====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightEdition.OverlaySwitcherMapTool ====== {{section>upgrade_map_suite_to_10.0}} This class represents a panel in the upper right corner on the map which contains a list of map overlays that added in OverlaySwitcher Overlay collection. ===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== *System.Object *System.Windows.DependencyObject *System.Windows.UIElement *System.Windows.FrameworkElement *System.Windows.Controls.Control *ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightEdition.MapTool ***ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightEdition.OverlaySwitcherMapTool** ===== Members Summary ===== ==== Public Constructors ==== ** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OverlaySwitcherMapTool() ** This is the constructor of OverlaySwitcherMapTool class. == Remarks == This is the constructor of OverlaySwitcherMapTool class. == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OverlaySwitcherMapTool(Map,Boolean) ** This is the constructor of OverlaySwitcherMapTool class. == Remarks == This is the constructor of OverlaySwitcherMapTool class. == Parameters == * //map// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightEdition.Map|Map]] * Description:A Map value indicating where this map tool will be appended on. * //isEnabled// * Type:Boolean * Description:A boolean value indicating whether this map tool is on or off.
==== Protected Constructors ==== ==== Public Methods ==== ** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnApplyTemplate() ** When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call System.Windows.Controls.Control.ApplyTemplate(). == Remarks == When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call System.Windows.Controls.Control.ApplyTemplate(). == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Refresh() ** This method refreshes all the overlay names in OverlaySwitcherMapTool. == Remarks == This method refreshes all the overlay names in OverlaySwitcherMapTool. == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Focus() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ApplyTemplate() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} FindName(String) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //name// * Type:String * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetBinding(DependencyProperty,Binding) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:BindingExpressionBase * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //binding// * Type:Binding * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetBindingExpression(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:BindingExpression * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} AddHandler(RoutedEvent,Delegate,Boolean) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //routedEvent// * Type:RoutedEvent * Description:N/A * //handler// * Type:Delegate * Description:N/A * //handledEventsToo// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RemoveHandler(RoutedEvent,Delegate) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //routedEvent// * Type:RoutedEvent * Description:N/A * //handler// * Type:Delegate * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} TransformToVisual(UIElement) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:GeneralTransform * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //visual// * Type:UIElement * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Measure(Size) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //availableSize// * Type:Size * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Arrange(Rect) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //finalRect// * Type:Rect * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CaptureMouse() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ReleaseMouseCapture() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} InvalidateMeasure() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} InvalidateArrange() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} UpdateLayout() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CheckAccess() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetValue(DependencyProperty,Object) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //value// * Type:Object * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ClearValue(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ReadLocalValue(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetAnimationBaseValue(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetValue(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ToString() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:String * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Equals(Object) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //obj// * Type:Object * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetHashCode() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Int32 * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetType() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Type * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
==== Protected Methods ==== ** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} EnabledChangedCore(Boolean) ** This method raises when IsEnabled property changed. == Remarks == This method raises when IsEnabled property changed. == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //newValue// * Type:Boolean * Description:A new boolean value of IsEnabled property.
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDrop(DragEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DragEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeMouseMove(MouseEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseButtonEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseButtonEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeMouseRightButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseButtonEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeMouseRightButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseButtonEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeMouseWheel(MouseWheelEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseWheelEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeKeyUp(KeyEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:KeyEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:KeyEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeGotFocus(RoutedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:RoutedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeLostFocus(RoutedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:RoutedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeIsEnabledChanged(IsEnabledChangedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:IsEnabledChangedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetValueFromBuiltInStyle(DependencyProperty,Object&) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //value// * Type:Object& * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeOnLostMouseCapture(MouseEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeTextInput(TextCompositionEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:TextCompositionEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeTextInputStart(TextCompositionEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:TextCompositionEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeTextInputUpdate(TextCompositionEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:TextCompositionEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeDragEnter(DragEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DragEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeDragLeave(DragEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DragEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeDragOver(DragEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DragEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NativeDrop(DragEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DragEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ShowValidationError() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} HideValidationError() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} UpdateValidationState() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnManipulationStarted(ManipulationStartedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:ManipulationStartedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnManipulationDelta(ManipulationDeltaEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:ManipulationDeltaEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnManipulationCompleted(ManipulationCompletedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:ManipulationCompletedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnTap(GestureEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:GestureEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDoubleTap(GestureEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:GestureEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnHold(GestureEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:GestureEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetTemplateChild(String) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:DependencyObject * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //childName// * Type:String * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} RemoveTemplateBinding(FrameworkElement,DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //target// * Type:FrameworkElement * Description:N/A * //targetProperty// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GoToState(Boolean,String) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //useTransitions// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A * //stateName// * Type:String * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseButtonEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseButtonEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnMouseRightButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseButtonEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnMouseRightButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseButtonEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnMouseWheel(MouseWheelEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseWheelEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:KeyEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:KeyEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnGotFocus(RoutedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:RoutedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnLostFocus(RoutedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:RoutedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnIsEnabledChanged(IsEnabledChangedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:IsEnabledChangedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnLostMouseCapture(MouseEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:MouseEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnTextInput(TextCompositionEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:TextCompositionEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnTextInputStart(TextCompositionEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:TextCompositionEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnTextInputUpdate(TextCompositionEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:TextCompositionEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DragEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDragLeave(DragEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DragEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDragOver(DragEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DragEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ApplyTemplateInternal() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetValueInternal(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} MeasureOverride(Size) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Size * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //availableSize// * Type:Size * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ArrangeOverride(Size) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Size * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //finalSize// * Type:Size * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnTreeParentUpdated(DependencyObject,Boolean) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //newParent// * Type:DependencyObject * Description:N/A * //bIsNewParentAlive// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} NotifyDataContextChanged(DataContextChangedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DataContextChangedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnBindingValidationError(ValidationErrorEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //args// * Type:ValidationErrorEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} CalculateBubblePath() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:List * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} RaiseBindingValidationError(ValidationErrorEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //args// * Type:ValidationErrorEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnSizeChanged(Object,SizeChangedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //sender// * Type:Object * Description:N/A * //e// * Type:SizeChangedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnAncestorDataContextChanged(DataContextChangedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DataContextChangedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} IsDataContextChangeRelevant(DataContextChangedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DataContextChangedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDataContextChanged(DataContextChangedEventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:DataContextChangedEventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnPropertyChanged(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetValueFromStyle(DependencyProperty,Object&) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //value// * Type:Object& * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} HasFocus() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} FindNameInPage(String,Boolean) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //name// * Type:String * Description:N/A * //calledFromUserControl// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetPlainText() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:String * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} HitTest(Point) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:IEnumerable * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //point// * Type:Point * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} HitTest(Rect) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:IEnumerable * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //rect// * Type:Rect * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} IsAncestorOf(UIElement) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //element// * Type:UIElement * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnCreateAutomationPeer() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:AutomationPeer * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetOrCreateAutomationPeer() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:AutomationPeer * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetAutomationPeer() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:AutomationPeer * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} InvalidateAutomationPeer() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetChildrenCount() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Int32 * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetChild(Int32) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:UIElement * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //childIndex// * Type:Int32 * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} BringIntoView() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} BringIntoView(Rect) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //targetRectangle// * Type:Rect * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetIsUnloadingNode() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} PegManagedPeerNoRef() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} UnpegManagedPeerNoRef() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetManagedReference(UInt32) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:DependencyObject * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //nPropertyID// * Type:UInt32 * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} RefreshExpression(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} EnsureValueTable() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValueInternal(DependencyProperty,Object) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //value// * Type:Object * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValueInternal(DependencyProperty,Object,Boolean) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //value// * Type:Object * Description:N/A * //allowReadOnlySet// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValueInternal(DependencyProperty,Object,Boolean,Boolean) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //value// * Type:Object * Description:N/A * //allowReadOnlySet// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A * //isBindingInStyleSetter// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ClearValueInternal(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ReadLocalValueInternal(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} IsPropertyDefault(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetMentor() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:FrameworkElement * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} PrepareCorePropertyExpression(DependencyProperty,Object) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //value// * Type:Object * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} InvalidateStyleBinding(DependencyProperty,Boolean&) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //hasLocalOrAnimatedValue// * Type:Boolean& * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValue(DependencyProperty,Matrix) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //m// * Type:Matrix * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValue(DependencyProperty,Matrix3D) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //m// * Type:Matrix3D * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValue(DependencyProperty,Point) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //p// * Type:Point * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValue(DependencyProperty,DependencyObject) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //doh// * Type:DependencyObject * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValue(DependencyProperty,Int32) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //i// * Type:Int32 * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValue(DependencyProperty,Boolean) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //b// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValue(DependencyProperty,Enum) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //e// * Type:Enum * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValue(DependencyProperty,Color) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //c// * Type:Color * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValue(DependencyProperty,Double) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //d// * Type:Double * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetValue(DependencyProperty,GridLength) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //g// * Type:GridLength * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} InvalidateProperty(DependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetOldValue(DependencyProperty,EffectiveValueEntry&) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //oldEntry// * Type:EffectiveValueEntry& * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetNewValue(DependencyProperty,EffectiveValueEntry&) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //newEntry// * Type:EffectiveValueEntry& * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetEffectiveValue(DependencyProperty,EffectiveValueEntry&,Object) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //newEntry// * Type:EffectiveValueEntry& * Description:N/A * //newValue// * Type:Object * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} UpdateParentInheritanceContextPropagation() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetAnimatedValue(DependencyProperty,Object) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //animatedValue// * Type:Object * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ClearAnimatedValue(DependencyProperty,Boolean,Object) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //hasHoldEndValue// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A * //holdEndValue// * Type:Object * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnInheritanceContextChanged(Object,EventArgs) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //sender// * Type:Object * Description:N/A * //e// * Type:EventArgs * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} AddEventListener(DependencyProperty,Delegate) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //handler// * Type:Delegate * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} AddEventListener(DependencyProperty,Delegate,Boolean) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //handler// * Type:Delegate * Description:N/A * //handledEventsToo// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} RemoveEventListener(DependencyProperty,Delegate) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //property// * Type:DependencyProperty * Description:N/A * //handler// * Type:Delegate * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} UpdateTreeParent(IManagedPeer,IManagedPeer,Boolean,Boolean) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //oldParent// * Type:IManagedPeer * Description:N/A * //newParent// * Type:IManagedPeer * Description:N/A * //bIsNewParentAlive// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A * //keepReferenceToParent// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} UpdateTreeParentHelper(IManagedPeer,IManagedPeer,Boolean) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //oldParent// * Type:IManagedPeer * Description:N/A * //newParent// * Type:IManagedPeer * Description:N/A * //keepReferenceToParent// * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} IsPropertyLocal(CoreDependencyProperty) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //dp// * Type:CoreDependencyProperty * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnParentEnter(IntPtr,UInt32,UInt32,UInt32,UInt32) ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //nativeNamescopeOwner// * Type:IntPtr * Description:N/A * //bLive// * Type:UInt32 * Description:N/A * //bSkipNameRegistration// * Type:UInt32 * Description:N/A * //bCoercedIsEnabled// * Type:UInt32 * Description:N/A * //bUseLayoutRounding// * Type:UInt32 * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Finalize() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} MemberwiseClone() ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
==== Public Properties ==== ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} SingleSelectedOverlays ** Gets a group of overlays displayed in OverlaySwitcherMapTools, In the switch panel, a radio button is infront of every overlays in this group and overlays can switch one by one by check the radio button. Only one overlay which radio button is checked can be displayed. == Remarks == Gets a group of overlays displayed in OverlaySwitcherMapTools, In the switch panel, a radio button is infront of every overlays in this group and overlays can switch one by one by check the radio button. Only one overlay which radio button is checked can be displayed. == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightCore.GeoCollection[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightEdition.Overlay, SilverlightEdition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]|GeoCollection]] ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MultipleSelectedOverlays ** Gets a group of overlays displayed in OverlaySwitcherMapTools, In the switch panel, you can turn these overlays visible/invisible by check the buttons in front of them. Only one overlay which radio button is checked can be displayed. == Remarks == Gets a group of overlays displayed in OverlaySwitcherMapTools, In the switch panel, you can turn these overlays visible/invisible by check the buttons in front of them. Only one overlay which radio button is checked can be displayed. == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightCore.GeoCollection[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightEdition.Overlay, SilverlightEdition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]|GeoCollection]] ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsEnabled ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} FontSize ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Double ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} FontFamily ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:FontFamily ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} FontWeight ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:FontWeight ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} FontStyle ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:FontStyle ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} FontStretch ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:FontStretch ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} CharacterSpacing ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Int32 ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Foreground ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Brush ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsTabStop ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} TabIndex ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Int32 ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} TabNavigation ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:KeyboardNavigationMode ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Template ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:ControlTemplate ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Padding ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Thickness ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HorizontalContentAlignment ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:HorizontalAlignment ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} VerticalContentAlignment ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:VerticalAlignment ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Background ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Brush ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} BorderThickness ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Thickness ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} BorderBrush ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Brush ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Triggers ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:TriggerCollection ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Resources ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:ResourceDictionary ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ActualWidth ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Double ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ActualHeight ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Double ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Width ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Double ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Height ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Double ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MinWidth ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Double ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MaxWidth ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Double ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MinHeight ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Double ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MaxHeight ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Double ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HorizontalAlignment ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:HorizontalAlignment ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} VerticalAlignment ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:VerticalAlignment ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Margin ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Thickness ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Style ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Style ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Parent ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:DependencyObject ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} FlowDirection ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:FlowDirection ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Name ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:String ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Tag ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Cursor ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Cursor ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Language ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:XmlLanguage ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} DataContext ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} AllowDrop ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Opacity ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Double ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Clip ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Geometry ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Effect ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Effect ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Projection ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Projection ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} OpacityMask ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Brush ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} RenderTransformOrigin ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Point ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsHitTestVisible ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Visibility ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Visibility ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} RenderSize ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Size ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} UseLayoutRounding ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} CacheMode ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:CacheMode ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} DesiredSize ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Size ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} RenderTransform ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Transform ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Dispatcher ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Dispatcher ==== Protected Properties ==== ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} Map ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightEdition.Map|Map]] ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} ImplementationRoot ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:FrameworkElement ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} DefaultStyleKey ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} TagInternal ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Object ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} TemplatedParent ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:DependencyObject ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} IsDataContextBound ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} IsDataContextChangingInternal ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} ChildrenInternal ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:UIElementCollection ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} NativeObject ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:IntPtr ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} NativeObjectSafeHandle ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:NativeObjectSafeHandle ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} NeedsInheritanceContextChanges ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} IsInLiveTree ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ==== Public Events ==== ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} IsEnabledChanged ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} Loaded ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} Unloaded ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} SizeChanged ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} LayoutUpdated ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} BindingValidationError ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments:ValidationErrorEventArgs ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} DataContextChanged ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} MouseMove ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} MouseEnter ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} MouseLeave ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} MouseLeftButtonDown ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} MouseLeftButtonUp ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} MouseRightButtonDown ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} MouseRightButtonUp ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} MouseWheel ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} KeyUp ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} KeyDown ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} MediaCommand ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} GotFocus ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} LostFocus ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} LostMouseCapture ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} TextInput ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} TextInputStart ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} TextInputUpdate ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} DragEnter ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} DragLeave ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} DragOver ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} Drop ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments: ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} ManipulationStarted ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments:ManipulationStartedEventArgs ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} ManipulationDelta ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments:ManipulationDeltaEventArgs ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} ManipulationCompleted ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments:ManipulationCompletedEventArgs ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} Tap ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments:GestureEventArgs ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} DoubleTap ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments:GestureEventArgs ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} Hold ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments:GestureEventArgs