====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.MapView ====== {{section>upgrade_map_suite_to_10.0}} This class represents the map control. === Remarks === The map class inherits from the View, so it can be dragged onto the page or be created and added to a contoller via code like the popular control itself. You also need to configure the properties of the map. The most important step is adding overlays, which generate images and stack them over each other to form a map image. The map control has many methods and events through which you can interact with the map. ===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== *System.Object **Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject ***Xamarin.Forms.Element ****Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement *****Xamarin.Forms.View ******[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.MapView]] ===== Members Summary ===== ==== Public Constructors ==== ^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#MapView()|MapView]] | | | Initializes a new instance of the class. | ==== Protected Constructors ==== ^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ ==== Public Methods ==== ^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#BatchBegin()|BatchBegin]] | | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#BatchCommit()|BatchCommit]] | | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#CenterAt(PointShape)|CenterAt]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]] | | Locates the map center to the specified world point. | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#CenterAt(Feature)|CenterAt]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Feature|Feature]] | | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#CenterAt(Double, Double)|CenterAt]] | Double, Double | | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#ClearValue(BindablePropertyKey)|ClearValue]] | BindablePropertyKey | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#ClearValue(BindableProperty)|ClearValue]] | BindableProperty | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#Dispose()|Dispose]] | | | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#Equals(Object)|Equals]] | Object | Object | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#FindFeatureLayer(String)|FindFeatureLayer]] | String | | Finds the feature layer. | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#Focus()|Focus]] | | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#GetHashCode()|GetHashCode]] | | Object | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#GetSizeRequest(Double, Double)|GetSizeRequest]] | Double, Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#GetType()|GetType]] | | Object | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#GetValue(BindableProperty)|GetValue]] | BindableProperty | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#Layout(Rectangle)|Layout]] | Rectangle | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#Refresh()|Refresh]] | | | This method will simulate the Refresh interaction. Refreshes current map control. | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#RemoveBinding(BindableProperty)|RemoveBinding]] | BindableProperty | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#RemoveDynamicResource(BindableProperty)|RemoveDynamicResource]] | BindableProperty | Element | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#SetBinding(BindableProperty, BindingBase)|SetBinding]] | BindableProperty, BindingBase | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#SetDynamicResource(BindableProperty, String)|SetDynamicResource]] | BindableProperty, String | Element | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#SetValue(BindableProperty, Object)|SetValue]] | BindableProperty, Object | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#SetValue(BindablePropertyKey, Object)|SetValue]] | BindablePropertyKey, Object | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#ToString()|ToString]] | | Object | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#Unfocus()|Unfocus]] | | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#ZoomTo(BaseShape)|ZoomTo]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BaseShape|BaseShape]] | | This method zooms current map to the target shape. | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#ZoomTo(Feature)|ZoomTo]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Feature|Feature]] | | This method zooms current map to the specified feature. | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#ZoomTo(PointShape, Double)|ZoomTo]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]], Double | | This method zooms current map to a specified position and scale. | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#ZoomToNextExtent()|ZoomToNextExtent]] | | | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#ZoomToPreviousExtent()|ZoomToPreviousExtent]] | | | | | {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|Public Method}}[[#ZoomToScale(Double)|ZoomToScale]] | Double | | Zooms the map to a provided scale. This method will simulate the ZoomToScale interaction. | ==== Protected Methods ==== ^ Name ^ Parameters ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#ApplyBindings(Object)|ApplyBindings]] | Object | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#Dispose(Boolean)|Dispose]] | Boolean | | Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#Finalize()|Finalize]] | | Object(overriden) | Finalizes an instance of the class. | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#InvalidateMeasure()|InvalidateMeasure]] | | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#MemberwiseClone()|MemberwiseClone]] | | Object | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnBindingContextChanged()|OnBindingContextChanged]] | | BindableObject(overriden) | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnChildAdded(Element)|OnChildAdded]] | Element | Element | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnChildRemoved(Element)|OnChildRemoved]] | Element | Element | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnChildrenReordered()|OnChildrenReordered]] | | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnCurrentExtentChanged(CurrentExtentChangedMapViewEventArgs)|OnCurrentExtentChanged]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentExtentChangedMapViewEventArgs|CurrentExtentChangedMapViewEventArgs]] | | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnCurrentExtentChanging(CurrentExtentChangingMapViewEventArgs)|OnCurrentExtentChanging]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentExtentChangingMapViewEventArgs|CurrentExtentChangingMapViewEventArgs]] | | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnCurrentScaleChanged(CurrentScaleChangedMapViewEventArgs)|OnCurrentScaleChanged]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentScaleChangedMapViewEventArgs|CurrentScaleChangedMapViewEventArgs]] | | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnCurrentScaleChanging(CurrentScaleChangingMapViewEventArgs)|OnCurrentScaleChanging]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentScaleChangingMapViewEventArgs|CurrentScaleChangingMapViewEventArgs]] | | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnMapDoubleTap(TouchMapViewEventArgs)|OnMapDoubleTap]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnMapLongPress(TouchMapViewEventArgs)|OnMapLongPress]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnMapSingleTap(TouchMapViewEventArgs)|OnMapSingleTap]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnMapTouchDown(TouchMapViewEventArgs)|OnMapTouchDown]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnMapTouchMove(TouchMapViewEventArgs)|OnMapTouchMove]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnMapTouchUp(TouchMapViewEventArgs)|OnMapTouchUp]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnParentSet()|OnParentSet]] | | Element(overriden) | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnPropertyChanged(String)|OnPropertyChanged]] | String | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnPropertyChanging(String)|OnPropertyChanging]] | String | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnSizeAllocated(Double, Double)|OnSizeAllocated]] | Double, Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#OnSizeRequest(Double, Double)|OnSizeRequest]] | Double, Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#SizeAllocated(Double, Double)|SizeAllocated]] | Double, Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|Protected Method}}[[#UnapplyBindings()|UnapplyBindings]] | | BindableObject | | ==== Public Properties ==== ^ Name ^ Return ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Adapter|Adapter]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.Adapters.MapElementAdapter|MapElementAdapter]] | | Gets the adapter density. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#AdornmentOverlay|AdornmentOverlay]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.AdornmentOverlay|AdornmentOverlay]] | | Gets or sets the adornment overlay. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#AnchorX|AnchorX]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#AnchorY|AnchorY]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#BackgroundColor|BackgroundColor]] | Color | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Behaviors|Behaviors]] | IList | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#BindingContext|BindingContext]] | Object | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Bounds|Bounds]] | Rectangle | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#ClassId|ClassId]] | String | Element | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#CurrentExtent|CurrentExtent]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] | | Gets or sets the current extent of the MapControl. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#DisplayDensity|DisplayDensity]] | Single | | Gets the display density. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#EditOverlay|EditOverlay]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.EditInteractiveOverlay|EditInteractiveOverlay]] | | Gets or sets the edit overlay in the MapControl. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#GestureRecognizers|GestureRecognizers]] | IList | View | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Height|Height]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#HeightRequest|HeightRequest]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#HorizontalOptions|HorizontalOptions]] | LayoutOptions | View | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Id|Id]] | Guid | Element | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#InputTransparent|InputTransparent]] | Boolean | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#IsEnabled|IsEnabled]] | Boolean | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#IsFocused|IsFocused]] | Boolean | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#IsVisible|IsVisible]] | Boolean | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#MapTools|MapTools]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.MapTools|MapTools]] | | Gets a object for simply using MapTools. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#MapUnit|MapUnit]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeographyUnit|GeographyUnit]] | | Gets or sets the map unit used by the MapControl. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#MinimumHeightRequest|MinimumHeightRequest]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#MinimumWidthRequest|MinimumWidthRequest]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Navigation|Navigation]] | INavigation | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Opacity|Opacity]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Overlays|Overlays]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoCollection|GeoCollection]]<[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.Overlay|Overlay]]> | | This property gets the collection of Overlays in the MapControl. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Parent|Parent]] | Element | Element | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#ParentView|ParentView]] | VisualElement | Element | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Resources|Resources]] | ResourceDictionary | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Rotation|Rotation]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#RotationX|RotationX]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#RotationY|RotationY]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Scale|Scale]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Style|Style]] | Style | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#StyleId|StyleId]] | String | Element | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#TrackOverlay|TrackOverlay]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TrackInteractiveOverlay|TrackInteractiveOverlay]] | | Gets or sets the track overlay in the MapControl. | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#TranslationX|TranslationX]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#TranslationY|TranslationY]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Triggers|Triggers]] | IList | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#VerticalOptions|VerticalOptions]] | LayoutOptions | View | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Width|Width]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#WidthRequest|WidthRequest]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#X|X]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#Y|Y]] | Double | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|Public Property}}[[#ZoomLevelSet|ZoomLevelSet]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.ZoomLevelSet|ZoomLevelSet]] | | This property gets or sets the ZoomLevelSet used for the MapView control. | ==== Protected Properties ==== ^ Name ^ Return ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ ==== Public Events ==== ^ Name ^ Event Arguments ^ DeclaringType ^ Summary ^ | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#BindingContextChanged|BindingContextChanged]] | EventArgs | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#ChildAdded|ChildAdded]] | ElementEventArgs | Element | | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#ChildRemoved|ChildRemoved]] | ElementEventArgs | Element | | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#ChildrenReordered|ChildrenReordered]] | EventArgs | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#CurrentExtentChanged|CurrentExtentChanged]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentExtentChangedMapViewEventArgs|CurrentExtentChangedMapViewEventArgs]] | | Occurs after map's extent is changed. | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#CurrentExtentChanging|CurrentExtentChanging]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentExtentChangingMapViewEventArgs|CurrentExtentChangingMapViewEventArgs]] | | Occurs before map's extent is changing. | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#CurrentScaleChanged|CurrentScaleChanged]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentScaleChangedMapViewEventArgs|CurrentScaleChangedMapViewEventArgs]] | | Occurs after map's current scale is changed. | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#CurrentScaleChanging|CurrentScaleChanging]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentScaleChangingMapViewEventArgs|CurrentScaleChangingMapViewEventArgs]] | | Occurs before map's current scale is changing. | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#DescendantAdded|DescendantAdded]] | ElementEventArgs | Element | | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#DescendantRemoved|DescendantRemoved]] | ElementEventArgs | Element | | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#Focused|Focused]] | FocusEventArgs | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#MapDoubleTap|MapDoubleTap]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | Occurs when [[map|double tap]]. | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#MapLongPress|MapLongPress]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | Occurs when [[map|long press]]. | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#MapSingleTap|MapSingleTap]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | Occurs when [[map|single tap]]. | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#MapTouchDown|MapTouchDown]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | Occurs when [[map|touch down]]. | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#MapTouchMove|MapTouchMove]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | Occurs when [[map|touch move]]. | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#MapTouchUp|MapTouchUp]] | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | Occurs when [[map|touch up]]. | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#MeasureInvalidated|MeasureInvalidated]] | EventArgs | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#PropertyChanged|PropertyChanged]] | PropertyChangedEventArgs | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#PropertyChanging|PropertyChanging]] | PropertyChangingEventArgs | BindableObject | | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#SizeChanged|SizeChanged]] | EventArgs | VisualElement | | | {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|Public Event}}[[#Unfocused|Unfocused]] | FocusEventArgs | VisualElement | | ===== Public Constructors ===== ==== MapView() ==== Initializes a new instance of the class. === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Constructors|Go Back]] ===== Protected Constructors ===== ===== Public Methods ===== ==== BatchBegin() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== BatchCommit() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== CenterAt(PointShape) ==== Locates the map center to the specified world point. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | worldCenter | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]] | A world point to locate the map. | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== CenterAt(Feature) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | feature | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Feature|Feature]] | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== CenterAt(Double, Double) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | worldX | Double | | | worldY | Double | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== ClearValue(BindablePropertyKey) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | propertyKey | BindablePropertyKey | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== ClearValue(BindableProperty) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | property | BindableProperty | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== Dispose() ==== Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== Equals(Object) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Boolean | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | obj | Object | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== FindFeatureLayer(String) ==== Finds the feature layer. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.FeatureLayer|FeatureLayer]] | FeatureLayer. | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | layerKey | String | The layer key. | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== Focus() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Boolean | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== GetHashCode() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Int32 | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== GetSizeRequest(Double, Double) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | SizeRequest | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | widthConstraint | Double | | | heightConstraint | Double | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== GetType() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Type | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== GetValue(BindableProperty) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Object | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | property | BindableProperty | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== Layout(Rectangle) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | bounds | Rectangle | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== Refresh() ==== This method will simulate the Refresh interaction. Refreshes current map control. === Remarks === Refreshes all the existing overlays and map tools. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== RemoveBinding(BindableProperty) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | property | BindableProperty | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== RemoveDynamicResource(BindableProperty) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | property | BindableProperty | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== SetBinding(BindableProperty, BindingBase) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | targetProperty | BindableProperty | | | binding | BindingBase | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== SetDynamicResource(BindableProperty, String) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | property | BindableProperty | | | key | String | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== SetValue(BindableProperty, Object) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | property | BindableProperty | | | value | Object | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== SetValue(BindablePropertyKey, Object) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | propertyKey | BindablePropertyKey | | | value | Object | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== ToString() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | String | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== Unfocus() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== ZoomTo(BaseShape) ==== This method zooms current map to the target shape. === Remarks === When calling this method, it doesn't refresh existing Tiles on the current map. For example, if using a TileOverlay such as LayerOverlay; a layer style is changed, Refresh method is proper to call. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | targetShape | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BaseShape|BaseShape]] | | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== ZoomTo(Feature) ==== This method zooms current map to the specified feature. === Remarks === When calling this method, it doesn't refresh existing Tiles on the current map. For example, if using a TileOverlay such as LayerOverlay; a layer style is changed, Refresh method is proper to call. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | feature | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Feature|Feature]] | A feature to locates the map. | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== ZoomTo(PointShape, Double) ==== This method zooms current map to a specified position and scale. === Remarks === When calling this method, it doesn't refresh existing Tiles on the current map. For example, if using a TileOverlay such as LayerOverlay; a layer style is changed, Refresh method is proper to call. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | worldCenter | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]] | | | targetScale | Double | A double value indicates the scale to zoom the map to. | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== ZoomToNextExtent() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== ZoomToPreviousExtent() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ==== ZoomToScale(Double) ==== Zooms the map to a provided scale. This method will simulate the ZoomToScale interaction. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | targetScale | Double | A target scale to zoom the map. | [[#Public Methods|Go Back]] ===== Protected Methods ===== ==== ApplyBindings(Object) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | oldContext | Object | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== Dispose(Boolean) ==== Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | disposing | Boolean | true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== Finalize() ==== Finalizes an instance of the class. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== InvalidateMeasure() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== MemberwiseClone() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Object | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnBindingContextChanged() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnChildAdded(Element) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | child | Element | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnChildRemoved(Element) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | child | Element | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnChildrenReordered() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnCurrentExtentChanged(CurrentExtentChangedMapViewEventArgs) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | e | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentExtentChangedMapViewEventArgs|CurrentExtentChangedMapViewEventArgs]] | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnCurrentExtentChanging(CurrentExtentChangingMapViewEventArgs) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | e | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentExtentChangingMapViewEventArgs|CurrentExtentChangingMapViewEventArgs]] | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnCurrentScaleChanged(CurrentScaleChangedMapViewEventArgs) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | e | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentScaleChangedMapViewEventArgs|CurrentScaleChangedMapViewEventArgs]] | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnCurrentScaleChanging(CurrentScaleChangingMapViewEventArgs) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | e | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentScaleChangingMapViewEventArgs|CurrentScaleChangingMapViewEventArgs]] | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnMapDoubleTap(TouchMapViewEventArgs) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | e | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnMapLongPress(TouchMapViewEventArgs) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | e | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnMapSingleTap(TouchMapViewEventArgs) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | e | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnMapTouchDown(TouchMapViewEventArgs) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | e | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnMapTouchMove(TouchMapViewEventArgs) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | e | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnMapTouchUp(TouchMapViewEventArgs) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | e | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnParentSet() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnPropertyChanged(String) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | propertyName | String | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnPropertyChanging(String) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | propertyName | String | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnSizeAllocated(Double, Double) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | width | Double | | | height | Double | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== OnSizeRequest(Double, Double) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | SizeRequest | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | widthConstraint | Double | | | heightConstraint | Double | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== SizeAllocated(Double, Double) ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | width | Double | | | height | Double | | [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ==== UnapplyBindings() ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ Description ^ | Void | | === Parameters === ^ Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ [[#Protected Methods|Go Back]] ===== Public Properties ===== ==== Adapter ==== Gets the adapter density. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.Adapters.MapElementAdapter|MapElementAdapter]] | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== AdornmentOverlay ==== Gets or sets the adornment overlay. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.AdornmentOverlay|AdornmentOverlay]] | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== AnchorX ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== AnchorY ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== BackgroundColor ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Color | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Behaviors ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | IList | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== BindingContext ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Object | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Bounds ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Rectangle | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== ClassId ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | String | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== CurrentExtent ==== Gets or sets the current extent of the MapControl. === Remarks === The current extent stands for the extent of current position, this is very important metrics to caculate the scale. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== DisplayDensity ==== Gets the display density. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Single | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== EditOverlay ==== Gets or sets the edit overlay in the MapControl. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.EditInteractiveOverlay|EditInteractiveOverlay]] | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== GestureRecognizers ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | IList | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Height ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== HeightRequest ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== HorizontalOptions ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | LayoutOptions | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Id ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Guid | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== InputTransparent ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Boolean | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== IsEnabled ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Boolean | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== IsFocused ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Boolean | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== IsVisible ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Boolean | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== MapTools ==== Gets a object for simply using MapTools. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.MapTools|MapTools]] | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== MapUnit ==== Gets or sets the map unit used by the MapControl. === Remarks === The MapUnit reflects the data unit. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeographyUnit|GeographyUnit]] | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== MinimumHeightRequest ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== MinimumWidthRequest ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Navigation ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | INavigation | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Opacity ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Overlays ==== This property gets the collection of Overlays in the MapControl. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.GeoCollection|GeoCollection]]<[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.Overlay|Overlay]]> | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Parent ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Element | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== ParentView ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | VisualElement | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Resources ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | ResourceDictionary | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Rotation ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== RotationX ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== RotationY ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Scale ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Style ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Style | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== StyleId ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | String | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== TrackOverlay ==== Gets or sets the track overlay in the MapControl. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TrackInteractiveOverlay|TrackInteractiveOverlay]] | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== TranslationX ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== TranslationY ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Triggers ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | IList | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== VerticalOptions ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | LayoutOptions | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Width ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== WidthRequest ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== X ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== Y ==== === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | Double | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ==== ZoomLevelSet ==== This property gets or sets the ZoomLevelSet used for the MapView control. === Return Value === ^ Return Type ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.ZoomLevelSet|ZoomLevelSet]] | [[#Public Properties|Go Back]] ===== Protected Properties ===== ===== Public Events ===== ==== BindingContextChanged ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | EventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== ChildAdded ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | ElementEventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== ChildRemoved ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | ElementEventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== ChildrenReordered ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | EventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== CurrentExtentChanged ==== Occurs after map's extent is changed. === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentExtentChangedMapViewEventArgs|CurrentExtentChangedMapViewEventArgs]] | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== CurrentExtentChanging ==== Occurs before map's extent is changing. === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentExtentChangingMapViewEventArgs|CurrentExtentChangingMapViewEventArgs]] | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== CurrentScaleChanged ==== Occurs after map's current scale is changed. === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentScaleChangedMapViewEventArgs|CurrentScaleChangedMapViewEventArgs]] | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== CurrentScaleChanging ==== Occurs before map's current scale is changing. === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.CurrentScaleChangingMapViewEventArgs|CurrentScaleChangingMapViewEventArgs]] | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== DescendantAdded ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | ElementEventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== DescendantRemoved ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | ElementEventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== Focused ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | FocusEventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== MapDoubleTap ==== Occurs when [[map|double tap]]. === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== MapLongPress ==== Occurs when [[map|long press]]. === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== MapSingleTap ==== Occurs when [[map|single tap]]. === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== MapTouchDown ==== Occurs when [[map|touch down]]. === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== MapTouchMove ==== Occurs when [[map|touch move]]. === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== MapTouchUp ==== Occurs when [[map|touch up]]. === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | [[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition.TouchMapViewEventArgs|TouchMapViewEventArgs]] | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== MeasureInvalidated ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | EventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== PropertyChanged ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | PropertyChangedEventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== PropertyChanging ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | PropertyChangingEventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== SizeChanged ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | EventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] ==== Unfocused ==== === Event Arguments === ^ Event Arguments ^ | FocusEventArgs | [[#Public Events|Go Back]] __NOTOC__ [[Category:MapSuiteFormsEdition]] [[Category:ThinkGeo.MapSuite.FormsEdition]] [[Category:UpdateDocumentation]]