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Map Suite Web for MVC Release Change Log Version 10.0.0

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Mvc, Version=10.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null


namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.MvcEdition {


    public class AdornmentOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerialization {

        public GeoCollection<AdornmentLayer> GeoCollection Layers { get; }




    public class ClassBreakMarkerStyle : MarkerStyle {

        public ClassBreakMarkerStyle(String columnName, MarkerBreakValueInclusion breakValueInclusion);

        public ClassBreakMarkerStyle(String columnName, MarkerBreakValueInclusion breakValueInclusion, IEnumerable<MarkerClassBreak> classBreaks);


        public MarkerBreakValueInclusion BreakValueInclusion BreakValueInclusion { get; set; }


        public ClassBreakMarkerStyle(String columnName, BreakValueInclusion breakValueInclusion);

        public ClassBreakMarkerStyle(String columnName, BreakValueInclusion breakValueInclusion, Collection<MarkerClassBreak> classBreaks);




    public class ClassBreakMarkerStyleSetting : MarkerStyleSetting<ClassBreakMarkerStyle,ClassBreakMarkerStyleSetting> {

        public ClassBreakMarkerStyleSetting BreakValueInclusion(MarkerBreakValueInclusion breakValueInclusion);


        public ClassBreakMarkerStyleSetting BreakValueInclusion(BreakValueInclusion breakValueInclusion);




    public abstract class FeatureOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerialization {

        public GeoCollection<Feature> GeoCollection Features { get; }




    public class LayerOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerialization {

        public GeoCollection<Layer> GeoCollection Layers { get; }




    public class Map : MvcControlBase, IEntity {

        public GeoBrush BackgroundLayer MapBackground { get; set; }




    public class MapBuilder : MvcControlBuilderBase<Map,MapBuilder> {

        public MapBuilder MapBackground(GeoBrush background);


        public MapBuilder MapBackground(BackgroundLayer backgroundLayer);




    public enum MarkerBreakValueInclusion {






    public class OverlayCollection {

        public WmtsOverlaySetting WmtsOverlay(String id, IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);

        public WmtsOverlaySetting WmtsOverlay(String id, Uri serverUri, WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay();

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay(String id);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay(String id, TileType tileType);


        public WmtsOverlaySetting WmtsOverlay(String id, Uri serverUri, WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);

        public WmtsOverlaySetting WmtsOverlay(String id, IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);



    public static class Validators {

        public static void CheckBreakValueInclusionIsValid(MarkerBreakValueInclusion breakValueInclusion);

        public static void CheckColumnNameIsInFeature(String columnName, IEnumerable<Feature> features);

        public static void CheckJpegCompressionQuality(Int32 quality, String paramterName);

        public static void CheckJsonIsOverlayType(String jsonString, String otype);

        public static void CheckMapActualWidthAndHeightValid(Double value);

        public static void CheckMapUnitIsValid(GeographyUnit mapUnit);

        public static void CheckOverlayEpsgProjectionGetAndSetValid(Boolean isBaseOverlay);

        public static void CheckPanDirectionIsValid(PanDirection panDirection);

        public static void CheckParameterIsNotNullOrEmpty(String stringToTest, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckTileTypeIsValid(TileType tileType);

        public static void CheckValueIsGreaterOrEqualToZero(Double value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckValueIsGreaterThanZero(Double value, String parameterName);

        public static void NotSupport(String message);




    public class WmtsOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerialization {

        public WmtsOverlay(String id, IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);


        public WmtsSeverEncodingType WmtsSeverEncodingType WmtsSeverEncodingType { get; set; }


        public WmtsOverlay(String id, IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);




    public class WmtsOverlaySetting : OverlaySetting<WmtsOverlay,WmtsOverlaySetting> {

        public WmtsOverlaySetting WmtsSeverEncodingType(WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);


        public WmtsOverlaySetting WmtsSeverEncodingType(WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);




    public enum WmtsSeverEncodingType {





    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay class instead.")]


    public class WorldMapKitWmsWebOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerialization {




    public class WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerialization {

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay();

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay(String id);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay(String id, TileType tileType);


        public Int32 TransitionEffectDelayInMilliseconds { get; set; }

        public override String OnClientAutoRefreshTick { get; set; }

        public TileType TileType { get; set; }

        public TransitionEffect TransitionEffect { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryMapType MapType { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryProjection Projection { get; set; }

        public WrapDatelineMode WrapDateline { get; set; }


        public override void FromJson(String jsonString);


        protected override String OverlayType { get; }




    public class WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting : OverlaySetting<WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay,WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting> {

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting(WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay worldStreetsAndImageryOverlay);


        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting Projection(WorldStreetsAndImageryProjection projection);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting TileHeight(Int32 tileHeight);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting TileType(TileType tileType);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting TileWidth(Int32 tileWidth);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting TransitionEffect(TransitionEffect transitionEffect);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting TransitionEffectDelayInMilliseconds(Int32 transitionEffectDelayInMilliseconds);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting WebImageFormat(WebImageFormat webImageFormat);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlaySetting WrapDateline(WrapDatelineMode wrapDateline);


} //end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.MvcEdition

ThinkGeo.MapSuite, Version=10.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null


namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core {


    public class AreaStyle : Style {

        public override Boolean IsDefault { get; }




    public static class AreaStyles {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Antarctica1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Country1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Country2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle County1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle County2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Crop1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Evergreen1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Evergreen2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Forest1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Grass1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Military1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle NoData1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Park1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Sand1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle SeaIce1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle SnowIce1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle State1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle State2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Swamp1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Swamp2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Tundra1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Urban1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Urban2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Water1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Water2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle WaterIntermittent1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Wildlife1 { get; }




    public class BingMapsLayer : Layer {

        public IWebProxy WebProxy Proxy { get; set; }




    public enum BingMapsMapType {



        //removed members:






    public class BitmapTile : Tile, IDisposable {

        public BitmapTile(GeoImage image, RectangleShape boundingBox, Double scale);


        public GeoImage Bitmap Bitmap { get; set; }


        public BitmapTile(Bitmap bitmap, RectangleShape boundingBox, Double scale);




    public class BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(Int32 recordCount, Int32 currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName);


        public String ShapePathFilename { get; }


        [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(int recordCount, int currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, string shapePathFileName) instead.")]

        public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(Int32 recordCount, Int32 currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, Boolean cancel, String shapePathFileName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(int recordCount, int currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, string shapePathFileName) instead.")]

        public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs();

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(int recordCount, int currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, string shapePathFileName) instead.")]

        public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(Int32 recordCount, Int32 currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, Boolean cancel);

        public String ShapePathFileName { get; }




    public enum CadStylingType {



        //removed members:




    public static class ClassBreakValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckClassBreaksAreValid(IEnumerable<ClassBreak> classBreaks);



    public static class CogoValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckArcAndChordLengthIsValid(Double arcLength, Double chordLength);

        public static void CheckCogoDirectionTypeIsPolar(CogoDirectionType value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckDirectionIsValid(String direction, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckPointCogoFileRecordIsValid(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckQuadrantBearingDegreeIsValid(Double value, String parameterName);




    public class DataGridPrinterLayer : PrinterLayer {

        public PrinterTextHorizontalAlignment TextHorizontalAlignment TextHorizontalAlignment { get; set; }




    public struct DegreesMinutesSeconds {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call GetFormattedString(int decimals) instead.")]

        public String ToString(Int32 decimals);




    public class DrawingProgressChangedEventArgs : ProgressChangedEventArgs {

        public GeoCanvas Canvas { get; set; }

        public Int64 DrawingElapsedSinceLastInvalid { get; set; }

        public RectangleShape DrawnExtent { get; set; }

        public Boolean IsDrawingInvalid { get; set; }




    public struct DrawingRectangle {

        public DrawingRectangle(Int32 centerX, Int32 centerY, Int32 width, Int32 height);

        public DrawingRectangle(Int32 anchorPointX, Int32 anchorPointY, Int32 width, Int32 height, DrawingRectangleAnchorReference anchorReference);


        public Int32 CenterX { get; }

        public Int32 CenterY { get; }

        public Int32 Height { get; }

        public Int32 MaximumX { get; }

        public Int32 MaximumY { get; }

        public Int32 MinimumX { get; }

        public Int32 MinimumY { get; }

        public Int32 Width { get; }


        public override Boolean Equals(Object obj);

        public override Int32 GetHashCode();


        public static Boolean operator==(DrawingRectangle rectangleF1, DrawingRectangle rectangleF2);

        public static Boolean operator!=(DrawingRectangle rectangleF1, DrawingRectangle rectangleF2);

        public static DrawingRectangle Round(DrawingRectangleF value);



    public enum DrawingRectangleAnchorReference {









    public struct DrawingRectangleF {

        public DrawingRectangleF(Single anchorPointX, Single anchorPointY, Single width, Single height, DrawingRectangleAnchorReference anchorReference);


        public Single MaximumX { get; }

        public Single MaximumY { get; }

        public Single MinimumX { get; }

        public Single MinimumY { get; }




    public class ExecutingSqlStatementMsSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public ExecutingSqlStatementMsSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs(String sqlStatement);

        public ExecutingSqlStatementMsSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs(String sqlStatement, ExecutingSqlStatementType sqlStatementType);


        public ExecutingSqlStatementType ExecutingSqlStatementType { get; set; }

        public String SqlStatement { get; set; }



    public static class ExtendedHelper {

        public static String GetVersion();

        public static Boolean ShowProductCenter();




    public static class ExtentHelper {

        public static RectangleShape ApplyDrawingMarginToExtent(RectangleShape worldExtent, Single marginInPixel, Single screenWidth, Single screenHeight);

        public static RectangleShape GetSnappedExtent(RectangleShape worldExtent, GeographyUnit worldExtentUnit, Single screenWidth, Single screenHeight, ZoomLevelSet zoomLevelSet);

        public static Double GetSnappedScale(RectangleShape worldExtent, Single screenWidth, GeographyUnit worldExtentUnit);

        public static Int32 GetSnappedZoomLevelIndex(Double scale, IEnumerable<Double> zoomLevelScales);

        public static DrawingRectangle Rectangle ToScreenCoordinate(RectangleShape worldExtent, RectangleShape targetWorldExtent targetExtent, Single screenWidth currentExtentWidth, Single screenHeight currentExtentHeight);




    public class Feature {

        public Boolean IsGeometryValid();

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. For compatibility use GetWellKnownBinary() != null. Most of the time when this method is used IsGeometryValid(), which does geometry validation using the NTS topology engine, would most likely be better suited.")]

        public Boolean IsValid();


        public static GeoDataTable ConvertToDataTable(IEnumerable<Feature> features, IEnumerable<String> columnNames);


        public Dictionary<String,Collection<LinkColumnValue>> LinkColumnValues { get; }




    public abstract class FeatureLayer : Layer {

        protected Collection<Feature> GetWrappingFeaturesForDrawing(WrappingWorldDirection wrappingFeatureDirection, RectangleShape drawingWorldExtent, Double canvasWidth, Double canvasHeight, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, RectangleShape wrappingWorldExtent);


        public virtual Boolean CanDrawProgressively { get; }

        public void DrawProgressively(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);

        protected virtual void DrawProgressivelyCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);

        public Int64 DrawingElapsedInMilliSeconds { get; set; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. We kept a default margin of 256 pixels which should be good for most scenarios, you can always customize it by setting the property of DrawingMarginInPixel.")]

        public Double DrawingMarginPercentage { get; set; }




    public abstract class FeatureSource {

        public GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQuery(String sqlStatement);

        public protected Collection<String> GetColumnNamesOutsideFeatureSource(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        public Collection<String> GetFeatureIdsInsideBoundingBox(RectangleShape boundingBox);

        public void RemoveEmptyAndExcludedFeatures(Collection<Feature> features);


        protected virtual GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQueryCore(String sqlStatement);

        protected virtual Collection<String> GetFeatureIdsInsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox);


        public static GeoDataTable ConvertToDataTable(IEnumerable<Feature> features, IEnumerable<String> columnNames);

        public static String GetColumnNameAlias(String columnName, ICollection<String> columnNames);

        public protected static Collection<String> SplitColumnNames(IEnumerable<String> columnNames returningColumnNames);


        public event EventHandler<AppliedFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs> AppliedFilters;

        public Collection<Feature> ApplyFilters(IEnumerable<Feature> features, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, IEnumerable<String> filters);

        protected virtual Collection<Feature> ApplyFiltersCore(IEnumerable<Feature> features, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, String linkExpression);

        public event EventHandler<ApplyingFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs> ApplyingFilters;

        protected IEnumerable<Feature> ConvertToExternalProjectionAsync(IEnumerable<Feature> features);

        public Collection<String> Filters { get; }

        public Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesByIds(IEnumerable<String> ids, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, IEnumerable<String> filters);

        public Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesForDrawing(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, IEnumerable<String> filters);

        public IEnumerable<Feature> GetFeaturesForDrawingAsync(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected virtual IEnumerable<Feature> GetFeaturesForDrawingAsyncCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        public Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBox(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, IEnumerable<String> filters);

        public Collection<String> LinkExpressions { get; }

        public Collection<LinkSource> LinkSources { get; }

        protected virtual void OnAppliedFilters(AppliedFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs e);

        protected virtual void OnApplyingFilters(ApplyingFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs e);

        public Collection<Feature> SpatialQuery(BaseShape targetShape, QueryType queryType, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, IEnumerable<String> filters);




    public class FileGeoDatabaseFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        protected override GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQueryCore(String sqlStatement);




    public class GeneratingGridFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public GeneratingGridFeatureSourceEventArgs(Int32 gridCount, Int32 gridIndex, DateTime startProcessTime, Boolean isCanceled, String gridPathFilename gridPathFileName);


        public String GridPathFilename { get; set; }


        public String GridPathFileName { get; set; }




    public abstract class GeoCanvas {

        public static PlatformGeoCanvas CreatePlatformGeoCanvas();




    public class GeoCodeGenerator {

        public void GenerateCode(Object sourceObject, String pathFilename pathFileName);



    public class GeoDataTable {

        public GeoDataTable();


        public Collection<Dictionary<String,Object>> Rows { get; }

        public Collection<String> Columns { get; }


        public void AddRow(params String[] columnValues);

        public void AddRow(IDictionary<String,Object> columnValues);


        public static DataTable implicit operator(GeoDataTable geoDataTable);

        public static GeoDataTable implicit operator(DataTable dataTable);




    public class GeoDbf : IDisposable {

        public GeoDbf(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public GeoDbf(String pathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public GeoDbf(String pathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);

        public GeoDbf(String pathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding, CultureInfo cultureInfo);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode DbfReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }


        public void AddBooleanColumn(String columnName);

        public void AddColumn(String columnName, DbfColumnType columnType, Int32 length, Int32 decimalLength);

        public void AddDateColumn(String columnName);

        public void AddDoubleColumn(String columnName, Int32 length, Int32 decimalLength);

        public void AddIntegerColumn(String columnName, Int32 length);

        public void AddMemoColumn(String columnName, Int32 length);

        public void AddStringColumn(String columnName, Int32 length);

        public void UpdateDbcFilename(String newDbcFilename);


        public static void CopyDbfHeader(String sourcePathFilename sourcePathFileName, String destinationPathFilename destinationPathFileName);

        public static void CopyDbfHeader(String sourcePathFilename sourcePathFileName, String destinationPathFilename destinationPathFileName, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);

        public static void CreateDbfFile(String dbfPathFilename dbfPathFileName, IEnumerable<DbfColumn> dbfColumns);

        public static void CreateDbfFile(String dbfPathFilename dbfPathFileName, IEnumerable<DbfColumn> dbfColumns, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);

        public static void CreateDbfFile(String dbfPathFilename dbfPathFileName, IEnumerable<DbfColumn> dbfColumns, OverwriteMode overwriteMode, Encoding encoding);


        public GeoDbf(String pathFileName, DbfReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding, CultureInfo cultureInfo);

        public GeoDbf(String pathFileName, DbfReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);

        public GeoDbf(String pathFileName, DbfReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public String PathFileName { get; set; }




    public enum GeoFileMode {










    public enum GeoFileReadWriteMode {








    public enum GeoFileShare {









    public static class GeohashHelper {

        public static String ConvertToGeohash(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);

        public static String ConvertToGeohash(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);

        public static String ConvertToGeohash(Double longitude, Double latitude, Int32 precision);

        public static PointShape ConvertToPointShape(String geohash);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(String geohash, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction, Int32 precision);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Double longitude, Double latitude, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction, Int32 precision);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Double longitude, Double latitude, GeohashAjacentDirection direction, Int32 precision);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(String geohash);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Double longitude, Double latitude);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Double longitude, Double latitude, Int32 precision);




    public class GeoImage : IDisposable {

        public GeoImage(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public GeoImage(Object nativeImage);


        public Int32 Height { get; }

        public Int32 Width { get; }

        public Object NativeImage { get; set; }


        public Stream GetImageStream();


        public event EventHandler<LoadingNativeImageGeoImageEventArgs> LoadingNativeImage;


        protected virtual void Dispose(Boolean disposing);

        protected virtual void OnLoadingNativeImage(LoadingNativeImageGeoImageEventArgs e);


        public static Object CreateNewNativeImage(Stream stream);

        public static Object CreateNewNativeImage(String imagePathFilename);

        public static Object CreateNewNativeImage(Int32 width, Int32 height);


        public Int32 GetHeight();

        public Int32 GetWidth();



    public enum GeoImageFormat {














    public class GeoSerializer {

        public Object Deserialize(String sourcePathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public void Serialize(Object objectToSerialize, String targetPathFilename targetPathFileName);


        public Object Deserialize(String sourcePathFileName, FileAccess fileAccess);




    public class GeoTiffRasterLayer : RasterLayer {

        public GeoTiffRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename, RectangleShape imageWorldExtent imageExtent);


        public String ImagePathFilename { get; set; }


        public GeoTiffLibraryType LibraryType { get; set; }

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }




    public class GeoTiffRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public GeoTiffRasterSource(String imagePathFilename, String worldFilePathFilename worldfilePathFilename);


        public String ImagePathFilename { get; set; }


        public GeoTiffRasterSource();

        protected override RasterSource CloneDeepCore();

        public GeoTiffLibraryType LibraryType { get; set; }

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }




    public class GoogleMapsLayer : Layer {

        public GoogleMapsLayer(String cacheDirectory, String clientId, String privateKey, IWebProxy webProxy);


        public GeoImage Bitmap NoDataTileImage { get; set; }

        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }

        public String Language { get; set; }


        public GeoImage Bitmap GetGoogleMapsImage(Double longitude, Double latitude, Int32 zoomLevelNumber, Double tileWidth, Double tileHeight);


        protected virtual GeoImage Bitmap GetGoogleMapsImageCore(Double longitude, Double latitude, Int32 zoomLevelNumber, Double tileWidth, Double tileHeight);


        public GoogleMapsLayer(String cacheDirectory, String clientId, String privateKey, WebProxy webProxy);




    public class GraticuleFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public GraticuleFeatureLayer();

        public GraticuleFeatureLayer(Projection projection);


        public GeoBrush GraticuleTextBrush { get; set; }

        public GeoFont GraticuleTextFont { get; set; }

        public GeoPen GraticuleTextHaloPen { get; set; }

        public LineStyle GraticuleLineStyle { get; set; }

        public Projection Projection { get; set; }

        public RectangleShape WrappingExtent { get; set; }

        public WrappingMode WrappingMode { get; set; }


        protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);



    public class GraticuleFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public GraticuleFeatureSource();


        public RectangleShape WrappingExtent { get; set; }

        public WrappingMode WrappingMode { get; set; }


        protected override Collection<Feature> GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> GetColumnsCore();

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesForDrawingCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);




    public class GridIsoLineLayer : IsoLineLayer {

        public GridIsoLineLayer(String gridPathFilename gridPathFileName);

        public GridIsoLineLayer(String gridPathFilename gridPathFileName, IEnumerable<Double> isoLineLevels);

        public GridIsoLineLayer(String gridPathFilename gridPathFileName, IEnumerable<Double> isoLineLevels, Double lowerScale, Double upperScale);

        public GridIsoLineLayer(String gridPathFilename gridPathFileName, IEnumerable<Double> isoLineLevels, Double lowerScale, Double upperScale, IsoLineType isoLineType);




    public class Jpeg2000RasterLayer : EcwRasterLayer : RasterLayer {

        public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; }

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }




    public class Jpeg2000RasterSource : EcwRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }


        protected override void CloseCore();

        protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();

        protected override GeoImage GetImageCore(RectangleShape worldExtent, Int32 canvasWidth, Int32 canvasHeight);

        protected override Int32 GetImageHeightCore();

        protected override Int32 GetImageWidthCore();

        protected override void OpenCore();




    public class KmlAdornmentLayer : AdornmentLayer {

        public String kmlPathFilename { get; set; }




    public enum KmlStylingType {



        //removed members:







    public abstract class Layer {

        public Dictionary<GeoColor,GeoColor> ColorMappings { get; }




    public class LegendItem {

        public Single Ratio { get; set; }




    public class LineStyle : Style {

        public override Boolean IsDefault { get; }




    public static class LineStyles {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Canal1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle ContestedBorder1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle ContestedBorder2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle DegreeLine1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Equator1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Highway1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Highway2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Highway3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Highway4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Highway5 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle InternationalBorder1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle InternationalBorder2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Interstate1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Interstate2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Interstate3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Interstate4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle LocalRoad1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle LocalRoad2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle LocalRoad3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle LocalRoad4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorRoad1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorRoad2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorRoad3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorRoad4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorStreet1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorStreet2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorStreet3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Pipeline1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Pipeline2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Pipeline3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Railway1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Railway2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Railway3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Railway4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle River1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle River2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle RiverIntermittent1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle SecondaryRoad1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle SecondaryRoad2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle StateBorder1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Utility1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Utility2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Utility3 { get; }



    public class LoadingNativeImageGeoImageEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public LoadingNativeImageGeoImageEventArgs();

        public LoadingNativeImageGeoImageEventArgs(Object nativeImage);


        public Object NativeImage { get; set; }




    public class MagneticNorthLineStyle : LineStyle {

        public MagneticNorthLineStyle();


        protected override void DrawCore(IEnumerable<Feature> features, GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInThisLayer, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);




    public class MsSqlFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer();

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn);

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid);

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, String schemaName);

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, String schemaName, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);


        public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; }

        public DatabaseConnectionMode DatabaseConnectionMode { get; set; }

        public Int32 CommandTimeout { get; set; }

        public Int32 Srid { get; set; }

        public String ConnectionString { get; set; }

        public String CustomGeometryColumnName { get; set; }

        public String FeatureIdColumn { get; set; }

        public String SchemaName { get; set; }

        public String SpatialIndexName { get; set; }

        public String TableName { get; set; }

        public String WhereClause { get; set; }


        public void BuildIndex(BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode);

        public Int32 ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlStatement);

        public WellKnownType GetFirstGeometryType();

        public void MakeAllGeometriesValid();

        public Dictionary<String,String> Validate();


        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType);

        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns);

        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);




    public class MsSqlFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public MsSqlFeatureSource();

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn);

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid);

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, String schemaName);

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, String schemaName, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);


        public override Boolean IsEditable { get; }

        public DatabaseConnectionMode DatabaseConnectionMode { get; set; }

        public Int32 CommandTimeout { get; set; }

        public Int32 Srid { get; set; }

        public MsSqlSpatialDataType SpatialDataType { get; set; }

        public String ConnectionString { get; set; }

        public String CustomGeometryColumnName { get; set; }

        public String FeatureIdColumn { get; set; }

        public String SchemaName { get; set; }

        public String SpatialIndexName { get; set; }

        public String TableName { get; set; }

        public String WhereClause { get; set; }


        public void BuildIndex(BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode);

        public WellKnownType GetFirstGeometryType();

        public void MakeAllGeometriesValid();

        public Dictionary<String,String> Validate();


        public event EventHandler<ExecutingSqlStatementMsSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs> ExecutingSqlStatement;


        protected override Boolean CanExecuteSqlQueryCore { get; }


        protected override Boolean CanGetCountQuicklyCore();

        protected override void CloseCore();

        protected override TransactionResult CommitTransactionCore(TransactionBuffer transactions);

        protected override Int32 ExecuteNonQueryCore(String sqlStatement);

        protected override GeoDataTable ExecuteQueryCore(String sqlStatement);

        protected override Object ExecuteScalarCore(String sqlStatement);

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, Int32 startIndex, Int32 takeCount);

        protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();

        protected override Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> GetColumnsCore();

        protected override Int32 GetCountCore();

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesByColumnValueCore(String columnName, String columnValue, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesByIdsCore(IEnumerable<String> ids, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesOutsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected virtual void OnExecutingSqlStatement(ExecutingSqlStatementMsSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs e);

        protected override void OpenCore();

        protected override Collection<Feature> SpatialQueryCore(BaseShape targetShape, QueryType queryType, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);


        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType);

        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns);

        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);




    public enum MsSqlSpatialDataType {






    public static class MsSqlValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckSpatialDataTypeIsValid(MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType, String parameterName);




    public class MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public Collection<String> GetIndexPathFilenames();

        public Collection<String> GetShapePathFilenames();


        public Collection<String> GetIndexPathFileNames();

        public Collection<String> GetShapePathFileNames();




    public class MultipleShapeFileFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public Collection<String> GetIndexPathFilenames();

        public Collection<String> GetShapePathFilenames();


        public Collection<String> GetIndexPathFileNames();

        public Collection<String> GetShapePathFileNames();




    public class NativeImageRasterLayer : RasterLayer {

        public NativeImageRasterLayer();

        public NativeImageRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename);

        public NativeImageRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename, RectangleShape imageExtent);

        public NativeImageRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename, String worldfilePathFilename);


        public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; }

        public InterpolationMode InterpolationMode { get; set; }

        public String ImagePathFilename { get; set; }


        public event EventHandler<StreamLoadingEventArgs> StreamLoading;


        protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);




    public class NativeImageRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public NativeImageRasterSource();

        public NativeImageRasterSource(String imagePathFilename);

        public NativeImageRasterSource(String imagePathFilename, RectangleShape imageExtent);

        public NativeImageRasterSource(String imagePathFilename, String worldfilePathFilename);


        public Boolean IsGrayscale { get; set; }

        public Boolean IsNegative { get; set; }

        public String FileName { get; }

        public String FilePath { get; }

        public String ImagePathFilename { get; set; }


        public event EventHandler<StreamLoadingEventArgs> StreamLoading;


        protected override void CloseCore();

        protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();

        protected override GeoImage GetImageCore(RectangleShape worldExtent, Int32 canvasWidth, Int32 canvasHeight);

        protected override Int32 GetImageHeightCore();

        protected override Int32 GetImageWidthCore();

        protected virtual void OnStreamLoading(StreamLoadingEventArgs e);

        protected override void OpenCore();



    public static class NoaaRadarMonitor {

        public static GeoImage Bitmap GetRadarImage();




    public class NoaaWeatherStationFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public NoaaWeatherStationFeatureSource();


        public event EventHandler<StationsUpdatedNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs> StationsUpdated;

        public event EventHandler<StationsUpdatingNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs> StationsUpdating;


        protected override void CloseCore();

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> GetColumnsCore();

        protected override Int32 GetCountCore();

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override WellKnownType GetFirstFeaturesWellKnownTypeCore();

        protected virtual void OnStationsUpdated(StationsUpdatedNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs e);

        protected virtual void OnStationsUpdating(StationsUpdatingNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs e);

        protected override void OpenCore();




    public class OpenStreetMapLayer : Layer {

        public OpenStreetMapLayer(IWebProxy webProxy);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public OpenStreetMapLayer(WebProxy webProxy);




    public class OracleFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        protected override GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQueryCore(String sqlStatement);




    public class PlatformGeoCanvas : GeoCanvas {

        public PlatformGeoCanvas();


        public override Boolean HasKeyColor { get; }

        public CompositingQuality CompositingQuality { get; set; }

        public InterpolationMode InterpolationMode { get; set; }

        public SmoothingMode SmoothingMode { get; set; }

        public TextRenderingHint TextRenderingHint { get; set; }


        public override Stream GetStreamFromGeoImage(GeoImage image);


        protected override void BeginDrawingCore(Object nativeImage, RectangleShape worldExtent, GeographyUnit drawingMapUnit);

        protected override void DrawAreaCore(IEnumerable<ScreenPointF[]> screenPoints, GeoPen outlinePen, GeoBrush fillBrush, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset, PenBrushDrawingOrder penBrushDrawingOrder);

        protected override void DrawEllipseCore(ScreenPointF screenPoint, Single width, Single height, GeoPen outlinePen, GeoBrush fillBrush, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset, PenBrushDrawingOrder penBrushDrawingOrder);

        protected override void DrawLineCore(IEnumerable<ScreenPointF> screenPoints, GeoPen linePen, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset);

        protected override void DrawScreenImageCore(GeoImage image, Single centerXInScreen, Single centerYInScreen, Single widthInScreen, Single heightInScreen, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset, Single rotateAngle);

        protected override void DrawScreenImageWithoutScalingCore(GeoImage image, Single centerXInScreen, Single centerYInScreen, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset, Single rotateAngle);

        protected override void DrawTextCore(String text, GeoFont font, GeoBrush fillBrush, GeoPen haloPen, IEnumerable<ScreenPointF> textPathInScreen, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset, Single rotateAngle);

        protected override void EndDrawingCore();

        protected override void FlushCore();

        protected override Single GetCanvasHeightCore(Object nativeImage);

        protected override Single GetCanvasWidthCore(Object nativeImage);

        protected override DrawingRectangleF MeasureTextCore(String text, GeoFont font);

        protected override GeoImage ToGeoImageCore(Object nativeImage);

        protected override Object ToNativeImageCore(GeoImage image);


        public static MemoryStream ConvertGeoImageToMemoryStream(GeoImage image);

        public static MemoryStream ConvertGeoImageToMemoryStream(GeoImage image, GeoImageFormat imageFormat);

        public static void FillBackground(GeoImage image, GeoBrush brush);




    public class PointStyle : PointBaseStyle {

        public override Boolean IsDefault { get; }




    public static class PointStyles {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle Capital1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle Capital2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle Capital3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City5 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City6 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City7 { get; }




    public abstract class PositionStyle : Style {

        public override Boolean IsDefault { get; }


        protected void DrawMask(LabelingCandidate labelingCandidate, GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInThisLayer, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);




    public static class PrinterHelper {

        public PrinterHelper();




    public enum PrinterTextHorizontalAlignment {







    public class Proj4Projection : Projection, IDisposable {

        protected override Boolean CanReproject { get; }


        public void Dispose();

        protected override void Finalize();

        public Proj4MemoryMode MemoryMode { get; set; }




    public class QueryTools {

        public GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQuery(String sqlStatement);




    public enum RangeCheckingInclusion {






    public abstract class RasterLayer : Layer {

        public Double ScaleFactor { get; set; }




    public abstract class RasterSource {

        public Double ScaleFactor { get; set; }



    public static class RestrictionValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckRestrictionModeIsValid(RestrictionMode restrictionMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckRestrictionStyleIsNotConflicted(RestrictionStyle restrictionStyle, IEnumerable<Style> customStyles);

        public static void CheckRestrictionStyleIsValid(RestrictionStyle restrictionStyle, String parameterName);




    public class RingShape : AreaBaseShape {

        public Boolean IsCounterClockwise();




    public class RtreeSpatialIndex : SpatialIndex, IDisposable {

        public RtreeSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public RtreeSpatialIndex(String pathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public Boolean HasIdx { get; }

        public GeoFileReadWriteMode RtreeSpatialIndexReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }


        public void DeleteRecord(BaseShape shape);

        public RectangleShape GetBoundingBox();

        public Collection<String> GetFeatureIdsIntersectingBoundingBox(RectangleShape rectangleShape, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, Int32 simplifyPixelBufferSize, Collection<RectangleShape> dimensionlessBoxes);

        public void RefreshCache();


        public static void CreatePointSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public static void CreatePointSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName, RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize pageSize);

        public static void CreatePointSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName, RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize pageSize, RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat dataFormat);

        public static void CreateRectangleSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public static void CreateRectangleSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName, RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize pageSize);

        public static void CreateRectangleSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName, RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize pageSize, RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat dataFormat);


        public RtreeSpatialIndex(String pathFileName, RtreeSpatialIndexReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public String PathFileName { get; set; }




    public struct ScreenPoint {

        public ScreenPoint(Int32 x, Int32 y);


        public Int32 X { get; }

        public Int32 Y { get; }


        public override Boolean Equals(Object obj);

        public override Int32 GetHashCode();

        public override String ToString();


        public static Boolean operator==(ScreenPoint screenPoint1, ScreenPoint screenPoint2);

        public static Boolean operator!=(ScreenPoint screenPoint1, ScreenPoint screenPoint2);




    public class ShapeFileFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode ShapeFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }

        public String IndexPathFilename { get; set; }

        public String ShapePathFilename { get; set; }


        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);

        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public override Boolean CanDrawProgressively { get; }

        protected override void DrawProgressivelyCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);

        public String IndexPathFileName { get; set; }

        public String ShapePathFileName { get; set; }




    public class ShapeFileFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode ShapeFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }

        public String IndexPathFilename { get; set; }

        public String ShapePathFilename { get; set; }


        protected override GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQueryCore(String sqlStatement);


        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);

        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public IEnumerable<String> GetFeatureIdsForDrawingProgressively(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, Projection projection, Boolean isPoint);

        protected virtual Collection<String> GetFeatureIdsForDrawingProgressivelyCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, Projection projection, Boolean isPoint);

        public String IndexPathFileName { get; set; }

        public String ShapePathFileName { get; set; }




    public enum ShapeFileSortingMode {


        //removed members:




    public static class ShapefileValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckDbfColumnsAreEmpty(IEnumerable<DbfColumn> dbfColumns, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeFileIsEditable(ShapeFileType shapeFileType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeFileIsWriteable(GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeFileTypeIsSupported(ShapeFileType shapeFileType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeFileTypeIsValid(ShapeFileType shapeFileType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckSqlStatementIsSupported(String sqlStatement);




    public static class SqlTypesGeometryHelper {

        public static Boolean IsSqlTypesAvailable();

        public static Boolean IsValid(BaseShape shape baseShape);

        public static BaseShape MakeValid(BaseShape shape baseShape);

        public static BaseShape Union(IEnumerable<BaseShape> shapes baseShapes);




    public class StationsUpdatedNoaaWeatherStationMonitorEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public Dictionary<String,Feature> ConcurrentDictionary WeatherStations { get; }




    public class StationsUpdatingNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public StationsUpdatingNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs();


        public Boolean Cancel { get; set; }




    public class StreamLoadingEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public StreamLoadingEventArgs(String alternateStreamName, Stream alternateStream, GeoFileMode fileMode, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public StreamLoadingEventArgs(String alternateStreamName, String streamType, Stream alternateStream, GeoFileMode fileMode, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public GeoFileMode FileMode FileMode { get; set; }

        public GeoFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }


        public StreamLoadingEventArgs(String alternateStreamName, Stream alternateStream, FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess);

        public StreamLoadingEventArgs(String alternateStreamName, String streamType, Stream alternateStream, FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess);

        public FileAccess FileAccess { get; set; }




    public abstract class Style {

        public virtual Boolean IsDefault { get; }




    public class TabFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public TabFeatureLayer(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName);

        public TabFeatureLayer(String tabPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode TabFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }


        public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName);

        public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode, Encoding encoding);


        public TabFeatureLayer(String tabPathFileName, TabFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);




    public class TabFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public TabFeatureSource(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName);

        public TabFeatureSource(String tabPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode TabFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }


        public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName);

        public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode, Encoding encoding);


        public TabFeatureSource(String tabPathFileName, TabFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);




    public static class TextStyles {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Antarctical(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Canal1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Capital1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Capital2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Capital3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City5(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City6(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City7(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle ContestedBorder1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle ContestedBorder2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Country1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Country2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle County1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle County2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Crop1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle DegreeLine1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Equator1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Evergreen1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Evergreen2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Forest1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Grass1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Highway1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Highway2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Highway3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Highway4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Highway5(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle InternationalBorder1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle InternationalBorder2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Interstate1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Interstate2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Interstate3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Interstate4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle LocalRoad1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle LocalRoad2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle LocalRoad3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle LocalRoad4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorRoad1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorRoad2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorRoad3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorRoad4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorStreet1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorStreet2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorStreet3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Military1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle NoData1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Park1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Pipeline1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Pipeline2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Pipeline3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Railway1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Railway2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Railway3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Railway4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle River1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle River2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle RiverIntermittent1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Sand1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle SeaIce1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle SecondaryRoad1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle SecondaryRoad2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle SnowIce1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle State1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle State2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle StateBorder1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Swamp1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Swamp2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Tundra1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Urban1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Urban2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Utility1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Utility2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Utility3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Water1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Water2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle WaterIntermittent1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Wildlife1(String textColumnName);




    public abstract class TileCache {

        public GeoImage Bitmap LoadingTileImage { get; }

        public GeoImage Bitmap NoDataTileImage { get; }

        public virtual String CacheId { get; set; }


        public void SaveTiles(GeoImage image, RectangleShape imageExtent);

        public void SaveTiles(GeoImage image, RectangleShape imageExtent, Boolean saveContainedCellsOnly);


        public void SaveTiles(Bitmap bitmap, RectangleShape bitmapExtent);

        public void SaveTiles(Bitmap bitmap, RectangleShape bitmapExtent, Boolean saveContainedCellsOnly);




    public class TiledWmsLayer : Layer {

        public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy);

        public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);

        public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy);




    public class TiledWmsRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public TiledWmsRasterSource(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy);

        public TiledWmsRasterSource(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy Proxy { get; set; }


        public TiledWmsRasterSource(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);

        public TiledWmsRasterSource(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy);




    public class TinyGeoFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public TinyGeoFeatureLayer(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName);

        public TinyGeoFeatureLayer(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String password);


        public String TinyGeoPathFilename { get; set; }


        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, String password);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, String password, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password, Double precisionInMeter, Encoding shapeEncoding);

        public static void DecryptTinyGeoFile(String encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename encryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String decryptedTinyGeoPathFilename decryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String password);

        public static void EncryptTinyGeoFile(String unencryptedTinyGeoPathFilename unencryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename encryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String password);

        public static Double GetOptimalPrecision(String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, DistanceUnit returningDistanceUnit, TinyGeoPrecisionMode precisionMode);


        public String TinyGeoPathFileName { get; set; }




    public class TinyGeoFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public TinyGeoFeatureSource(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName);

        public TinyGeoFeatureSource(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String password);


        public String TinyGeoPathFilename { get; set; }


        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, String password);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, String password, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password, Double precisionInMeter, Encoding shapeEncoding);

        public static void DecryptTinyGeoFile(String encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename encryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String decryptedTinyGeoPathFilename decryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String password);

        public static void EncryptTinyGeoFile(String unencryptedTinyGeoPathFilename unencryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename encryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String password);

        public static Double GetOptimalPrecision(String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, DistanceUnit returningDistanceUnit, TinyGeoPrecisionMode precisionMode);


        public String TinyGeoPathFileName { get; set; }



    public static class UnmanagedAssembliesHelper {

        public static String GetAssemblyPathFilename(String directoryName, String assemblyName, PclPlatform platform);


        public static String GetGeoRasterWrapperAssemblyName();

        public static String GetMapSuiteGeoRasterAssemblyName();

        public static String GetMapSuiteGeoTiffAssemblyName();

        public static String GetMapSuiteProjectionAssemblyName();

        public static Collection<String> GetPossibleDependencyFolders();

        public static Collection<String> GetPossibleDependencyFoldersAboveASpecifiedVersion(Int32 versionNumber);

        public static String GetProj4ExtensionAssemblyName();

        public static String GetTiffWrapperAssemblyName();




    public class UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterLayer : GeoTiffRasterLayer {

        public UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterLayer();

        public UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename);

        public UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename, RectangleShape imageExtent);

        public UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename, String worldfilePathFilename);


        public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; }




    public class UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterSource : RasterSource : GeoTiffRasterSource {

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }




    public static class UnsafeHelper {

        public static void CopyImage(GeoImage source, Bitmap target, Rectangle targetRectangle);

        public static void CopyImage(GeoImage source, Graphics target, Rectangle sourceRectangle, Rectangle targetRectangle, CopyPixelOperation copyPixelOperation);

        public static GeoImage Bitmap FastLoadImageFromFile(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public static Int16 GetAsyncKeyState(Keys vKey);


        public static void CopyImage(Bitmap source, Graphics target, Rectangle sourceRectangle, Rectangle targetRectangle, CopyPixelOperation copyPixelOperation);

        public static void CopyImage(Bitmap source, Bitmap target, Rectangle r);



    public static class ValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckAreaUnitIsValid(AreaUnit areaUnit, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckAreIntegerStrings(IEnumerable<String> ids, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckBufferCapTypeIsValid(BufferCapType bufferCapType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckBuildIndexModeIsValid(BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckCanModifyColumnStructure(Boolean canModifyColumnStructure);

        public static void CheckCanParseStringToDouble(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckCanvasHeightIsLargerThanZero(Double canvasHeight, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckCanvasWidthIsLargerThanZero(Double canvasWidth, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckColumnNameIsInFeature(String columnName, IEnumerable<Feature> features);

        public static void CheckConnectionStringIsNotNull(String connectionString);

        public static void CheckCustomStyleDuplicates(AreaStyle defaultAreaStyle, LineStyle defaultLineStyle, PointStyle defaultPointStyle, TextStyle defaultTextStyle, Collection<Style> customStyles, Boolean isActive);

        public static void CheckDateTimeIsInRange(DateTime inputDate, String parameterName, DateTime minDate, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMinValue, DateTime maxDate, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMaxValue);

        public static void CheckDbfColumnDecimalLengthIsValid(DbfColumnType columnType, Int32 decimalLength);

        public static void CheckDistanceUnitIsValid(DistanceUnit distanceUnit, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckDrawingLevelIsValid(DrawingLevel drawingLevel, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckDrawingLineCapIsValid(DrawingLineCap drawingLineCap, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckDrawingLineJoinIsValid(DrawingLineJoin drawingLineJoin, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckExtentIsValid(RectangleShape extent, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckFeatureColumnValueContainsColon(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckFeatureIsValid(Feature feature);

        public static void CheckFeatureIsValid(Feature feature, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceCanExecuteSqlQuery(Boolean canExecuteSqlQuery);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceCollectionIsNotEmpty(Collection<FeatureSource> featureSources);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceIsEditable(Boolean isEditable);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceIsInTransaction(Boolean isInTransaction);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceIsNotInTransaction(Boolean isInTransaction);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceIsOpen(Boolean isOpen);

        public static void CheckFileIsExist(String pathFilename);

        public static void CheckFileIsNotExist(String pathFilename);

        public static void CheckGeoCanvasIsInDrawing(Boolean isDrawing);

        public static void CheckGeoDashCapIsValid(GeoDashCap geoDashCap, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckGeographyUnitIsMeter(GeographyUnit geographyUnit, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckGeographyUnitIsValid(GeographyUnit geographyUnit, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckGeoImageIsValid(GeoImage image, String parameterName, GeoCanvas canvas);

        public static void CheckGroupLayerIsNotEmpty(GeoCollection<Layer> layers);

        public static void CheckHtmlColorIsValid(String htmlColor, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckIconImageAndIconFilePathAreInvalid(String iconFilePath, GeoImage iconImage);

        public static void CheckIEnumerableIsNotNullNorEmpty(IEnumerable values, String parameterName, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckImageFormatIsValid(String imageFormat, Collection<String> outputFormats, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckImageFormatSupport(String imageFormat);

        public static void CheckImageIsNotNullInPointStyle(GeoImage image);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsInRange(Double inputValue, String parameterName, Double minValue, Double maxValue);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsInRange(Double inputValue, String parameterName, Double minValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMinValue, Double maxValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMaxValue);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsInRange(Double inputValue, String parameterName, Double minValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMinValue, Double maxValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMaxValue, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsLargerThan(Double inputValue, String parameterName, Double minValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMinValue);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsLargerThanZero(Double value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsLessThan(Double inputValue, String parameterName, Double maxValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMaxValue);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsNotNaNNorInfinity(Double value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsValidDecimalDegree(Double value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckItemInCollection(String item, Collection<String> items, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckItemsInCollection(Collection<String> items, Collection<String> itemCollection, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckLatitudeIsInRange(Double latitude, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckLayerHasBoundingBox(Boolean hasBoundingBox);

        public static void CheckLayerIsNotOpenedNorDrawing(Boolean isOpenOrDrawing);

        public static void CheckLayerIsOpened(Boolean isOpen);

        public static void CheckLineDashStyleIsValid(LineDashStyle lineDashStyle, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckLongIsNotGreaterThanUInt32MaxValue(Int64 value);

        public static void CheckLongitudeIsInRange(Double longitude, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckNumberIsByte(Int32 number, String paramterName);

        public static void CheckObjectIsNotNull(Object parameterObject, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckObjectIsNotNull(Object parameterObject, String parameterName, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckObjectIsTargetType(Object objectToTest, Type targetType, String operationName);

        public static void CheckObjectsAreNotAllNull(Object firstObject, Object secondObject, String firstParameterName, String secondParameterName);

        public static void CheckOverwriteModeIsValid(OverwriteMode overwriteMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckPanDirectionIsValid(PanDirection panDirection, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckPointSymbolTypeIsValid(PointSymbolType symbolType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckPointTypeIsValid(PointType pointType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckProjectionIsOpen(Boolean isOpen);

        public static void CheckProjectionParametersStringIsWGS84(String projectionParametersString, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckQueryTypeIsValid(QueryType queryType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckRandomColorTypeIsValid(RandomColorType colorType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckRasterLayerHasProjectionText(Boolean hasProjectionText);

        public static void CheckRasterSourceHasProjectionText(Boolean hasProjectionText);

        public static void CheckRasterSourceIsOpen(Boolean isOpen);

        public static void CheckRebuildRecordIdModeIsValid(BuildRecordIdMode rebuildRecordIdMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckReturningColumnsTypeIsValid(ReturningColumnsType returningColumnsType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckRingOrderIsValid(RingOrder ringOrder, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckRtreeSpatialIndexIsOpen(Boolean isOpen);

        public static void CheckScaleIsLargerThanZero(Double imageScale, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckScaleIsValid(Double scale, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeIsAreaBaseShape(BaseShape shape);

        public static void CheckShapeIsLineBaseShape(BaseShape shape);

        public static void CheckShapeIsMultipointShape(BaseShape shape);

        public static void CheckShapeIsPointShape(BaseShape shape);

        public static void CheckShapeIsValid(BaseShape shape, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeIsValidForOperation(BaseShape shape);

        public static void CheckShapeValidationModeIsValid(ShapeValidationMode shapeValidationMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckSimplificationTypeIsValid(SimplificationType simplificationType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckSpatialIndexIsDeletable(Boolean isDeletable);

        public static void CheckStartingPointIsValid(StartingPoint startingPoint, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckStatus();

        public static void CheckStreamIsWritable(Stream stream, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckStringIsNotNullNorEmpty(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckStringIsNotNullNorEmptyForOperation(String value, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckStringIsNotNullNorWhiteSpace(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckStringIsValidDecimalDegree(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckTypeIsSupport(Object instance, String typeName);

        public static void CheckUriIsValid(Uri uri);

        public static void CheckWkbByteOrderIsValid(WkbByteOrder wkbByteOrder, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckWkbIsValid(Byte[] wkb, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckWktIsValid(String wkt, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckZoomLevelSetIsValid(ZoomLevelSet zoomLevelSet, String parameterName);




    public class WarningsUpdatedNoaaWeatherWarningsMonitorEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public Dictionary<String,List<Dictionary<String,String>>> ConcurrentDictionary WeatherWarnings { get; }




    public class WfsFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public static String GetCapabilities(Uri serverUri, IWebProxy webProxy);

        public static Collection<String> GetLayers(Uri serverUri, IWebProxy webProxy);


        public static String GetCapabilities(Uri serverUri, WebProxy webProxy);

        public static Collection<String> GetLayers(Uri serverUri, WebProxy webProxy);




    public class WfsFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public static String GetCapabilities(Uri serverUri, IWebProxy webProxy);

        public static Collection<String> GetLayers(Uri serverUri, IWebProxy webProxy);


        public static String GetCapabilities(Uri serverUri, WebProxy webProxy);

        public static Collection<String> GetLayers(Uri serverUri, WebProxy webProxy);




    public class WkbFileFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public WkbFileFeatureLayer(String wkbPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode WkbFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }


        public WkbFileFeatureLayer(String wkbPathFilename, WkbFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call CreateWkbFile(string pathFilename, WkbFileType wkbFileType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns, IEnumerable<Feature> features) instead.")]

        public static void CreateWkbFile(String pathFilename, WkbFileType wkbFileType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns);




    public class WkbFileFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public WkbFileFeatureSource(String wkbPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode WkbFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }


        public WkbFileFeatureSource(String wkbPathFilename, WkbFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call CreateWkbFile(string pathFilename, WkbFileType wkbFileType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns, IEnumerable<Feature> features) instead.")]

        public static void CreateWkbFile(String pathFilename, WkbFileType wkbFileType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns);



    public enum WkbShapeType {











    public struct WmsLayerStyle {

        public String Abstract { set; }

        public String Name { get; set; }

        public String Title { set; }


        public WmsStyleLegend LengendUrl;

        public WmsOnlineResource StyleSheetUrl;




    public struct WmsOnlineResource {

        public WmsOnlineResource(String onlineResource, String type);


        public String OnlineResource { get; set; }

        public String Type { get; set; }


        public override Boolean Equals(Object obj);

        public override Int32 GetHashCode();




    public class WmsRasterLayer : RasterLayer {

        public WmsRasterLayer(Uri uri, IWebProxy proxy);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy Proxy { get; set; }


        public WmsRasterLayer(Uri uri, WebProxy proxy);




    public class WmsRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public WmsRasterSource(Uri uri, IWebProxy proxy);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy Proxy { get; set; }


        public WmsRasterSource(Uri uri, WebProxy proxy);




    public class WmsServerLayer {

        public WmsServerLayer();


        public Boolean NoSubsets { get; set; }

        public Boolean Opaque { get; set; }

        public Boolean Queryable { get; set; }

        public Double MaxScale { get; set; }

        public Double MinScale { get; set; }

        public Int32 Cascaded { get; set; }

        public Int32 FixedHeight { get; set; }

        public Int32 FixedWidth { get; set; }

        public RectangleShape BoudingBox { get; set; }

        public String Abstract { get; set; }

        public String Name { get; set; }

        public String Title { get; set; }

        public String[] Crs { get; set; }

        public String[] KeyWords { get; set; }

        public WmsLayerStyle[] Styles { get; set; }

        public WmsServerLayer[] ChildLayers { get; set; }




    public struct WmsStyleLegend {

        public Int32 Height { set; }

        public Int32 Width { set; }


        public WmsOnlineResource OnLineResource;




    public class WmtsLayer : Layer {

        public WmtsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy);

        public WmtsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy, WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public WmtsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy);

        public WmtsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy, WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsAreaStyles class instead.")]

    public static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetAndImageryLayer class instead.")]


    public class WorldMapKitLayer : Layer {

        public WorldMapKitLayer(WorldMapKitLayerType layerType, IWebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public WorldMapKitLayer(WorldMapKitLayerType layerType, WebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);

        public WebProxy Proxy { get; set; }



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This enum is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetAndImageryLayer class instead.")]


    public enum WorldMapKitLayerType {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsLineStyles class instead.")]

    public static class WorldMapKitLineStyles {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetAndImageryMapType class instead.")]


    public enum WorldMapKitMapType {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsPointStyles class instead.")]

    public static class WorldMapKitPointStyles {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetAndImageryProjection class instead.")]


    public enum WorldMapKitProjection {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsTextStyles class instead.")]

    public static class WorldMapKitTextStyles {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsAndImageryTileMode class instead.")]


    public enum WorldMapKitTileMode {




    public enum WorldStreetsAndImageryMapType {







    public enum WorldStreetsAndImageryProjection {







    public class WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterLayer : RasterLayer {

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterLayer();

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterLayer(String clientId, String privateKey);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterLayer(IWebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);


        public BitmapTileCache TileCache { get; set; }

        public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; }

        public Double LowerThreshold { get; set; }

        public Double UpperThreshold { get; set; }

        public Int32 TimeoutInSecond { get; set; }

        public IWebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }

        public String ClientId { get; set; }

        public String PrivateKey { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryMapType MapType { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryProjection Projection { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryTileMode TileMode { get; set; }


        public void ClearCache();

        public Collection<String> GetRequestUrl(RectangleShape worldExtent, Int32 canvasWidth, Int32 canvasHeight);

        public Collection<String> GetServerCrss();

        public Collection<String> GetServerExceptionFormats();

        public Collection<String> GetServerLayerNames();

        public Collection<String> GetServerOutputFormats();

        public Collection<String> GetServerStyleNames();

        public String GetServiceVersion();


        public event EventHandler<SendingWebRequestEventArgs> SendingWebRequest;

        public event EventHandler<SentWebRequestEventArgs> SentWebRequest;


        protected override Boolean IsOpenCore { get; }


        protected override void CloseCore();

        protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);

        protected override void DrawExceptionCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Exception e);

        protected void DrawImage(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);

        protected override ThreadSafetyLevel GetThreadSafetyLevelCore();

        protected static Boolean IsExtentWithinThreshold(RectangleShape currentExtent, Double upperThreshold, Double lowerThreshold, Int32 canvasWidth, GeographyUnit mapUnit);

        protected static Boolean IsExtentWithinThreshold(RectangleShape currentExtent, Double upperThreshold, Double lowerThreshold, Int32 canvasWidth, GeographyUnit mapUnit, Single dpi);

        protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

        protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);

        protected override void OpenCore();




    public class WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterSource();

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterSource(Uri uri, IWebProxy proxy);


        public Collection<String> ActiveLayerNames { get; }

        public Collection<String> ActiveStyleNames { get; }

        public Dictionary<String,String> Parameters { get; }

        public Int32 TimeoutInSecond { get; set; }

        public IWebProxy Proxy { get; set; }

        public String ClientId { get; set; }

        public String Crs { get; set; }

        public String PrivateKey { get; set; }


        public Collection<String> GetRequestUrl(RectangleShape worldExtent, Int32 canvasWidth, Int32 canvasHeight);

        public Collection<String> GetServerCrss();

        public Collection<String> GetServerExceptionFormats();

        public Collection<String> GetServerLayerNames();

        public Collection<String> GetServerOutputFormats();

        public Collection<String> GetServerStyleNames();

        public String GetServiceVersion();


        public event EventHandler<SendingWebRequestEventArgs> SendingWebRequest;

        public event EventHandler<SentWebRequestEventArgs> SentWebRequest;


        protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();

        protected override GeoImage GetImageCore(RectangleShape worldExtent, Int32 canvasWidth, Int32 canvasHeight);

        protected override Int32 GetImageHeightCore();

        protected override Int32 GetImageWidthCore();

        protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

        protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);

        protected override void OpenCore();

        protected WebResponse SendWebRequest(WebRequest webRequest);

        protected virtual WebResponse SendWebRequestCore(WebRequest webRequest);



    public enum WorldStreetsAndImageryTileMode {





    public static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles {

        public static AreaStyle Aerodrome();

        public static AreaStyle Apron();

        public static AreaStyle Attraction();

        public static AreaStyle BaseLand();

        public static AreaStyle Basin();

        public static AreaStyle Beach();

        public static Style Building();

        public static Style BuildingShadow(Single width, Single xOffsetInPixel, Single yOffsetInPixel);

        public static AreaStyle Cemetery();

        public static AreaStyle Commercial();

        public static AreaStyle Common();

        public static AreaStyle DogPark();

        public static AreaStyle Farmland();

        public static AreaStyle Forest();

        public static AreaStyle Garden();

        public static AreaStyle Golfcourse();

        public static AreaStyle Grass();

        public static AreaStyle Grassland();

        public static AreaStyle Heath();

        public static AreaStyle Helipad();

        public static AreaStyle Industrial();

        public static AreaStyle Landfill();

        public static AreaStyle Marina();

        public static AreaStyle Meadow();

        public static AreaStyle Military();

        public static AreaStyle Mud();

        public static AreaStyle NationalPark();

        public static AreaStyle NatureReserve();

        public static AreaStyle Orchard();

        public static AreaStyle Park();

        public static AreaStyle Parking();

        public static AreaStyle Pier();

        public static AreaStyle Pitch();

        public static AreaStyle Playground();

        public static AreaStyle PowerStation();

        public static AreaStyle ProtectedArea();

        public static AreaStyle Quarry();

        public static AreaStyle Railway();

        public static AreaStyle RecreationGround();

        public static AreaStyle Residential();

        public static AreaStyle Retail();

        public static AreaStyle Runway();

        public static AreaStyle Sand();

        public static AreaStyle School();

        public static AreaStyle Scrub();

        public static AreaStyle SportsCenter();

        public static AreaStyle Stadium();

        public static AreaStyle SwimmingPool();

        public static AreaStyle Track();

        public static AreaStyle VillageGreen();

        public static AreaStyle Vineyards();

        public static AreaStyle Water();

        public static AreaStyle WaterPark();

        public static AreaStyle Wetland();

        public static AreaStyle Wood();

        public static AreaStyle Zoo();



    public static class WorldStreetsLineStyles {

        public static LineStyle Apron(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle Boundary(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle BoundaryCity(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle BoundaryCounty(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle BoundaryMinor(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle BoundaryNational(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle BoundaryState(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle Bridge(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle CableCar(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle Highway(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle MiniRail(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);

        public static LineStyle MinorRoadFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle MinorRoadOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Monorail(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);

        public static LineStyle MotorwayFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle MotorwayLinkFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle MotorwayLinkOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle MotorwayOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle OneWay(String columnName, String columnValue, String iconPath);

        public static LineStyle Pier(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle PowerLine(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle PrimaryFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle PrimaryLinkFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle PrimaryLinkOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle PrimaryOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Rail(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);

        public static LineStyle RoadFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle RoadOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Runway(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle StepsFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle StepsOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Subway(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);

        public static LineStyle Taxiway(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle TrunkFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle TrunkLinkFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle TrunkLinkOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle TrunkOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Tunnel(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Water(Single outerWidth);



    public static class WorldStreetsPointStyles {

        public static PointStyle AerowayAerodrome(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AerowayGate(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AerowayHelipad(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AerowayTerminal(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBar(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBench(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBicycleParking(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBicycleRental(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBiergarten(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBusStation(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCafe(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCarRental(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCasino(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCinema(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityClock(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCollege(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCourtHouse(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityDentist(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityDoctors(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityDrinkingWater(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityEmbassy(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFastFood(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFastFoodPizza(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFireStation(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFountain(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFuel(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFuelLpg(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityHospital(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityHospitalEmergency(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityIceCream(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityLibrary(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityNursingHome(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityParking(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityParkingCarPaid(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityParkingDisabled(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityParkingPrivate(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPharmacy(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPharmacyDispencing(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorship(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipBuddhist(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipChristian(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipHindu(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipIslamic(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipJain(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipJewish(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipShinto(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipSikh(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPolice(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPostBox(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPostOffice(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPrison(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPub(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityRecycling(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityRestaurant(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenitySchool(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityShelter(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityTaxi(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityTelephone(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityTheatre(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityToilets(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityToiletsDisabilityAccess(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityToiletsGenderAccessMen(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityToiletsGenderAccessWomen(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityTownHall(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityUniversity(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityVendingMachine(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityVeterinary(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityWasteDisposal(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierBlock(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierBollard(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierCattleGrid(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierCycleBarrier(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierEntrance(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierGate(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierKissingGate(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierLiftGate(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierStile(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierTollbooth(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle Ford(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HighwayBusStop(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HighwayMiniRoundaboutAnticlockwise(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HighwayMiniRoundaboutClockwise(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HighwayTrafficSignals(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricBattlefield(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricCastle(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricMemorial(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricMonument(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricRuins(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricWayside_Shrine(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricWaysideCross(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricWreck(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle LeisureMarina(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle LeisureSlipway(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle LeisureStadium(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeCrane(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeLighthouse(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeMineshaft(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeMineshaftAbandoned(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeWaterTower(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeWindmill(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle MilitaryBunker(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle NaturalCave(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle NaturalPeak(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle NaturalWoodConiferous(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle NaturalWoodDeciduous(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle NaturalWoodMixed(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle OfficeEstateAgent(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPlantCoal(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPlantGas(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPlantHydro(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPlantSolar(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPlantWind(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPole();

        public static PointStyle PowerSubStation(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerTower(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle RailwaySubway(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle RailwayTramStop(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopAlcohol(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopBakery(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopBicycle(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopBooks(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopButcher(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopCar(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopCarRepair(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopClothes(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopComputer(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopConfectionery(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopConvenience(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopCopyshop(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopDepartmentStore(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopDoItYourself(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopFlorist(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopGardenCentre(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopGift(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopGreengrocer(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopHairdresser(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopHearingAids(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopHifi(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopJewelry(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopKiosk(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopLaundry(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopMobliePhone(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopMotorcycle(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopMusicalInstrument(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopNewsagent(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopOptician(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopPet(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopSupermarket(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopTobacco(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopToys(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopVideo(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportArchery(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportBaseball(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportCanoe(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportClimbing(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportCricket(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportDiving(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportGolf(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportGymnastics(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportHorseRacing(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportIceStock(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportMotor(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportShooting(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportSkiing(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportSoccer(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportSwimming(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportSwimmingCovered(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportTennis(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismAlpineHut(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismArtwork(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismAttraction(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismCampSite(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismCaravanSite(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismChalet(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismHostel(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismHotel(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismInformation(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismInformationGuidepost(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismInformationMap(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismMotel(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismMuseum(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismPicnicStie(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismThemePark(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismViewpoint(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismZoo(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle WaterwayWeir(String iconPath);



    public static class WorldStreetsTextStyles {

        public static TextStyle GeneralPurpose(String labelColumnName, Single fontSize);

        public static TextStyle MotorwayRoadSheild(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);

        public static TextStyle Poi(String labelColumnName, Single fontSize, Int32 yOffsetInPixel);

        public static TextStyle PrimaryRoadSheild(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);

        public static TextStyle TrunkRoadSheild(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);

        public static TextStyle Water(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);




    public enum WrappingWorldDirection {





    public class AppliedFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs; //removed

    public class ApplyingFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs; //removed

    public class BoundarySolutionsParcelFeatureLayer; //removed

    public class BoundarySolutionsParcelFeatureSource; //removed

    public class CloudFileFeatureLayer; //removed

    public class CloudFileFeatureSource; //removed

    public sealed enum CloudFileShapeType; //removed

    public class DbfLinkRecords; //removed

    public class DbfLinkSource; //removed

    public sealed enum DbfReadWriteMode; //removed

    public class ExecutingSqlStatementMsSql2008FeatureSourceEventArgs; //removed

    public class GdiPlusGeoCanvas; //removed

    public class GdiPlusRasterLayer; //removed

    public class GdiPlusRasterSource; //removed

    public sealed enum GeoTiffLibraryType; //removed

    public static class Geohash; //removed

    public class GraticuleAdornmentLayer; //removed

    public class InMemoryBitmapTileCache; //removed

    public sealed enum KmlFileReadWriteMode; //removed

    public class LayerDefinition; //removed

    public class LinkRecord; //removed

    public abstract class LinkRecords; //removed

    public class LinkSource; //removed

    public class ManagedGeoTiffRasterSource; //removed

    public class ManagedProj4Projection; //removed

    public class MapEngine; //removed

    public class MsSql2008FeatureLayer; //removed

    public class MsSql2008FeatureSource; //removed

    public sealed enum Proj4MemoryMode; //removed

    public sealed enum RtreeSpatialIndexReadWriteMode; //removed

    public class S57FeatureLayer; //removed

    public class S57FeatureSource; //removed

    public sealed enum ShapeFileReadWriteMode; //removed

    public sealed enum SpatialDataType; //removed

    public class StyleDefinition; //removed

    public sealed enum TabFileReadWriteMode; //removed

    public sealed enum TextHorizontalAlignment; //removed

    public class UpdatingStatusCloudFileFeatureSourceEventArgs; //removed

    public sealed enum WkbFileReadWriteMode; //removed

} //end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core

map_suite_web_for_mvc_release_change_log_version_10.0.0.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/23 05:49 by tgwikiupdate