====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.OpenStreetMapLayer ====== {{section>upgrade_map_suite_to_10.0}} This class is use for Open Street Map Layer, and you also can get map from open street map server. ===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== *System.Object *ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Layer ***ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.OpenStreetMapLayer** ===== Members Summary ===== ==== Public Constructors ==== ** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OpenStreetMapLayer() ** * //The default constructor// == Remarks == * //The constructor initilizes the properties. WebProxy is set to null.// == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OpenStreetMapLayer(GeoWebProxy) ** * //This is the constructor the for the class.// == Remarks == * //This constructor initializes a new layer and assgin a web proxy.// == Parameters == * //webProxy// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoWebProxy|GeoWebProxy]] * Description:The web proxy for OpenStreetMap Server
==== Protected Constructors ==== ==== Public Methods ==== ** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetThreadSafetyLevel() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.ThreadSafetyLevel|ThreadSafetyLevel]] * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CloneDeep() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Layer|Layer]] * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Open() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Close() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetBoundingBox() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Draw(GeoCanvas,Collection) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //canvas// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoCanvas|GeoCanvas]] * Description:N/A * //labelsInAllLayers// * Type:Collection<[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.SimpleCandidate|SimpleCandidate]]> * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestDrawing() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestDrawing(RectangleShape) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //extentToRefresh// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestDrawing(IEnumerable) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //extentsToRefresh// * Type:IEnumerable<[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]> * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestDrawing(TimeSpan) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //bufferTime// * Type:TimeSpan * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestDrawing(RectangleShape,TimeSpan) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //extentToRefresh// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] * Description:N/A * //bufferTime// * Type:TimeSpan * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestDrawing(IEnumerable,TimeSpan) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //extentsToRefresh// * Type:IEnumerable<[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]> * Description:N/A * //bufferTime// * Type:TimeSpan * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ToString() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:String * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Equals(Object) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //obj// * Type:Object * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetHashCode() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Int32 * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetType() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Type * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
==== Protected Methods ==== ** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OpenCore() ** * //This method opens the Layer so that it is initialized and ready to use.// == Remarks == * //This abstract method is called from the concrete public method Open. The open method plays an important role, as it is responsible for initializing the Layer. Most methods on the Layer will throw an exception if the state of the Layer is not opened. When the map draws each layer, the layer will be opened as one of its first steps; then, after it is finished drawing with that layer, it will close it. In this way, we are sure to release all resources used by the Layer. When implementing the abstract method, consider opening the FeatureSource or RasterSource. You will get a chance to close these in the Close method of the Layer.// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:None == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} CloseCore() ** * //This method closes the Layer and releases any resources it was using.// == Remarks == * //This abstract method is called from the concrete public method Close. The close method plays an important role in the life cycle of the Layer. It may be called after drawing to release any memory and other resources that were allocated since the Open method was called. If you override this method, it is recommended that you take the following things into account: This method may be called multiple times, so we suggest you write the method so that that a call to a closed Layer is ignored and does not generate an error. We also suggest that in the Close you free all resources that have been opened. Remember that the object will not be destroyed, but will be re-opened possibly in the near future.// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:None == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DrawCore(GeoCanvas,Collection) ** * //This method draws the Layer.// == Remarks == * //This method is the concrete wrapper for the abstract method DrawCore. This method draws the representation of the layer based on the extent you provided. When implementing this abstract method, consider each feature and its column data values. You can use the full power of the GeoCanvas to do the drawing. If you need column data for a feature, be sure to override the GetRequiredColumnNamesCore and add the columns you need to the collection. In many of the styles, we add properties that allow the user to specify which field they need; then, in the GetRequiredColumnNamesCore, we read that property and add it to the collection.// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:None == Parameters == * //canvas// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoCanvas|GeoCanvas]] * Description:This parameter is the canvas object or a GeoImage to draw on. * //labelsInAllLayers// * Type:Collection<[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.SimpleCandidate|SimpleCandidate]]> * Description:This parameter represents the labels used for collision detection and duplication checking.
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SendWebRequest(WebRequest) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:WebResponse * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //webRequest// * Type:WebRequest * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SendWebRequestCore(WebRequest) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:WebResponse * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //webRequest// * Type:WebRequest * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.SendingWebRequestEventArgs|SendingWebRequestEventArgs]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.SentWebRequestEventArgs|SentWebRequestEventArgs]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnRequestingDrawing(RequestingDrawingLayerEventArgs) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //eventArgs// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RequestingDrawingLayerEventArgs|RequestingDrawingLayerEventArgs]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetThreadSafetyLevelCore() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.ThreadSafetyLevel|ThreadSafetyLevel]] * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} CloneDeepCore() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Layer|Layer]] * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetBoundingBoxCore() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DrawException(GeoCanvas,Exception) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //canvas// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoCanvas|GeoCanvas]] * Description:N/A * //e// * Type:Exception * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DrawExceptionCore(GeoCanvas,Exception) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //canvas// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoCanvas|GeoCanvas]] * Description:N/A * //e// * Type:Exception * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDrawingException(DrawingExceptionLayerEventArgs) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.DrawingExceptionLayerEventArgs|DrawingExceptionLayerEventArgs]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDrawnException(DrawnExceptionLayerEventArgs) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.DrawnExceptionLayerEventArgs|DrawnExceptionLayerEventArgs]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DrawAttributionCore(GeoCanvas,String) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //canvas// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoCanvas|GeoCanvas]] * Description:N/A * //attribution// * Type:String * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDrawingAttribution(DrawingAttributionLayerEventArgs) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //args// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.DrawingAttributionLayerEventArgs|DrawingAttributionLayerEventArgs]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDrawnAttribution(DrawnAttributionLayerEventArgs) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //args// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.DrawnAttributionLayerEventArgs|DrawnAttributionLayerEventArgs]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDrawingProgressChanged(DrawingProgressChangedEventArgs) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.DrawingProgressChangedEventArgs|DrawingProgressChangedEventArgs]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnRequestedDrawing(RequestedDrawingLayerEventArgs) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //eventArgs// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RequestedDrawingLayerEventArgs|RequestedDrawingLayerEventArgs]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Finalize() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} MemberwiseClone() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
==== Public Properties ==== ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} CachePictureFormat ** * //The cache for picture format// == Remarks == * //get or set a OpenStreetMapLayerPictureFormat object// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.OpenStreetMapLayerPictureFormat|OpenStreetMapLayerPictureFormat]] ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} TimeoutInSeconds ** * //Gets or sets a value represents the request timeout from the OpenStreetMap server.// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Int32 ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} TileCache ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]] ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} CacheDirectory ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:String ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ProjectedTileCache ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BitmapTileCache|BitmapTileCache]] ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} WebProxy ** * //This property gets or sets the proxy used for requesting a Web Response.// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoWebProxy|GeoWebProxy]] ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} CustomServerUris ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Collection ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ProjectionFromSphericalMercator ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Projection|Projection]] ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ZoomlevelSet ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.ZoomLevelSet|ZoomLevelSet]] ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsOpen ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HasBoundingBox ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} DrawingTime ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:TimeSpan ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Name ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:String ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsVisible ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Transparency ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Single ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsNegative ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsGrayscale ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} DrawingExceptionMode ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.DrawingExceptionMode|DrawingExceptionMode]] ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Attribution ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:String ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} RequestDrawingInterval ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:TimeSpan ==== Protected Properties ==== ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} IsOpenCore ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ==== Public Events ==== ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} SendingWebRequest ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// Event Arguments:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.SendingWebRequestEventArgs|SendingWebRequestEventArgs]] ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} SentWebRequest ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// Event Arguments:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.SentWebRequestEventArgs|SentWebRequestEventArgs]] ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} DrawingException ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// Event Arguments:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.DrawingExceptionLayerEventArgs|DrawingExceptionLayerEventArgs]] ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} DrawingProgressChanged ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// Event Arguments:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.DrawingProgressChangedEventArgs|DrawingProgressChangedEventArgs]] ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} DrawnException ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// Event Arguments:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.DrawnExceptionLayerEventArgs|DrawnExceptionLayerEventArgs]] ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} DrawingAttribution ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// Event Arguments:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.DrawingAttributionLayerEventArgs|DrawingAttributionLayerEventArgs]] ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} DrawnAttribution ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// Event Arguments:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.DrawnAttributionLayerEventArgs|DrawnAttributionLayerEventArgs]] ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} RequestedDrawing ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// Event Arguments:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RequestedDrawingLayerEventArgs|RequestedDrawingLayerEventArgs]] ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} RequestingDrawing ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// Event Arguments:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RequestingDrawingLayerEventArgs|RequestingDrawingLayerEventArgs]]