===== Map Suite Mobile For Android Run Github Sample on Windows ===== This short video demonstrates how to download and run Quickstart sample. It is using Visual Studio 2015 on Windows and all the dependencies are downloaded through NuGet. {{youtube>7ukjSBCYWp0?large |Map Suite Mobile For Android Run Github Sample on Windows}}
[[http://download.thinkgeo.com/Videos/Wiki/Map Suite Mobile for Android Run Github Sample on Windows.mp4|Download(*.mp4)]] | Samples:{{http://wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/map_suite_mobile_for_android_all_samples#quickstartsample-forandroid|Android}} | [[http://wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/_media/mapsuite10/android/Map_Suite_Mobile_For_Android_Run_Github_Sample_on_Windows.png|Screenshot]]
\\ **Published on March 2nd, 2017** \\