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map_suite_desktop_edition_faq_spatial_functions [2015/09/16 02:07]
admin [How do I clip one polygon layer based on a polygon?]
map_suite_desktop_edition_faq_spatial_functions [2015/09/16 02:08] (current)
admin [How do I clip one polygon layer based on a polygon?]
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 This project along with “Spatial Join”, “Dissolve” and “Dissolve with Statistics” show another type of geoprocessing technique that can be applied to a layer. Clipping a layer can be handy in situation where the layer has a geographic extent larger than necessary and you just need a portion of it based on some defined area. For example, you might have the world layer of evergreen but you are working at the national level for Brazil and you don’t need the rest of the world. Clipping the layer will reduce it to the geographic area you are only interested in. This project along with “Spatial Join”, “Dissolve” and “Dissolve with Statistics” show another type of geoprocessing technique that can be applied to a layer. Clipping a layer can be handy in situation where the layer has a geographic extent larger than necessary and you just need a portion of it based on some defined area. For example, you might have the world layer of evergreen but you are working at the national level for Brazil and you don’t need the rest of the world. Clipping the layer will reduce it to the geographic area you are only interested in.
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 With “Clipping”,​ you will see how to combine the GetIntersection geometric function with other functions for creating and editing a layer into a coherent one step operation. Notice that this project only deals with clipping polygon based layer. It is also possible to clip line and point based layers. That will be the subject of future projects. With “Clipping”,​ you will see how to combine the GetIntersection geometric function with other functions for creating and editing a layer into a coherent one step operation. Notice that this project only deals with clipping polygon based layer. It is also possible to clip line and point based layers. That will be the subject of future projects.
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 After the project “Clipping” where we saw how to clip a polygon layer based on a polygon, in this project we see how to clip a point based layer. Clipping a point based layer is quite a simpler task than clipping a polygon based layer as no geometric functions are necessary such as GetIntersection (overlap) besides the spatial query. It is also a much faster task to run. After the project “Clipping” where we saw how to clip a polygon layer based on a polygon, in this project we see how to clip a point based layer. Clipping a point based layer is quite a simpler task than clipping a polygon based layer as no geometric functions are necessary such as GetIntersection (overlap) besides the spatial query. It is also a much faster task to run.
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 After the projects on clipping polygon and point based layers, we will show a project on clipping line based layers. After the projects on clipping polygon and point based layers, we will show a project on clipping line based layers.
map_suite_desktop_edition_faq_spatial_functions.1442369263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/16 02:07 (external edit)