====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.AndroidEdition.Marker ======
Represents a marker control on the map.
===== Inheritance Hierarchy =====
===== Members Summary =====
==== Public Constructors ====
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Marker(Context) **
* //Initializes a new instance of the class.//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Parameters ==
* //context//
* Type:Context
* Description:Interface to global information about an application environment.
==== Protected Constructors ====
==== Public Methods ====
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetImageState(Int32[],Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //state//
* Type:Int32[]
* Description:N/A
* //merge//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetImageURI(Uri) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //uri//
* Type:Uri
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetMaxHeight(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //maxHeight//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetMaxWidth(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //maxWidth//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetScaleType(ScaleType) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //scaleType//
* Type:ScaleType
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ClearColorFilter() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetScaleType() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ScaleType
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnCreateDrawableState(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32[]
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //extraSpace//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetAdjustViewBounds(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //adjustViewBounds//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetAlpha(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //alpha//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetBaseline(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //baseline//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetColorFilter(ColorFilter) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //cf//
* Type:ColorFilter
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetColorFilter(Color) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //color//
* Type:Color
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetColorFilter(Color,Mode) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //color//
* Type:Color
* Description:N/A
* //mode//
* Type:Mode
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetImageBitmap(Bitmap) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //bm//
* Type:Bitmap
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetImageDrawable(Drawable) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //drawable//
* Type:Drawable
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetImageLevel(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //level//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetImageResource(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //resId//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(IOnApplyWindowInsetsListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //listener//
* Type:IOnApplyWindowInsetsListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetOnClickListener(IOnClickListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:IOnClickListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetOnCreateContextMenuListener(IOnCreateContextMenuListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:IOnCreateContextMenuListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetOnDragListener(IOnDragListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:IOnDragListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetOnGenericMotionListener(IOnGenericMotionListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:IOnGenericMotionListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetOnHoverListener(IOnHoverListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:IOnHoverListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetOnKeyListener(IOnKeyListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:IOnKeyListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetOnLongClickListener(IOnLongClickListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:IOnLongClickListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener(IOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:IOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetOnTouchListener(IOnTouchListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:IOnTouchListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetPadding(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //left//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //top//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //right//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //bottom//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetPaddingRelative(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //start//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //top//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //end//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //bottom//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetScrollContainer(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //isScrollContainer//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetTag(Int32,Object) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //key//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //tag//
* Type:Object
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetWillNotCacheDrawing(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //willNotCacheDrawing//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetWillNotDraw(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //willNotDraw//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetX(Single) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //x//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetY(Single) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //y//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetZ(Single) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //z//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ShowContextMenu() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} StartActionMode(ICallback) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ActionMode
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //callback//
* Type:ICallback
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} StartAnimation(Animation) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //animation//
* Type:Animation
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} StartDrag(ClipData,DragShadowBuilder,Object,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //data//
* Type:ClipData
* Description:N/A
* //shadowBuilder//
* Type:DragShadowBuilder
* Description:N/A
* //myLocalState//
* Type:Object
* Description:N/A
* //flags//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} StartNestedScroll(ScrollAxis) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //axes//
* Type:ScrollAxis
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} StopNestedScroll() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} UnscheduleDrawable(Drawable) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //who//
* Type:Drawable
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} UnscheduleDrawable(Drawable,IRunnable) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //who//
* Type:Drawable
* Description:N/A
* //what//
* Type:IRunnable
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} WillNotCacheDrawing() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} WillNotDraw() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PostOnAnimationDelayed(IRunnable,Int64) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //action//
* Type:IRunnable
* Description:N/A
* //delayMillis//
* Type:Int64
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RefreshDrawableState() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RemoveCallbacks(IRunnable) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //action//
* Type:IRunnable
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RemoveOnAttachStateChangeListener(IOnAttachStateChangeListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //listener//
* Type:IOnAttachStateChangeListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RemoveOnLayoutChangeListener(IOnLayoutChangeListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //listener//
* Type:IOnLayoutChangeListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestApplyInsets() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestFitSystemWindows() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestFocus() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestFocus(FocusSearchDirection) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //direction//
* Type:FocusSearchDirection
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestFocus(FocusSearchDirection,Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //direction//
* Type:FocusSearchDirection
* Description:N/A
* //previouslyFocusedRect//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestFocusFromTouch() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestLayout() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestRectangleOnScreen(Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //rectangle//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestRectangleOnScreen(Rect,Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //rectangle//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
* //immediate//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RequestUnbufferedDispatch(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RestoreHierarchyState(SparseArray) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //container//
* Type:SparseArray
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SaveHierarchyState(SparseArray) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //container//
* Type:SparseArray
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ScheduleDrawable(Drawable,IRunnable,Int64) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //who//
* Type:Drawable
* Description:N/A
* //what//
* Type:IRunnable
* Description:N/A
* //when//
* Type:Int64
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ScrollBy(Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //x//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //y//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ScrollTo(Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //x//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //y//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SendAccessibilityEvent(EventTypes) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //eventType//
* Type:EventTypes
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(AccessibilityEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:AccessibilityEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityDelegate) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //delegate//
* Type:AccessibilityDelegate
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetBackgroundColor(Color) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //color//
* Type:Color
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //background//
* Type:Drawable
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetBackgroundResource(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //resid//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetCameraDistance(Single) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //distance//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetFadingEdgeLength(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //length//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetFitsSystemWindows(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //fitSystemWindows//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetLayerPaint(Paint) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //paint//
* Type:Paint
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetLayerType(LayerType,Paint) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //layerType//
* Type:LayerType
* Description:N/A
* //paint//
* Type:Paint
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetMinimumHeight(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //minHeight//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} SetMinimumWidth(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //minWidth//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:AccessibilityEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnRtlPropertiesChanged(LayoutDirection) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //layoutDirection//
* Type:LayoutDirection
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnScreenStateChanged(ScreenState) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //screenState//
* Type:ScreenState
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnStartTemporaryDetach() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnTouchEvent(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnTrackballEvent(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnWindowFocusChanged(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //hasWindowFocus//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnWindowSystemUiVisibilityChanged(SystemUiFlags) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //visible//
* Type:SystemUiFlags
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PerformAccessibilityAction(GlobalAction,Bundle) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //action//
* Type:GlobalAction
* Description:N/A
* //arguments//
* Type:Bundle
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PerformClick() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PerformHapticFeedback(FeedbackConstants) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //feedbackConstant//
* Type:FeedbackConstants
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PerformHapticFeedback(FeedbackConstants,FeedbackFlags) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //feedbackConstant//
* Type:FeedbackConstants
* Description:N/A
* //flags//
* Type:FeedbackFlags
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PerformLongClick() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PlaySoundEffect(SoundEffects) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //soundConstant//
* Type:SoundEffects
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Post(IRunnable) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //action//
* Type:IRunnable
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PostDelayed(IRunnable,Int64) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //action//
* Type:IRunnable
* Description:N/A
* //delayMillis//
* Type:Int64
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PostInvalidate() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PostInvalidate(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //left//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //top//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //right//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //bottom//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PostInvalidateDelayed(Int64) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //delayMilliseconds//
* Type:Int64
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PostInvalidateDelayed(Int64,Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //delayMilliseconds//
* Type:Int64
* Description:N/A
* //left//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //top//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //right//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //bottom//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PostInvalidateOnAnimation() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PostInvalidateOnAnimation(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //left//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //top//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //right//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //bottom//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PostOnAnimation(IRunnable) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //action//
* Type:IRunnable
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:WindowInsets
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //insets//
* Type:WindowInsets
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnCancelPendingInputEvents() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnCheckIsTextEditor() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IInputConnection
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //outAttrs//
* Type:EditorInfo
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnDragEvent(DragEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:DragEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnFilterTouchEventForSecurity(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnFinishTemporaryDetach() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnHoverChanged(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //hovered//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnHoverEvent(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:AccessibilityEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //info//
* Type:AccessibilityNodeInfo
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnKeyDown(Keycode,KeyEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //keyCode//
* Type:Keycode
* Description:N/A
* //e//
* Type:KeyEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnKeyLongPress(Keycode,KeyEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //keyCode//
* Type:Keycode
* Description:N/A
* //e//
* Type:KeyEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnKeyMultiple(Keycode,Int32,KeyEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //keyCode//
* Type:Keycode
* Description:N/A
* //repeatCount//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //e//
* Type:KeyEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnKeyPreIme(Keycode,KeyEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //keyCode//
* Type:Keycode
* Description:N/A
* //e//
* Type:KeyEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnKeyShortcut(Keycode,KeyEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //keyCode//
* Type:Keycode
* Description:N/A
* //e//
* Type:KeyEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OnKeyUp(Keycode,KeyEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //keyCode//
* Type:Keycode
* Description:N/A
* //e//
* Type:KeyEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} FindViewsWithText(IList,String,FindViewsWith) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //outViews//
* Type:IList
* Description:N/A
* //searched//
* Type:String
* Description:N/A
* //flags//
* Type:FindViewsWith
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} FindViewWithTag(Object) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:View
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //tag//
* Type:Object
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} InvokeFitsSystemWindows() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} FocusSearch(FocusSearchDirection) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:View
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //direction//
* Type:FocusSearchDirection
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ForceLayout() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetDrawableState() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32[]
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetDrawingCache(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Bitmap
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //autoScale//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetDrawingRect(Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //outRect//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetFocusables(FocusSearchDirection) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IList
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //direction//
* Type:FocusSearchDirection
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetFocusedRect(Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //r//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetGlobalVisibleRect(Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //r//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetGlobalVisibleRect(Rect,Point) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //r//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
* //globalOffset//
* Type:Point
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetHitRect(Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //outRect//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetLocalVisibleRect(Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //r//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetLocationInWindow(Int32[]) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //location//
* Type:Int32[]
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetLocationOnScreen(Int32[]) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //location//
* Type:Int32[]
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetTag(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Object
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //key//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //outRect//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetX() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetY() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetZ() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Invalidate() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Invalidate(Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //dirty//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Invalidate(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //t//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //r//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //b//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} InvalidateDrawable(Drawable) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //drawable//
* Type:Drawable
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} InvalidateOutline() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} JumpDrawablesToCurrentState() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Layout(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //t//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //r//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //b//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Measure(Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //widthMeasureSpec//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //heightMeasureSpec//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OffsetLeftAndRight(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //offset//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} OffsetTopAndBottom(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //offset//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchDrawableHotspotChanged(Single,Single) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //x//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
* //y//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:KeyEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchKeyEventPreIme(KeyEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:KeyEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchKeyShortcutEvent(KeyEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:KeyEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchNestedFling(Single,Single,Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //velocityX//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
* //velocityY//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
* //consumed//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchNestedPreFling(Single,Single) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //velocityX//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
* //velocityY//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchNestedPrePerformAccessibilityAction(Action,Bundle) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //action//
* Type:Action
* Description:N/A
* //arguments//
* Type:Bundle
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchNestedPreScroll(Int32,Int32,Int32[],Int32[]) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //dx//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //dy//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //consumed//
* Type:Int32[]
* Description:N/A
* //offsetInWindow//
* Type:Int32[]
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchNestedScroll(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32[]) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //dxConsumed//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //dyConsumed//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //dxUnconsumed//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //dyUnconsumed//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //offsetInWindow//
* Type:Int32[]
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:AccessibilityEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged(SystemUiFlags) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //visibility//
* Type:SystemUiFlags
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchTrackballEvent(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchUnhandledMove(View,FocusSearchDirection) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //focused//
* Type:View
* Description:N/A
* //direction//
* Type:FocusSearchDirection
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchWindowFocusChanged(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //hasFocus//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchWindowSystemUiVisiblityChanged(SystemUiFlags) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //visible//
* Type:SystemUiFlags
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchWindowVisibilityChanged(ViewStates) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //visibility//
* Type:ViewStates
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Draw(Canvas) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //canvas//
* Type:Canvas
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DrawableHotspotChanged(Single,Single) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //x//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
* //y//
* Type:Single
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} FindFocus() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:View
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} FindViewById(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:View
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //id//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} FindViewsWithText(IList,ICharSequence,FindViewsWith) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //outViews//
* Type:IList
* Description:N/A
* //searched//
* Type:ICharSequence
* Description:N/A
* //flags//
* Type:FindViewsWith
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} BringToFront() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} BuildDrawingCache() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} BuildDrawingCache(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //autoScale//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} BuildLayer() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CallOnClick() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CancelLongPress() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CancelPendingInputEvents() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CanResolveLayoutDirection() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CanResolveTextAlignment() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CanResolveTextDirection() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CanScrollHorizontally(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //direction//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CanScrollVertically(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //direction//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CheckInputConnectionProxy(View) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //view//
* Type:View
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ClearAnimation() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ClearFocus() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ComputeScroll() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ComputeSystemWindowInsets(WindowInsets,Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:WindowInsets
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //in//
* Type:WindowInsets
* Description:N/A
* //outLocalInsets//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CreateAccessibilityNodeInfo() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:AccessibilityNodeInfo
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} CreateContextMenu(IContextMenu) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //menu//
* Type:IContextMenu
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DestroyDrawingCache() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:WindowInsets
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //insets//
* Type:WindowInsets
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchConfigurationChanged(Configuration) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //newConfig//
* Type:Configuration
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchDisplayHint(ViewStates) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //hint//
* Type:ViewStates
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchDragEvent(DragEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:DragEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} AddChildrenForAccessibility(IList) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //children//
* Type:IList
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} AddFocusables(IList,FocusSearchDirection) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //views//
* Type:IList
* Description:N/A
* //direction//
* Type:FocusSearchDirection
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} AddFocusables(IList,FocusSearchDirection,FocusablesFlags) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //views//
* Type:IList
* Description:N/A
* //direction//
* Type:FocusSearchDirection
* Description:N/A
* //focusableMode//
* Type:FocusablesFlags
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} AddOnAttachStateChangeListener(IOnAttachStateChangeListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //listener//
* Type:IOnAttachStateChangeListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} AddOnLayoutChangeListener(IOnLayoutChangeListener) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //listener//
* Type:IOnLayoutChangeListener
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} AddTouchables(IList) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //views//
* Type:IList
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Animate() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ViewPropertyAnimator
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} AnnounceForAccessibility(ICharSequence) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //text//
* Type:ICharSequence
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} AnnounceForAccessibility(String) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //text//
* Type:String
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} FindViewById(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:T
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //id//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Post(Action) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //action//
* Type:Action
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} PostDelayed(Action,Int64) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //action//
* Type:Action
* Description:N/A
* //delayMillis//
* Type:Int64
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} RemoveCallbacks(Action) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //action//
* Type:Action
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ScheduleDrawable(Drawable,Action,Int64) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //who//
* Type:Drawable
* Description:N/A
* //what//
* Type:Action
* Description:N/A
* //when//
* Type:Int64
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} UnscheduleDrawable(Drawable,Action) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //who//
* Type:Drawable
* Description:N/A
* //what//
* Type:Action
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} DispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //visibility//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Wait() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Wait(Int64) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //millis//
* Type:Int64
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Wait(Int64,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //millis//
* Type:Int64
* Description:N/A
* //nanos//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Dispose() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ToArray() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:T[]
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Equals(Object) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //o//
* Type:Object
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetHashCode() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Notify() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} NotifyAll() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} ToString() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:String
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} Equals(Object) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //obj//
* Type:Object
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:PublicMethod.gif|}} GetType() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Type
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
==== Protected Methods ====
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} InitializeSize() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnMeasure(Int32,Int32) **
* //Called when [measure].//
== Remarks ==
* //Measure the view and its content to determine the measured width and the measured height. This method is invoked by and should be overriden by subclasses to provide accurate and efficient measurement of their contents. CONTRACT: When overriding this method, you must call to store the measured width and height of this view. Failure to do so will trigger an IllegalStateException, thrown by . Calling the superclass' is a valid use. The base class implementation of measure defaults to the background size, unless a larger size is allowed by the MeasureSpec. Subclasses should override to provide better measurements of their content. If this method is overridden, it is the subclass's responsibility to make sure the measured height and width are at least the view's minimum height and width ( and ). [Android Documentation]//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //widthMeasureSpec//
* Type:Int32
* Description:horizontal space requirements as imposed by the parent. The requirements are encoded with .
* //heightMeasureSpec//
* Type:Int32
* Description:vertical space requirements as imposed by the parent. The requirements are encoded with .
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetFrame(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //t//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //r//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //b//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} VerifyDrawable(Drawable) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //who//
* Type:Drawable
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetMeasuredDimension(Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //measuredWidth//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //measuredHeight//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnOverScrolled(Int32,Int32,Boolean,Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //scrollX//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //scrollY//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //clampedX//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
* //clampedY//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnRestoreInstanceState(IParcelable) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //state//
* Type:IParcelable
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnSaveInstanceState() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IParcelable
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnScrollChanged(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //l//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //t//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //oldl//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //oldt//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnSetAlpha(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //alpha//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnSizeChanged(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //w//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //h//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //oldw//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //oldh//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnVisibilityChanged(View,ViewStates) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //changedView//
* Type:View
* Description:N/A
* //visibility//
* Type:ViewStates
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnWindowVisibilityChanged(ViewStates) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //visibility//
* Type:ViewStates
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OverScrollBy(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32,Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //deltaX//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //deltaY//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //scrollX//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //scrollY//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //scrollRangeX//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //scrollRangeY//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //maxOverScrollX//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //maxOverScrollY//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //isTouchEvent//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnAnimationEnd() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnAnimationStart() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnAttachedToWindow() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnConfigurationChanged(Configuration) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //newConfig//
* Type:Configuration
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnCreateContextMenu(IContextMenu) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //menu//
* Type:IContextMenu
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnCreateDrawableState(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32[]
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //extraSpace//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDetachedFromWindow() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDisplayHint(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //hint//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDraw(Canvas) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //canvas//
* Type:Canvas
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnDrawScrollBars(Canvas) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //canvas//
* Type:Canvas
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnFinishInflate() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnFocusChanged(Boolean,FocusSearchDirection,Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //gainFocus//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
* //direction//
* Type:FocusSearchDirection
* Description:N/A
* //previouslyFocusedRect//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} OnLayout(Boolean,Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //changed//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
* //left//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //top//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //right//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //bottom//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} FitSystemWindows(Rect) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //insets//
* Type:Rect
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} InitializeFadingEdge(TypedArray) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //a//
* Type:TypedArray
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} InitializeScrollbars(TypedArray) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //a//
* Type:TypedArray
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DispatchGenericFocusedEvent(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DispatchGenericPointerEvent(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DispatchHoverEvent(MotionEvent) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //e//
* Type:MotionEvent
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DispatchRestoreInstanceState(SparseArray) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //container//
* Type:SparseArray
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DispatchSaveInstanceState(SparseArray) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //container//
* Type:SparseArray
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DispatchSetActivated(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //activated//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DispatchSetPressed(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //pressed//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DispatchSetSelected(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //selected//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DispatchVisibilityChanged(View,ViewStates) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //changedView//
* Type:View
* Description:N/A
* //visibility//
* Type:ViewStates
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DrawableStateChanged() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} AwakenScrollBars(Int32,Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //startDelay//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
* //invalidate//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ComputeHorizontalScrollExtent() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ComputeHorizontalScrollOffset() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ComputeHorizontalScrollRange() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ComputeVerticalScrollExtent() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ComputeVerticalScrollOffset() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} ComputeVerticalScrollRange() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} DispatchDraw(Canvas) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //canvas//
* Type:Canvas
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} AwakenScrollBars() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} AwakenScrollBars(Int32) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //startDelay//
* Type:Int32
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Finalize() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetHandleOnDeserialized(StreamingContext) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //context//
* Type:StreamingContext
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Dispose(Boolean) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //disposing//
* Type:Boolean
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} SetHandle(IntPtr,JniHandleOwnership) **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
* //value//
* Type:IntPtr
* Description:N/A
* //transfer//
* Type:JniHandleOwnership
* Description:N/A
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} Clone() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Object
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} JavaFinalize() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Void
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
** {{wiki:ProtectedMethod.gif|}} MemberwiseClone() **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Object
* Description:N/A
== Parameters ==
==== Public Properties ====
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Position **
* //World Position of marker. It's a wrapper of the PositionProperty.//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:[[ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core.PointShape|PointShape]]
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} XOffset **
* //Gets or sets the x offset of marker image.//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} YOffset **
* //Gets or sets the y offset of marker image.//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} AdjustViewBounds **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} BaselineAlignBottom **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ColorFilter **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ColorFilter
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} CropToPadding **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Drawable **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Drawable
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ImageAlpha **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ImageMatrix **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Matrix
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ImageTintList **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ColorStateList
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ImageTintMode **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Mode
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MaxHeight **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MaxWidth **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} AccessibilityLiveRegion **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:AccessibilityLiveRegion
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} AccessibilityNodeProvider **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:AccessibilityNodeProvider
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} AccessibilityTraversalAfter **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} AccessibilityTraversalBefore **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Activated **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Alpha **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Animation **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Animation
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ApplicationWindowToken **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IBinder
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Background **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Drawable
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} BackgroundTintList **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ColorStateList
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} BackgroundTintMode **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Mode
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Baseline **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Bottom **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} CameraDistance **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Clickable **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ClipBounds **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Rect
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ClipToOutline **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ContentDescriptionFormatted **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ICharSequence
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ContentDescription **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:String
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Context **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Context
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Display **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Display
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} DrawingCache **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Bitmap
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} DrawingCacheBackgroundColor **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Color
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} DrawingCacheEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} DrawingCacheQuality **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:DrawingCacheQuality
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} DrawingTime **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int64
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} DuplicateParentStateEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Elevation **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Enabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} FilterTouchesWhenObscured **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} FitsSystemWindows **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Focusable **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} FocusableInTouchMode **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Handler **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Handler
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HapticFeedbackEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HasFocus **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HasFocusable **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HasNestedScrollingParent **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HasOnClickListeners **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HasOverlappingRendering **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HasTransientState **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HasWindowFocus **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Height **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HorizontalFadingEdgeLength **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} HorizontalScrollBarEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Hovered **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Id **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ImportantForAccessibility **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ImportantForAccessibility
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsAccessibilityFocused **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsAttachedToWindow **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsDirty **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsFocused **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsHardwareAccelerated **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsImportantForAccessibility **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsInEditMode **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsInLayout **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsInTouchMode **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsLaidOut **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsLayoutDirectionResolved **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsLayoutRequested **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsOpaque **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsPaddingRelative **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsScrollContainer **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsShown **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsTextAlignmentResolved **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} IsTextDirectionResolved **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} KeepScreenOn **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} KeyDispatcherState **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:DispatcherState
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} LabelFor **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} LayerType **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:LayerType
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} LayoutDirection **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:LayoutDirection
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} LayoutParameters **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:LayoutParams
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Left **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} LongClickable **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Matrix **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Matrix
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MeasuredHeight **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MeasuredHeightAndState **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MeasuredState **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MeasuredWidth **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MeasuredWidthAndState **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MinimumHeight **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} MinimumWidth **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} NestedScrollingEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} NextFocusDownId **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} NextFocusForwardId **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} NextFocusLeftId **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} NextFocusRightId **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} NextFocusUpId **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} OnFocusChangeListener **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IOnFocusChangeListener
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} OutlineProvider **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ViewOutlineProvider
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} OverScrollMode **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:OverScrollMode
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Overlay **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ViewOverlay
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} PaddingBottom **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} PaddingEnd **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} PaddingLeft **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} PaddingRight **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} PaddingStart **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} PaddingTop **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Parent **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IViewParent
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ParentForAccessibility **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IViewParent
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} PivotX **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
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* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Pressed **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Resources **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Resources
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Right **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} RootView **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:View
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Rotation **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} RotationX **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} RotationY **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} SaveEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} SaveFromParentEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ScaleX **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ScaleY **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ScrollBarFadeDuration **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ScrollBarSize **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ScrollBarStyle **
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== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ScrollbarStyles
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ScrollX **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ScrollY **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ScrollbarFadingEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Selected **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} SolidColor **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} SoundEffectsEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} StateListAnimator **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:StateListAnimator
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} SystemUiVisibility **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:StatusBarVisibility
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Tag **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Object
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} TextAlignment **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:TextAlignment
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} TextDirection **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:TextDirection
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Top **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} TouchDelegate **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:TouchDelegate
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Touchables **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IList
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} TransitionName **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:String
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} TranslationX **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} TranslationY **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} TranslationZ **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} VerticalFadingEdgeEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} VerticalFadingEdgeLength **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} VerticalScrollBarEnabled **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} VerticalScrollbarPosition **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ScrollbarPosition
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} VerticalScrollbarWidth **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ViewTreeObserver **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ViewTreeObserver
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Visibility **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ViewStates
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Width **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} WindowId **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:WindowId
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} WindowSystemUiVisibility **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:SystemUiFlags
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} WindowToken **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IBinder
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} WindowVisibility **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ViewStates
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} ApplyWindowInsets **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:ApplyWindowInsetsHandler
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Handle **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IntPtr
** {{wiki:PublicProperty.gif|}} Class **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Class
==== Protected Properties ====
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} ThresholdClass **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IntPtr
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} ThresholdType **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Type
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} BottomFadingEdgeStrength **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} BottomPaddingOffset **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} ContextMenuInfo **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:IContextMenuContextMenuInfo
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} HorizontalScrollbarHeight **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} IsPaddingOffsetRequired **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Boolean
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} LeftFadingEdgeStrength **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} LeftPaddingOffset **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} RightFadingEdgeStrength **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} RightPaddingOffset **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} SuggestedMinimumHeight **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} SuggestedMinimumWidth **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} TopFadingEdgeStrength **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Single
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} TopPaddingOffset **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
** {{wiki:ProtectedProperty.gif|}} WindowAttachCount **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
== Return Value ==
* Type:Int32
==== Public Events ====
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} ViewAttachedToWindow **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:ViewAttachedToWindowEventArgs
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} ViewDetachedFromWindow **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:ViewDetachedFromWindowEventArgs
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} LayoutChange **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:LayoutChangeEventArgs
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} Click **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} ContextMenuCreated **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:CreateContextMenuEventArgs
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} Drag **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:DragEventArgs
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} GenericMotion **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:GenericMotionEventArgs
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} Hover **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:HoverEventArgs
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} KeyPress **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:KeyEventArgs
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} LongClick **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:LongClickEventArgs
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} SystemUiVisibilityChange **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:SystemUiVisibilityChangeEventArgs
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} Touch **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:TouchEventArgs
** {{wiki:PublicEvent.gif|}} FocusChange **
* //N/A//
== Remarks ==
* //N/A//
Event Arguments:FocusChangeEventArgs