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Source Code ServicesEditionSample OledbFeatureSource CS


 using ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core;  
 namespace OledbFeatureSource  
     // The FeatureLayer is a wrapper to the FeatureSource and provides all of the drawing specific  
     // methods such as the ZoomLevels and Styles.  As you can see it is just a simple wrapper and the  
     // real work is already done for you in the FeatureLayer base class.  
     public class OledbFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer  
         OledbFeatureSource oledbFeatureSource;  
         // It is important for compatability that you always have a default constructor that  
         // takes no parameters.  This constructor will just chain to the more complex one.  
         public OledbFeatureLayer()  
             : this(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty)  
         { }  
         // We have provided another constructor that has all of the parameters we need for the FeatureSource  
         // to work.  
         public OledbFeatureLayer(string tableName, string idColumnName, string wellKnownTestColumnName, string boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName, string boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName, string boundaryLowerRightXColumnName, string boundaryLowerRightYColumnName, string connectionString)  
             : base()  
             oledbFeatureSource = new OledbFeatureSource();  
             this.FeatureSource = oledbFeatureSource;  
             TableName = tableName;  
             IdColumnName = idColumnName;  
             WellKnownTextColumnName = wellKnownTestColumnName;  
             BoundaryUpperLeftXColumnName = boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName;  
             BoundaryUpperLeftYColumnName = boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName;  
             BoundaryLowerRightXColumnName = boundaryLowerRightXColumnName;  
             BoundaryLowerRightYColumnName = boundaryLowerRightYColumnName;  
             ConnectionString = connectionString;  
         // The next dozen lines are all of the properties we need.  It is good form to always match  
         // the parameters in your constructors with properties of the exact same name.  
         public string ConnectionString  
             get { return oledbFeatureSource.ConnectionString; }  
             set { oledbFeatureSource.ConnectionString = value; }  
         public string TableName  
             get { return oledbFeatureSource.TableName; }  
             set { oledbFeatureSource.TableName = value; }  
         public string IdColumnName  
             get { return oledbFeatureSource.IdColumnName; }  
             set { oledbFeatureSource.IdColumnName = value; }  
         public string WellKnownTextColumnName  
             get { return oledbFeatureSource.WellKnownTextColumnName; }  
             set { oledbFeatureSource.WellKnownTextColumnName = value; }  
         public string BoundaryUpperLeftXColumnName  
             get { return oledbFeatureSource.BoundaryUpperLeftXColumnName; }  
             set { oledbFeatureSource.BoundaryUpperLeftXColumnName = value; }  
         public string BoundaryUpperLeftYColumnName  
             get { return oledbFeatureSource.BoundaryUpperLeftYColumnName; }  
             set { oledbFeatureSource.BoundaryUpperLeftYColumnName = value; }  
         public string BoundaryLowerRightXColumnName  
             get { return oledbFeatureSource.BoundaryLowerRightXColumnName; }  
             set { oledbFeatureSource.BoundaryLowerRightXColumnName = value; }  
         public string BoundaryLowerRightYColumnName  
             get { return oledbFeatureSource.BoundaryLowerRightYColumnName; }  
             set { oledbFeatureSource.BoundaryLowerRightYColumnName = value; }  


 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Collections.ObjectModel;  
 using System.Data.OleDb;  
 using System.Diagnostics;  
 using System.Globalization;  
 using System.IO;  
 using System.Text;  
 using ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core;  
 namespace OledbFeatureSource  
     public class OledbFeatureSource : FeatureSource  
         private OleDbConnection connection;  
         private string connectionString;  
         private string tableName;  
         private string idColumnName;  
         private string wellKnownBinaryColumnName;  
         private string boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName;  
         private string boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName;  
         private string boundaryLowerRightXColumnName;  
         private string boundaryLowerRightYColumnName;  
         // It is important for compatability that you always have a default constructor that  
         // takes no parameters.  This constructor will just chain to the more complex one.  
         public OledbFeatureSource()  
             : this(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty)  
         { }  
         // We have provided another constructor that has all of the parameters we need for the FeatureSource  
         // to work.  
         public OledbFeatureSource(string tableName, string idColumnName, string wellKnownBinaryColumnName, string boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName, string boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName, string boundaryLowerRightXColumnName, string boundaryLowerRightYColumnName, string connectionString)  
             : base()  
             TableName = tableName;  
             IdColumnName = idColumnName;  
             WellKnownTextColumnName = wellKnownBinaryColumnName;  
             BoundaryUpperLeftXColumnName = boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName;  
             BoundaryUpperLeftYColumnName = boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName;  
             BoundaryLowerRightXColumnName = boundaryLowerRightXColumnName;  
             BoundaryLowerRightYColumnName = boundaryLowerRightYColumnName;  
             ConnectionString = connectionString;  
         // The next dozen lines are all of the properties we need.  It is good form to always match  
         // the parameters in your constructors with properties of the exact same name.  
         public string TableName  
             get { return tableName; }  
             set { tableName = value; }  
         public string ConnectionString  
             get { return connectionString; }  
             set { connectionString = value; }  
         public string WellKnownTextColumnName  
             get { return wellKnownBinaryColumnName; }  
             set { wellKnownBinaryColumnName = value; }  
         public string BoundaryUpperLeftXColumnName  
             get { return boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName; }  
             set { boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName = value; }  
         public string BoundaryUpperLeftYColumnName  
             get { return boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName; }  
             set { boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName = value; }  
         public string BoundaryLowerRightXColumnName  
             get { return boundaryLowerRightXColumnName; }  
             set { boundaryLowerRightXColumnName = value; }  
         public string BoundaryLowerRightYColumnName  
             get { return boundaryLowerRightYColumnName; }  
             set { boundaryLowerRightYColumnName = value; }  
         public string IdColumnName  
             get { return idColumnName; }  
             set { idColumnName = value; }  
         // Use the OpenCore to initialize your underlying data source.  The concreat Open method will ensure  
         // that if the user calls the Open method multiple times in a row that you only get one call to  
         // OpenCore.  
         protected override void OpenCore()  
             connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);  
         // This proerpty indicates that we implmented editing through the CommitTransactionCore  
         public override bool IsEditable  
                 return true;  
         // Use the CloseCore to close your underlying data source.  It is important to note that the  
         // CloseCore is not like the Dispose on other objects.  The FeatureSource is meant to be opened  
         // and closed many times durring its lifetime.  Make sure that you clean up any objects that have  
         // unmanaged resources but do not put the object in a state that when Open is called it will fail.  
         // The concreat Close method will ensure that if the user calle the Close multiple times in  
         // a row that you only get one call to CloseCore.  
         protected override void CloseCore()  
         // Here you need to query all of the features in your data source.  We use this method  
         // as the basis of nearly all other virtual methods.  For example if you choose not to  
         // override the GetCountCore then we will get all the features and count them as the default.  
         // This is ineffecient however it produces the correct results.  
         protected override Collection<Feature> GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<string> columnNames)  
             OleDbCommand command = null;  
             OleDbDataReader dataReader = null;  
             Collection<Feature> returnFeatures = new Collection<Feature>();  
             // Alays be sure to wrap imporant code that accesses resources that need  
             // to be closed.  In the Finally we will ensure they always get cleaned up.  
                 // We need to construct the part of the SQL statement for retuning the  
                 // column data.  We only return the columns asked for byt the columnNames  
                 // parameter of the function.  This ensures we do not get more than we need.  
                 string columnsSQL = string.Empty;  
                 foreach (string columnName in columnNames)  
                     columnsSQL += "," + columnName;  
                 // Here we build up and execute the query string using the columns the users defined in the properties  
                 command = new OleDbCommand("SELECT " + wellKnownBinaryColumnName + ", " + idColumnName + " " + columnsSQL + " FROM " + tableName, connection);  
                 dataReader = command.ExecuteReader();  
                 // We now loop though all of the results and build up our features that we need to return.  
                 while (dataReader.Read())  
                     // Read the well known binary and create the feature  
                     Feature feature = GetFeatureFromDataReader(dataReader);  
                     // This small part populates the column values that were requested.  They are data  
                     // such as columns used for ClassBreakStyles or TextStyles for labeling.  
                     foreach (string columnName in columnNames)  
                         if (!IsReservedColumnName(columnName))  
                             feature.ColumnValues.Add(columnName, dataReader[columnName].ToString());  
                 // Cleanup any of the objects that need to be closed or disposed.  
                 if (command != null) { command.Dispose(); }  
                 if (dataReader != null) { dataReader.Dispose(); }  
             return returnFeatures;  
         // This method extracts the well known binary from the data reader and uses it to create and return a feature  
         private Feature GetFeatureFromDataReader(OleDbDataReader dataReader)  
             int bufferSize = 1000;  
             byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];  
             long startIndex = 0;  
             long numberOfBytes = 0;  
             MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();  
             BinaryWriter writer = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(memoryStream);  
                     numberOfBytes = dataReader.GetBytes(0, startIndex, buffer, 0, bufferSize);  
                     if (numberOfBytes == 0)  
                     writer.Write(buffer, 0, (int)numberOfBytes);  
                     startIndex += numberOfBytes;  
                 } while (true);  
                 Feature feature = new Feature(memoryStream.GetBuffer(), dataReader[idColumnName].ToString());  
                 return feature;  
                 if (writer != null) { writer.Dispose(); }  
                 if (memoryStream != null) { memoryStream.Dispose(); }  
         // Check if the column passed in is one of the reserved columns we use for store data such as the WKB or the bounding box  
         private bool IsReservedColumnName(string columnName)  
             return (columnName == idColumnName || columnName == wellKnownBinaryColumnName || columnName == boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName || columnName == boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName || columnName == boundaryLowerRightXColumnName || columnName == boundaryLowerRightYColumnName);  
         // Though this method is not required for creating our new class it is an important one.  
         // This method is used to get only the features inside of the bounding box passed in.  The reason  
         // this is critical is that many other methods on the QueryTools such as Touches, Overlaps, Intersects,  
         // and many others use this method as a first pass filter.  If you do not override this method then  
         // the default code calls the GetAllFeatures and look at each to see if it is in the bounding box.  
         // While this method will produce the correct result it will not perform as well as your custom code.  
         protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable<string> returningColumnNames)  
             OleDbCommand command = null;  
             OleDbDataReader dataReader = null;  
             Collection<Feature> returnFeatures = new Collection<Feature>();  
             // Alays be sure to wrap imporant code that accesses resources that need  
             // to be closed.  In the Finally we will ensure they always get cleaned up.  
                 // We need to construct the part of the SQL statement for retuning the  
                 // column data.  We only return the columns asked for byt the columnNames  
                 // parameter of the function.  This ensures we do not get more than we need.  
                 string columnsSQL = string.Empty;  
                 foreach (string columnName in returningColumnNames)  
                     columnsSQL += "," + columnName;  
                 // Build up the where string based on the bounding box passes in  
                 string whereSql = " (" + boundingBox.UpperLeftPoint.X + " <= " + BoundaryLowerRightXColumnName + ") AND (" + boundingBox.LowerRightPoint.X + " >= " + boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName + ") AND (" + boundingBox.LowerRightPoint.Y + " <= " + boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName + ") AND (" + boundingBox.UpperLeftPoint.Y + " >= " + boundaryLowerRightYColumnName + ") ";  
                 // Build the SQL String from the previous parts  
                 string sqlString = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SELECT {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5} {6} FROM {7} WHERE {8}", wellKnownBinaryColumnName, idColumnName, boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName, boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName, boundaryLowerRightXColumnName, boundaryLowerRightYColumnName, columnsSQL, tableName, whereSql);  
                 command = new OleDbCommand(sqlString, connection);  
                 dataReader = command.ExecuteReader();  
                 while (dataReader.Read())  
                     // Read the well known binary and create the feature  
                     Feature feature = GetFeatureFromDataReader(dataReader);  
                     // This small part populates the column values that were requested.  They are data  
                     // such as columns used for ClassBreakStyles or TextStyles for labeling.  
                     foreach (string columnName in returningColumnNames)  
                         if (!IsReservedColumnName(columnName))  
                             feature.ColumnValues.Add(columnName, dataReader[columnName].ToString());  
                 // Cleanup any of the objects that need to be closed or disposed.  
                 if (command != null) { command.Dispose(); }  
                 if (dataReader != null) { dataReader.Dispose(); }  
             return returnFeatures;  
         // This method returns all of the columns in the data source.  This method is not required however  
         // if it is not overridden then the FeatureSource will not have any columns available to it.  
         // Since having access to the column data is usefull for labeling and such we suggest you override it.  
         protected override Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> GetColumnsCore()  
             OleDbCommand command = null;  
             OleDbDataReader dataReader = null;  
             Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> returnColumns = new Collection<FeatureSourceColumn>();  
             // Alays be sure to wrap imporant code that accesses resources that need  
             // to be closed.  In the Finally we will ensure they always get cleaned up.  
                 // Here we have a query that will quickly return nothing.  As strange as it sounds it is a  
                 // good way to get the table structure back without having to return any column data.  
                 command = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE 1=2", connection);  
                 dataReader = command.ExecuteReader();  
                 // We now loop through and create our column list.  In the FeatureSourceColumn we can  
                 // optionally provide the column type but it is just informational so we didn't code it.  
                 for (int i = 0; i < dataReader.FieldCount; i++)  
                     string columnName = dataReader.GetName(i);  
                     if (!IsReservedColumnName(columnName))  
                         FeatureSourceColumn featureSourceColumn = new FeatureSourceColumn(columnName);  
                 // Cleanup any of the objects that need to be closed or disposed.  
                 if (command != null) { command.Dispose(); }  
                 if (dataReader != null) { dataReader.Dispose(); }  
             return returnColumns;  
         // This is another method that does not need to be overridden but we suggest that you do.  
         // This method gets the cound of all the features in the data source.  If you choose not to  
         // override it then the default will call the GetAllFeatures and count them.  This is not very  
         // effecient so we suggest you override it.  
         protected override int GetCountCore()  
             OleDbCommand command = null;  
             int count = 0;  
             // Alays be sure to wrap imporant code that accesses resources that need  
             // to be closed.  In the Finally we will ensure they always get cleaned up.  
                 // Here we do a standard SQL count statement and return the results.  
                 command = new OleDbCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tableName, connection);  
                 count = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());  
                 // Cleanup any of the objects that need to be closed or disposed.  
                 if (command != null) { command.Dispose(); }  
             return count;  
         // We override this to add editing to this feature source.  In this method we are expected  
         // to handle add, edits and deletes to the data source.  We have created seperate helper methods  
         // that encapsulate the various actions.  
         protected override TransactionResult CommitTransactionCore(TransactionBuffer transactions)  
             TransactionResult transactionResult = new TransactionResult();  
             ProcessAddBuffer(transactions.AddBuffer, transactionResult);  
             ProcessDeleteBuffer(transactions.DeleteBuffer, transactionResult);  
             ProcessEditBuffer(transactions.EditBuffer, transactionResult);  
             return transactionResult;  
         private void ProcessAddBuffer(Dictionary<string, Feature> addBuffer, TransactionResult result)  
             foreach (Feature feature in addBuffer.Values)  
                     StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();  
                     stringBuilder.Append(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "INSERT INTO {0} ({1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}", tableName, idColumnName, wellKnownBinaryColumnName, boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName, boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName, boundaryLowerRightXColumnName, boundaryLowerRightYColumnName));  
                     if (feature.ColumnValues != null)  
                         foreach (string columnName in feature.ColumnValues.Keys)  
                             stringBuilder.Append("," + columnName);  
                     RectangleShape boundingBox = feature.GetBoundingBox();  
                     stringBuilder.Append(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ") VALUES('{0}',@wellKnownBinary,{1},{2},{3},{4}", feature.Id, boundingBox.UpperLeftPoint.X, boundingBox.UpperLeftPoint.Y, boundingBox.LowerRightPoint.X, boundingBox.LowerRightPoint.Y));  
                     if (feature.ColumnValues != null)  
                         foreach (string columnName in feature.ColumnValues.Keys)  
                             stringBuilder.Append(",'" + feature.ColumnValues[columnName].Replace("'", "") + "'");  
                     string sqlStatement = stringBuilder.ToString();  
                     OleDbCommand command = null;  
                         command = new OleDbCommand(sqlStatement, connection);  
                         OleDbParameter parameter = command.Parameters.Add("@wellKnownBinary", OleDbType.Binary);  
                         parameter.Value = feature.WellKnownBinary;  
                         // Cleanup any of the objects that need to be closed or disposed.  
                         if (command != null) { command.Dispose(); }  
                 catch (Exception e)  
                     result.FailureReasons.Add(feature.Id, e.Message);  
         private void ProcessDeleteBuffer(Collection<string> deleteBuffer, TransactionResult transactionResult)  
             OleDbCommand command = null;  
             if (deleteBuffer.Count == 0)  
             StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();  
             stringBuilder.Append("DELETE FROM " + tableName + " WHERE ");  
             stringBuilder.Append(idColumnName + "='" + deleteBuffer[0] + "'");  
             for (int i = 1; i < deleteBuffer.Count; i++)  
                 stringBuilder.Append(" OR " + idColumnName + "='" + deleteBuffer[i] + "'");  
             string sqlStatement = stringBuilder.ToString();  
             int count = 0;  
                 // Here we do a standard SQL count statement and return the results.  
                 command = new OleDbCommand(sqlStatement, connection);  
                 count = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());  
                 // Cleanup any of the objects that need to be closed or disposed.  
                 if (command != null) { command.Dispose(); }  
                 transactionResult.TotalSuccessCount += count;  
         private void ProcessEditBuffer(Dictionary<string, Feature> editBuffer, TransactionResult transactionResult)  
             foreach (string id in editBuffer.Keys)  
                     Feature feature = editBuffer[id];  
                     StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();  
                     RectangleShape boundingBox = feature.GetBoundingBox();  
                     stringBuilder.Append(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "UPDATE {0} SET WellKnownBinary = @wellKnownBinary,{1} = {2},{3} = {4},{5} = {6},{7} = {8} ",  
                         boundaryUpperLeftXColumnName, boundingBox.UpperLeftPoint.X,  
                         boundaryUpperLeftYColumnName, boundingBox.UpperLeftPoint.Y,  
                         boundaryLowerRightXColumnName, boundingBox.LowerRightPoint.X,  
                         boundaryLowerRightYColumnName, boundingBox.LowerRightPoint.Y  
                     if (feature.ColumnValues != null)  
                         foreach (string columnName in feature.ColumnValues.Keys)  
                             if (String.Compare(columnName, idColumnName, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)  
                                 stringBuilder.Append("," + columnName + "='" + feature.Id + "'");  
                                 stringBuilder.Append("," + columnName + "='" + feature.ColumnValues[columnName] + "'");  
                     stringBuilder.Append(" WHERE " + idColumnName + "='" + id + "'");  
                     string sqlStatement = stringBuilder.ToString();  
                     OleDbCommand command = null;  
                         command = new OleDbCommand(sqlStatement, connection);  
                         OleDbParameter parameter = command.Parameters.Add("@wellKnownBinary", OleDbType.Binary);  
                         parameter.Value = feature.WellKnownBinary;  
                         // Cleanup any of the objects that need to be closed or disposed.  
                         if (command != null) { command.Dispose(); }  
                 catch (Exception e)  
                     transactionResult.FailureReasons.Add(id, e.Message);  


 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Windows.Forms;  
 namespace OledbFeatureSource  
     static class Program  
         /// <summary>  
         /// The main entry point for the application.  
         /// </summary>  
         static void Main()  
             Application.Run(new TestForm());  


 using System;  
 using System.Collections.ObjectModel;  
 using System.Drawing;  
 using System.Windows.Forms;  
 using ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core;  
 namespace OledbFeatureSource  
     public partial class TestForm : Form  
         private MapEngine mapEngine = new MapEngine();  
         private Bitmap bitmap;  
         public TestForm()  
             BaseShape.GeometryLibrary = GeometryLibrary.Managed;  
             Feature.GeometryLibrary = GeometryLibrary.Managed;  
         private void TestForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)  
             // Set the current extent and background color  
             mapEngine.CurrentExtent = ExtentHelper.GetDrawingExtent(new RectangleShape(-180.0, 83.0, 180.0, -90.0), picMap.Width, picMap.Height);  
             mapEngine.BackgroundFillBrush = new GeoSolidBrush(GeoColor.GeographicColors.DeepOcean);  
             // Display OledbFeatureLayer  
             string connectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\data\Countries.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;";  
             OledbFeatureLayer countriesLayer = new OledbFeatureLayer("Countries", "ID", "WellKnownBinary", "BoundaryUpperLeftX", "BoundaryUpperLeftY", "BoundaryLowerRightX", "BoundaryLowerRightY", connectionString);  
             countriesLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultAreaStyle = AreaStyles.Country1;  
             countriesLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultTextStyle = TextStyles.City1("CountryName");  
             countriesLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultTextStyle.FittingPolygon = true;  
             countriesLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.ApplyUntilZoomLevel = ApplyUntilZoomLevel.Level20;  
             // Add the new layer to the MapEngine  
             mapEngine.StaticLayers.Add("CountriesLayer", countriesLayer);  
         private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)  
             FeatureLayer countriesLayer = (FeatureLayer)mapEngine.StaticLayers["CountriesLayer"];  
             if (Validator.CheckMdbHasRecords((OledbFeatureSource)countriesLayer.FeatureSource))  
                 // Edit the shape itself  
                 Collection<Feature> features = countriesLayer.FeatureSource.GetAllFeatures(ReturningColumnsType.AllColumns);  
                 foreach (Feature feature in features)  
                     // Change the country name  
                     feature.ColumnValues["CountryName"] += "(Modified)";  
                     // Scale down the country  
                     BaseShape baseShape = feature.GetShape();  
                     feature.WellKnownBinary = baseShape.GetWellKnownBinary();  
                 MessageBox.Show("No records in the specified .mdb file, please check it.");  
         private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)  
             FeatureLayer countriesLayer = (FeatureLayer)mapEngine.StaticLayers["CountriesLayer"];  
             Collection<Feature> features = countriesLayer.FeatureSource.GetAllFeatures(ReturningColumnsType.AllColumns);  
             foreach (Feature feature in features)  
         private void btnImport_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)  
             FeatureLayer countriesLayer = (FeatureLayer)mapEngine.StaticLayers["CountriesLayer"];  
             if (!Validator.CheckMdbHasRecords((OledbFeatureSource)countriesLayer.FeatureSource))  
                 // Import the records of shape file into .mdb file  
                 string shpPath = @"..\..\Data\Countries02.shp";  
                 ShapeFileFeatureSource worldShpFeatureSource = new ShapeFileFeatureSource(shpPath, ShapeFileReadWriteMode.ReadOnly);  
                 Collection<Feature> features = worldShpFeatureSource.GetAllFeatures(ReturningColumnsType.AllColumns);  
                 foreach (Feature feature in features)  
                     string countryName = feature.ColumnValues["CNTRY_NAME"].ToString();  
                     feature.ColumnValues.Add("CountryName", countryName);  
                 MessageBox.Show("Failed to import the data, please make sure there is't any records in the specified .mdb file.");  
         private void btnGetCount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  
             FeatureLayer countriesLayer = (FeatureLayer)mapEngine.StaticLayers["CountriesLayer"];  
             int featureCount = countriesLayer.FeatureSource.GetCount();  
             MessageBox.Show("Number of Countries: " + featureCount, "Get Count");  
         private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  
         private void DrawImage()  
             if (bitmap != null)  
             bitmap = new Bitmap(picMap.Width, picMap.Height);  
             mapEngine.DrawStaticLayers(bitmap, GeographyUnit.DecimalDegree);  
             picMap.Image = bitmap;  
         private void toolBar_ButtonClick(object sender, ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e)  
             switch (e.Button.Tag.ToString())  
                 case "Zoom In":  
                 case "Zoom Out":  
                 case "Full Extent":  
                     mapEngine.CurrentExtent = ExtentHelper.GetDrawingExtent(new RectangleShape(-180.0, 83.0, 180.0, -90.0), picMap.Width, picMap.Height);  
                 case "Pan Left":  
                     mapEngine.CurrentExtent = ExtentHelper.Pan(mapEngine.CurrentExtent, PanDirection.Left, 40);  
                 case "Pan Right":  
                     mapEngine.CurrentExtent = ExtentHelper.Pan(mapEngine.CurrentExtent, PanDirection.Right, 40);  
                 case "Pan Up":  
                     mapEngine.CurrentExtent = ExtentHelper.Pan(mapEngine.CurrentExtent, PanDirection.Up, 20);  
                 case "Pan Down":  
                     mapEngine.CurrentExtent = ExtentHelper.Pan(mapEngine.CurrentExtent, PanDirection.Down, 20);  


 using ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core;  
 namespace OledbFeatureSource  
     internal static class Validator  
         internal static bool CheckMdbHasRecords(OledbFeatureSource featureSource)  
             bool result = false;  
             int featureCount = featureSource.GetCount();  
             if (featureCount > 0)  
                 result = true;  
                 result = false;  
             return result;  
 } · Last modified: 2015/09/09 03:19 by admin