Table of Contents

Source Code WpfDesktopEditionSample DistanceQueryOnWrapDatelineMode CS


 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Configuration;  
 using System.Data;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Windows;  
 namespace DistanceQueryOnWrapDatelineMode  
     /// <summary>  
     /// Interaction logic for App.xaml  
     /// </summary>  
     public partial class App : Application  


 using System.Windows;  
 using System.Windows.Input;  
 using System.Windows.Media;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Text;  
 using System.Collections.ObjectModel;  
 using ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core;  
 using ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEdition;  
 namespace DistanceQueryOnWrapDatelineMode  
     /// <summary>  
     /// Interaction logic for TestWindow.xaml  
     /// </summary>  
     public partial class TestWindow : Window  
         public TestWindow()  
         private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  
             //Sets the correct map unit  
             wpfMap1.MapUnit = GeographyUnit.DecimalDegree;  
             //Sets the map extent in real coordinates.  
             wpfMap1.CurrentExtent = new RectangleShape(-326,82,-58,-91);  
             wpfMap1.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(148, 196, 243));  
             WorldMapKitWmsWpfOverlay worldMapKitWmsWpfOverlay = new WorldMapKitWmsWpfOverlay();  
             //Sets the WrapDatelineMode to WrapDateline for the overlay.  
             worldMapKitWmsWpfOverlay.WrappingMode = WrappingMode.WrapDateline;  
             //InMemoryFeatureLayer to put the feature as the result of the spatial query.  
             InMemoryFeatureLayer inMemoryFeatureLayer = new InMemoryFeatureLayer();  
             inMemoryFeatureLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultAreaStyle = AreaStyles.CreateSimpleAreaStyle  
                 (GeoColor.FromArgb(150, GeoColor.StandardColors.Yellow), GeoColor.StandardColors.DarkGray, 2);  
             inMemoryFeatureLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.ApplyUntilZoomLevel = ApplyUntilZoomLevel.Level20;  
             LayerOverlay layerOverlay = new LayerOverlay();  
             //Sets the WrapDatelineMode to WrapDateline for the overlay with the InMemoryFeatureLayer.  
             layerOverlay.WrappingMode = WrappingMode.WrapDateline;  
             layerOverlay.Layers.Add("SelectLayer", inMemoryFeatureLayer);  
             wpfMap1.Overlays.Add("DynamicOverlay", layerOverlay);  
         private void wpfMap1_MapClick(object sender, MapClickWpfMapEventArgs e)  
                 //Uses the WrapDatelineProjection to create the target pointshape for GetFeatureNearestTo spatial query function.  
                 WrapDatelineProjection wrapDatelineProjection = new WrapDatelineProjection();  
                 //Sets the HalfExtentWidth of the wrapdateline overlay we want to apply the projection on.  
                 //Here it is 180 because, the full extent width is 360.  
                 wrapDatelineProjection.HalfExtentWidth = wpfMap1.Overlays["WMK"].GetBoundingBox().Width / 2;//180;  
                 //Gets the valid world coordinate regardless to where the user click on the map  
                 Vertex projVertex = wrapDatelineProjection.ConvertToExternalProjection(e.WorldX, e.WorldY);  
                 //Here we just use the feature source of the shapefile because we don't display it, we just use it for doing the spatial query.  
                 ShapeFileFeatureSource shapeFileFeatureSource = new ShapeFileFeatureSource(@"../../data/countries02.shp");  
                 //Uses the projected X and Y values for the Spatial Query.  
                 Collection<Feature> features = shapeFileFeatureSource.GetFeaturesNearestTo(new PointShape(projVertex), wpfMap1.MapUnit, 1, ReturningColumnsType.NoColumns);  
                 LayerOverlay dynamicOverlay = (LayerOverlay)wpfMap1.Overlays["DynamicOverlay"];  
                 InMemoryFeatureLayer inMemoryFeatureLayer = (InMemoryFeatureLayer)dynamicOverlay.Layers["SelectLayer"];  
                 //Clears the InMemoryFeatureLayer and add the feature as the result of the spatial query.  
                 //Refreshes only the overlay with the updated InMemoryFeatureLayer.  
             catch { }  
             finally { }  
         private void wpfMap1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)  
             //Gets the PointShape in world coordinates from screen coordinates.  
             Point point = e.MouseDevice.GetPosition(null);  
             ScreenPointF screenPointF = new ScreenPointF((float)point.X, (float)point.Y);  
             PointShape pointShape = ExtentHelper.ToWorldCoordinate(wpfMap1.CurrentExtent, screenPointF, (float)wpfMap1.Width, (float)wpfMap1.Height);  
             //Uses the WrapDatelineProjection to get the proper decimal degree value on the virtual maps to the right and left of the central map.  
             WrapDatelineProjection wrapDatelineProjection = new WrapDatelineProjection();  
             //Sets the HalfExtentWidth of the wrapdateline overlay we want to apply the projection on.  
             //Here it is 180 because, the full extent width is 360.  
             wrapDatelineProjection.HalfExtentWidth = wpfMap1.Overlays["WMK"].GetBoundingBox().Width / 2;//180;  
             Vertex projVertex = wrapDatelineProjection.ConvertToExternalProjection(pointShape.X, pointShape.Y);  
                 //Shows the real coordinates.  
                 textBox1.Text = "real X: " + string.Format("{0:0.00}", System.Math.Round(pointShape.X, 2)) +  
                              "  real Y: " + string.Format("{0:0.00}", System.Math.Round(pointShape.Y, 2));  
                 //Shows the decimal degrees after the WrapDatelineProjection  
                 textBox2.Text = "Decimal Degree X: " + string.Format("{0:0.00}", System.Math.Round(projVertex.X, 2)) +  
                              " Decimal Degree Y: " + string.Format("{0:0.00}", System.Math.Round(projVertex.Y, 2));  
                 //Shows the Decimal Minutes Seconds format after the WrapDatelineProjection  
                 textBox3.Text = "Long.: " + DecimalDegreesHelper.GetDegreesMinutesSecondsStringFromDecimalDegree(projVertex.X) +  
                               "  Lat.: " + DecimalDegreesHelper.GetDegreesMinutesSecondsStringFromDecimalDegree(projVertex.Y);  
             catch { }  
             finally { }  


 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 using System.Linq;  
 using System.Text;  
 using ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core;  
 namespace DistanceQueryOnWrapDatelineMode  
     class WrapDatelineProjection : Projection, IDisposable  
         private double nHalfExtentWidth;  
         private double [] an = new double[100];  
         private double[] an_minus = new double[100];  
         //Property for half the extent of the central map.  
         //For example:  
         //If the map is in decimal degree, the value will be 180 (worldMapKitWmsWpfOverlay.GetBoundingBox().Width / 2).  
         //If the map is using Google map, the value will be 14000955.5 (googleMapsOverlay.GetBoundingBox().Width / 2)  
         public double HalfExtentWidth  
             get { return nHalfExtentWidth; }  
                 nHalfExtentWidth = value;  
                 double sum = 0;  
                 for (int i = 0; i <= an.Length - 1; i += 1)  
                     an[i] = nHalfExtentWidth + sum;  
                     sum = sum + (nHalfExtentWidth * 2);  
                 sum = 0;  
                 for (int i = 0; i <= an_minus.Length - 1; i += 1)  
                     an_minus[i] = -nHalfExtentWidth - sum;  
                     sum = sum + (nHalfExtentWidth * 2);  
         protected override Vertex[] ConvertToExternalProjectionCore(double[] x, double[] y)  
             Vertex[] vertices = new Vertex[x.Length];  
             for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)  
                 if ((x[i] > HalfExtentWidth)|| (x[i] < (-HalfExtentWidth)))  
                 double realx = GetAp(x[i]);  
                 vertices[i] = new Vertex(realx, y[i]);  
                     vertices[i] = new Vertex(x[i], y[i]);  
             return vertices;  
         private double GetAp(double Xp)  
             double result = 0;  
             if (Xp > 0)  
                 for (int i = 0; i < an.Length - 2; i++)  
                     if ((Xp >= an[i]) && (Xp < an[i|+ 1]))  
                         result = Xp - (an[i] + HalfExtentWidth);  
                 for (int i = 0; i < an_minus.Length - 2; i++)  
                     if ((Xp <= an_minus[i]) && (Xp > an_minus[i|+ 1]))  
                         result = Xp + (an[i] + HalfExtentWidth);  
             return result;  
         protected override Vertex[] ConvertToInternalProjectionCore(double[] x, double[] y)  
             throw new NotImplementedException();  
         public void Dispose()  
         private void Dispose(bool disposing)  