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Map Suite WPF Desktop Edition Release Change Log Version

Release date: 05/14/2012


New namespaces: 0


Types added in new namespaces: 0

Types added to existing namespaces: 2

Total number of types added (in both new and existing namespaces): 2

Types removed from existing namespaces: 2


Members added on new types: 9

Members added to existing types: 46

Members removed from existing types: 4

Members removed on removed types: 17


Attributes added: 9

Attributes added and shown: 9

Attributes removed: 4

Attributes removed and shown: 4


Parameter name changes: 0

// Old assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WpfDesktopEdition\\Wpf Desktop Edition\WpfDesktopEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of old assemblies: 1

// New assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\WpfDesktopEdition\\Wpf Desktop Edition\WpfDesktopEdition.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of new assemblies: 1

WpfDesktopEdition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEdition {


public class BingMapsOverlay : TileOverlay {

[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use other constructors instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after Version 7.0.")]

public BingMapsOverlay(String applicationId, BingMapsMapType mapType, String cacheDirectory, BingMapsLogoMode logoMode);

[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use other structors instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after Version 7.0.")]

public BingMapsLogoMode LogoMode { get; set; }

public GeoImage Logo { get; set; }

public event EventHandler SendingWebRequest;

public event EventHandler SentWebRequest;

protected override void DrawCore(RectangleShape targetExtent, OverlayRefreshType overlayRefreshType);

protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);



public class BingMapsTileOverlay : TileOverlay {

public GeoImage Logo { get; set; }

public event EventHandler SendingWebRequest;

public event EventHandler SentWebRequest;

protected override void DrawCore(RectangleShape targetExtent, OverlayRefreshType overlayRefreshType);

protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);

[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsoleted. Please use BingMapsTileOverlay(string applicationId) instead. The applicationID is the Bing Maps key obtained from the Bing Maps Account Center. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2012.")]

public BingMapsTileOverlay(String applicationId, Binding binding, EndpointAddress endPointAddress);

[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted. Please use BingMapsTileOverlay(string applicationId) instead. The applicationID is the Bing Maps key obtained from the Bing Maps Account Center. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2012.")]

public Binding Binding {






[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted. Please use BingMapsTileOverlay(string applicationId) instead. The applicationID is the Bing Maps key obtained from the Bing Maps Account Center. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2012.")]

public EndpointAddress EndpointAddress {






[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use MapStyle instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2012.")]

public BingMapsStyle MapType { get; set; }



public class DrawingExceptionTileOverlayEventArgs : EventArgs {

public DrawingExceptionTileOverlayEventArgs();

public DrawingExceptionTileOverlayEventArgs(GeoCanvas canvas, Exception exception, Boolean cancel);

public Boolean Cancel { get; set; }

public Exception Exception { get; set; }

public GeoCanvas Canvas { get; set; }



public class DrawnExceptionTileOverlayEventArgs : EventArgs {

public DrawnExceptionTileOverlayEventArgs();

public DrawnExceptionTileOverlayEventArgs(GeoCanvas canvas, Exception exception);

public Exception Exception { get; set; }

public GeoCanvas Canvas { get; set; }



public class GoogleMapsOverlay : TileOverlay {

public event EventHandler SendingWebRequest;

public event EventHandler SentWebRequest;

protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);



public class LayerOverlay : TileOverlay {

protected override void CloseCore();

protected override void RefreshCore();




public abstract class MapTool : Control {






public class Marker : ContentControl, IAddChild {



public class OpenStreetMapOverlay : TileOverlay {

public Collection CustomServerUris { get; }

public event EventHandler SendingWebRequest;

public event EventHandler SentWebRequest;

protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);



public abstract class Overlay : IDisposable {

public void Close();

protected virtual void CloseCore();






public class Popup : ContentControl, IAddChild {



public class TileAsyncResult {

public GeoCanvas GeoCanvas {






public Object ImageSource {








public abstract class TileOverlay : Overlay, IDisposable {

public RectangleShape WrappingExtent { get; set; }

public event EventHandler DrawingException;

public event EventHandler DrawnException;

protected void DrawException(GeoCanvas canvas, Exception e);

protected virtual void DrawExceptionCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Exception e);

protected virtual void OnDrawingException(DrawingExceptionTileOverlayEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnDrawnException(DrawnExceptionTileOverlayEventArgs e);




public class UriTile : Tile, IDisposable {

[ObsoleteAttribute("This event is obsolete, please use SendingWebRequest instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after Version 7.0.")]

public event EventHandler SendingRequest;

public event EventHandler SendingWebRequest;

public event EventHandler SentWebRequest;

[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use OnSendingWebRequest instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after Version 7.0.")]

protected virtual void OnSendingRequest(SendingRequestUriTileEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);

protected WebResponse SendWebRequest(WebRequest webRequest);

protected virtual WebResponse SendWebRequestCore(WebRequest webRequest);



public class WmsOverlay : TileOverlay {

public event EventHandler SendingWebRequest;

public event EventHandler SentWebRequest;

protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);



public class WorldMapKitWmsWpfOverlay : TileOverlay {

public event EventHandler SendingWebRequest;

public event EventHandler SentWebRequest;

protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);




public class WpfMap : Control, IDisposable {


public sealed enum BingMapsStyle; // removed

public class BingMapsTile; // removed

} // end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEdition

map_suite_wpf_desktop_edition_release_change_log_version_6.0.0.0.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/08 03:22 by admin