Map Suite Mobile for Android Release Change Log Version

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null


namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.AndroidEdition {


    public class AdornmentOverlay : Overlay, IDisposable {

        public GeoCollection<AdornmentLayer> GeoCollection Layers { get; }


        public Boolean ShowLogo { get; set; }




    public class CenterCoordinateMapTool : MapTool {




    public class EditInteractiveOverlay : InteractiveOverlay {

        public InMemoryFeatureLayer SelectedControlPointLayer { get; }




    public class GpsMarker : Marker, IDisposable {

        protected virtual void Finalize();




    public class LayerOverlay : TileOverlay {

        public GeoCollection<Layer> GeoCollection Layers { get; }




    public class MapLayout : ViewGroup {




    public abstract class MapTool : RelativeLayout {




    public class MapTools : GeoCollection : GeoCollection<MapTool>, INotifyCollectionChanged, INotifyPropertyChanged {



    public class MapView : RelativeLayout {

        public GeoCollection<InteractiveOverlay> GeoCollection InteractiveOverlays { get; }

        public GeoCollection<Overlay> GeoCollection Overlays { get; }




    public class Marker : ImageView {




    public class MarkerOverlay : Overlay, IDisposable {

        public GeoCollection<Marker> GeoCollection Markers { get; }




    public class OpenStreetMapOverlay : TileOverlay {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. Please use OpenStreetMapOverlay() instead.")]

        public OpenStreetMapOverlay(GeoWebProxy webProxy);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please use TileCache instead as following code:                     openStreetMapOverlay.TileCache = new FileBitmapTileCache(CacheDirectory);")]

        public String CacheDirectory { get; set; }

        protected override void CloseCore();

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. WebRequest is not used for requesting web images in this class.")]

        protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. WebRequest is not used for requesting web images in this class.")]

        protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. This property used to wrap another property on OpenStreetMapLayer, while it is not used now. Please use TileCache property instead.")]

        public BitmapTileCache ProjectedTileCache { get; set; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. This property used to wrap another property on OpenStreetMapLayer, while it is not used now. Please use TileCache property instead.")]

        public Projection ProjectionFromSphericalMercator { get; set; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This event is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. WebRequest is not used for requesting web images in this class.")]

        public event EventHandler<SendingWebRequestEventArgs> SendingWebRequest;

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This event is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. WebRequest is not used for requesting web images in this class.")]

        public event EventHandler<SentWebRequestEventArgs> SentWebRequest;

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. WebProxy is not support for retrieving web images.")]

        public GeoWebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }




    public abstract class Overlay : IDisposable {

        protected override void Finalize();


        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please use Refresh(TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType) instead.")]

        public void Refresh(TimeSpan bufferTime, BufferTimeType bufferTimeType);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please use Refresh(IEnumerable<RectangleShape> extentsToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType) instead.")]

        public void Refresh(IEnumerable<RectangleShape> extentsToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, BufferTimeType bufferTimeType);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please use Refresh(RectangleShape extentToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType) instead.")]

        public void Refresh(RectangleShape extentToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, BufferTimeType bufferTimeType);




    public class Popup : FrameLayout {




    public class PopupOverlay : Overlay, IDisposable {

        public GeoCollection<Popup> GeoCollection Popups { get; set; }




    public class SqliteBitmapTileCache : BitmapTileCache {

        public override virtual String CacheId { get; set; }


        protected override virtual void ClearCacheCore();

        protected override virtual void DeleteTileCore(Tile tile);

        protected override virtual BitmapTile GetTileCore(Int64 row, Int64 column);

        protected override virtual void SaveTileCore(Tile tile);



    public static class Validators {

        public static void CheckCanRefreshRegion(Boolean canRefreshRegion);



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay class instead.")]


    public class WorldMapKitOverlay : TileOverlay {




    public class WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay : TileOverlay {

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay();

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay(WebProxy webProxy);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay(String clientId, String privateKey);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay(WebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);


        public Int32 TimeoutInSeconds { get; set; }

        public String ClientId { get; set; }

        public String PrivateKey { get; set; }

        public WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryMapType MapType { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryProjection Projection { get; set; }


        protected override void DrawTileCore(GeoCanvas geoCanvas, TileView tile);

        protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();

        protected override TileMatrix GetTileMatrix(Double scale, Int32 tileWidth, Int32 tileHeight, GeographyUnit boundingBoxUnit);




    public class ZoomMapTool : MapTool {



    public class AndroidGeoCanvas; //removed

    public class BingMapsTileOverlay; //removed

    public class GoogleMapsTileOverlay; //removed

    public class OpenStreetMapTileOverlay; //removed

} //end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.AndroidEdition

ThinkGeo.MapSuite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null


namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core {


    public class AreaStyle : Style {

        public override Boolean IsDefault { get; }




    public static class AreaStyles {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Antarctica1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Country1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Country2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle County1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle County2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Crop1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Evergreen1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Evergreen2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Forest1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Grass1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Military1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle NoData1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Park1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Sand1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle SeaIce1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle SnowIce1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle State1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle State2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Swamp1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Swamp2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Tundra1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Urban1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Urban2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Water1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Water2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle WaterIntermittent1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static AreaStyle Wildlife1 { get; }




    public class BingMapsLayer : Layer {

        public IWebProxy WebProxy Proxy { get; set; }




    public enum BingMapsMapType {



        //removed members:






    public class BitmapTile : Tile, IDisposable {

        public BitmapTile(GeoImage image, RectangleShape boundingBox, Double scale);


        public GeoImage Bitmap Bitmap { get; set; }


        public BitmapTile(Bitmap bitmap, RectangleShape boundingBox, Double scale);




    public class BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(Int32 recordCount, Int32 currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName);


        public String ShapePathFilename { get; }


        [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(int recordCount, int currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, string shapePathFileName) instead.")]

        public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(Int32 recordCount, Int32 currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, Boolean cancel, String shapePathFileName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(int recordCount, int currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, string shapePathFileName) instead.")]

        public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs();

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(int recordCount, int currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, string shapePathFileName) instead.")]

        public BuildingIndexShapeFileFeatureSourceEventArgs(Int32 recordCount, Int32 currentRecordIndex, Feature currentFeature, DateTime startProcessTime, Boolean cancel);

        public String ShapePathFileName { get; }




    public enum CadStylingType {



        //removed members:




    public static class ClassBreakValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckClassBreaksAreValid(IEnumerable<ClassBreak> classBreaks);



    public static class CogoValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckArcAndChordLengthIsValid(Double arcLength, Double chordLength);

        public static void CheckCogoDirectionTypeIsPolar(CogoDirectionType value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckDirectionIsValid(String direction, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckPointCogoFileRecordIsValid(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckQuadrantBearingDegreeIsValid(Double value, String parameterName);




    public class DataGridPrinterLayer : PrinterLayer {

        public PrinterTextHorizontalAlignment TextHorizontalAlignment TextHorizontalAlignment { get; set; }




    public struct DegreesMinutesSeconds {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call GetFormattedString(int decimals) instead.")]

        public String ToString(Int32 decimals);




    public class DrawingProgressChangedEventArgs : ProgressChangedEventArgs {

        public GeoCanvas Canvas { get; set; }

        public Int64 DrawingElapsedSinceLastInvalid { get; set; }

        public RectangleShape DrawnExtent { get; set; }

        public Boolean IsDrawingInvalid { get; set; }




    public struct DrawingRectangle {

        public DrawingRectangle(Int32 centerX, Int32 centerY, Int32 width, Int32 height);

        public DrawingRectangle(Int32 anchorPointX, Int32 anchorPointY, Int32 width, Int32 height, DrawingRectangleAnchorReference anchorReference);


        public Int32 CenterX { get; }

        public Int32 CenterY { get; }

        public Int32 Height { get; }

        public Int32 MaximumX { get; }

        public Int32 MaximumY { get; }

        public Int32 MinimumX { get; }

        public Int32 MinimumY { get; }

        public Int32 Width { get; }


        public override Boolean Equals(Object obj);

        public override Int32 GetHashCode();


        public static Boolean operator==(DrawingRectangle rectangleF1, DrawingRectangle rectangleF2);

        public static Boolean operator!=(DrawingRectangle rectangleF1, DrawingRectangle rectangleF2);

        public static DrawingRectangle Round(DrawingRectangleF value);



    public enum DrawingRectangleAnchorReference {









    public struct DrawingRectangleF {

        public DrawingRectangleF(Single anchorPointX, Single anchorPointY, Single width, Single height, DrawingRectangleAnchorReference anchorReference);


        public Single MaximumX { get; }

        public Single MaximumY { get; }

        public Single MinimumX { get; }

        public Single MinimumY { get; }




    public class ExecutingSqlStatementMsSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public ExecutingSqlStatementMsSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs(String sqlStatement);

        public ExecutingSqlStatementMsSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs(String sqlStatement, ExecutingSqlStatementType sqlStatementType);


        public ExecutingSqlStatementType ExecutingSqlStatementType { get; set; }

        public String SqlStatement { get; set; }



    public static class ExtendedHelper {

        public static String GetVersion();

        public static Boolean ShowProductCenter();




    public static class ExtentHelper {

        public static RectangleShape ApplyDrawingMarginToExtent(RectangleShape worldExtent, Single marginInPixel, Single screenWidth, Single screenHeight);

        public static RectangleShape GetSnappedExtent(RectangleShape worldExtent, GeographyUnit worldExtentUnit, Single screenWidth, Single screenHeight, ZoomLevelSet zoomLevelSet);

        public static Double GetSnappedScale(RectangleShape worldExtent, Single screenWidth, GeographyUnit worldExtentUnit);

        public static Int32 GetSnappedZoomLevelIndex(Double scale, IEnumerable<Double> zoomLevelScales);

        public static DrawingRectangle Rectangle ToScreenCoordinate(RectangleShape worldExtent, RectangleShape targetWorldExtent targetExtent, Single screenWidth currentExtentWidth, Single screenHeight currentExtentHeight);




    public class Feature {

        public Boolean IsGeometryValid();

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. For compatibility use GetWellKnownBinary() != null. Most of the time when this method is used IsGeometryValid(), which does geometry validation using the NTS topology engine, would most likely be better suited.")]

        public Boolean IsValid();


        public static GeoDataTable ConvertToDataTable(IEnumerable<Feature> features, IEnumerable<String> columnNames);


        public Dictionary<String,Collection<LinkColumnValue>> LinkColumnValues { get; }




    public abstract class FeatureLayer : Layer {

        protected Collection<Feature> GetWrappingFeaturesForDrawing(WrappingWorldDirection wrappingFeatureDirection, RectangleShape drawingWorldExtent, Double canvasWidth, Double canvasHeight, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, RectangleShape wrappingWorldExtent);


        public virtual Boolean CanDrawProgressively { get; }

        public void DrawProgressively(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);

        protected virtual void DrawProgressivelyCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);

        public Int64 DrawingElapsedInMilliSeconds { get; set; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. We kept a default margin of 256 pixels which should be good for most scenarios, you can always customize it by setting the property of DrawingMarginInPixel.")]

        public Double DrawingMarginPercentage { get; set; }




    public abstract class FeatureSource {

        public GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQuery(String sqlStatement);

        public protected Collection<String> GetColumnNamesOutsideFeatureSource(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        public Collection<String> GetFeatureIdsInsideBoundingBox(RectangleShape boundingBox);

        public void RemoveEmptyAndExcludedFeatures(Collection<Feature> features);


        protected virtual GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQueryCore(String sqlStatement);

        protected virtual Collection<String> GetFeatureIdsInsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox);


        public static GeoDataTable ConvertToDataTable(IEnumerable<Feature> features, IEnumerable<String> columnNames);

        public static String GetColumnNameAlias(String columnName, ICollection<String> columnNames);

        public protected static Collection<String> SplitColumnNames(IEnumerable<String> columnNames returningColumnNames);


        public event EventHandler<AppliedFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs> AppliedFilters;

        public Collection<Feature> ApplyFilters(IEnumerable<Feature> features, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, IEnumerable<String> filters);

        protected virtual Collection<Feature> ApplyFiltersCore(IEnumerable<Feature> features, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, String linkExpression);

        public event EventHandler<ApplyingFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs> ApplyingFilters;

        protected IEnumerable<Feature> ConvertToExternalProjectionAsync(IEnumerable<Feature> features);

        public Collection<String> Filters { get; }

        public Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesByIds(IEnumerable<String> ids, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, IEnumerable<String> filters);

        public Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesForDrawing(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, IEnumerable<String> filters);

        public IEnumerable<Feature> GetFeaturesForDrawingAsync(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected virtual IEnumerable<Feature> GetFeaturesForDrawingAsyncCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        public Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBox(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, IEnumerable<String> filters);

        public Collection<String> LinkExpressions { get; }

        public Collection<LinkSource> LinkSources { get; }

        protected virtual void OnAppliedFilters(AppliedFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs e);

        protected virtual void OnApplyingFilters(ApplyingFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs e);

        public Collection<Feature> SpatialQuery(BaseShape targetShape, QueryType queryType, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, IEnumerable<String> filters);




    public class FileGeoDatabaseFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        protected override GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQueryCore(String sqlStatement);




    public class GeneratingGridFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public GeneratingGridFeatureSourceEventArgs(Int32 gridCount, Int32 gridIndex, DateTime startProcessTime, Boolean isCanceled, String gridPathFilename gridPathFileName);


        public String GridPathFilename { get; set; }


        public String GridPathFileName { get; set; }




    public abstract class GeoCanvas {

        public static PlatformGeoCanvas CreatePlatformGeoCanvas();




    public class GeoCodeGenerator {

        public void GenerateCode(Object sourceObject, String pathFilename pathFileName);



    public class GeoDataTable {

        public GeoDataTable();


        public Collection<Dictionary<String,Object>> Rows { get; }

        public Collection<String> Columns { get; }


        public void AddRow(params String[] columnValues);

        public void AddRow(IDictionary<String,Object> columnValues);


        public static DataTable implicit operator(GeoDataTable geoDataTable);

        public static GeoDataTable implicit operator(DataTable dataTable);




    public class GeoDbf : IDisposable {

        public GeoDbf(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public GeoDbf(String pathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public GeoDbf(String pathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);

        public GeoDbf(String pathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding, CultureInfo cultureInfo);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode DbfReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }


        public void AddBooleanColumn(String columnName);

        public void AddColumn(String columnName, DbfColumnType columnType, Int32 length, Int32 decimalLength);

        public void AddDateColumn(String columnName);

        public void AddDoubleColumn(String columnName, Int32 length, Int32 decimalLength);

        public void AddIntegerColumn(String columnName, Int32 length);

        public void AddMemoColumn(String columnName, Int32 length);

        public void AddStringColumn(String columnName, Int32 length);

        public void UpdateDbcFilename(String newDbcFilename);


        public static void CopyDbfHeader(String sourcePathFilename sourcePathFileName, String destinationPathFilename destinationPathFileName);

        public static void CopyDbfHeader(String sourcePathFilename sourcePathFileName, String destinationPathFilename destinationPathFileName, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);

        public static void CreateDbfFile(String dbfPathFilename dbfPathFileName, IEnumerable<DbfColumn> dbfColumns);

        public static void CreateDbfFile(String dbfPathFilename dbfPathFileName, IEnumerable<DbfColumn> dbfColumns, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);

        public static void CreateDbfFile(String dbfPathFilename dbfPathFileName, IEnumerable<DbfColumn> dbfColumns, OverwriteMode overwriteMode, Encoding encoding);


        public GeoDbf(String pathFileName, DbfReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding, CultureInfo cultureInfo);

        public GeoDbf(String pathFileName, DbfReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);

        public GeoDbf(String pathFileName, DbfReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public String PathFileName { get; set; }




    public enum GeoFileMode {










    public enum GeoFileReadWriteMode {








    public enum GeoFileShare {









    public static class GeohashHelper {

        public static String ConvertToGeohash(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);

        public static String ConvertToGeohash(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);

        public static String ConvertToGeohash(Double longitude, Double latitude, Int32 precision);

        public static PointShape ConvertToPointShape(String geohash);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(String geohash, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction, Int32 precision);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Double longitude, Double latitude, GeohashAjacentDirection direction);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, GeohashAjacentDirection direction, Int32 precision);

        public static String GetAdjacentGeohash(Double longitude, Double latitude, GeohashAjacentDirection direction, Int32 precision);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(String geohash);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Double longitude, Double latitude);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Vertex vertexInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(PointShape pointShapeInDecimalDegree, Int32 precision);

        public static Collection<String> GetAdjacentGeohashes(Double longitude, Double latitude, Int32 precision);




    public class GeoImage : IDisposable {

        public GeoImage(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public GeoImage(Object nativeImage);


        public Int32 Height { get; }

        public Int32 Width { get; }

        public Object NativeImage { get; set; }


        public Stream GetImageStream();


        public event EventHandler<LoadingNativeImageGeoImageEventArgs> LoadingNativeImage;


        protected virtual void Dispose(Boolean disposing);

        protected virtual void OnLoadingNativeImage(LoadingNativeImageGeoImageEventArgs e);


        public static Object CreateNewNativeImage(Stream stream);

        public static Object CreateNewNativeImage(String imagePathFilename);

        public static Object CreateNewNativeImage(Int32 width, Int32 height);


        public Int32 GetHeight();

        public Int32 GetWidth();



    public enum GeoImageFormat {














    public class GeoSerializer {

        public Object Deserialize(String sourcePathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public void Serialize(Object objectToSerialize, String targetPathFilename targetPathFileName);


        public Object Deserialize(String sourcePathFileName, FileAccess fileAccess);




    public class GeoTiffRasterLayer : RasterLayer {

        public GeoTiffRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename, RectangleShape imageWorldExtent imageExtent);


        public String ImagePathFilename { get; set; }


        public GeoTiffLibraryType LibraryType { get; set; }

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }




    public class GeoTiffRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public GeoTiffRasterSource(String imagePathFilename, String worldFilePathFilename worldfilePathFilename);


        public String ImagePathFilename { get; set; }


        public GeoTiffRasterSource();

        protected override RasterSource CloneDeepCore();

        public GeoTiffLibraryType LibraryType { get; set; }

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }




    public class GoogleMapsLayer : Layer {

        public GoogleMapsLayer(String cacheDirectory, String clientId, String privateKey, IWebProxy webProxy);


        public GeoImage Bitmap NoDataTileImage { get; set; }

        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }

        public String Language { get; set; }


        public GeoImage Bitmap GetGoogleMapsImage(Double longitude, Double latitude, Int32 zoomLevelNumber, Double tileWidth, Double tileHeight);


        protected virtual GeoImage Bitmap GetGoogleMapsImageCore(Double longitude, Double latitude, Int32 zoomLevelNumber, Double tileWidth, Double tileHeight);


        public GoogleMapsLayer(String cacheDirectory, String clientId, String privateKey, WebProxy webProxy);




    public class GraticuleFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public GraticuleFeatureLayer();

        public GraticuleFeatureLayer(Projection projection);


        public GeoBrush GraticuleTextBrush { get; set; }

        public GeoFont GraticuleTextFont { get; set; }

        public GeoPen GraticuleTextHaloPen { get; set; }

        public LineStyle GraticuleLineStyle { get; set; }

        public Projection Projection { get; set; }

        public RectangleShape WrappingExtent { get; set; }

        public WrappingMode WrappingMode { get; set; }


        protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);



    public class GraticuleFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public GraticuleFeatureSource();


        public RectangleShape WrappingExtent { get; set; }

        public WrappingMode WrappingMode { get; set; }


        protected override Collection<Feature> GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> GetColumnsCore();

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesForDrawingCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);




    public class GridIsoLineLayer : IsoLineLayer {

        public GridIsoLineLayer(String gridPathFilename gridPathFileName);

        public GridIsoLineLayer(String gridPathFilename gridPathFileName, IEnumerable<Double> isoLineLevels);

        public GridIsoLineLayer(String gridPathFilename gridPathFileName, IEnumerable<Double> isoLineLevels, Double lowerScale, Double upperScale);

        public GridIsoLineLayer(String gridPathFilename gridPathFileName, IEnumerable<Double> isoLineLevels, Double lowerScale, Double upperScale, IsoLineType isoLineType);




    public class Jpeg2000RasterLayer : EcwRasterLayer : RasterLayer {

        public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; }

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }




    public class Jpeg2000RasterSource : EcwRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }


        protected override void CloseCore();

        protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();

        protected override GeoImage GetImageCore(RectangleShape worldExtent, Int32 canvasWidth, Int32 canvasHeight);

        protected override Int32 GetImageHeightCore();

        protected override Int32 GetImageWidthCore();

        protected override void OpenCore();




    public class KmlAdornmentLayer : AdornmentLayer {

        public String kmlPathFilename { get; set; }




    public enum KmlStylingType {



        //removed members:







    public abstract class Layer {

        public Dictionary<GeoColor,GeoColor> ColorMappings { get; }




    public class LegendItem {

        public Single Ratio { get; set; }




    public class LineStyle : Style {

        public override Boolean IsDefault { get; }




    public static class LineStyles {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Canal1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle ContestedBorder1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle ContestedBorder2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle DegreeLine1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Equator1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Highway1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Highway2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Highway3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Highway4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Highway5 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle InternationalBorder1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle InternationalBorder2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Interstate1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Interstate2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Interstate3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Interstate4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle LocalRoad1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle LocalRoad2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle LocalRoad3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle LocalRoad4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorRoad1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorRoad2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorRoad3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorRoad4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorStreet1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorStreet2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle MajorStreet3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Pipeline1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Pipeline2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Pipeline3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Railway1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Railway2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Railway3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Railway4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle River1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle River2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle RiverIntermittent1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle SecondaryRoad1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle SecondaryRoad2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle StateBorder1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Utility1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Utility2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitLineStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static LineStyle Utility3 { get; }



    public class LoadingNativeImageGeoImageEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public LoadingNativeImageGeoImageEventArgs();

        public LoadingNativeImageGeoImageEventArgs(Object nativeImage);


        public Object NativeImage { get; set; }




    public class MagneticNorthLineStyle : LineStyle {

        public MagneticNorthLineStyle();


        protected override void DrawCore(IEnumerable<Feature> features, GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInThisLayer, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);




    public class MsSqlFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer();

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn);

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid);

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, String schemaName);

        public MsSqlFeatureLayer(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, String schemaName, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);


        public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; }

        public DatabaseConnectionMode DatabaseConnectionMode { get; set; }

        public Int32 CommandTimeout { get; set; }

        public Int32 Srid { get; set; }

        public String ConnectionString { get; set; }

        public String CustomGeometryColumnName { get; set; }

        public String FeatureIdColumn { get; set; }

        public String SchemaName { get; set; }

        public String SpatialIndexName { get; set; }

        public String TableName { get; set; }

        public String WhereClause { get; set; }


        public void BuildIndex(BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode);

        public Int32 ExecuteNonQuery(String sqlStatement);

        public WellKnownType GetFirstGeometryType();

        public void MakeAllGeometriesValid();

        public Dictionary<String,String> Validate();


        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType);

        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns);

        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);




    public class MsSqlFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public MsSqlFeatureSource();

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn);

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid);

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, String schemaName);

        public MsSqlFeatureSource(String connectionString, String tableName, String featureIdColumn, Int32 srid, String schemaName, DatabaseConnectionMode databaseConnectionMode);


        public override Boolean IsEditable { get; }

        public DatabaseConnectionMode DatabaseConnectionMode { get; set; }

        public Int32 CommandTimeout { get; set; }

        public Int32 Srid { get; set; }

        public MsSqlSpatialDataType SpatialDataType { get; set; }

        public String ConnectionString { get; set; }

        public String CustomGeometryColumnName { get; set; }

        public String FeatureIdColumn { get; set; }

        public String SchemaName { get; set; }

        public String SpatialIndexName { get; set; }

        public String TableName { get; set; }

        public String WhereClause { get; set; }


        public void BuildIndex(BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode);

        public WellKnownType GetFirstGeometryType();

        public void MakeAllGeometriesValid();

        public Dictionary<String,String> Validate();


        public event EventHandler<ExecutingSqlStatementMsSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs> ExecutingSqlStatement;


        protected override Boolean CanExecuteSqlQueryCore { get; }


        protected override Boolean CanGetCountQuicklyCore();

        protected override void CloseCore();

        protected override TransactionResult CommitTransactionCore(TransactionBuffer transactions);

        protected override Int32 ExecuteNonQueryCore(String sqlStatement);

        protected override GeoDataTable ExecuteQueryCore(String sqlStatement);

        protected override Object ExecuteScalarCore(String sqlStatement);

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames, Int32 startIndex, Int32 takeCount);

        protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();

        protected override Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> GetColumnsCore();

        protected override Int32 GetCountCore();

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesByColumnValueCore(String columnName, String columnValue, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesByIdsCore(IEnumerable<String> ids, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesOutsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected virtual void OnExecutingSqlStatement(ExecutingSqlStatementMsSqlFeatureSourceEventArgs e);

        protected override void OpenCore();

        protected override Collection<Feature> SpatialQueryCore(BaseShape targetShape, QueryType queryType, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);


        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType);

        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns);

        public static void CreateTable(String connectionString, String tableName, MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);




    public enum MsSqlSpatialDataType {






    public static class MsSqlValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckSpatialDataTypeIsValid(MsSqlSpatialDataType spatialDataType, String parameterName);




    public class MultipleShapeFileFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public Collection<String> GetIndexPathFilenames();

        public Collection<String> GetShapePathFilenames();


        public Collection<String> GetIndexPathFileNames();

        public Collection<String> GetShapePathFileNames();




    public class MultipleShapeFileFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public Collection<String> GetIndexPathFilenames();

        public Collection<String> GetShapePathFilenames();


        public Collection<String> GetIndexPathFileNames();

        public Collection<String> GetShapePathFileNames();




    public class NativeImageRasterLayer : RasterLayer {

        public NativeImageRasterLayer();

        public NativeImageRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename);

        public NativeImageRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename, RectangleShape imageExtent);

        public NativeImageRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename, String worldfilePathFilename);


        public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; }

        public InterpolationMode InterpolationMode { get; set; }

        public String ImagePathFilename { get; set; }


        public event EventHandler<StreamLoadingEventArgs> StreamLoading;


        protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);




    public class NativeImageRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public NativeImageRasterSource();

        public NativeImageRasterSource(String imagePathFilename);

        public NativeImageRasterSource(String imagePathFilename, RectangleShape imageExtent);

        public NativeImageRasterSource(String imagePathFilename, String worldfilePathFilename);


        public Boolean IsGrayscale { get; set; }

        public Boolean IsNegative { get; set; }

        public String FileName { get; }

        public String FilePath { get; }

        public String ImagePathFilename { get; set; }


        public event EventHandler<StreamLoadingEventArgs> StreamLoading;


        protected override void CloseCore();

        protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();

        protected override GeoImage GetImageCore(RectangleShape worldExtent, Int32 canvasWidth, Int32 canvasHeight);

        protected override Int32 GetImageHeightCore();

        protected override Int32 GetImageWidthCore();

        protected virtual void OnStreamLoading(StreamLoadingEventArgs e);

        protected override void OpenCore();



    public static class NoaaRadarMonitor {

        public static GeoImage Bitmap GetRadarImage();




    public class NoaaWeatherStationFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public NoaaWeatherStationFeatureSource();


        public event EventHandler<StationsUpdatedNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs> StationsUpdated;

        public event EventHandler<StationsUpdatingNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs> StationsUpdating;


        protected override void CloseCore();

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetAllFeaturesCore(IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override Collection<FeatureSourceColumn> GetColumnsCore();

        protected override Int32 GetCountCore();

        protected override Collection<Feature> GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, IEnumerable<String> returningColumnNames);

        protected override WellKnownType GetFirstFeaturesWellKnownTypeCore();

        protected virtual void OnStationsUpdated(StationsUpdatedNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs e);

        protected virtual void OnStationsUpdating(StationsUpdatingNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs e);

        protected override void OpenCore();




    public class OpenStreetMapLayer : Layer {

        public OpenStreetMapLayer(IWebProxy webProxy);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public OpenStreetMapLayer(WebProxy webProxy);




    public class OracleFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        protected override GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQueryCore(String sqlStatement);




    public class PlatformGeoCanvas : GeoCanvas {

        public PlatformGeoCanvas();


        public override Boolean HasKeyColor { get; }

        public CompositingQuality CompositingQuality { get; set; }

        public InterpolationMode InterpolationMode { get; set; }

        public SmoothingMode SmoothingMode { get; set; }

        public TextRenderingHint TextRenderingHint { get; set; }


        public override Stream GetStreamFromGeoImage(GeoImage image);


        protected override void BeginDrawingCore(Object nativeImage, RectangleShape worldExtent, GeographyUnit drawingMapUnit);

        protected override void DrawAreaCore(IEnumerable<ScreenPointF[]> screenPoints, GeoPen outlinePen, GeoBrush fillBrush, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset, PenBrushDrawingOrder penBrushDrawingOrder);

        protected override void DrawEllipseCore(ScreenPointF screenPoint, Single width, Single height, GeoPen outlinePen, GeoBrush fillBrush, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset, PenBrushDrawingOrder penBrushDrawingOrder);

        protected override void DrawLineCore(IEnumerable<ScreenPointF> screenPoints, GeoPen linePen, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset);

        protected override void DrawScreenImageCore(GeoImage image, Single centerXInScreen, Single centerYInScreen, Single widthInScreen, Single heightInScreen, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset, Single rotateAngle);

        protected override void DrawScreenImageWithoutScalingCore(GeoImage image, Single centerXInScreen, Single centerYInScreen, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset, Single rotateAngle);

        protected override void DrawTextCore(String text, GeoFont font, GeoBrush fillBrush, GeoPen haloPen, IEnumerable<ScreenPointF> textPathInScreen, DrawingLevel drawingLevel, Single xOffset, Single yOffset, Single rotateAngle);

        protected override void EndDrawingCore();

        protected override void FlushCore();

        protected override Single GetCanvasHeightCore(Object nativeImage);

        protected override Single GetCanvasWidthCore(Object nativeImage);

        protected override DrawingRectangleF MeasureTextCore(String text, GeoFont font);

        protected override GeoImage ToGeoImageCore(Object nativeImage);

        protected override Object ToNativeImageCore(GeoImage image);


        public static MemoryStream ConvertGeoImageToMemoryStream(GeoImage image);

        public static MemoryStream ConvertGeoImageToMemoryStream(GeoImage image, GeoImageFormat imageFormat);

        public static void FillBackground(GeoImage image, GeoBrush brush);




    public class PointStyle : PointBaseStyle {

        public override Boolean IsDefault { get; }




    public static class PointStyles {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle Capital1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle Capital2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle Capital3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City1 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City2 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City3 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City4 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City5 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City6 { get; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitPointStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static PointStyle City7 { get; }




    public abstract class PositionStyle : Style {

        public override Boolean IsDefault { get; }


        protected void DrawMask(LabelingCandidate labelingCandidate, GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInThisLayer, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);




    public static class PrinterHelper {

        public PrinterHelper();




    public enum PrinterTextHorizontalAlignment {







    public class Proj4Projection : Projection, IDisposable {

        protected override Boolean CanReproject { get; }


        public void Dispose();

        protected override void Finalize();

        public Proj4MemoryMode MemoryMode { get; set; }




    public class QueryTools {

        public GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQuery(String sqlStatement);




    public enum RangeCheckingInclusion {






    public abstract class RasterLayer : Layer {

        public Double ScaleFactor { get; set; }




    public abstract class RasterSource {

        public Double ScaleFactor { get; set; }



    public static class RestrictionValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckRestrictionModeIsValid(RestrictionMode restrictionMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckRestrictionStyleIsNotConflicted(RestrictionStyle restrictionStyle, IEnumerable<Style> customStyles);

        public static void CheckRestrictionStyleIsValid(RestrictionStyle restrictionStyle, String parameterName);




    public class RingShape : AreaBaseShape {

        public Boolean IsCounterClockwise();




    public class RtreeSpatialIndex : SpatialIndex, IDisposable {

        public RtreeSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public RtreeSpatialIndex(String pathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public Boolean HasIdx { get; }

        public GeoFileReadWriteMode RtreeSpatialIndexReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }


        public void DeleteRecord(BaseShape shape);

        public RectangleShape GetBoundingBox();

        public Collection<String> GetFeatureIdsIntersectingBoundingBox(RectangleShape rectangleShape, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, Int32 simplifyPixelBufferSize, Collection<RectangleShape> dimensionlessBoxes);

        public void RefreshCache();


        public static void CreatePointSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public static void CreatePointSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName, RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize pageSize);

        public static void CreatePointSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName, RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize pageSize, RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat dataFormat);

        public static void CreateRectangleSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public static void CreateRectangleSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName, RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize pageSize);

        public static void CreateRectangleSpatialIndex(String pathFilename pathFileName, RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize pageSize, RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat dataFormat);


        public RtreeSpatialIndex(String pathFileName, RtreeSpatialIndexReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public String PathFileName { get; set; }




    public struct ScreenPoint {

        public ScreenPoint(Int32 x, Int32 y);


        public Int32 X { get; }

        public Int32 Y { get; }


        public override Boolean Equals(Object obj);

        public override Int32 GetHashCode();

        public override String ToString();


        public static Boolean operator==(ScreenPoint screenPoint1, ScreenPoint screenPoint2);

        public static Boolean operator!=(ScreenPoint screenPoint1, ScreenPoint screenPoint2);




    public class ShapeFileFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode ShapeFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }

        public String IndexPathFilename { get; set; }

        public String ShapePathFilename { get; set; }


        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);

        public ShapeFileFeatureLayer(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public override Boolean CanDrawProgressively { get; }

        protected override void DrawProgressivelyCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);

        public String IndexPathFileName { get; set; }

        public String ShapePathFileName { get; set; }




    public class ShapeFileFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode ShapeFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }

        public String IndexPathFilename { get; set; }

        public String ShapePathFilename { get; set; }


        protected override GeoDataTable DataTable ExecuteQueryCore(String sqlStatement);


        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, Encoding encoding);

        public ShapeFileFeatureSource(String shapePathFilename, String indexPathFilename, ShapeFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public IEnumerable<String> GetFeatureIdsForDrawingProgressively(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, Projection projection, Boolean isPoint);

        protected virtual Collection<String> GetFeatureIdsForDrawingProgressivelyCore(RectangleShape boundingBox, Double screenWidth, Double screenHeight, Projection projection, Boolean isPoint);

        public String IndexPathFileName { get; set; }

        public String ShapePathFileName { get; set; }




    public enum ShapeFileSortingMode {


        //removed members:




    public static class ShapefileValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckDbfColumnsAreEmpty(IEnumerable<DbfColumn> dbfColumns, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeFileIsEditable(ShapeFileType shapeFileType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeFileIsWriteable(GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeFileTypeIsSupported(ShapeFileType shapeFileType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeFileTypeIsValid(ShapeFileType shapeFileType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckSqlStatementIsSupported(String sqlStatement);




    public static class SqlTypesGeometryHelper {

        public static Boolean IsSqlTypesAvailable();

        public static Boolean IsValid(BaseShape shape baseShape);

        public static BaseShape MakeValid(BaseShape shape baseShape);

        public static BaseShape Union(IEnumerable<BaseShape> shapes baseShapes);




    public class StationsUpdatedNoaaWeatherStationMonitorEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public Dictionary<String,Feature> ConcurrentDictionary WeatherStations { get; }




    public class StationsUpdatingNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public StationsUpdatingNoaaWeatherStationFeatureSourceEventArgs();


        public Boolean Cancel { get; set; }




    public class StreamLoadingEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public StreamLoadingEventArgs(String alternateStreamName, Stream alternateStream, GeoFileMode fileMode, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        public StreamLoadingEventArgs(String alternateStreamName, String streamType, Stream alternateStream, GeoFileMode fileMode, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public GeoFileMode FileMode FileMode { get; set; }

        public GeoFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }


        public StreamLoadingEventArgs(String alternateStreamName, Stream alternateStream, FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess);

        public StreamLoadingEventArgs(String alternateStreamName, String streamType, Stream alternateStream, FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess);

        public FileAccess FileAccess { get; set; }




    public abstract class Style {

        public virtual Boolean IsDefault { get; }




    public class TabFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public TabFeatureLayer(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName);

        public TabFeatureLayer(String tabPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode TabFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }


        public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName);

        public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode, Encoding encoding);


        public TabFeatureLayer(String tabPathFileName, TabFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);




    public class TabFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public TabFeatureSource(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName);

        public TabFeatureSource(String tabPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode TabFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }


        public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName);

        public static void BuildIndexFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode);

        public static void CreateTabFile(String tabPathFilename tabPathFileName, IEnumerable<TabDbfColumn> databaseColumns, IEnumerable<Feature> features, OverwriteMode overwriteMode, Encoding encoding);


        public TabFeatureSource(String tabPathFileName, TabFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);




    public static class TextStyles {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Antarctical(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Canal1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Capital1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Capital2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Capital3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City5(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City6(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle City7(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle ContestedBorder1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle ContestedBorder2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Country1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Country2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle County1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle County2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Crop1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle DegreeLine1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Equator1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Evergreen1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Evergreen2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Forest1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Grass1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Highway1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Highway2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Highway3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Highway4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Highway5(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle InternationalBorder1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle InternationalBorder2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Interstate1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Interstate2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Interstate3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Interstate4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle LocalRoad1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle LocalRoad2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle LocalRoad3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle LocalRoad4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorRoad1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorRoad2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorRoad3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorRoad4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorStreet1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorStreet2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle MajorStreet3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Military1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle NoData1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Park1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Pipeline1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Pipeline2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Pipeline3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Railway1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Railway2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Railway3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Railway4(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle River1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle River2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle RiverIntermittent1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Sand1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle SeaIce1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle SecondaryRoad1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle SecondaryRoad2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle SnowIce1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle State1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle State2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle StateBorder1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Swamp1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Swamp2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Tundra1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Urban1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Urban2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Utility1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Utility2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Utility3(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Water1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Water2(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle WaterIntermittent1(String textColumnName);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldStreetsTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        [ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest you use the new static class WorldMapKitTextStyles as it has updated and better looking styles.")]

        public static TextStyle Wildlife1(String textColumnName);




    public abstract class TileCache {

        public GeoImage Bitmap LoadingTileImage { get; }

        public GeoImage Bitmap NoDataTileImage { get; }

        public virtual String CacheId { get; set; }


        public void SaveTiles(GeoImage image, RectangleShape imageExtent);

        public void SaveTiles(GeoImage image, RectangleShape imageExtent, Boolean saveContainedCellsOnly);


        public void SaveTiles(Bitmap bitmap, RectangleShape bitmapExtent);

        public void SaveTiles(Bitmap bitmap, RectangleShape bitmapExtent, Boolean saveContainedCellsOnly);




    public class TiledWmsLayer : Layer {

        public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy);

        public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);

        public TiledWmsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy);




    public class TiledWmsRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public TiledWmsRasterSource(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy);

        public TiledWmsRasterSource(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy Proxy { get; set; }


        public TiledWmsRasterSource(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);

        public TiledWmsRasterSource(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy);




    public class TinyGeoFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public TinyGeoFeatureLayer(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName);

        public TinyGeoFeatureLayer(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String password);


        public String TinyGeoPathFilename { get; set; }


        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, String password);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, String password, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password, Double precisionInMeter, Encoding shapeEncoding);

        public static void DecryptTinyGeoFile(String encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename encryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String decryptedTinyGeoPathFilename decryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String password);

        public static void EncryptTinyGeoFile(String unencryptedTinyGeoPathFilename unencryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename encryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String password);

        public static Double GetOptimalPrecision(String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, DistanceUnit returningDistanceUnit, TinyGeoPrecisionMode precisionMode);


        public String TinyGeoPathFileName { get; set; }




    public class TinyGeoFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public TinyGeoFeatureSource(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName);

        public TinyGeoFeatureSource(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String password);


        public String TinyGeoPathFilename { get; set; }


        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, String password);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, ReturningColumnsType returningColumnType, String password, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password, Double precisionInMeter);

        public static void CreateTinyGeoFile(String tinyGeoPathFilename tinyGeoPathFileName, String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, IEnumerable<String> columnNames, String password, Double precisionInMeter, Encoding shapeEncoding);

        public static void DecryptTinyGeoFile(String encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename encryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String decryptedTinyGeoPathFilename decryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String password);

        public static void EncryptTinyGeoFile(String unencryptedTinyGeoPathFilename unencryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String encryptedTinyGeoPathFilename encryptedTinyGeoPathFileName, String password);

        public static Double GetOptimalPrecision(String shapePathFilename shapePathFileName, GeographyUnit unitOfData, DistanceUnit returningDistanceUnit, TinyGeoPrecisionMode precisionMode);


        public String TinyGeoPathFileName { get; set; }



    public static class UnmanagedAssembliesHelper {

        public static String GetAssemblyPathFilename(String directoryName, String assemblyName, PclPlatform platform);


        public static String GetGeoRasterWrapperAssemblyName();

        public static String GetMapSuiteGeoRasterAssemblyName();

        public static String GetMapSuiteGeoTiffAssemblyName();

        public static String GetMapSuiteProjectionAssemblyName();

        public static Collection<String> GetPossibleDependencyFolders();

        public static Collection<String> GetPossibleDependencyFoldersAboveASpecifiedVersion(Int32 versionNumber);

        public static String GetProj4ExtensionAssemblyName();

        public static String GetTiffWrapperAssemblyName();




    public class UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterLayer : GeoTiffRasterLayer {

        public UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterLayer();

        public UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename);

        public UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename, RectangleShape imageExtent);

        public UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterLayer(String imagePathFilename, String worldfilePathFilename);


        public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; }




    public class UnmanagedGeoTiffRasterSource : RasterSource : GeoTiffRasterSource {

        public String PathFilename { get; set; }




    public static class UnsafeHelper {

        public static void CopyImage(GeoImage source, Bitmap target, Rectangle targetRectangle);

        public static void CopyImage(GeoImage source, Graphics target, Rectangle sourceRectangle, Rectangle targetRectangle, CopyPixelOperation copyPixelOperation);

        public static GeoImage Bitmap FastLoadImageFromFile(String pathFilename pathFileName);

        public static Int16 GetAsyncKeyState(Keys vKey);


        public static void CopyImage(Bitmap source, Graphics target, Rectangle sourceRectangle, Rectangle targetRectangle, CopyPixelOperation copyPixelOperation);

        public static void CopyImage(Bitmap source, Bitmap target, Rectangle r);



    public static class ValidatorHelper {

        public static void CheckAreaUnitIsValid(AreaUnit areaUnit, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckAreIntegerStrings(IEnumerable<String> ids, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckBufferCapTypeIsValid(BufferCapType bufferCapType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckBuildIndexModeIsValid(BuildIndexMode buildIndexMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckCanModifyColumnStructure(Boolean canModifyColumnStructure);

        public static void CheckCanParseStringToDouble(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckCanvasHeightIsLargerThanZero(Double canvasHeight, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckCanvasWidthIsLargerThanZero(Double canvasWidth, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckColumnNameIsInFeature(String columnName, IEnumerable<Feature> features);

        public static void CheckConnectionStringIsNotNull(String connectionString);

        public static void CheckCustomStyleDuplicates(AreaStyle defaultAreaStyle, LineStyle defaultLineStyle, PointStyle defaultPointStyle, TextStyle defaultTextStyle, Collection<Style> customStyles, Boolean isActive);

        public static void CheckDateTimeIsInRange(DateTime inputDate, String parameterName, DateTime minDate, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMinValue, DateTime maxDate, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMaxValue);

        public static void CheckDbfColumnDecimalLengthIsValid(DbfColumnType columnType, Int32 decimalLength);

        public static void CheckDistanceUnitIsValid(DistanceUnit distanceUnit, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckDrawingLevelIsValid(DrawingLevel drawingLevel, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckDrawingLineCapIsValid(DrawingLineCap drawingLineCap, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckDrawingLineJoinIsValid(DrawingLineJoin drawingLineJoin, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckExtentIsValid(RectangleShape extent, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckFeatureColumnValueContainsColon(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckFeatureIsValid(Feature feature);

        public static void CheckFeatureIsValid(Feature feature, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceCanExecuteSqlQuery(Boolean canExecuteSqlQuery);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceCollectionIsNotEmpty(Collection<FeatureSource> featureSources);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceIsEditable(Boolean isEditable);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceIsInTransaction(Boolean isInTransaction);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceIsNotInTransaction(Boolean isInTransaction);

        public static void CheckFeatureSourceIsOpen(Boolean isOpen);

        public static void CheckFileIsExist(String pathFilename);

        public static void CheckFileIsNotExist(String pathFilename);

        public static void CheckGeoCanvasIsInDrawing(Boolean isDrawing);

        public static void CheckGeoDashCapIsValid(GeoDashCap geoDashCap, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckGeographyUnitIsMeter(GeographyUnit geographyUnit, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckGeographyUnitIsValid(GeographyUnit geographyUnit, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckGeoImageIsValid(GeoImage image, String parameterName, GeoCanvas canvas);

        public static void CheckGroupLayerIsNotEmpty(GeoCollection<Layer> layers);

        public static void CheckHtmlColorIsValid(String htmlColor, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckIconImageAndIconFilePathAreInvalid(String iconFilePath, GeoImage iconImage);

        public static void CheckIEnumerableIsNotNullNorEmpty(IEnumerable values, String parameterName, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckImageFormatIsValid(String imageFormat, Collection<String> outputFormats, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckImageFormatSupport(String imageFormat);

        public static void CheckImageIsNotNullInPointStyle(GeoImage image);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsInRange(Double inputValue, String parameterName, Double minValue, Double maxValue);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsInRange(Double inputValue, String parameterName, Double minValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMinValue, Double maxValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMaxValue);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsInRange(Double inputValue, String parameterName, Double minValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMinValue, Double maxValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMaxValue, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsLargerThan(Double inputValue, String parameterName, Double minValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMinValue);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsLargerThanZero(Double value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsLessThan(Double inputValue, String parameterName, Double maxValue, RangeCheckingInclusion includeMaxValue);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsNotNaNNorInfinity(Double value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckInputValueIsValidDecimalDegree(Double value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckItemInCollection(String item, Collection<String> items, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckItemsInCollection(Collection<String> items, Collection<String> itemCollection, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckLatitudeIsInRange(Double latitude, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckLayerHasBoundingBox(Boolean hasBoundingBox);

        public static void CheckLayerIsNotOpenedNorDrawing(Boolean isOpenOrDrawing);

        public static void CheckLayerIsOpened(Boolean isOpen);

        public static void CheckLineDashStyleIsValid(LineDashStyle lineDashStyle, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckLongIsNotGreaterThanUInt32MaxValue(Int64 value);

        public static void CheckLongitudeIsInRange(Double longitude, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckNumberIsByte(Int32 number, String paramterName);

        public static void CheckObjectIsNotNull(Object parameterObject, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckObjectIsNotNull(Object parameterObject, String parameterName, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckObjectIsTargetType(Object objectToTest, Type targetType, String operationName);

        public static void CheckObjectsAreNotAllNull(Object firstObject, Object secondObject, String firstParameterName, String secondParameterName);

        public static void CheckOverwriteModeIsValid(OverwriteMode overwriteMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckPanDirectionIsValid(PanDirection panDirection, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckPointSymbolTypeIsValid(PointSymbolType symbolType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckPointTypeIsValid(PointType pointType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckProjectionIsOpen(Boolean isOpen);

        public static void CheckProjectionParametersStringIsWGS84(String projectionParametersString, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckQueryTypeIsValid(QueryType queryType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckRandomColorTypeIsValid(RandomColorType colorType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckRasterLayerHasProjectionText(Boolean hasProjectionText);

        public static void CheckRasterSourceHasProjectionText(Boolean hasProjectionText);

        public static void CheckRasterSourceIsOpen(Boolean isOpen);

        public static void CheckRebuildRecordIdModeIsValid(BuildRecordIdMode rebuildRecordIdMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckReturningColumnsTypeIsValid(ReturningColumnsType returningColumnsType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckRingOrderIsValid(RingOrder ringOrder, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckRtreeSpatialIndexIsOpen(Boolean isOpen);

        public static void CheckScaleIsLargerThanZero(Double imageScale, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckScaleIsValid(Double scale, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeIsAreaBaseShape(BaseShape shape);

        public static void CheckShapeIsLineBaseShape(BaseShape shape);

        public static void CheckShapeIsMultipointShape(BaseShape shape);

        public static void CheckShapeIsPointShape(BaseShape shape);

        public static void CheckShapeIsValid(BaseShape shape, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckShapeIsValidForOperation(BaseShape shape);

        public static void CheckShapeValidationModeIsValid(ShapeValidationMode shapeValidationMode, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckSimplificationTypeIsValid(SimplificationType simplificationType, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckSpatialIndexIsDeletable(Boolean isDeletable);

        public static void CheckStartingPointIsValid(StartingPoint startingPoint, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckStatus();

        public static void CheckStreamIsWritable(Stream stream, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckStringIsNotNullNorEmpty(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckStringIsNotNullNorEmptyForOperation(String value, String exceptionMessage);

        public static void CheckStringIsNotNullNorWhiteSpace(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckStringIsValidDecimalDegree(String value, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckTypeIsSupport(Object instance, String typeName);

        public static void CheckUriIsValid(Uri uri);

        public static void CheckWkbByteOrderIsValid(WkbByteOrder wkbByteOrder, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckWkbIsValid(Byte[] wkb, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckWktIsValid(String wkt, String parameterName);

        public static void CheckZoomLevelSetIsValid(ZoomLevelSet zoomLevelSet, String parameterName);




    public class WarningsUpdatedNoaaWeatherWarningsMonitorEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public Dictionary<String,List<Dictionary<String,String>>> ConcurrentDictionary WeatherWarnings { get; }




    public class WfsFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public static String GetCapabilities(Uri serverUri, IWebProxy webProxy);

        public static Collection<String> GetLayers(Uri serverUri, IWebProxy webProxy);


        public static String GetCapabilities(Uri serverUri, WebProxy webProxy);

        public static Collection<String> GetLayers(Uri serverUri, WebProxy webProxy);




    public class WfsFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public static String GetCapabilities(Uri serverUri, IWebProxy webProxy);

        public static Collection<String> GetLayers(Uri serverUri, IWebProxy webProxy);


        public static String GetCapabilities(Uri serverUri, WebProxy webProxy);

        public static Collection<String> GetLayers(Uri serverUri, WebProxy webProxy);




    public class WkbFileFeatureLayer : FeatureLayer {

        public WkbFileFeatureLayer(String wkbPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode WkbFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }


        public WkbFileFeatureLayer(String wkbPathFilename, WkbFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call CreateWkbFile(string pathFilename, WkbFileType wkbFileType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns, IEnumerable<Feature> features) instead.")]

        public static void CreateWkbFile(String pathFilename, WkbFileType wkbFileType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns);




    public class WkbFileFeatureSource : FeatureSource {

        public WkbFileFeatureSource(String wkbPathFilename, GeoFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);


        public GeoFileReadWriteMode WkbFileReadWriteMode ReadWriteMode { get; set; }


        public WkbFileFeatureSource(String wkbPathFilename, WkbFileReadWriteMode readWriteMode);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please call CreateWkbFile(string pathFilename, WkbFileType wkbFileType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns, IEnumerable<Feature> features) instead.")]

        public static void CreateWkbFile(String pathFilename, WkbFileType wkbFileType, IEnumerable<FeatureSourceColumn> columns);



    public enum WkbShapeType {











    public struct WmsLayerStyle {

        public String Abstract { set; }

        public String Name { get; set; }

        public String Title { set; }


        public WmsStyleLegend LengendUrl;

        public WmsOnlineResource StyleSheetUrl;




    public struct WmsOnlineResource {

        public WmsOnlineResource(String onlineResource, String type);


        public String OnlineResource { get; set; }

        public String Type { get; set; }


        public override Boolean Equals(Object obj);

        public override Int32 GetHashCode();




    public class WmsRasterLayer : RasterLayer {

        public WmsRasterLayer(Uri uri, IWebProxy proxy);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy Proxy { get; set; }


        public WmsRasterLayer(Uri uri, WebProxy proxy);




    public class WmsRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public WmsRasterSource(Uri uri, IWebProxy proxy);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy Proxy { get; set; }


        public WmsRasterSource(Uri uri, WebProxy proxy);




    public class WmsServerLayer {

        public WmsServerLayer();


        public Boolean NoSubsets { get; set; }

        public Boolean Opaque { get; set; }

        public Boolean Queryable { get; set; }

        public Double MaxScale { get; set; }

        public Double MinScale { get; set; }

        public Int32 Cascaded { get; set; }

        public Int32 FixedHeight { get; set; }

        public Int32 FixedWidth { get; set; }

        public RectangleShape BoudingBox { get; set; }

        public String Abstract { get; set; }

        public String Name { get; set; }

        public String Title { get; set; }

        public String[] Crs { get; set; }

        public String[] KeyWords { get; set; }

        public WmsLayerStyle[] Styles { get; set; }

        public WmsServerLayer[] ChildLayers { get; set; }




    public struct WmsStyleLegend {

        public Int32 Height { set; }

        public Int32 Width { set; }


        public WmsOnlineResource OnLineResource;




    public class WmtsLayer : Layer {

        public WmtsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy);

        public WmtsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, IWebProxy webProxy, WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public WmtsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy);

        public WmtsLayer(IEnumerable<Uri> serverUris, WebProxy webProxy, WmtsSeverEncodingType wmtsSeverEncodingType);



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsAreaStyles class instead.")]

    public static class WorldMapKitAreaStyles {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetAndImageryLayer class instead.")]


    public class WorldMapKitLayer : Layer {

        public WorldMapKitLayer(WorldMapKitLayerType layerType, IWebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);


        public IWebProxy WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }


        public WorldMapKitLayer(WorldMapKitLayerType layerType, WebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);

        public WebProxy Proxy { get; set; }



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This enum is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetAndImageryLayer class instead.")]


    public enum WorldMapKitLayerType {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsLineStyles class instead.")]

    public static class WorldMapKitLineStyles {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetAndImageryMapType class instead.")]


    public enum WorldMapKitMapType {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsPointStyles class instead.")]

    public static class WorldMapKitPointStyles {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetAndImageryProjection class instead.")]


    public enum WorldMapKitProjection {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsTextStyles class instead.")]

    public static class WorldMapKitTextStyles {



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsAndImageryTileMode class instead.")]


    public enum WorldMapKitTileMode {




    public enum WorldStreetsAndImageryMapType {







    public enum WorldStreetsAndImageryProjection {







    public class WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterLayer : RasterLayer {

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterLayer();

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterLayer(String clientId, String privateKey);

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterLayer(IWebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);


        public BitmapTileCache TileCache { get; set; }

        public override Boolean HasBoundingBox { get; }

        public Double LowerThreshold { get; set; }

        public Double UpperThreshold { get; set; }

        public Int32 TimeoutInSecond { get; set; }

        public IWebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }

        public String ClientId { get; set; }

        public String PrivateKey { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryMapType MapType { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryProjection Projection { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryTileMode TileMode { get; set; }


        public void ClearCache();

        public Collection<String> GetRequestUrl(RectangleShape worldExtent, Int32 canvasWidth, Int32 canvasHeight);

        public Collection<String> GetServerCrss();

        public Collection<String> GetServerExceptionFormats();

        public Collection<String> GetServerLayerNames();

        public Collection<String> GetServerOutputFormats();

        public Collection<String> GetServerStyleNames();

        public String GetServiceVersion();


        public event EventHandler<SendingWebRequestEventArgs> SendingWebRequest;

        public event EventHandler<SentWebRequestEventArgs> SentWebRequest;


        protected override Boolean IsOpenCore { get; }


        protected override void CloseCore();

        protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);

        protected override void DrawExceptionCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Exception e);

        protected void DrawImage(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection<SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers);

        protected override ThreadSafetyLevel GetThreadSafetyLevelCore();

        protected static Boolean IsExtentWithinThreshold(RectangleShape currentExtent, Double upperThreshold, Double lowerThreshold, Int32 canvasWidth, GeographyUnit mapUnit);

        protected static Boolean IsExtentWithinThreshold(RectangleShape currentExtent, Double upperThreshold, Double lowerThreshold, Int32 canvasWidth, GeographyUnit mapUnit, Single dpi);

        protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

        protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);

        protected override void OpenCore();




    public class WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterSource : RasterSource {

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterSource();

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterSource(Uri uri, IWebProxy proxy);


        public Collection<String> ActiveLayerNames { get; }

        public Collection<String> ActiveStyleNames { get; }

        public Dictionary<String,String> Parameters { get; }

        public Int32 TimeoutInSecond { get; set; }

        public IWebProxy Proxy { get; set; }

        public String ClientId { get; set; }

        public String Crs { get; set; }

        public String PrivateKey { get; set; }


        public Collection<String> GetRequestUrl(RectangleShape worldExtent, Int32 canvasWidth, Int32 canvasHeight);

        public Collection<String> GetServerCrss();

        public Collection<String> GetServerExceptionFormats();

        public Collection<String> GetServerLayerNames();

        public Collection<String> GetServerOutputFormats();

        public Collection<String> GetServerStyleNames();

        public String GetServiceVersion();


        public event EventHandler<SendingWebRequestEventArgs> SendingWebRequest;

        public event EventHandler<SentWebRequestEventArgs> SentWebRequest;


        protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();

        protected override GeoImage GetImageCore(RectangleShape worldExtent, Int32 canvasWidth, Int32 canvasHeight);

        protected override Int32 GetImageHeightCore();

        protected override Int32 GetImageWidthCore();

        protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

        protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);

        protected override void OpenCore();

        protected WebResponse SendWebRequest(WebRequest webRequest);

        protected virtual WebResponse SendWebRequestCore(WebRequest webRequest);



    public enum WorldStreetsAndImageryTileMode {





    public static class WorldStreetsAreaStyles {

        public static AreaStyle Aerodrome();

        public static AreaStyle Apron();

        public static AreaStyle Attraction();

        public static AreaStyle BaseLand();

        public static AreaStyle Basin();

        public static AreaStyle Beach();

        public static Style Building();

        public static Style BuildingShadow(Single width, Single xOffsetInPixel, Single yOffsetInPixel);

        public static AreaStyle Cemetery();

        public static AreaStyle Commercial();

        public static AreaStyle Common();

        public static AreaStyle DogPark();

        public static AreaStyle Farmland();

        public static AreaStyle Forest();

        public static AreaStyle Garden();

        public static AreaStyle Golfcourse();

        public static AreaStyle Grass();

        public static AreaStyle Grassland();

        public static AreaStyle Heath();

        public static AreaStyle Helipad();

        public static AreaStyle Industrial();

        public static AreaStyle Landfill();

        public static AreaStyle Marina();

        public static AreaStyle Meadow();

        public static AreaStyle Military();

        public static AreaStyle Mud();

        public static AreaStyle NationalPark();

        public static AreaStyle NatureReserve();

        public static AreaStyle Orchard();

        public static AreaStyle Park();

        public static AreaStyle Parking();

        public static AreaStyle Pier();

        public static AreaStyle Pitch();

        public static AreaStyle Playground();

        public static AreaStyle PowerStation();

        public static AreaStyle ProtectedArea();

        public static AreaStyle Quarry();

        public static AreaStyle Railway();

        public static AreaStyle RecreationGround();

        public static AreaStyle Residential();

        public static AreaStyle Retail();

        public static AreaStyle Runway();

        public static AreaStyle Sand();

        public static AreaStyle School();

        public static AreaStyle Scrub();

        public static AreaStyle SportsCenter();

        public static AreaStyle Stadium();

        public static AreaStyle SwimmingPool();

        public static AreaStyle Track();

        public static AreaStyle VillageGreen();

        public static AreaStyle Vineyards();

        public static AreaStyle Water();

        public static AreaStyle WaterPark();

        public static AreaStyle Wetland();

        public static AreaStyle Wood();

        public static AreaStyle Zoo();



    public static class WorldStreetsLineStyles {

        public static LineStyle Apron(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle Boundary(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle BoundaryCity(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle BoundaryCounty(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle BoundaryMinor(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle BoundaryNational(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle BoundaryState(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle Bridge(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle CableCar(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle Highway(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle MiniRail(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);

        public static LineStyle MinorRoadFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle MinorRoadOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Monorail(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);

        public static LineStyle MotorwayFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle MotorwayLinkFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle MotorwayLinkOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle MotorwayOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle OneWay(String columnName, String columnValue, String iconPath);

        public static LineStyle Pier(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle PowerLine(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle PrimaryFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle PrimaryLinkFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle PrimaryLinkOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle PrimaryOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Rail(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);

        public static LineStyle RoadFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle RoadOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Runway(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle StepsFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle StepsOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Subway(Single outerWidth, Single innerWidth, Single centerWidth);

        public static LineStyle Taxiway(Single outerWidth);

        public static LineStyle TrunkFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle TrunkLinkFill(Single width);

        public static LineStyle TrunkLinkOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle TrunkOutline(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Tunnel(Single width);

        public static LineStyle Water(Single outerWidth);



    public static class WorldStreetsPointStyles {

        public static PointStyle AerowayAerodrome(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AerowayGate(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AerowayHelipad(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AerowayTerminal(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBar(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBench(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBicycleParking(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBicycleRental(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBiergarten(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityBusStation(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCafe(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCarRental(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCasino(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCinema(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityClock(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCollege(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityCourtHouse(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityDentist(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityDoctors(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityDrinkingWater(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityEmbassy(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFastFood(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFastFoodPizza(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFireStation(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFountain(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFuel(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityFuelLpg(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityHospital(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityHospitalEmergency(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityIceCream(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityLibrary(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityNursingHome(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityParking(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityParkingCarPaid(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityParkingDisabled(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityParkingPrivate(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPharmacy(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPharmacyDispencing(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorship(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipBuddhist(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipChristian(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipHindu(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipIslamic(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipJain(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipJewish(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipShinto(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPlaceOfWorshipSikh(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPolice(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPostBox(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPostOffice(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPrison(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityPub(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityRecycling(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityRestaurant(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenitySchool(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityShelter(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityTaxi(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityTelephone(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityTheatre(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityToilets(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityToiletsDisabilityAccess(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityToiletsGenderAccessMen(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityToiletsGenderAccessWomen(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityTownHall(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityUniversity(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityVendingMachine(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityVeterinary(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle AmenityWasteDisposal(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierBlock(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierBollard(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierCattleGrid(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierCycleBarrier(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierEntrance(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierGate(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierKissingGate(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierLiftGate(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierStile(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle BarrierTollbooth(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle Ford(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HighwayBusStop(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HighwayMiniRoundaboutAnticlockwise(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HighwayMiniRoundaboutClockwise(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HighwayTrafficSignals(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricBattlefield(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricCastle(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricMemorial(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricMonument(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricRuins(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricWayside_Shrine(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricWaysideCross(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle HistoricWreck(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle LeisureMarina(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle LeisureSlipway(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle LeisureStadium(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeCrane(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeLighthouse(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeMineshaft(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeMineshaftAbandoned(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeWaterTower(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ManMadeWindmill(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle MilitaryBunker(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle NaturalCave(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle NaturalPeak(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle NaturalWoodConiferous(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle NaturalWoodDeciduous(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle NaturalWoodMixed(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle OfficeEstateAgent(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPlantCoal(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPlantGas(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPlantHydro(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPlantSolar(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPlantWind(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerPole();

        public static PointStyle PowerSubStation(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle PowerTower(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle RailwaySubway(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle RailwayTramStop(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopAlcohol(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopBakery(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopBicycle(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopBooks(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopButcher(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopCar(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopCarRepair(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopClothes(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopComputer(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopConfectionery(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopConvenience(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopCopyshop(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopDepartmentStore(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopDoItYourself(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopFlorist(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopGardenCentre(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopGift(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopGreengrocer(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopHairdresser(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopHearingAids(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopHifi(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopJewelry(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopKiosk(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopLaundry(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopMobliePhone(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopMotorcycle(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopMusicalInstrument(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopNewsagent(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopOptician(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopPet(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopSupermarket(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopTobacco(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopToys(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle ShopVideo(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportArchery(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportBaseball(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportCanoe(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportClimbing(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportCricket(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportDiving(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportGolf(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportGymnastics(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportHorseRacing(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportIceStock(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportMotor(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportShooting(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportSkiing(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportSoccer(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportSwimming(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportSwimmingCovered(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle SportTennis(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismAlpineHut(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismArtwork(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismAttraction(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismCampSite(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismCaravanSite(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismChalet(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismHostel(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismHotel(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismInformation(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismInformationGuidepost(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismInformationMap(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismMotel(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismMuseum(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismPicnicStie(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismThemePark(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismViewpoint(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle TourismZoo(String iconPath);

        public static PointStyle WaterwayWeir(String iconPath);



    public static class WorldStreetsTextStyles {

        public static TextStyle GeneralPurpose(String labelColumnName, Single fontSize);

        public static TextStyle MotorwayRoadSheild(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);

        public static TextStyle Poi(String labelColumnName, Single fontSize, Int32 yOffsetInPixel);

        public static TextStyle PrimaryRoadSheild(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);

        public static TextStyle TrunkRoadSheild(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);

        public static TextStyle Water(String nameColumnName, Single fontSize);




    public enum WrappingWorldDirection {





    public class AppliedFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs; //removed

    public class ApplyingFiltersFeatureSourceEventArgs; //removed

    public class BoundarySolutionsParcelFeatureLayer; //removed

    public class BoundarySolutionsParcelFeatureSource; //removed

    public class CloudFileFeatureLayer; //removed

    public class CloudFileFeatureSource; //removed

    public sealed enum CloudFileShapeType; //removed

    public class DbfLinkRecords; //removed

    public class DbfLinkSource; //removed

    public sealed enum DbfReadWriteMode; //removed

    public class ExecutingSqlStatementMsSql2008FeatureSourceEventArgs; //removed

    public class GdiPlusGeoCanvas; //removed

    public class GdiPlusRasterLayer; //removed

    public class GdiPlusRasterSource; //removed

    public sealed enum GeoTiffLibraryType; //removed

    public static class Geohash; //removed

    public class GraticuleAdornmentLayer; //removed

    public class InMemoryBitmapTileCache; //removed

    public sealed enum KmlFileReadWriteMode; //removed

    public class LayerDefinition; //removed

    public class LinkRecord; //removed

    public abstract class LinkRecords; //removed

    public class LinkSource; //removed

    public class ManagedGeoTiffRasterSource; //removed

    public class ManagedProj4Projection; //removed

    public class MapEngine; //removed

    public class MsSql2008FeatureLayer; //removed

    public class MsSql2008FeatureSource; //removed

    public sealed enum Proj4MemoryMode; //removed

    public sealed enum RtreeSpatialIndexReadWriteMode; //removed

    public class S57FeatureLayer; //removed

    public class S57FeatureSource; //removed

    public sealed enum ShapeFileReadWriteMode; //removed

    public sealed enum SpatialDataType; //removed

    public class StyleDefinition; //removed

    public sealed enum TabFileReadWriteMode; //removed

    public sealed enum TextHorizontalAlignment; //removed

    public class UpdatingStatusCloudFileFeatureSourceEventArgs; //removed

    public sealed enum WkbFileReadWriteMode; //removed

} //end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core