====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.PenBrushDrawingOrder ====== {{section>upgrade_map_suite_to_10.0}} This enumeration determines whether the brush or the pen draws first. === Remarks === This controls if the outline pen or the fill brush will draw first. The difference in drawing is subtle, but noticeable. If you draw the outline first and then the brush, the brush fill will slightly bleed into the outline and make the outline appear thinner. If you draw the brush first, then the pen will display its normal outline width. ===== Items ===== ^ Name ^ Summary ^ | BrushFirst | The fill brush will draw first. | | PenFirst | The outline pen will draw first. | __NOTOC__ [[Category:WindowsPhoneMapSuiteCore]] [[Category:ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore]]