LineBaseShape> lineBaseShapes);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the Union(BaseShape sourceShape, BaseShape targetShape) method instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public static MultilineShape Union(LineBaseShape sourceShape, Feature targetFeature);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the Union(BaseShape sourceShape, BaseShape targetShape) method instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public static MultilineShape Union(LineBaseShape sourceShape, LineBaseShape targetShape);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the Union(BaseShape sourceShape, BaseShape targetShape) method instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]
public static MultipolygonShape Union(AreaBaseShape sourceShape, Feature targetFeature);
public class StationsUpdatedNoaaWeatherStationMonitorEventArgs : EventArgs {
public StationsUpdatedNoaaWeatherStationMonitorEventArgs(IDictionary<String,Feature> weatherStations);
public ConcurrentDictionary WeatherStations { get; }
public abstract class Style {
public void SaveStyle(Stream stream);
public void SaveStyle(String filePathName);
public static Style LoadStyle(Stream styleStream);
public static Style LoadStyle(Uri styleUri);
public class TabFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {
public TabStylingType StylingType { get; set; }
protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);
public class TabFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
public enum TabStylingType {
[ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]
public static class TextStyles {
public abstract class TileCache {
public void SaveTiles(Bitmap bitmap, RectangleShape bitmapExtent, Boolean saveContainedCellsOnly);
public class TiledWmsLayer : Layer {
[ObsoleteAttribute("This item is obsoleted, please use CapabilitiesCacheTimeout instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after Version 9.0.")]
public TimeSpan CapabilitesCacheTimeout { get; set; }
public class UnmanagedProj4Projection : Projection, IDisposable {
public UnmanagedProj4Projection(String internalProjectionParametersString, Int32 externalEpsgSrid);
public UnmanagedProj4Projection(Int32 internalEpsgSrid, String externalProjectionParametersString);
public static GeographyUnit GetGeographyUnitFromPrj(String prjString);
public static GeographyUnit GetGeographyUnitFromProj4(String proj4String);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(Feature feature, Int32 srid);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(Feature feature, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(Double latitude, Double longitude);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(BaseShape shape, Int32 srid);
public static Int32 GetLocalUtmZoneNumber(BaseShape shape, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(Double longitude, Double latitude);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(Feature feature, Int32 srid);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(Feature feature, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(BaseShape shape, Int32 srid);
public static String GetLocalUtmZoneParametersString(BaseShape shape, String proj4ProjectionParameters);
public class WarningsUpdatedNoaaWeatherWarningsMonitorEventArgs : EventArgs {
public WarningsUpdatedNoaaWeatherWarningsMonitorEventArgs(IDictionary<String,List<Dictionary<String,String>>> weatherWarnings);
public ConcurrentDictionary WeatherWarnings { get; }
public class WfsFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
public class WkbFileFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {
public WkbFileFeatureLayer();
public WkbFileFeatureLayer(String wkbPathFilename);
public WkbFileFeatureLayer(String wkbPathFilename, WkbFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);
public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; }
public Int32 ProgressiveDrawingRecordsCount { get; set; }
public String WkbPathFilename { get; set; }
public WkbFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }
public WkbFileType GetWkbFileType();
protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);
public static void CreateWkbFile(String pathFilename, WkbFileType wkbFileType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns);
public class WkbFileFeatureSource : FeatureSource {
public WkbFileFeatureSource();
public WkbFileFeatureSource(String wkbPathFilename);
public WkbFileFeatureSource(String wkbPathFilename, WkbFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);
public override Boolean IsEditable { get; }
public Collection<RectangleShape> SimplifiedAreas { get; }
public Int32 SimplificationAreaInPixel { get; set; }
public String WkbPathFilename { get; set; }
public WkbFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }
public Collection<String> GetFeatureIdsForDrawing(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight);
public WkbFileType GetWkbFileType();
protected override Boolean CanGetBoundingBoxQuicklyCore();
protected override Boolean CanGetCountQuicklyCore();
protected override void CloseCore();
protected override TransactionResult CommitTransactionCore(TransactionBuffer transactions);
protected override Collection<Feature> GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);
protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();
protected override Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> GetColumnsCore();
protected override Int32 GetCountCore();
protected virtual Collection<String> GetFeatureIdsForDrawingCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight);
protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesByIdsCore(IEnumerable<String> ids, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);
protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);
protected override WellKnownType GetFirstFeaturesWellKnownTypeCore();
protected override void OpenCore();
public static void CreateWkbFile(String pathFilename, WkbFileType wkbFileType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns);
public enum WkbFileReadWriteMode {
public enum WkbFileType {
public static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles {
public static AreaStyle Aerodrome();
public static AreaStyle Apron();
public static AreaStyle Attraction();
public static AreaStyle BaseLand();
public static AreaStyle Basin();
public static AreaStyle Beach();
public static Style Building();
public static Style BuildingShadow(Single width, Single xOffsetInPixel, Single yOffsetInPixel);
public static AreaStyle Cemetery();
public static AreaStyle Commercial();
public static AreaStyle Common();
public static AreaStyle DogPark();
public static AreaStyle Farmland();
public static AreaStyle Forest();
public static AreaStyle Garden();
public static AreaStyle Golfcourse();
public static AreaStyle Grass();
public static AreaStyle Grassland();
public static AreaStyle Heath();
public static AreaStyle Helipad();
public static AreaStyle Industrial();
public static AreaStyle Landfill();
public static AreaStyle Marina();
public static AreaStyle Meadow();
public static AreaStyle Military();
public static AreaStyle Mud();
public static AreaStyle NationalPark();
public static AreaStyle NatureReserve();
public static AreaStyle Orchard();
public static AreaStyle Park();
public static AreaStyle Parking();
public static AreaStyle Pier();
public static AreaStyle Pitch();
public static AreaStyle Playground();
public static AreaStyle PowerStation();
public static AreaStyle ProtectedArea();
public static AreaStyle Quarry();
public static AreaStyle Railway();
public static AreaStyle RecreationGround();
public static AreaStyle Residential();
public static AreaStyle Retail();
public static AreaStyle Runway();
public static AreaStyle Sand();
public static AreaStyle School();
public static AreaStyle Scrub();
public static AreaStyle SportsCenter();
public static AreaStyle Stadium();
public static AreaStyle SwimmingPool();
public static AreaStyle Track();
public static AreaStyle VillageGreen();
public static AreaStyle Vineyards();
public static AreaStyle Water();
public static AreaStyle WaterPark();
public static AreaStyle Wetland();
public static AreaStyle Wood();
public static AreaStyle Zoo();
public class WorldMapKitLayer : Layer {
public WorldMapKitMapType MapType { get; set; }
public WorldMapKitTileMode TileMode { get; set; }
public static class WorldMapKitLineStyles {
public static LineStyle Apron(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle Boundary(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle BoundaryCity(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle BoundaryCounty(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle BoundaryMinor(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle BoundaryNational(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle BoundaryState(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle Bridge(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle CableCar(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle Highway(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle MiniRail(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);
public static LineStyle MinorRoadFill(Single width);
public static LineStyle MinorRoadOutline(Single width);
public static LineStyle Monorail(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);
public static LineStyle MotorwayFill(Single width);
public static LineStyle MotorwayLinkFill(Single width);
public static LineStyle MotorwayLinkOutline(Single width);
public static LineStyle MotorwayOutline(Single width);
public static LineStyle OneWay(String columnName, String columnValue, String iconPath);
public static LineStyle Pier(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle PowerLine(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle PrimaryFill(Single width);
public static LineStyle PrimaryLinkFill(Single width);
public static LineStyle PrimaryLinkOutline(Single width);
public static LineStyle PrimaryOutline(Single width);
public static LineStyle Rail(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);
public static LineStyle RoadFill(Single width);
public static LineStyle RoadOutline(Single width);
public static LineStyle Runway(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle StepsFill(Single width);
public static LineStyle StepsOutline(Single width);
public static LineStyle Subway(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);
public static LineStyle Taxiway(Single outerWidth);
public static LineStyle TrunkFill(Single width);
public static LineStyle TrunkLinkFill(Single width);
public static LineStyle TrunkLinkOutline(Single width);
public static LineStyle TrunkOutline(Single width);
public static LineStyle Tunnel(Single width);
public static LineStyle Water(Single outerWidth);
public enum WorldMapKitMapType {
public static class WorldMapKitPointStyles {
public static PointStyle AerowayAerodrome(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AerowayGate(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AerowayHelipad(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AerowayTerminal(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityBar(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityBench(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityBicycleParking(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityBicycleRental(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityBiergarten(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityBusStation(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityCafe(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityCarRental(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityCasino(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityCinema(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityClock(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityCollege(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityCourtHouse(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityDentist(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityDoctors(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityDrinkingWater(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityEmbassy(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityFastFood(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityFastFoodPizza(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityFireStation(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityFountain(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityFuel(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityFuelLpg(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityHospital(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityHospitalEmergency(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityIceCream(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityLibrary(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityNursingHome(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityParking(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityParkingCarPaid(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityParkingDisabled(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityParkingPrivate(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPharmacy(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPharmacyDispencing(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorship(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipBuddhist(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipChristian(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipHindu(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipIslamic(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipJain(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipJewish(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipShinto(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipSikh(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPolice(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPostBox(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPostOffice(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPrison(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityPub(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityRecycling(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityRestaurant(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenitySchool(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityShelter(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityTaxi(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityTelephone(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityTheatre(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityToilets(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityToiletsDisabilityAccess(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityToiletsGenderAccessMen(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityToiletsGenderAccessWomen(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityTownHall(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityUniversity(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityVendingMachine(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityVeterinary(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle AmenityWasteDisposal(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle BarrierBlock(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle BarrierBollard(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle BarrierCattleGrid(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle BarrierCycleBarrier(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle BarrierEntrance(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle BarrierGate(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle BarrierKissingGate(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle BarrierLiftGate(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle BarrierStile(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle BarrierTollbooth(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle Ford(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HighwayBusStop(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HighwayMiniRoundaboutAnticlockwise(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HighwayMiniRoundaboutClockwise(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HighwayTrafficSignals(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HistoricBattlefield(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HistoricCastle(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HistoricMemorial(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HistoricMonument(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HistoricRuins(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HistoricWayside_Shrine(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HistoricWaysideCross(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle HistoricWreck(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle LeisureMarina(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle LeisureSlipway(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle LeisureStadium(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ManMadeCrane(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ManMadeLighthouse(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ManMadeMineshaft(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ManMadeMineshaftAbandoned(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ManMadeWaterTower(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ManMadeWindmill(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle MilitaryBunker(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle NaturalCave(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle NaturalPeak(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle NaturalWoodConiferous(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle NaturalWoodDeciduous(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle NaturalWoodMixed(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle OfficeEstateAgent(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle PowerPlantCoal(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle PowerPlantGas(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle PowerPlantHydro(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle PowerPlantSolar(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle PowerPlantWind(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle PowerPole();
public static PointStyle PowerSubStation(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle PowerTower(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle RailwaySubway(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle RailwayTramStop(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopAlcohol(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopBakery(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopBicycle(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopBooks(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopButcher(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopCar(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopCarRepair(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopClothes(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopComputer(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopConfectionery(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopConvenience(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopCopyshop(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopDepartmentStore(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopDoItYourself(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopFlorist(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopGardenCentre(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopGift(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopGreengrocer(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopHairdresser(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopHearingAids(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopHifi(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopJewelry(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopKiosk(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopLaundry(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopMobliePhone(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopMotorcycle(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopMusicalInstrument(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopNewsagent(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopOptician(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopPet(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopSupermarket(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopTobacco(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopToys(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle ShopVideo(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportArchery(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportBaseball(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportCanoe(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportClimbing(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportCricket(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportDiving(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportGolf(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportGymnastics(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportHorseRacing(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportIceStock(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportMotor(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportShooting(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportSkiing(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportSoccer(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportSwimming(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportSwimmingCovered(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle SportTennis(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismAlpineHut(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismArtwork(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismAttraction(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismCampSite(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismCaravanSite(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismChalet(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismHostel(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismHotel(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismInformation(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismInformationGuidepost(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismInformationMap(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismMotel(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismMuseum(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismPicnicStie(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismThemePark(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismViewpoint(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle TourismZoo(String iconPath);
public static PointStyle WaterwayWeir(String iconPath);
public static class WorldMapKitTextStyles {
public static TextStyle GeneralPurpose(String labelColumnName, Single fontSize);
public static TextStyle MotorwayRoadSheild(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);
public static TextStyle Poi(String labelColumnName, Single fontSize, Int32 yOffsetInPixel);
public static TextStyle PrimaryRoadSheild(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);
public static TextStyle TrunkRoadSheild(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);
public static TextStyle Water(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);
public enum WorldMapKitTileMode {