Table of Contents


Zoom Level Applied: 2~7

The name representing country .


geometry field

geometry type : point

name field

Field Description
name The name (or names) used locally for the place.
name_enEnglish (if available, otherwise same as name)
name_zhChinese (if available, otherwise same as name)
name_arArabic (if available, otherwise same as name)
name_deGerman name name_de if available, otherwise name or name_en.


The main field used for styling the admin_name is class.

Value Description
'country' the country name
'state' the state name


labelrank: As for 'country' , the labelrank range from '0' (large) to '7' (small). For 'state' , the labelrank range from '0' (large) to '10' , and '20' (small).

Data Download Source

Zoom Level Possible Values Data Download Source
1 class=country ne_10m_admin_0_countries(scalerank< =0)
2 class=country ne_10m_admin_0_countries(scalerank< =2)
3 class=country,state ne_10m_admin_0_countries(scalerank< =2) ne_states_provinces10m_point (scalerank< =2)
4 class=country,state ne_10m_admin_0_countries(scalerank< =5) ne_states_provinces10m_point (scalerank< =2)
5 class=country,state ne_10m_admin_0_countries ne_states_provinces10m_point
6~7 class=state ne_states_provinces10m_point