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Map Suite WMS Server Edition Deployment Guide

Note: The page was created before Map Suite 10. Map Suite 10.0 organized many classes into new namespaces and assemblies as well as had a few minor breaks in compatibility. The majority of previously built code should work without modification assuming the new namespaces are added. For guidance on upgrading your existing code, please check out MapSuite 10 Upgrade Guide.

There are two kinds of projects in the installation directory. “WmsPluginService” is for deploying a server while other projects are used to consume that service as clients. We strongly recommend you to have a look at the notes below.

Run the WMS Service

Here are the steps to deploy the WMS service. 1. Open the “C# Winforms HowDoISamples.sln” solution and set the “Default.aspx” as the default startup page. 2. Run the project and write down the root URL of the server, for example: http://localhost:62626/ 3. Modify the Capability files “CapabilitiesXml/WmsHandlerCapabilities.xml , SecureServerRequestsWmsHandlerCapabilities.xml, ThrottleUserRequestsWmsHandlerCapabilities.xml”.
Get the “OnlineResource” node, change the server request link with the server URL mentioned above. Don’t forget to add the “/WmsHandler.axd” behind. See the snapshots below:

4. Stop the WMS Server and run the project again to make the changes take effect.

Consume the Service with Client Application

Open “CSharp DesktopEdition client” or any other client side solutions to consume the deployed WMS Service. Before running the projects, please remember to modify the WMS service URL in the sample. See the screenshot below:

Deploying Applications

Several Merge Modules are supplied to assist you in deploying all of our required dependencies. You can find them in the directory below.

Latest Public Release (

  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\MapSuiteEcw.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\MapSuiteFdoExtension.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\MapSuiteFileGeoDatabase.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\MapSuiteGeoRasterProjection.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\MapSuiteGeoTiff.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\MapSuiteMrSid.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\MapSuitePrjHelper.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\MapSuiteProj4.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\MapSuiteS57.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\Microsoft_VC100_CRT_x64.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\Microsoft_VC100_CRT_x86.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\Microsoft_VC100_DebugCRT_x64.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\Microsoft_VC100_DebugCRT_x86.msm
  • \Shared Developer Reference\Merge Modules\MicrosoftSqlServerSpatial.msm


MicrosoftSqlServerSpatial.msm*, Microsoft_VC100_CRT_x86.msm* and Microsoft_VC100_CRT_x64.msm* are always required.

The main assemblies (such as MapSuiteCore.DLL, NetTopologySuite.DLL, GeoAPI.dll and CSScriptLibrary.dll) are not included in the Merge Modules, your project should automatically reference them and pull in these assemblies.

MapSuiteGeoTiff.msm is not required if the GeoTiffRasterSource's LibraryType is ManagedLibTiff(By Default).

MapSuiteProj4.msm is not required if Proj4Projection's MemoryMode is ManagedProj4Projection(By Default).

MapSuiteFdoExtension.msm is not required if FdoExtension is not used.

Map Suite Depolyment Guide of Previous Versions