====== ThinkGeo Cloud Maps Query ====== ThinkGeo Cloud Maps Query provides RESTful APIs to perform spatial query against each types of data. ===== RESTful APIs ===== * //**Try it Online**:// All of the ThinkGeo Cloud RESTful APIs can be tested online by following the instructions below: * Get a ThinkGeo Cloud Client Key. Check out [[https://wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/thinkgeo_cloud_client_keys_guideline|ThinkGeo Cloud Client Keys Guideline]] to see how to acquire and apply one. All ThinkGeo Cloud evaluations are FREE for 60 days. * Visit our [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/|ThinkGeo Cloud API Explorer]], click the "Authorize" button at the top and enter your client credentials. You are then free to play with all the APIs online. //**ThinkGeo Cloud Maps Query provides the following RESTful APIs**:// ==== Get Features Within ==== Get the features that are within the target shape. HTTP GET https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/api/v1/maps/query/{queryLayer}/within //**URL Parameters**// * queryLayer: The layer to query. * wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry. * srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326. * proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system. * maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100. * returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true. * featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response. Visit [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/index.html#/WorldMapsQuery/Get%20Features%20WithinV1|GetFeaturesWithin]] and click "Try It Out" to explore this API online. ==== Get Features Containing ==== Get the features that contain the target shape. HTTP GET https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/api/v1/maps/query/{queryLayer}/containing //**URL Parameters**// * queryLayer: The layer to query. * wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry. * srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326. * proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system. * maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100. * returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true. * featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response. Visit [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/index.html#/WorldMapsQuery/Get%20Features%20ContainingV1|GetFeaturesContaining]] and click "Try It Out" to explore this API online. ==== Get Features Intersecting ==== Get the features that intersect the target shape. HTTP GET https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/api/v1/maps/query/{queryLayer}/intersecting //**URL Parameters**// * queryLayer: The layer to query. * wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry. * srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326. * proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system. * maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100. * returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true. * featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response. Visit [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/index.html#/WorldMapsQuery/Get%20Features%20IntersectingV1|GetFeaturesIntersecting]] and click "Try It Out" to explore this API online. ==== Get Features Overlapping ==== Get the features that overlap the target shape. HTTP GET https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/api/v1/maps/query/{queryLayer}/overlapping //**URL Parameters**// * queryLayer: The layer to query. * wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry. * srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326. * proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system. * maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100. * returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true. * featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response. Visit [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/index.html#/WorldMapsQuery/Get%20Features%20OverlappingV1|GetFeaturesOverlapping]] and click "Try It Out" to explore this API online. ==== Get Features Touching ==== Get the features that touch the target shape. HTTP GET https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/api/v1/maps/query/{queryLayer}/touching //**URL Parameters**// * queryLayer: The layer to query. * wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry. * srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326. * proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system. * maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100. * returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true. * featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response. Visit [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/index.html#/WorldMapsQuery/Get%20Features%20TouchingV1|GetFeaturesTouching]] and click "Try It Out" to explore this API online. ==== Get Features Nearest ==== Get the features that are nearest the target shape. HTTP GET https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/api/v1/maps/query/{queryLayer}/nearest //**URL Parameters**// * queryLayer: The layer to query. * wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry. * srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326. * proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system. * searchRadius: Optional. The radius of the search area around the target geometry. If not specified, it's assumed that there is no limit. * searchRadiusUnit: Optional. The unit of measure in which the searchRadius is expressed. Defaults to Meter. * maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100. * returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true. * featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response. Visit [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/index.html#/WorldMapsQuery/Get%20Features%20NearestV1|GetFeaturesNearest]] and click "Try It Out" to explore this API online. ==== Get Features Within Distance ==== Get the features that are within a certain distance of the target shape. HTTP GET https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/api/v1/maps/query/{queryLayer}/within-distance //**URL Parameters**// * queryLayer: The layer to query. * wkt: The well-known text of the target geometry. * srid: Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326. * proj4String: Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system. * distance: Optional. The distance within which to find features. Defaults to 200. * distanceUnit: Optional. The unit of measure in which the distance is expressed. Defaults to Meter. * maxResults: Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100. * returnFeatureAttributes: Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true. * featureAttributesToReturn: Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response. Visit [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/index.html#/WorldMapsQuery/Get%20Features%20Within%20DistanceV1|GetFeaturesWithinDistance]] and click "Try It Out" to explore this API online. ==== Get Features Custom ==== Perform a custom spatial query, using the specified query layer, spatial relationship type, and query feature. HTTP POST https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/api/v1/maps/query/custom //**POST Body (Content-Type: application/json)**// { "queryLayer": "string", //The layer to query. "queryType": "string", //The type of query to perform. Value can be one of: "Within", "Containing", "Intersecting", "Overlapping", "Touching", "Nearest", "Within-Distance". "wkt": "string", //The well-known text of the target geometry. "srid": int, //Optional. The SRID of the input and output feature's coordinate system. Defaults to 4326. "proj4String": "string", //Optional. The Proj4 string of the input and output feature's coordinate system. "distance": double, //Optional. The distance within which to find features. Defaults to 200. "distanceUnit": "string", //Optional. The unit of measure in which the distance is expressed. Defaults to Meter. "searchRadius": double, //Optional. The radius of the search area around the target geometry. If not specified, it's assumed that there is no limit. "searchRadiusUnit": "string", //Optional. The unit of measure in which the searchRadius is expressed. Defaults to Meter. "maxResults": int, //Optional. The maximum number of features to return. Defaults to 100. "returnFeatureAttributes": bool, //Optional. Specify whether the feature attribute names and values will be returned in the response. Defaults to true. "featureAttributesToReturn": [ "string" ] //Optional. If returnFeatureAttributes is true, this specifies which a specific subset of attributes to be returned. Formatted as a comma-delimited list of attribute names that should be returned with each feature in the response. } Visit [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/index.html#/WorldMapsQuery/Get%20Features%20CustomV1|GetFeaturesCustom]] and click "Try It Out" to explore this API online. ==== Get Query Layers ==== List the available query layers. HTTP GET https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/api/v1/maps/query/layers Visit [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/index.html#/WorldMapsQuery/Get%20World%20Maps%20Query%20LayersV1|GetQueryLayers]] and click "Try It Out" to explore this API online. ==== Get Attributes of Layer ==== List the feature attributes available on the given query layer. HTTP GET https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/api/v1/maps/query/{queryLayer}/attributes //**URL Parameters**// * queryLayer: The query layer. Visit [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/index.html#/WorldMapsQuery/Get%20World%20Maps%20Query%20Attributes%20Of%20LayerV1|GetAttributesOfLayer]] and click "Try It Out" to explore this API online. ===== Consume From Client Side SDKs ===== Coming soon ===== Samples ===== Online Sample: Coming soon Desktop Sample: Coming soon Web Sample: Coming soon Mobile Sample: Coming soon ===== Related Links ===== * [[thinkgeo_cloud_geocoding|ThinkGeo Cloud Geocoding]] * [[thinkgeo_cloud_maps_wms|ThinkGeo Cloud Maps WMS]] * [[thinkgeo_cloud_maps_vector_tiles|ThinkGeo Cloud Maps Vector Tiles]] * [[thinkgeo_cloud_maps_raster_tiles|ThinkGeo Cloud Maps Raster Tiles]] * [[thinkgeo_cloud_reverse_geocoding|ThinkGeo Cloud Reverse Geocoding]] * [[thinkgeo_cloud_projection|ThinkGeo Cloud Projection]] * [[thinkgeo_cloud_colors|ThinkGeo Cloud Colors]] * [[thinkgeo_cloud_timezone|ThinkGeo Cloud Time Zones]]