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Map Suite World Map Kit SDK FAQ Technical Questions

What format is the data in?

The data comes in a SQLite database.

Why SQLite?

When considering a suitable storage format for the immense amount of data contained in the World Map Kit SDK we wanted to meet a number of objectives. First we wanted the format to be open and allow developers to have access to the data outside of our tools. Second the format needed to be consolidated into a single file but also have the ability to quickly delete data you didn't need. Additionally we wanted to make analysis of the data easy and have support for complex query style syntax. Last but not least it needed to be fast and perform well when loaded with lots of data. We chose SQLite as out back end storage client as it fits every aspect of what we wanted. SQLite is arguably the most widely deployed database engine and as such has wide ranging support on just about every platform including spatial index support. SQLite allows us to provide a single database that can be easily queried and modified using free tools, and it’s source is public domain.

Why isn't the data available in SpatiaLite?

Originally we started using SpatiaLite and while it offered a number of additional GIS related functions it was also not well supported and seemingly defunct. In the end we chose a plain implementation of SQLite to offer the greatest level of compatibility and support-ability possible. While we are now missing some GIS functions in the database Map Suite provides all of those in its API so there isn't any loss of functionality.

What is the size of the data?

Currently the SQLite database is around 100 Gigabyte for the entire world. However the World Map Kit is based on OpenStreetMap data which is always growing as additional features get added to the map everyday.

What if I only want to deploy data for a certain area of the world?

The World Map Kit SDK comes with the OSM World Map Kit Extractor which allows you to quickly extract a portion of the World Map Kit data to cut down on the delivery size of the data.

Does it come with any sample code?

Yes. It includes a sample application that shows you how to integrate the Map Suite World Map Kit into your application with a few lines of code.

Can I change the look and feel of the map rendering with World Map Kit SDK?

Yes. The World Map Kit SDK is the only edition of the World Map Kit that gives you all of the source code to the rendering logic, so you are free to modify the look and feel of the maps to meet your needs.

Can the World Map Kit SDK work offline?

Yes. The World Map Kit SDK allows you to have all your data locally without being connected to the internet.

Can I add additional map data or layers to the World Map Kit?

Yes. With the World Map Kit SDK, we provide you with source code to the rendering class so that you can easily add in your own mapping data.

Can I serve these maps up via WMS?

Yes. By combining the World Map Kit SDK and the Map Suite WMS Server Edition you can create your own WMS service.

Why does the World Map Kit SDK come with two different sets of data β€” DecimalDegree and SphericalMercator?

DecimalDegree and SphericalMercator are two different projections of your data. DecimalDegree is a common projection used in many applications, and SphericalMercator is a projection used by Google and many other online map providers. We include these two popular projections so that you can choose the one that best suits your purposes, without the performance concerns of reprojecting on-the-fly.

How difficult is it to update the map data when an update becomes available?

It's as easy as extracting and overwriting the old data.