====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndex ====== {{section>upgrade_map_suite_to_10.0}} Rtree is a facade class of MapSuiteRtree. ===== Inheritance Hierarchy ===== *System.Object *ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.SpatialIndex ***ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndex** ===== Members Summary ===== ==== Public Constructors ==== ** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RtreeSpatialIndex() ** * //DefauLb constructor.// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RtreeSpatialIndex(String) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Parameters == * //pathFileName// * Type:String * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RtreeSpatialIndex(String,RtreeSpatialIndexReadWriteMode) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Parameters == * //pathFileName// * Type:String * Description:N/A * //readWriteMode// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndexReadWriteMode|RtreeSpatialIndexReadWriteMode]] * Description:N/A
==== Protected Constructors ==== ==== Public Methods ==== ** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Dispose() ** * //This method is targeting releasing or resetting unmanaged resources.// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetFeatureIdsWithinBoundingBox(RectangleShape) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Collection * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //boundingBox// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetFeatureIdsContainingRectangleShape(RectangleShape) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Collection * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //boundingBox// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetFeatureIdsNearestTo(PointShape,Int32) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Collection * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //pointShape// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]] * Description:N/A * //maxReturningCount// * Type:Int32 * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Flush() ** * //Write memory to disk if modified.// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:true for success false for failure == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Add(BaseShape) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //baseShape// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BaseShape|BaseShape]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Add(Feature) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //feature// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Feature|Feature]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Delete(Feature) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //feature// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Feature|Feature]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Delete(BaseShape) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //baseShape// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BaseShape|BaseShape]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Close() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetFeatureCount() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Int32 * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetFeatureIdsIntersectingBoundingBox(RectangleShape) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Collection * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //boundingBox// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Open() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ToString() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:String * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Equals(Object) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //obj// * Type:Object * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetHashCode() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Int32 * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetType() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Type * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:Static.gif|}} GetBestPageSize(Int32) ** * //Static method for getting the best page size according to the record count of a ShapeFile.// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize|RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize]] * Description:best page size == Parameters == * //recordCount// * Type:Int32 * Description:Record count of ShapeFile.
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:Static.gif|}} CreateRectangleSpatialIndex(String) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //pathFileName// * Type:String * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:Static.gif|}} CreateRectangleSpatialIndex(String,RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //pathFileName// * Type:String * Description:N/A * //pageSize// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize|RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:Static.gif|}} CreateRectangleSpatialIndex(String,RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize,RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //pathFileName// * Type:String * Description:N/A * //pageSize// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize|RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize]] * Description:N/A * //dataFormat// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat|RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:Static.gif|}} CreatePointSpatialIndex(String) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //pathFileName// * Type:String * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:Static.gif|}} CreatePointSpatialIndex(String,RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //pathFileName// * Type:String * Description:N/A * //pageSize// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize|RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:Static.gif|}} CreatePointSpatialIndex(String,RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize,RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //pathFileName// * Type:String * Description:N/A * //pageSize// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize|RtreeSpatialIndexPageSize]] * Description:N/A * //dataFormat// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat|RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}}{{wiki:Static.gif|}} IsRtreeSpatialIndexFileValid(String) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Boolean * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //indexFileName// * Type:String * Description:N/A
==== Protected Methods ==== ** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DeleteRecordById(BaseShape,String) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //shape// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.BaseShape|BaseShape]] * Description:N/A * //id// * Type:String * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Finalize() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnStreamLoading(StreamLoadingEventArgs) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //e// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.StreamLoadingEventArgs|StreamLoadingEventArgs]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} RefreshCache() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DeleteCore(Feature) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //feature// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Feature|Feature]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} AddCore(Feature) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //feature// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Feature|Feature]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetFeatureIdsIntersectingBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Collection * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //boundingBox// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetFeatureIdsWithinBoundingBoxCore(RectangleShape) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Collection * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //boundingBox// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetFeatureIdsContainingRectangleShapeCore(RectangleShape) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Collection * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //rectangleShape// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]] * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetFeatureIdsNearestToCore(PointShape,Int32) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Collection * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //pointShape// * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]] * Description:N/A * //maxReturningCount// * Type:Int32 * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetRoot() ** * //Get the root node.// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.Node|Node]] * Description:root node == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OpenCore() ** * //Open an existing index file as read only.// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:true for success false for failure == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} CloseCore() ** * //Close a previously opened index file.// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Void * Description:true for success false for failure == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetRecordIndexesInsideRectangle(Double,Double,Double,Double,Double,Double,Int32,Collection) ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Collection * Description:N/A == Parameters == * //upperLeftX// * Type:Double * Description:N/A * //upperLeftY// * Type:Double * Description:N/A * //lowerRightX// * Type:Double * Description:N/A * //lowerRightY// * Type:Double * Description:N/A * //screenWidth// * Type:Double * Description:N/A * //screenHeight// * Type:Double * Description:N/A * //simplifyPixelBufferSize// * Type:Int32 * Description:N/A * //dimensionlessBoxes// * Type:Collection<[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RectangleShape|RectangleShape]]> * Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} GetFeatureCountCore() ** * //Get the count of all records in all leaf nodes.// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Int32 * Description:record count == Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} MemberwiseClone() ** * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Return Value == * Type:Object * Description:N/A == Parameters ==
==== Public Properties ==== ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} PathFileName ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:String ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ReadWriteMode ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndexReadWriteMode|RtreeSpatialIndexReadWriteMode]] ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} DataFormat ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat|RtreeSpatialIndexDataFormat]] ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} PageSize ** Property PageSize. == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Int32 ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsOpen ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} CanDelete ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ==== Protected Properties ==== ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} HasIdx ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} IsOpenCore ** N/A == Remarks == N/A == Return Value == * Type:Boolean ==== Public Events ==== ** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} StreamLoading ** N/A == Remarks == N/A Event Arguments:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.StreamLoadingEventArgs|StreamLoadingEventArgs]]