====== Map Suite WPF Desktop Edition Release Change Log Version ======

WpfDesktopEdition, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEdition {


    public class AdornmentOverlay : Overlay, IDisposable {

        public override Boolean IsEmpty { get; }



    public class BingMapsOverlay : TileOverlay {

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TileCache instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]]

        public String CacheDirectory { get; set; }

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TileCache instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]]

        public BingMapsPictureFormat CachePictureFormat { get; set; }



    public class EditInteractiveOverlay : InteractiveOverlay {

        protected override InteractiveResult ManipulationCompletedCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);

        protected override InteractiveResult ManipulationDeltaCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);

        protected override InteractiveResult ManipulationStartedCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);



    public class ExtentInteractiveOverlay : InteractiveOverlay {

        public MapZoomMode MapZoomMode { get; set; }

        public ZoomSnapDirection ZoomSnapDirection { get; set; }

        protected override InteractiveResult ManipulationCompletedCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);

        protected override InteractiveResult ManipulationDeltaCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);

        protected override InteractiveResult ManipulationStartedCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);



    public class GoogleMapsOverlay : TileOverlay {

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsoleted and will be removed in the near future. Please call TileCache.ClearCache() instead.")]]

        public void ClearCache();

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsoleted and will be removed in the near future. Please call ((FileBitmapTileCache)TileCache).ClearCache(expiration, maxSizeInMegabytes) instead.")]]

        public void ClearCache(String cacheFolder, TimeSpan expiration, Double maxSizeInMegabytes);

        public String GetPictureFormat();

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsoleted. This API will be removed in the near future.  Please call GetPictureFormat() instead.")]]

        public String GetPictureFormatString();

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TileCache instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]]

        public String CacheDirectory { get; set; }

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TileCache instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]]

        public GoogleMapsPictureFormat CachePictureFormat { get; set; }



    public class InteractionArguments {

        public ManipulationDelta DeltaManipulation { get; set; }



    public abstract class InteractiveOverlay : Overlay, IDisposable {

        public Double DrawingMarginPercentage { get; set; }

        public InteractiveResult ManipulationCompleted(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);

        public InteractiveResult ManipulationDelta(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);

        public InteractiveResult ManipulationStarted(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);

        protected virtual InteractiveResult ManipulationCompletedCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);

        protected virtual InteractiveResult ManipulationDeltaCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);

        protected virtual InteractiveResult ManipulationStartedCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);



    public class LayerOverlay : TileOverlay {

        protected override void OnTileTypeChanged(TileTypeChangedTileOverlayEventArgs e);

        protected override void PrefillDataToTilesCore(IEnumerable<Tile> tiles);

        protected override void RefreshCore();



    public class LayerTile : Tile, IDisposable {

        protected override void OnDrawn(DrawnTileEventArgs args);



    public class MapArguments {

        public RectangleShape GetSnappedExtent(RectangleShape extent, ZoomSnapDirection zoomSnapDirection);



    public class MapTapWpfMapEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public MapTapWpfMapEventArgs();

        public MapTapWpfMapEventArgs(Single screenX, Single screenY, Double worldX, Double worldY);

        public Double WorldX { get; set; }

        public Double WorldY { get; set; }

        public Single ScreenX { get; set; }

        public Single ScreenY { get; set; }



    public enum MapZoomMode {






    public class OpenStreetMapOverlay : TileOverlay {

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted, please use the property TileCache instead. This property is obsolete and may be removed in or after version 9.0.")]]

        public String CacheDirectory { get; set; }



    public abstract class Overlay : IDisposable {

        public void Refresh(TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);

        public void Refresh(IEnumerable<RectangleShape> extentsToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);

        public void Refresh(RectangleShape extentToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);



    public class SimpleMarkerOverlay : MarkerOverlay {

        protected override void DrawCore(RectangleShape targetExtent, OverlayRefreshType overlayRefreshType);


    [[ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest only using this API with guidance from ThinkGeo as it may have side effects that are difficult to predict.")]]

    public class StartingThreadTileOverlayEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public StartingThreadTileOverlayEventArgs();

        public StartingThreadTileOverlayEventArgs(WaitCallback refreshTileWaitCallback, GeoCanvas geoCanvas);

        public Boolean UsingCustomThreading { get; set; }

        public GeoCanvas GeoCanvas { get; set; }

        public WaitCallback RefreshTileWaitCallback { get; set; }



    public abstract class TileOverlay : Overlay, IDisposable {

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest only using this API with guidance from ThinkGeo as it may have side effects that are difficult to predict.")]]

        public event EventHandler<StartingThreadTileOverlayEventArgs> StartingThread;

        public event EventHandler<TileTypeChangedTileOverlayEventArgs> TileTypeChanged;

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("We suggest only using this API with guidance from ThinkGeo as it may have side effects that are difficult to predict.")]]

        protected virtual void OnStartingThread(StartingThreadTileOverlayEventArgs e);

        protected virtual void OnTileTypeChanged(TileTypeChangedTileOverlayEventArgs e);

        protected void PrefillDataToTiles(IEnumerable<Tile> tiles);

        protected virtual void PrefillDataToTilesCore(IEnumerable<Tile> tiles);



    public enum TileType {




    public class TileTypeChangedTileOverlayEventArgs : EventArgs {

        public TileTypeChangedTileOverlayEventArgs();

        public TileType CurrentTileType { get; set; }

        public TileType PreviousTileType { get; set; }



    public class TrackInteractiveOverlay : InteractiveOverlay {

        public Int32 VertexCountInQuarter { get; set; }

        protected override InteractiveResult ManipulationCompletedCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);

        protected override InteractiveResult ManipulationDeltaCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);

        protected override InteractiveResult ManipulationStartedCore(InteractionArguments interactionArguments);



    public class WmtsTiledOverlay : TileOverlay {

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("This item is obsoleted, please use CapabilitiesCacheTimeout instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after Version 9.0.")]]

        public TimeSpan CapabilitesCacheTimeOut { get; set; }

        [[ObsoleteAttribute("This item is obsoleted, please use WmtsServerEncodingType instead. This API is obsolete and may be removed in or after Version 9.0.")]]

        public WmtsSeverEncodingType WmtsSeverEncodingType { get; set; }



    public class WorldMapKitWmsWpfOverlay : TileOverlay {

        public WorldMapKitMapType MapType { get; set; }



    public class WpfMap : Control, IDisposable {

        public void Refresh(OverlayRefreshType refreshType);

        public void Refresh(TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);

        public void Refresh(IEnumerable<Overlay> redrawOverlays, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);

        public void Refresh(IEnumerable<RectangleShape> extentsToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);

        public void Refresh(RectangleShape extentToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);

        public void Refresh(Overlay redrawOverlay, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType);

        public event EventHandler<MapTapWpfMapEventArgs> MapTap;

        protected virtual void OnMapTap(MapTapWpfMapEventArgs e);



    public enum ZoomSnapDirection {




} //end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.WpfDesktopEdition
