====== ThinkGeo Cloud ====== ThinkGeo Cloud is a set of cloud-hosted RESTful APIs that have been designed to optimize your productivity in the world of mapping by taking away the complicated deployments, data warehousing and IT concerns that you would normally encounter. It can be consumed from web applications, desktop applications, mobile apps or services on a wide variety of platforms. ===== Getting Started ===== ThinkGeo Cloud is easy to get started for anyone including those without too much coding background. Just log into the Cloud web console, grab your API key and get to work! We've put together a video that will give you a high-level overview of how to get started: {{youtube>vM9OGfeiVv4?size=560x315}} === ThinkGeo Cloud Console === Log into [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com|ThinkGeo Cloud Console]] with existing ThinkGeo account or sign up a new one. Not just for creating client keys, you can also check out recent activities, API references, and online samples. === Get a Client Key === A client key (can either be an APIKey, or ClientId and ClientSecret combination) is needed to consume the Cloud services. Two test client keys are pre-generated for each account and you can also create as many new keys as you want. Check out [[thinkgeo_cloud_client_keys_guideline|ThinkGeo Cloud Client Keys Guideline]] to see how to get the keys. === Consume the Online Services === Now with the key, you can hit the ThinkGeo Cloud RESTful APIs in any platform through any language. Check out [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/|ThinkGeo Cloud RESTful APIs]] and find out what APIs are available. By authorizing with a key (check it out [[http://wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/thinkgeo_cloud_client_keys_guideline#play_with_thinkgeo_cloud_restful_apis_online|here]] for how to do it), you can also try out those APIs online. Furthermore, [[thinkgeo_cloud_.net_sdk|ThinkGeo Cloud .NET SDK]] and [[thinkgeo_cloud_javascript_sdk|ThinkGeo Cloud JavaScript SDK]] are provided to make it easier for using the ThinkGeo Cloud RESTful APIs in a .NET/JavaScript application. ===== Services ===== ThinkGeo Cloud includes the following Services. More Services are on the way. A complete API list can be found here: [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/|ThinkGeo Cloud APIs]]
[[thinkgeo_cloud_maps_vector_tiles|Maps Vector Tiles]] \\ Comsume XYZ vector map tiles
[[thinkgeo_cloud_maps_raster_tiles|Maps Raster Tiles]] \\ Consume XYZ raster map tiles
[[thinkgeo_cloud_maps_wms|Maps WMS]] \\ WMS service
[[thinkgeo_cloud_elevation|Elevation]] \\ Get elevation information of specified geometries
[[thinkgeo_cloud_geocoding|Geocoding]] \\ Get the location from a US address
[[thinkgeo_cloud_reverse_geocoding|Reverse Geocoding]] \\ Get the real world information of specified geometries
[[thinkgeo_cloud_routing|Routing]] \\ Turn-by-turn directions, service area calculation and more.
[[thinkgeo_cloud_maps_query|Maps Query]] \\ Perform spatial query against each types of data.
[[thinkgeo_cloud_projection|Projection]] \\ Project the specified geometries
[[thinkgeo_cloud_colors|Colors]] \\ Get related colors of specified color
[[thinkgeo_cloud_timezone|Time Zones]] \\ Get time zone information about a specified point
===Try the APIs Online=== * Check out [[thinkgeo_cloud_client_keys_guideline|ThinkGeo Cloud Client Keys Guideline]] and get a key for free for 60 days. * Authorize with the key at the top of [[https://cloud.thinkgeo.com/help/|ThinkGeo Cloud APIs]] and you are then free to play with all the APIs online. Visit [[http://wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/thinkgeo_cloud_client_keys_guideline#play_with_thinkgeo_cloud_restful_apis_online|here]] for more information. ===Create your own service=== * ThinkGeo Cloud On-Premise will be provided in the future. It will be an Amazon Image or Docker, help you easily set up the ThinkGeo Cloud with all the above services on your own server. * All the data the ThinkGeo Cloud is using is for sale as separate products. They can be easily consumed offline by Map Suite SDKs, check out [[http://wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/main_page#thinkgeo_sdks_and_offline_data|ThinkGeo Offline Data]] for detail.
===== Client SDK ===== ThinkGeo offers two prepackaged API clients for developers who want to use the ThinkGeo Cloud APIs in their applications. Currently the following API clients are available:
[[thinkgeo_cloud_.net_sdk|.NET SDK]] \\ ThinkGeo Cloud .NET SDK
[[thinkgeo_cloud_javascript_sdk|JavaScript SDK]] \\ ThinkGeo Cloud JavaScript SDK
===== Samples ===== This gallery shows samples consuming ThinkGeo Cloud on different platforms. It's either the online sample you can interact with, or it's the sample overview with animated snapshots and the source.
[[thinkgeo_cloud_samples|Sample Gallery]] \\ It shows samples on different platforms including Desktop, Mobile and Web.
[[https://samples.thinkgeo.com/cloud|Online Samples]] \\ It includes pure client-side sample consuming ThinkGeo Cloud.
===== Pricing ===== For Evaluation users: * Each user can evaluate for 60 days. * Each user has 10k transactions per day within the 60 days evaluation. * A warning message “Only X days before evaluation” shows up when there are less than 14 days left for evaluation. * An HTTP 400 Bad Request Error with the Expiration message will return after it expires. For Subscription user: * There are 2 price models available, $495 per month or $4,995 per year. Users can purchase through the [[https://subscriptions.thinkgeo.com/|subscription manager]], the annual subscription can be purchased through ThinkGeo Sales as well. * A subscribed user has 100k transactions per day or 3 million transactions per month. * The transactions in the current month don’t roll over to the next month. * The service will not shut down if it exceeds the transaction. Instead, a warning email will send over to the customer from sales@thinkgeo.com about the service termination/purchasing more transactions. The service will shut down for that customer 14 days after the expiration if no further steps are taken. Here is what one transaction means for different services: * One transaction is one elevation request (including batch request) for up to 100 points. For example, if I request elevation information along a polyline and get 1,500 elevation points, it takes 15 transactions. If I send a batch request with 250 points, it counts as 3 transactions. * One transaction is one reverse geocoding request. For example, it takes 100 transactions for a batch reverse geocoding with 100 addresses. * One transaction is one geocoding request. For example, it takes 100 transactions for a batch geocoding with 100 addresses. * One transaction is one map view, which is 10 XYZ tile request, including vector tile, raster tile or hybrid tile request. * One transaction is one WMS tile request. * One transaction is one Color Scheme request. * One transaction is one projection conversion for up to 100 vertices. For example, if I project one polygon with 1,500 vertices from projection A to projection B, it takes 15 transactions. * One transaction is one Time Zone request. * One transaction is one World Maps Query request. * One transaction is one Routing request with 10 or less waypoints, it takes 2 transactions if it's more than 10 waypoints. * One transaction is one Cost Matrix request with 10 or less waypoints, it takes 2 transactions if it's more than 10 waypoints. * One transaction is one TSP (Traveling Sales Man) request with 10 or less waypoints, it takes 2 transactions if it's more than 10 waypoints. * One transaction is one Service Area request. ===== Change Logs ===== * [[ThinkGeo Cloud Features & Bug Fixes Change Log|Features & Bug Fixes Change Log]]
This changelog details the new features and bug fixes applied to the product for each major release cycle.
===== Videos and Snapshots=====