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Map Suite Services Edition Release Change Log Version

Release date: 05/16/2011

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes
ServicesEdition 182 added 32 removed 50 breaking

API Changes

Namespaces New namespaces: 0
Types Types added in new namespaces: 0 Types added to existing namespaces: 23 Total number of types added (in both new and existing namespaces): 24 Types removed from existing namespaces: 0
Members Members added on new types: 139 Members added to existing types: 116 Members removed from existing types: 32 Members removed on removed types: 0
Attributes Attributes added: 42 Attributes added and shown: 42 Attributes removed: 0 Attributes removed and shown: 0
Others Parameter name changes: 18
// Old assemblies: // C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\ServicesEdition\\Services Edition\MapSuiteCore.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version= // Total number of old assemblies: 1
// New assemblies: // C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\ServicesEdition\\Services Edition\MapSuiteCore.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version= // Total number of new assemblies: 1
MapSuiteCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core { [SerializableAttribute] public abstract class AdornmentLayer : Layer { public AreaStyle BackgroundMask { get; set; } public Single Height { get; set; } public Single Width { get; set; }
public protected virtual ScreenPointF GetDrawingLocation(GeoCanvas canvas, Single adornmentWidth, Single adornmentHeight); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class AreaStyle : Style { [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the method: DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent). This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] protected override void DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas); protected override void DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class BingMapsLayer : Layer { public BingMapsLayer(); public BingMapsLayer(String applicationId); public BingMapsLayer(String applicationId, BingMapsMapType mapType); public BingMapsLayer(String applicationId, BingMapsMapType mapType, String cacheDirectory);
public BingMapsMapType MapType { get; set; } public BingMapsPictureFormat CachePictureFormat { get; set; } public Int32 TimeoutInSeconds { get; set; } public String ApplicationId { get; set; } public String CacheDirectory { get; set; } public WebProxy Proxy { get; set; }
public event EventHandler SendingRequest; public event EventHandler SentRequest;
protected override void CloseCore(); protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection labelsInAllLayers); protected override void OpenCore(); }
public enum BingMapsMapType { Road, BirdseyeWithLabels, Birdseye, AerialWithLabels, Aerial }
public enum BingMapsPictureFormat { Default, Gif, Jpeg, Png }
[SerializableAttribute] public class BingMapsZoomLevelSet : ZoomLevelSet { public BingMapsZoomLevelSet(); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class CreatingRequestGoogleMapsLayerEventArgs : EventArgs { public CreatingRequestGoogleMapsLayerEventArgs(); public CreatingRequestGoogleMapsLayerEventArgs(Uri requestUri);
public Uri RequestUri { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class DrawingWrappingFeaturesFeatureLayerEventArgs : EventArgs { public DrawingWrappingFeaturesFeatureLayerEventArgs(); public DrawingWrappingFeaturesFeatureLayerEventArgs(Collection featuresToDraw);
public Collection FeaturesToDraw { get; } }
public enum ExecutingSqlStatementType { // removed members: CommitTransaction, GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBox, Unknow }
[SerializableAttribute] public struct Feature { public Feature(String wellKnownText, String id, IEnumerable columnValues); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class FeatureCache { [ObsoleteAttribute("We have marked this property into obsolete to remind it is no use any more. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.")] protected Dictionary> CachedItems { get; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public abstract class FeatureLayer : Layer { public RectangleShape WrappingExtent { get; set; } public WrappingMode WrappingMode { get; set; }
public event EventHandler DrawingWrappingFeatures;
protected virtual void OnDrawingWrappingFeatures(DrawingWrappingFeaturesFeatureLayerEventArgs e); }
[SerializableAttribute] public abstract class FeatureSource { public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfData unitOfFeatureSource, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnNamesType); public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(Feature targetFeature, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames); public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(Feature targetFeature, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnNamesType); public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfFeatureSource, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames); public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames, Double searchRadius distanceLimits, DistanceUnit unitOfSearchRadius unitOfDistance); public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(Feature targetFeature, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames, Double searchRadius distanceLimits, DistanceUnit unitOfSearchRadius unitOfDistance);
protected virtual RectangleShape ConvertToInternalProjection(RectangleShape rectangle); protected virtual Collection GetFeaturesNearestToCore(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This API is obsolete and will be removed from next release, we recommend you use GetFeaturesByColumnValueCore(string columnName, string columnValue, IEnumerable returningColumnNames). This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.")] protected virtual Collection GetFeaturesByColumnValueCore(String columnName, String columnValue); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class GdiPlusGeoCanvas : GeoCanvas { public InterpolationMode InterpolationMode { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class GdiPlusRasterLayer : RasterLayer { public InterpolationMode InterpolationMode { get; set; }
public event EventHandler StreamLoading;
protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection labelsInAllLayers); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class GdiPlusRasterSource : RasterSource { [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use property: Transparency. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public Single AlphaComponent { get; set; } [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use property: BlueTranslation. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public Single BlueComponent { get; set; } [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use property: GreenTranslation. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public Single GreenComponent { get; set; } [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use property: RedTranslation. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public Single RedComponent { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public abstract class GeoCanvas { public Boolean EnableCliping { get; set; } public RectangleShape ClipingArea { get; set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use property: KeyColors. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public GeoColor KeyColor { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class GeoTiffRasterLayer : RasterLayer { public DrawingQuality DrawingQuality { get; set; }
protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection labelsInAllLayers); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class GoogleMapsLayer : Layer { public event EventHandler CreatingRequest;
protected virtual void OnCreatingRequest(CreatingRequestGoogleMapsLayerEventArgs e);
[ObsoleteAttribute("License key is not required for GoogleMap free edition anymore. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.")] public GoogleMapsLayer(String licenseKey, String cacheDirectory); [ObsoleteAttribute("License key is not required for GoogleMap free edition anymore. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.")] public GoogleMapsLayer(String licenseKey); [ObsoleteAttribute("This API is obsolete and will be removed from next release, we recommend you use GetGoogleMapsImage(double longitude, double latitude, int zoomLevelNumber, double tileScreenWidth, double tileScreenHeight). This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.")] public void FetchImageInThread(Object obj); [ObsoleteAttribute("License key is not required for GoogleMap free edition anymore. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.")] public String LicenseKey { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class GraticuleAdornmentLayer : AdornmentLayer { }
public class GridDefinition { public GridDefinition(); public GridDefinition(RectangleShape gridExtent, Double cellSize, Double noDataValue, Dictionary dataPoints);
public Dictionary DataPoints { get; } public Double CellSize { get; set; } public Double NoDataValue { get; set; } public RectangleShape GridExtent { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class GridFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer { public static void GenerateGrid(GridDefinition gridDefinition, GridInterpolationModel gridInterpolationModel, Stream outputStream); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class GridFeatureSource : FeatureSource { public static void GenerateGrid(GridDefinition gridDefinition, GridInterpolationModel gridInterpolationModel, Stream outputStream); }
public abstract class GridInterpolationModel { protected GridInterpolationModel();
public Double Interpolate(RectangleShape cellExtent, GridDefinition gridDefinition);
protected abstract Double InterpolateCore(RectangleShape cellExtent, GridDefinition gridDefinition); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class HeatLayer : Layer { }
[SerializableAttribute] public class HeatStyle : Style { }
[SerializableAttribute] public class IconValueStyle : PositionStyle { public Boolean LabelAllLineParts { get; set; } public PolygonLabelingLocationMode PolygonLabelingLocationMode { get; set; } }
public class InverseDistanceWeightedGridInterpolationModel : GridInterpolationModel { public InverseDistanceWeightedGridInterpolationModel(); public InverseDistanceWeightedGridInterpolationModel(Double power, Double searchRadius);
public Double Power { get; set; } public Double SearchRadius { get; set; }
protected override Double InterpolateCore(RectangleShape cellExtent, GridDefinition gridDefinition); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class LegendAdornmentLayer : AdornmentLayer { public LegendAdornmentLayer();
public GeoCollection LegendItems { get; } public LegendItem Footer { get; set; } public LegendItem Title { get; set; }
protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection labelsInAllLayers); }
public struct LegendDrawingParameters { public Single XOffset; public Single YOffset; }
public enum LegendImageJustificationMode { Default, JustifyImageLeft, JustifyImageRight }
[SerializableAttribute] public class LegendItem { public LegendItem(); public LegendItem(Int32 width, Int32 height, Single imageWidth, Single imageHeight, Style imageStyle, TextStyle textStyle);
public AreaStyle BackgroundMask { get; set; } public AreaStyle ImageMask { get; set; } public AreaStyle TextMask { get; set; } public LegendImageJustificationMode ImageJustificationMode { get; set; } public Single BottomPadding { get; set; } public Single Height { get; set; } public Single ImageBottomPadding { get; set; } public Single ImageHeight { get; set; } public Single ImageLeftPadding { get; set; } public Single ImageRightPadding { get; set; } public Single ImageTopPadding { get; set; } public Single ImageWidth { get; set; } public Single LeftPadding { get; set; } public Single RightPadding { get; set; } public Single TextBottomPadding { get; set; } public Single TextLeftPadding { get; set; } public Single TextRightPadding { get; set; } public Single TextTopPadding { get; set; } public Single TopPadding { get; set; } public Single Width { get; set; } public Style ImageStyle { get; set; } public TextStyle TextStyle { get; set; }
public void Draw(GeoCanvas adornmentGeoCanvas, Collection labelsInAllLayers, LegendDrawingParameters legendDrawingParameters);
protected virtual Int32 CustomWarpLength(); protected virtual void DrawCore(GeoCanvas adornmentGeoCanvas, Collection labelsInAllLayers, LegendDrawingParameters legendDrawingParameters); }
[SerializableAttribute] public abstract class LineBaseShape : BaseShape { public MultilineShape GetIntersection(Feature targetFeature); public MultilineShape GetIntersection(AreaBaseShape targetShape);
protected virtual MultilineShape GetIntersectionCore(AreaBaseShape targetShape); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class LineStyle : Style { [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the method: DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent). This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] protected override void DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas); protected override void DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class LogoAdornmentLayer : AdornmentLayer { public LogoAdornmentLayer(GeoImage image);
public GeoImage Image { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class ManagedGeoTiffRasterSource : RasterSource { }
[SerializableAttribute] public class ManagedProj4Projection : Projection { [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use property: ExternalProjectionParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public String ExternalProjectionParameters { get; set; } public String ExternalProjectionParametersString { get; set; } [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use property: InternalProjectionParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public String InternalProjectionParameters { get; set; } public String InternalProjectionParametersString { get; set; }
protected override GeographyUnit GetExternalGeographyUnitCore(); protected override GeographyUnit GetInternalGeographyUnitCore();
public static String ConvertEpsgToPrj(Int32 srid); public static String ConvertPrjToProj4(String prjString); public static String ConvertProj4ToPrj(String proj4String); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetBingMapParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetBingMapParameter(); public static String GetBingMapParametersString(); public static String GetDecimalDegreesParametersString(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetEpsgParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetEpsgParameters(Int32 srid); public static String GetEpsgParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetEsriExtraParameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetEsriExtraParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetEsriParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetEsriParameters(Int32 srid); public static String GetEsriParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetGL27Parameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetGL27ParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetGoogleMapParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetGoogleMapParameters(); public static String GetGoogleMapParametersString(); public static String GetLatLongParametersString(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetNad27Parameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetNad27ParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetNad83Parameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetNad83ParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetOtherExtraParameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetOtherExtraParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetSphericalMercatorParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetSphericalMercatorParameter(); public static String GetSphericalMercatorParametersString(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetSphericalMercatorParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetVirtualEarthParameters(); public static String GetWgs84ParametersString(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetWorldParameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetWorldParametersString(Int32 srid); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class MsSql2008FeatureLayer : FeatureLayer { public String CustomGeometryColumnName { get; set; }
public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, SpatialDataType spatialDataType); public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, SpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable columns); public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, SpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable columns, OverwriteMode overwriteMode); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class MsSql2008FeatureSource : FeatureSource { public String CustomGeometryColumnName { get; set; }
public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, SpatialDataType spatialDataType); public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, SpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable columns); public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, SpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable columns, OverwriteMode overwriteMode); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class MultipleFeatureSource : FeatureSource { protected override Collection GetFeaturesNearestToCore(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer { public MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer(IEnumerable shapeFiles); public MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer(IEnumerable shapeFiles, IEnumerable indexes);
public Collection Indexes { get; } public Collection ShapeFiles { get; } public Encoding Encoding { get; set; }
public MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer(String[] multipleShapeFiles, String[] multipleShapeFileIndexes); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class MultipleShapeFileFeatureSource : FeatureSource { public MultipleShapeFileFeatureSource(IEnumerable shapeFiles); public MultipleShapeFileFeatureSource(IEnumerable shapeFiles, IEnumerable indexes);
public Collection Indexes { get; } public Collection ShapeFiles { get; } public Encoding Encoding { get; set; }
protected override Collection GetFeaturesNearestToCore(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames);
public MultipleShapeFileFeatureSource(String[] multipleShapeFiles, String[] multipleShapeFileIndexes); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class OpenStreetMapsZoomLevelSet : ZoomLevelSet { public OpenStreetMapsZoomLevelSet(); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class PointStyle : Style { [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the method: DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent). This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] protected override void DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas); protected override void DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent); }
public enum PolygonLabelingLocationMode { Default, Centroid, BoundingBoxCenter }
[SerializableAttribute] public abstract class PositionStyle : Style { protected Boolean LabelAllLineParts { get; set; } protected PolygonLabelingLocationMode PolygonLabelingLocationMode { get; set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use property: TextFormat. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] protected String Format { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class Proj4Projection : Projection, IDisposable { protected override GeographyUnit GetExternalGeographyUnitCore(); protected override GeographyUnit GetInternalGeographyUnitCore();
public static String ConvertEpsgToPrj(Int32 srid); public static String ConvertPrjToProj4(String prjString); public static String ConvertProj4ToPrj(String proj4String); public static String GetDecimalDegreesParametersString(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetEsriExtraParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetGL27ParametersString(String srid); public static String GetLatLongParametersString(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetNad27ParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetNad83ParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetOtherExtraParametersString(Int32 srid); public static String GetWgs84ParametersString(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetWorldParametersString(String srid);
protected override Projection CloneDeepCore(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetEpsgParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public String GetEpsgParameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetEsriExtraParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public String GetEsriExtraParameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetEsriParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public String GetEsriParameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetGL27ParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public String GetGL27Parameters(String srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetGoogleMapParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public String GetGoogleMapParameters(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetNad27ParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public String GetNad27Parameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetNad83ParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public String GetNad83Parameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetOtherExtraParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public String GetOtherExtraParameters(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: GetWorldParametersString. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public String GetWorldParameters(String srid); }
[SerializableAttribute] public abstract class Projection { public GeographyUnit GetExternalGeographyUnit(); public GeographyUnit GetInternalGeographyUnit();
protected virtual GeographyUnit GetExternalGeographyUnitCore(); protected virtual GeographyUnit GetInternalGeographyUnitCore(); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class QueryTools { public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames); public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnNamesType); public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(Feature targetFeature, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames); public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(Feature targetFeature, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind numberOfItemsToFind, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnNamesType); public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(BaseShape targetShape, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames, Double searchRadius, DistanceUnit unitOfSearchRadius); public Collection GetFeaturesNearestTo(Feature targetFeature, GeographyUnit unitOfData, Int32 maxItemsToFind, IEnumerable returningColumnNames, Double searchRadius, DistanceUnit unitOfSearchRadius); }
[SerializableAttribute] public abstract class RasterLayer : Layer { [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use property: KeyColors. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public GeoColor KeyColor { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class RotationProjection : Projection { public RotationProjection(GeographyUnit sourceUnit); public RotationProjection(Double angle, GeographyUnit sourceUnit);
public GeographyUnit SourceUnit { get; set; }
protected override GeographyUnit GetInternalGeographyUnitCore(); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class ScaleBarAdornmentLayer : AdornmentLayer { public GeoBrush AlternateBarBrush { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class SendingRequestBingMapsLayerEventArgs : EventArgs { public SendingRequestBingMapsLayerEventArgs(); public SendingRequestBingMapsLayerEventArgs(String requestUri);
public String RequestUri { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class SentRequestBingMapsLayerEventArgs : EventArgs { public SentRequestBingMapsLayerEventArgs(); public SentRequestBingMapsLayerEventArgs(String requestUri);
public String RequestUri { get; set; } }
public static class SerializationHelper { public static Object Deserialize(Byte[] serializedObject); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class ShapeFileFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer { public ShapeFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }
public event EventHandler StreamLoading; }
[SerializableAttribute] public class ShapeFileFeatureSource : FeatureSource { public ShapeFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class StreamLoadingEventArgs : EventArgs { public StreamLoadingEventArgs(String alternateStreamName, String streamType); public StreamLoadingEventArgs(String alternateStreamName, String streamType, Stream alternateStream, FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess);
public String StreamType { get; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public abstract class Style { [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the method: DrawSample(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent). This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public void DrawSample(GeoCanvas canvas); public void DrawSample(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the method: DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent). This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] protected virtual void DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas); protected virtual void DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class TabDbfColumn : DbfColumn { public TabDbfColumn(); public TabDbfColumn(String columnName, DbfColumnType columnType, Int32 length, Int32 decimalLength, Boolean buildIndex, Boolean uniqueIndexColumnValues);
public Boolean BuildIndex { get; set; } public Boolean UniqueIndexColumnValues { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class TabFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer { public TabFeatureLayer(); public TabFeatureLayer(String tabPathFilename); public TabFeatureLayer(String tabPathFilename, TabFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);
public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; } public Boolean RequireIndex { get; set; } public Encoding Encoding { get; set; } public String TabPathFilename { get; set; } public TabFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }
protected override Layer CloneDeepCore();
public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename); public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename, BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode); public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename, IEnumerable databaseColumns, IEnumerable features); public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename, IEnumerable databaseColumns, IEnumerable features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode); public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename, IEnumerable databaseColumns, IEnumerable features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode, Encoding encoding); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class TabFeatureSource : FeatureSource { public TabFeatureSource(); public TabFeatureSource(String tabPathFilename); public TabFeatureSource(String tabPathFilename, TabFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);
public override Boolean IsEditable { get; } public Boolean RequireIndex { get; set; } public Encoding Encoding { get; set; } public String TabPathFilename { get; set; } public TabFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }
protected override void CloseCore(); protected override TransactionResult CommitTransactionCore(TransactionBuffer transactions); protected override Collection GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable returningColumnNames); protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore(); protected override Collection GetColumnsCore(); protected override Int32 GetCountCore(); protected override Collection GetFeaturesByIdsCore(IEnumerable ids, IEnumerable returningColumnNames); protected override Collection GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable returningColumnNames); protected override Collection GetFeaturesOutsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable returningColumnNames); protected override void OpenCore();
public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename); public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename, BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode); public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename, IEnumerable databaseColumns, IEnumerable features); public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename, IEnumerable databaseColumns, IEnumerable features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode); public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename, IEnumerable databaseColumns, IEnumerable features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode, Encoding encoding); }
public enum TabFileReadWriteMode { ReadOnly, ReadWrite }
[SerializableAttribute] public class TextStyle : PositionStyle { public Boolean LabelAllLineParts { get; set; } public PolygonLabelingLocationMode PolygonLabelingLocationMode { get; set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use the method: DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent). This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] protected override void DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas); protected override void DrawSampleCore(GeoCanvas canvas, DrawingRectangleF drawingExtent);
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use property: SplineType. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public Boolean AllowSpline { get; set; } [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use static method: TextFormat. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.", false)] public String Format { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public abstract class TileCache { [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete, please use property: TileAccessMode. And you need set ReadOnly to false if you want the TileAccessMode to take effect. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.")] public Boolean ReadOnly { get; set; } }
[SerializableAttribute] public class TiledWmsLayer : Layer { public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable serverUris); [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable serverUris) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.")] public TiledWmsLayer(Uri serverUri); public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable serverUris, WebProxy webProxy); [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable serverUris, WebProxy webProxy) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.")] public TiledWmsLayer(Uri serverUri, WebProxy webProxy); public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable serverUris, String clientId, String privateKey); [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable serverUris, string clientId, string privateKey) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.")] public TiledWmsLayer(Uri serverUri, String clientId, String privateKey); public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable serverUris, WebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey); [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable serverUris, WebProxy webProxy, string clientId, string privateKey) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.")] public TiledWmsLayer(Uri serverUri, WebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);
public Collection ServerUris { get; }
[ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete, please use TiledWmsLayer(Uri serverUri) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.")] public TiledWmsLayer(String serverUri); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetRequestUris instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after May 1st 2011.")] public Collection GetRequestUrl(RectangleShape worldExtent, Int32 canvasWidth, Int32 canvasHeight); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class UnmanagedProj4Projection : Projection, IDisposable { protected override GeographyUnit GetExternalGeographyUnitCore(); protected override GeographyUnit GetInternalGeographyUnitCore();
public static String ConvertEpsgToPrj(Int32 srid); public static String ConvertPrjToProj4(String prjString); public static String ConvertProj4ToPrj(String proj4String); public static String GetDecimalDegreesParametersString(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetEsriExtraParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetGL27ParametersString(String srid); public static String GetLatLongParametersString(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetNad27ParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetNad83ParametersString(Int32 srid); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetOtherExtraParametersString(Int32 srid); public static String GetWgs84ParametersString(); [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete, please use GetEpsgParametersString(int srid) or GetEsriParametersString(int srid) instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed on or after November 1st 2011.", false)] public static String GetWorldParametersString(String srid); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class WmsRasterSource : RasterSource { protected override void CloseCore(); }
[SerializableAttribute] public class WorldFile { public RectangleShape GetBoundingBox(Single width, Single height); }
public enum WrappingMode { Default, None, WrapDateline } } // end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core

map_suite_services_edition_release_change_log_version_5.0.0.0.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/10 01:48 by admin