====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoTextureBrush ====== {{section>upgrade_map_suite_to_10.0}} This class is used to fill an area with a image texture. === Remarks === This class is used to fill an area with a image texture. For example, you may have a small bitmap that looks like marble, which you can then use to fill in an area feature. ===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== *System.Object **[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoBrush]] ***[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoTextureBrush]] ===== Members Summary ===== ==== Public Constructors ==== ^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#GeoTextureBrush(GeoImage)|GeoTextureBrush]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoImage|GeoImage]] | | This is a constructor for the class. | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#GeoTextureBrush(GeoImage, DrawingRectangleF)|GeoTextureBrush]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoImage|GeoImage]], [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.DrawingRectangleF|DrawingRectangleF]] | | This is a constructor for the class. | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#GeoTextureBrush(GeoImage, GeoWrapMode)|GeoTextureBrush]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoImage|GeoImage]], [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoWrapMode|GeoWrapMode]] | | This is a constructor for the class. | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#GeoTextureBrush(GeoImage, GeoWrapMode, DrawingRectangleF)|GeoTextureBrush]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoImage|GeoImage]], [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoWrapMode|GeoWrapMode]], [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.DrawingRectangleF|DrawingRectangleF]] | | This is a constructor for the class. | ==== Protected Constructors ==== ^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ ==== Public Methods ==== ^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#Equals(Object)|Equals]] | Object | Object | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#GetHashCode()|GetHashCode]] | | Object | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#GetType()|GetType]] | | Object | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#ToString()|ToString]] | | Object | | ==== Protected Methods ==== ^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#Finalize()|Finalize]] | | Object | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#MemberwiseClone()|MemberwiseClone]] | | Object | | ==== Public Properties ==== ^ Name ^ Return ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#DrawingRectangleF|DrawingRectangleF]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.DrawingRectangleF|DrawingRectangleF]] | | This property gets and sets the screen rectangle used to fill the texture. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#GeoImage|GeoImage]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoImage|GeoImage]] | | This property gets and sets the GeoImage used for the texture fill. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#GeoWrapMode|GeoWrapMode]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoWrapMode|GeoWrapMode]] | | This property gets and sets the wrap mode that is used to determine how an area is filled if the area is larger than the texture. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Id|Id]] | Int64 | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoBrush|GeoBrush]] | The id of the GeoBrush. This is always used as a key when in the cached brushes. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Opacity|Opacity]] | Double | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoBrush|GeoBrush]] | | ==== Protected Properties ==== ^ Name ^ Return ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ ==== Public Events ==== ^ Name ^ Event Arguments ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ ===== Public Constructors ===== ==== GeoTextureBrush(GeoImage) ==== This is a constructor for the class. === Overloads === This overload allows you to pass in the image for the texture. === Remarks === You will use this constructor when you want to use the Tile wrap mode and you want the image fill to encompass the entire shape. === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | image | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoImage|GeoImage]] | This parameter is the image you want to use as the texture. | [[#Public Constructors|Go Back]] ==== GeoTextureBrush(GeoImage, DrawingRectangleF) ==== This is a constructor for the class. === Overloads === This constructor allows you to pass in the image as well as a screen rectangle that determines how much of the area is filled. === Remarks === This method allows you to pass in a rectangle in screen coordinates to determine how much of the area is textured. === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | image | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoImage|GeoImage]] | This parameter is the image you want to use as the texture. | | rectangleF | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.DrawingRectangleF|DrawingRectangleF]] | This parameter is a rectangle (in screen coordinates) that specifies the area you want to use for the texture. | [[#Public Constructors|Go Back]] ==== GeoTextureBrush(GeoImage, GeoWrapMode) ==== This is a constructor for the class. === Overloads === This constructor allows you to pass in the image and the wrap mode. === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | image | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoImage|GeoImage]] | This parameter is the image you want to use as the texture. | | wrapMode | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoWrapMode|GeoWrapMode]] | This parameter determines the way the texture wraps when the area to fill is larger than the texture. | [[#Public Constructors|Go Back]] ==== GeoTextureBrush(GeoImage, GeoWrapMode, DrawingRectangleF) ==== This is a constructor for the class. === Overloads === This constructor allows you to pass in the image as well as a screen rectangle that determines how much of the area is filled along with the wrap mode. === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | image | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoImage|GeoImage]] | This parameter is the image you want to use as the texture. | | wrapMode | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoWrapMode|GeoWrapMode]] | This parameter determines the way the texture wraps when the area to fill is larger than the texture. | | rectangleF | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.DrawingRectangleF|DrawingRectangleF]] | This parameter is a rectangle (in screen coordinates) that specifies the area you want to use for the texture. | [[#Public Constructors|Go Back]] ===== Protected Constructors ===== ===== Public Methods ===== ==== Equals(Object) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Boolean | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | obj | Object | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== GetHashCode() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Int32 | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== GetType() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Type | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== ToString() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | String | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ===== Protected Methods ===== ==== Finalize() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== MemberwiseClone() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Object | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ===== Public Properties ===== ==== DrawingRectangleF ==== This property gets and sets the screen rectangle used to fill the texture. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.DrawingRectangleF|DrawingRectangleF]] | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== GeoImage ==== This property gets and sets the GeoImage used for the texture fill. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoImage|GeoImage]] | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== GeoWrapMode ==== This property gets and sets the wrap mode that is used to determine how an area is filled if the area is larger than the texture. === Remarks === This property gets and sets the wrap mode that is used to determine how an area is filled if the area is larger than the texture. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore.GeoWrapMode|GeoWrapMode]] | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Id ==== The id of the GeoBrush. This is always used as a key when in the cached brushes. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Int64 | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Opacity ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ===== Protected Properties ===== ===== Public Events ===== __NOTOC__ [[Category:WindowsPhoneMapSuiteCore]] [[Category:ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WindowsPhoneCore]] [[Category:UpdateDocumentation]]