====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightCore.ClassBreak ====== {{section>upgrade_map_suite_to_10.0}} This class represents a single class break. ===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== *System.Object ***ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightCore.ClassBreak** ===== Members Summary ===== ==== Public Constructors ==== ** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ClassBreak() ** * //This is the class constructor.// == Remarks == * //If you use this default constructor, then you should set the properties manually.// == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ClassBreak(Double,AreaStyle) ** * //This is the class constructor.// == Remarks == * //This overload allows you to pass in a break value and an AreaStyle to use.// == Parameters == * //value// * Type:Double * Description:The parameter represents the break value. * //areaStyle// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightCore.AreaStyle|AreaStyle]] * Description:This parameter is the AreaStyle you want to use to represent this break.
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ClassBreak(Double,PointStyle) ** * //This is the class constructor.// == Remarks == * //This overload allows you to pass in a break value and a Point to use.// == Parameters == * //value// * Type:Double * Description:The parameter represents the break value. * //pointStyle// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightCore.PointStyle|PointStyle]] * Description:This parameter is the PointStyle you want to use to represent this break.
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ClassBreak(Double,LineStyle) ** * //This is the class constructor.// == Remarks == * //This overload allows you to pass in a break value and a LineStyle to use.// == Parameters == * //value// * Type:Double * Description:The parameter represents the break value. * //lineStyle// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightCore.LineStyle|LineStyle]] * Description:This parameter is the LineStyle you want to use to represent this break.
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ClassBreak(Double,TextStyle) ** * //This is the class constructor.// == Remarks == * //This overload allows you to pass in a break value and a TextStyle to use.// == Parameters == * //value// * Type:Double * Description:The parameter represents the break value. * //textStyle// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.SilverlightCore.TextStyle|TextStyle]] * Description:This parameter is the TextStyle you want to use to represent this break.
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ClassBreak(Double,Collection