Map Suite Web for WebForms Release Change Log Version 10.4.0

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null


namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition {


    public class ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay : Overlay, IRequireId, IJsonSerializable {

        public ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay();

        public ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay(String apiKey);


        public RectangleShape MaxExtent { get; set; }

        public String APIKey { get; set; }

        public ThinkGeoCloudMapsMapType MapType { get; set; }

        public WrapDatelineMode WrapDateline { get; set; }


        protected override String OverlayType { get; }

        protected String Projection { get; set; }


        public static ZoomLevelSet GetZoomLevelSet();


} //end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WebEdition

ThinkGeo.MapSuite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null


namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core {


    public class FileGeoDatabaseFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public static void CreateTable(String fileGeoDatabasePathName, String tableName, WellKnownType wellKnownType, IEnumerable<String> columns, String esriCoordinateSystem);

        public static void CreateTable(String fileGeoDatabasePathName, String tableName, WellKnownType wellKnownType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns, String esriCoordinateSystem);




    public class Proj4Projection : Projection {

        public Proj4Projection(String internalProjectionParametersString, Int32 externalSrid externalEpsgSrid);

        public Proj4Projection(Int32 internalSrid internalEpsgSrid, String externalProjectionParametersString);

        public Proj4Projection(Int32 internalSrid internalEpsgSrid, Int32 externalSrid externalEpsgSrid);




    public enum ThinkGeoCloudMapsMapType {








    public class XyzFileBitmapTileCache : FileBitmapTileCache {

        public XyzFileBitmapTileCache();

        public XyzFileBitmapTileCache(String cacheDirectory);

        public XyzFileBitmapTileCache(String cacheDirectory, String cacheId);

        public XyzFileBitmapTileCache(String cacheDirectory, String cacheId, ZoomLevelSet zoomLevelSet);

        public XyzFileBitmapTileCache(String cacheDirectory, String cacheId, ZoomLevelSet zoomLevelSet, TileMatrix tileMatrix);


        public ZoomLevelSet ZoomLevelSet { get; set; }


        protected override BitmapTile GetTileCore(Int64 row, Int64 column);

        protected override void SaveTileCore(Tile tile);


} //end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core