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Map Suite Services Edition Release Change Log Version

Release date: 6/15/2010

Minor API additions, no breaking changes. Please see the attached HTML document for a complete enumeration.

Assembly Members Added Members Removed Breaking Changes
ServicesEdition 24 added 0 removed 0 breaking

API Changes


New namespaces: 0



Types added in new namespaces: 0

Types added to existing namespaces: 8

Total number of types added (in both new and existing namespaces): 8

Types removed from existing namespaces: 0



Members added on new types: 20

Members added to existing types: 16

Members removed from existing types: 0

Members removed on removed types: 0



Attributes added: 0

Attributes added and shown: 0

Attributes removed: 0

Attributes removed and shown: 0



Parameter name changes: 0


// Old assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\ServicesEdition\\bin\MapSuiteCore.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of old assemblies: 1


// New assemblies:

// C:\ThinkGeo\Output\MapSuite3.0\ServicesEdition\\Service Edition\MapSuiteCore.dll, Assembly Version=, File Version=

// Total number of new assemblies: 1


MapSuiteCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null


namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core {

public class AddedGeoCollectionEventArgs> EventArgs {

public AddedGeoCollectionEventArgs();

public AddedGeoCollectionEventArgs(Object item);


public Object Item { get; set; }



public class AddingGeoCollectionEventArgs> EventArgs {

public AddingGeoCollectionEventArgs();

public AddingGeoCollectionEventArgs(Object item);


public Object Item { get; set; }



public classClearedItemsGeoCollectionEventArgs : EventArgs {

public ClearedItemsGeoCollectionEventArgs();



public classClearingItemsGeoCollectionEventArgs : EventArgs {

public ClearingItemsGeoCollectionEventArgs();





public class GeoCollection<T> : Collection<T>, IList<T>, ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable {

public event EventHandler<AddedGeoCollectionEventArgs> Added;

public event EventHandler<AddingGeoCollectionEventArgs> Adding;

public event EventHandler<ClearedItemsGeoCollectionEventArgs> ClearedItems;

public event EventHandler<ClearingItemsGeoCollectionEventArgs> ClearingItems;

public event EventHandler<InsertedGeoCollectionEventArgs> Inserted;

public event EventHandler<InsertingGeoCollectionEventArgs> Inserting;

public event EventHandler<RemovedGeoCollectionEventArgs> Removed;

public event EventHandler<RemovingGeoCollectionEventArgs> Removing;


protected virtual void OnAdded(AddedGeoCollectionEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnAdding(AddingGeoCollectionEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnClearedItems(ClearedItemsGeoCollectionEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnClearingItems(ClearingItemsGeoCollectionEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnInserted(InsertedGeoCollectionEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnInserting(InsertingGeoCollectionEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnRemoved(RemovedGeoCollectionEventArgs e);

protected virtual void OnRemoving(RemovingGeoCollectionEventArgs e);



public class InsertedGeoCollectionEventArgs : EventArgs {

public InsertedGeoCollectionEventArgs();

public InsertedGeoCollectionEventArgs(Object item);


public Object Item { get; set; }



public class InsertingGeoCollectionEventArgs : EventArgs {

public InsertingGeoCollectionEventArgs();

public InsertingGeoCollectionEventArgs(Object item);


public Object Item { get; set; }



public class RemovedGeoCollectionEventArgs : EventArgs {

public RemovedGeoCollectionEventArgs();

public RemovedGeoCollectionEventArgs(Object item);


public Object Item { get; set; }



public class RemovingGeoCollectionEventArgs : EventArgs {

public RemovingGeoCollectionEventArgs();

public RemovingGeoCollectionEventArgs(Object item);


public Object Item { get; set; }


} // end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core


map_suite_services_edition_release_change_log_version_4.0.40.0.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/10 01:50 by admin