Table of Contents


Zoom Level Applied: 10~19

The name representing the waters, just appear at higher zoom levels.Water names are filtered and simplied acoording to osm_area. When you zoom in, more water names should show up.


geometry field

geometry type : point

name field

Field Description
name The name (or names) used locally for the place.
name_enEnglish (if available, otherwise same as name)
name_zhChinese (if available, otherwise same as name)
name_arArabic (if available, otherwise same as name)
name_deGerman name name_de if available, otherwise name or name_en.


The main field used for styling the marine is class. The varying number represent different values.

Value Description
0- -'water' The area of water, such as lakes.
1- -'bay' The bay is surrounded or demarcated by land but connection to a ocean or a larger water body.
2- -'riverbank' It represents the large rivers or section of a river which is enough to be a distinct areas of the water or river bank. Such as the River Thames.

Data Download Source

Zoom Level Applied Possible Values Data Download Source
10~12 class = 0, 1, 2area >= 7000000 AND (“natural” IN ('water','bay') OR waterway IN ('riverbank'))
13 class = 0, 1, 2area >= 5000000 AND (“natural” IN ('water','bay') OR waterway IN ('riverbank'))
14~19 class = 0, 1, 2area >= 3000000 AND (“natural” IN ('water','bay') OR waterway IN ('riverbank'))